Tom Balfe, Chairman
John Bebensee, Vice Chair
Lola Bramwell, Secretary
Mark Bobich
Bill Coup
Michael Dauta
(arrived at 10:15 a.m.)
George Mantell
Franz LaFontant
Brenda LeVant
Chuck Magazine
Kevin Nugent
Cathy McDeavitt
City Clerk
Public Works
Risk Management
Eric Falstad
Dorothy Mack
Carisse LeJeune
Chris Mitchell
Barbara Scott
Golf Course
Human Resources
City Manager
I. Call to Order
Chairman Balfe called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
Fire Chief William Bingham introduced Kevin Nugent, Chief Division/Trainer and
provided some brief background information.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of July 12, 2004 Regular Meeting
Mr. Magazine recommended a correction to the July 12, 2004 minutes in regard to
Kevin Nugent. Committee members all agreed that since Mr. Nugent was not officially
on board on July 12, 2004 the Fire/EMS line should be listed as pending on the agenda
and not recorded as absent.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 9, 2004
Vice Chair Bebensee moved to accept the minutes. Motion seconded by Mr. Coup and
unanimously carried.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Mr. Nugent reported that he spoke with Deputy Chief Kemmer in regard to a policy
about conducting fire drills in the City. It was suggested that the fire drill be developed
into videotape and made accessible to departments that are unable to participate. He
questioned where the committee stands with that and what has been done to date.
Mr. Magazine said staff has been working and trying to organize fire drills on an annual
basis for most of the building. There were several buildings that they were looking into
to conduct fire drills on a more frequent basis due to large numbers of the public coming
in to those building. These buildings are the Library and the Civic Center. Staff was
looking for input from the Fire Department and for the Fire Department to work with
individual safety coordinators for those areas. There has been discussion in the past
about unannounced versus announced fire drills. Members of the safety committee are
in favor of unannounced fire drills. Some departments feel it would disrupt their
operations. Staff has assured them that a real fire would be more disruptive than a fire
Mr. Nugent suggested that prior to conducting those unannounced fire drills, team
leaders/coordinators should walk staff through a drill so that they could be more familiar
with the process. He also suggested that they make an announcement that it's just a
drill so as to prevent panic for safety concern.
Mr. Coup said at the Civic Center when there is a drill some of the seniors hid in the
bathroom because they did not want to go outside. Mr. Nugent stated that his concern
would be people panicking, running, tripping and falling and the City becoming liable.
Mr. Magazine said he is in favor of unannounced drills because that would force people
out of the buildings. Once the people are outside the buildings they would let them
know it's a drill. Discussion continued regarding Mr. Magazine, Mr. Egnaczyk and Mr.
Nugent working on high target areas more frequently.
Ms. LeVant suggested they include Communications because they never leave the
building. She said they have the capability of leaving the building and operating on
portable phones if necessary. They would transfer their phones to Delray Beach and
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 9, 2004
operate from their crash cart. The routes are limited for transmittal; however, they can
make calls but are unable to receive them. They have backup cellular phones so that in
the event they receive a call Delray Beach would call them on the cellular phones. Mr.
Nugent said he would look into trying to improve that system.
B. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Awards
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
Mr. Magazine noted that copies of the inspections and safety meetings would be
distributed via e-mail.
D. Defensive Driver Course
Mr. Magazine noted that they received the course. ITS is currently working on
installation, and would have the programs operational by September. There will be
twelve positions available, six for cars and six for trucks. At the time of registration staff
would need to indicate whether it's a car/truck they are signing up for. The goal is to
give the new employees first priority since it's a requirement. He further noted that
every employee who drives a City vehicle or their own personal vehicle to do City
business is required to take the class once every three years. Mr. Nugent questioned
whether this requirement was filtered down to the Fire Rescue personnel. Mr.
Magazine replied yes. Mr. Mantell questioned whether these classes would be certified
for FDOT and CDL's. Mr. Magazine responded that these are just general defensive
driving classes.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
VI. New Business
A. "Departmental Safety Issues"
Vice Chair Bebensee reported an incident with an elderly person at City Hall in the Mall.
He said an elderly person went up to the desk looked confused and was complaining of
chest pain. Instead of calling 911, the City personnel reported it to the supervisor who
called the director, who then called the non-emergency number. Discussion continued
regarding providing employees with some safety tips in case of emergency. Mr. Nugent
suggested that information be distributed via e-mail to department heads/supervisors
stating in light of circumstances that has occurred at the Mall this is just reinforcing the
policy. In case of emergency, please call 911.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 9, 2004
B. West Wing Air Quality
Chairman Balfe reported that staff was questioning the air quality system on the first
floor of the west wing. He also stated that he confirmed with Mr. Fiege that dust was
cleaned off the air vent recently. Mr. Magazine reported that the service was tested last
year and the issue was identified as housekeeping, which was routed to facilities.
Cathy McDeavitt reported that mold was found in a closet with old documents in the
west wing. Mr. Magazine asked Mr. LaFontant to look into the situation and forward it to
the appropriate person. Chair Balfe encouraged members of the committee to inform
him if there should be any of the related problems.
VII. Announcements
Chair Balfe distributed copies of e-mail in regard to credit card fraud.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, September 13, 2004 at 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lola S. Bramwell
Deputy City Clerk
(One tape)
(August 10, 2004)