ON THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2004 AT 7:00 P.M.
Brian Miller, Chair
Kurt Godfrey
Diane Pacheco
Phyllis Stern
Brenda Lee Williams
Dan DeCarlo, Board Liaison
Blanche Girtman
Jayne Kupperman, Vice Chair
Joyce Mura
Eddie Mitchell
Joseph Bartley, Alternate
Robert Harper, Alternate
Call to Order
Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
At the request of Chair Miller, new Board member Kurt Godfrey led the Board in the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
II. Roll Call
The Chair called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
III. Recognition of Visitors
Chair Miller recognized the presence of one visitor in the audience and asked her to
introduce herself for the record. She introduced herself as Ms. Andrea Heaven. The
board members welcomed her.
V. Agenda Approval
Chair Miller indicated that one item was missing from the agenda, "Continuation of our
Pride of Boynton Beach". He requested the item be added to the agenda under VII. Old
Business, and entertained a motion to approve the agenda as stated.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
3uly 14, 2004
Ms. Phyllis Stern moved to approve the subject agenda, seconded by Ms. Brenda Lee
Williams and unanimously carried.
VI. Correspondence & Announcements
Chair Miller announced that Vice Chair Kupperman was unable to attend the July 14,
2004 meeting.
IV. Minutes Approval June 16, 2004
Ms. Williams moved to approve the subject minutes, seconded by Ms. Pacheco and
passed unanimously.
VII. Old Business
A. PATCH Update
Mr. DeCarlo, Liaison to the Community Relations Board, explained the background of
PATCH for the benefit of the newer Board members. He then reported that a trailer had
been made available to PATCH through Bethesda Hospital. Coming from Bethesda is
of great magnitude because it ties Bethesda into the health needs of the community.
He said they are leaning towards giving the trailer a home at Forest Park Elementary
School. The principal is enthusiastic about having the PATCH trailer at the school
because the School District would give their input and offer their support for the activity.
Mr. DeCarlo also noted that a large percentage of the children that attend Forest Park
Elementary would probably avail themselves of the services it would offer. He said he
has been trying to schedule a workshop between PATCH, the CRB, CRA and the City
Commission but has not been successful as yet. The PATCH meeting is scheduled for
every 3rd Wednesday per month and held at Treasure Chest Early Learning Center.
Chair Miller said it is important that we reach out to this segment of our community and
asked Mr. DeCarlo to relate to the PATCH board that the CRB would continue their
Ms. Stern announced that the Advisory Board on Children and Youth has a Youth Expo
annually which is held at the Boynton Beach Mall. She said there are booths to
facilitate the needs and capabilities of Boynton Beach; therefore, she suggested that
PATCH acquire a booth and setup materials for the community to be more aware of
what PATCH is all about.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
~luly 14, 2004
Chair Miller asked for volunteers to serve on the PATCH committee. Mr. DeCarlo said
given that PATCH is in a premature stage, he would send out some additional
information for the September meeting about PATCH and its role. This would give
everyone a sense of what's involved.
VIII. New Business
A) Literacy Program
Chair Miller asked for an update on this program. Mr. DeCarlo said he was waiting for
the library director to return from vacation before he schedules a meeting. The
committee will meet the 2nd week of August to discuss literacy and how they can play a
role and participate in activities. At that time he would notify the Community Relations
Board, invite everyone to the meeting and later present a report.
· Day Star Academy of Excellence After School Care
Ms. Brenda Lee Williams introduced Ms. Andrea Heaven, Director of After Care
Program, DayStar Academy and provided some background history.
Ms. Heaven brought greetings from the Principal of DayStar Academy, Ms. Janice O. La
Forte. She provided an overview of the Before and After Care Program, including a
schedule of operations, program activities, fees and age eligibility ratio. Ms. Heaven
said volunteers are encouraged in the areas of clerical, administrative, chaperones,
tutors and mentors. Seniors are also welcome to do volunteer work for community
service credit hours.
B) Co- Venture with Recreation & Parks Department-Marlins Game
Chair Miller said the trip to the Marlins game in conjunction with the Recreation & Parks
Department would be Wednesday, July 28, 2004. The bus is scheduled to leave City
Hall at 5:00 p.m. and return at 11:00 p.m. The cost of the ticket and transportation
would be $22 for adults and $16 for children. Ms. Williams was concerned with the
residency requirement. Mr. DeCarlo said it's a standard requirement, but he would
verify the information with the Recreation & Parks Department in the event a board
member would like to invite a family member who lives outside of the City.
VII. Old Business
D) Pride of Boynton Beach
Chair Miller provided an update on Pride of Boynton Beach (clean-up). Members were
in consensus with establishing an outreach program in order to get the neighbors
involved. Mr. Miller said some neighbors are not familiar with the rules; therefore, he
and Mr. DeCarlo would create bilingual flyers and asked for volunteers to distribute
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 14, 2004
them. Ms. Williams said it's important to get people to the meeting first, then get a
commitment. Ms. Stern said she would like to adopt a street, beautify a spot and get
the children involved. Chair Miller felt that coming together once a month for a meeting
was productive, but in order to really accomplish a lot, a subcommittee was needed to
work on the issue(s) outside the regular meeting.
Ms. Pacheco moved to approve going forward with the Pride of Boynton Beach
Program, seconded by Ms. Stern and passed unanimously.
VIII. New Business
Chair Miller welcomed new Board member, Mr. Kurt Godfrey, owner of Bob's Printing
located in Delray Beach. He pointed out that the board would like to focus on Pride of
Boynton Beach, Beautification and Literacy. Mr. Godfrey provided some background
information about himself. He announced that at the next meeting he would have more
Ms. Phyllis Stern moved to approve postponement of the August meeting seconded by
Ms. Brenda Lee Williams and unanimously carried.
IX. Next Meeting
The next Board meeting is schedule for Wednesday, September 8, 2004. in City Hall
Commission Chambers.
IX. Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned
at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lola S. Bramwell
Deputy City Clerk