Jerry Taylor, Mayor
Mike Ferguson, Vice Mayor
Bob Ensler, Commissioner
Mack McCray, Commissioner
Carl McKoy, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
Janet Prainito, City Clerk
I. Call to Order
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. and asked Mr. Bressner to begin
the presentation.
Mr. Bressner first distributed an update on Hurricane Frances that had been furnished
by Assistant Fire Chief Jim Ness, who had been tracking the storm. Commissioner
McCray requested that the Commissioners be kept updated by fax, which Mr. Bressner
agreed to do.
II. Capital Projects
The General Fund will be first addressed, which is a continuation of what the
Commission had already authorized. This would include the Intracoastal Park
Clubhouse, the Wilson Pool and Center, the Jaycee Park acquisition and other long-
term maintenance items.
There are some projects that will not be moving forward that include the relocation
and/or demolition of the Civic Center. The Commission will be asked to consider
spending funds to do some necessary work to the Civic Center. There are no funds
included for the Old High School except for the stabilization of the building. It was
determined that funds for this purpose would come from other sources. The CRA's
bond issue for $20 million does not include funding for the Old High School.
Diane Reese, Finance Director, distributed updated figures for the CIP Fund. It is
projected that as of September 30, 2004 there will be $11.6 million in the CIP Fund.
After all the construction projects move forward during 2004/2005, there should still be
$3.9 million remaining that would be carried over to 2005/2006. After the projects
earmarked for 2005/2006 come on line, there would be $1,042 million remaining at the
end of that fiscal year. It is anticipated that additional revenue of $2.6 million would be
realized in 2006/2007 from the sale of the Public Works property. At the end of
2007/2008 it is projected that $755,750 would be remaining.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission CIP Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 31, 2004
The biggest items include the costs for the police facility and other large projects
beyond the five-year period. Mr. Bressner pointed out that there is no timeline for these
projects at this time.
Commissioners were referred to the CIP binder. The revenue sources were listed on
page 1 and the projects were on pages 2 through 7. Utility projects started on page 8.
Mayor Taylor inquired what "utility reserves/bond issue" on page 1 referred to. Ms.
Reese explained that this included reserve money for the first year of the utility projects
and a bond issue would have to be done next year. Commissioner Ensler inquired if
there was a breakdown of this figure between reserves and bonds. Ms. Reese noted
that $28.8 million would be needed for a bond issue in 2005/2006 for utilities. These
expenses do not include construction of the West Plant.
Commissioner McCray inquired why there was no money coming in from CBDG funds.
Ms. Reese explained that the CBDG funds would be used for the Heart of Boynton and
is not included in the CIP funds.
Commissioner Ensler inquired how much money was in the utility reserve and Ms.
Reese noted it was $78 million. Mr. Bressner requested that the general fund be
addressed first.
Mr. Bressner next referred to the grants contained on page 1 that included the grant
from the Florida Communities Trust for Jaycee Park. Commissioner McCray inquired if
staff continues to look for additional grants. Ms. Majors reported that the figures in the
CIP funds include grants that have already been submitted or will be submitted in the
very near future. Ms. Majors felt that staff would seek more grants as other projects
come on board. The $4.3 million in 2004/2005 are grant funds already received.
With regard to the Library expansion, Mr. Bressner reported that the bids came in under
the estimate by $250,000. Commissioner McCray inquired if the bid included furnishings
for the Library. Mr. Bressner will check on this.
Mayor Taylor inquired when the Commission would next be discussing the Town
Square and the Old High School. Mr. Bressner stated that he would be bringing to the
Commission at its September 21st meeting recommendations from the team and
anticipated that this would be discussed again in November. Mayor Taylor stated that
he had some additional ideas that he would like to bring forward that could affect the
CIP projects. Mr. Bressner would like the Commission to first approve the team's
recommendations at the September 21st meeting. At that time, Mayor Taylor could also
bring forth his recommendations as well.
Commissioner McCray wanted assurances that the projects that the Commission
authorized were moved forward. Mr. Bressner noted that those projects have been
approved and funded and will be moving forward.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission CIP Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 31, 2004
Commissioner Ensler asked for clarification of how the CIP project numbers are
assigned and what triggers a project being assigned a number. Ms. Reese stated that
once a project is budgeted and approved by the Commission, a number is assigned to
Commissioner McKoy inquired about the timing for Nautica Sound Park at $400,000
that is designated for 2008. Mr. Bressner noted that this was the date selected after
discussing the park with the residents. The date could be changed if the Commission
wanted to move the project up, or if there was a recommendation from the Recreation
and Parks Board to do so. It is possible that some of these projects may be moved up.
Commissioner McCray inquired if the County would be assisting with Nautica Park. Mr.
Bressner reported that the County would be contributing everything except $75,000,
which the City would be responsible for. The project had been projected to cost
Mr. Ensler asked why there was no CIP number assigned the Intracoastal Park
Clubhouse since the Commission had approved it. Ms. Reese responded that this was
an oversight.
Vice Mayor Ferguson inquired if it would be feasible to put some of these projects into
regular maintenance instead of the CIP. Mr. Bressner explained that for tracking
purposes it would be best to keep these all together.
Commissioner McCray asked about the expenses for the Tennis Center. Mr. Bressner
explained that the light poles and fence need to be replaced, plus there are some
additional maintenance items. Commissioner McCray inquired about placing a
playground at this site. Mr. Bressner noted that discussion has taken place regarding a
playground adjacent to the Tennis Center. If funding becomes available for the
playground, it may be possible to include it as part of this project. Ms. Reese reported
that $15,000 is included for the design of the playground.
Commissioner McCray noted that $900 has been allocated for sealing the Wilson Pool
parking lot. Mr. Livergood stated that even though these funds were allocated for this
purpose, because of the Wilson Center Replacement project, it was no longer
necessary to do this work.
Commissioner McCray inquired about the traffic signal for Knuth and Boynton Beach
Boulevard for $60,000 in 2004/2005 and whether this was the County's responsibility.
Mr. Livergood stated that these funds are available if needed, but he was not certain
when a traffic signal would be needed at this intersection.
Commissioner McCray inquired what sections of the City had funds earmarked for
sidewalks. Mr. Livergood responded that they are planning to add sidewalks around
grade schools and he anticipates that they will be bringing forward recommendations for
sidewalks for construction in the Spring.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission CIP Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 31,2004
Commissioner McKoy inquired if the $60,000 for a traffic signal could be used at other
locations. Mr. Livergood stated that this was possible, but felt that the highest probability
for the funds was Knuth and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Commissioner McKoy inquired
about possible traffic signals at Renaissance Commons and the Winchester property.
Mr. Livergood noted that the developer would be responsible for all traffic signals.
Commissioner McCray noted that they are switching to a new style of medians and
inquired if the $40,000 list for median improvements would be used for this purpose. Mr.
Livergood responded that the cost of the improvements may possibly be shared with the
Commissioner McCray inquired whether the CRA or the City would be responsible for
the Wayfinding Signage. Mr. Bressner stated that both parties would be paying for this.
Readdressing the median improvements, Mr. Bressner inquired if the County still
offered a program for maintenance of medians. Because of the high cost of the
program, the City stopped participating. Mr. Bressner was informed that the County still
offered this program. He thought that the City might want to put aside some funds to
participate in the program if the costs went down.
Mr. Bressner reported that the Golf Course Advisory Board decided not to do any
capital improvements until the market increases.
III. Utilities
Mr. Bressner pointed out that the utility projects do not include the expansion of the
West Water Treatment Plant. Also, the expenses contained in the statement do not
include the County fees. Next week, the Commission will consider entering into a short-
term water purchase contract with the County. The County is recommending three
years, but Mr. Bressner would like it extended to four years. The contract would provide
interim flow from the County's water system until there is a decision on whether to
proceed with construction of the West Water Plant and the staging of the East Water
Plant projects, along with other actions.
Cost figures are provided in staff's recommendation, Mr. Bressner pointed out that over
a 15-year payout schedule, the City would save approximately $20 million. However, he
would like to have the water system analysis completed before they decide on how to
proceed. He noted that the utility planning work was based on a 1989 database and
this preceded the major changes to the downtown, as well as the conversion of
Quantum and the Motorola property. These changes will result in an increased utility
Staff is recommending that funds be included in the budget for the East Plant and to
hold off on the West Plant until the analysis is complete. The analysis could reveal that
it would not be in the best interests of the City to enter into a long-term contract with the
Meeting Minutes
City Commission CIP Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 31,2004
County or vice versa. If the City does not build a plant, maintenance costs would be
eliminated as well.
Mr. Bressner explained how they arrived at a cost savings of $20 million. He pointed out
that the City still needed to move forward with improvements to the West Plant at a cost
of $3.3 million. Improvements include modifications to the chlorination system and the
trane system. These improvements, however, would not expand the West Plant that
would remain at 9 million gallons per day. The South Florida Water Management
Permit contemplates that the City would be adding an additional 8 million gallons for a
total of 17 million gallons per day. The South Florida Water Management Permit also
anticipates that the East Plant will be using the deep aquifer that involves a more
expensive water treatment process than the current system. This will add another 8
million gallons per day to the system.
Mr. Bressner noted that there is more detailed information in the Commission agenda
packet for Tuesday's meeting. The updated information assumes that the price for
expanding the West Plant would be around $28 million; however, staff at the West Plant
feels that it would be a lot less.
Commissioner McCray felt that it would be best to put this on hold until all the data is
available. Mayor Taylor also felt that they should look at the study before any decisions
are made, which should be available in nine months. Mayor Taylor recommended going
with the short-term arrangement with the County in the meantime. Vice Mayor Ferguson
pointed out that by 2015 the City should be almost totally built out, which Mr. Bressner
confirmed. As a result, they should be able to predict what the demand would be. Mr.
Bressner felt that it was important that if the Commission determined to move forward
with building the West Plant, it must be decided by 2008.
Commissioner Ensler inquired why an additional 5 million gallon tank budgeted at $2
million is necessary since there are millions of gallons of water stored below ground. Mr.
Sugerman pointed out that during the past dry period, the plants had a total production
capacity of approximately 16 million gallons, whereas the demand was around 19
millions gallons on peak days. This means that there was not enough water available at
peak demand and water had to be taken from other sources. A lengthy discussion took
place on how much water could actually be available from various sources.
Mr. Bressner stated that the storage tank was still necessary because storage tanks
hold finished water that is available for immediate delivery. Whereas, water stored in
other sources must be treated before it could be used. Mr. Sugerman felt that the cost
of filling a 5 million gallon tank should be considered. Mr. Sugerman further stated that
there may be less costly alternatives of obtaining water.
Mr. Sugerman noted that there is a disagreement between senior staff and utilities
involving expansion of the West Plant.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission CIP Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 31, 2004
Mr. Bressner explained that the East Plant services one area and the West Plant
another. One of the purposes of the water analysis study is to find out what
improvements might be necessary in the water distribution system to determine if there
is a benefit of having parts of the East Plant and the West Plant going to opposite parts
of the service area. Mr. Bressner stated that the County's utility system could shift
water from West Palm Beach to Boca Raton.
Commissioner Ensler noted that there were $78 million in the Utility Reserves. He
inquired how much money goes into the reserves on an annual basis. Ms. Reese
responded that the cap fees average around $2 million per year. Commissioner Ensler
noted that there would be $88 million in reserves before the City would have to borrow.
Mr. Sugerman pointed out that not all of the $78 million is available for capital
improvements. Approximately 6% of the operating revenue is set aside for renewal and
replacement. Ms. Reese responded that $54 million is available for capital
improvements and that she set aside six months of expenditures for emergency
reserves. Mr. Bressner noted that after these discussions, it appears that approximately
$20 million would have to be borrowed.
Richard Stone, a member of the audience, asked when the water analysis would be
complete and was informed that it should be ready within nine months or around
February 2005. Mr. Stone also inquired what the City's position was at this time and
was informed that the West Water Plant would be put on hold.
Dave Ailstock, Chief Operator of the West Water Plant, pointed out that there are
certain improvements that must go forward. Mr. Bressner noted that the costs for these
improvements are included in the budget and will go forward.
Commissioner Ensler stated that the Comprehensive Plan indicated that the City would
need a maximum 32 million gallons per day and inquired when this number would be
updated. Mr. Bressner stated that this would be determined when the water analysis is
completed. Commissioner McCray asked that when this information is known that a
retreat for the Commissioners be arranged.
Mayor Taylor inquired why it cost $37,000 to repair the air conditioner at the West Plant.
In addition the figures show that $27,000 was spent for carpeting and tile. Mr. Ailstock
responded that the air conditioner was a huge unit and was actually a replacement, not
a repair.
Commissioner Ensler inquired what the $800,000 for on-site generation pertained to.
Mr. Bressner explained that currently a chlorine gas system is used and staff is looking
at two alternatives and there is a difference of opinion between staffs on the options
available. One would be a liquid chlorine system and the other is an on-site generation
system. From a safety perspective, the City needs to replace the chlorine gas system.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission CIP Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 31, 2004
Commissioner McCray inquired what the item "surveillance, entry notification" in the
amount of $250,000 pertained to. Mr. Sugerman noted that this was for security.
IV. Wastewater Projects
Mr. Bressner reported that the downtown lift station would be split into two service areas
that would require the construction of a new lift station and an interceptor line to the
treatment plant.
Commissioner Ensler noted that there have been two breaks recently in the City's
wastewater system. He inquired if funds were included in the budget to make the
necessary repairs to ensure that this would not happen again. Mr. Bressner reported
that some analysis has been done of lift stations and sanitary sewer systems by service
area, but no system-wide analysis has been done. Commissioner Ensler inquired if
there were funds to do this, and Mr. Bressner responded that there is money in the
budget for this purpose. Mr. Sugerman, however, noted that no excess dollars have
been put into budget for system integrity. Commissioner Ensler would like to see this
done. Mr. Bressner stated that staff would come up with an estimate of costs to do a
water system integrity.
V. Stormwater Improvements
There are several small projects in this category that includes the 7th Avenue
stormwater project. Commissioner Ensler noted that the City of Delray Beach did a
study to tighten up their system that significantly reduced the amount of stormwater
going into the SCRWT plant. Commissioner Ensler inquired if the City would be
undergoing a similar study. Mr. Bressner stated that this is part of the analysis being
done. Also, Commissioner Ensler inquired if money has been allocated for this purpose.
Mr. Bressner stated that there is money for this purpose.
VI. Fire Assessment
Mr. Bressner reported that the fire assessment fees would not cover all of the expenses
for the capital improvements. The program began with taking $2.8 million from the utility
funds that was refinanced. The cost for land acquisition was more than anticipated. Mr.
Bressner anticipates that next fiscal year, fire station #4 would be completed and they
would be moving forward with construction of Fire Station #2. The cost for this station is
approximately $2.5 million. Station #5 on High Ridge Road is scheduled to be
completed in early 2006. After that, the fire assessment would end.
Commissioner Ensler felt that since there would not be enough funds to complete
construction of all the fire stations, they need to determine the shortage amount and
how this would be handled. Mr. Bressner stated that the shortage would be
approximately $7.5 million and that it would be discussed during next year's budget
Meeting Minutes
City Commission CIP Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 31, 2004
Commissioner Ensler remarked that Hurricane Charlie had torn the roof off a fire station
on the west coast of Florida. He was concerned that station #4 would not have a
cement tile roof. Mr. Livergood responded that the roof was designed to withstand 140
mph wind loads. Also, there are a number of factors that would keep a roof on that
included how the roof system is attached to the walls, the design of the truss system
and the roof material itself. Mr. Livergood noted that a concrete tile roof adds weight
that would help keep the roof on the building. Commissioner Ensler inquired if there
should be a change order for the station to add a concrete roof. Mr. Livergood noted
that if that were done, it would affect the architectural design. He noted that the style of
the roof for station #4 was designed to blend in with the surrounding neighborhood.
Commissioner Ensler requested that Mr. Livergood look into this. Vice Mayor Ferguson
was opposed to any kind of delay in bringing station #4 on line. Mr. Bressner asked for
direction. Commissioner McCray felt that the Engineering Division took this into
consideration to make sure that the fire station was sound and complied with the
building codes. Commissioner McCray also did not want to delay construction of this
station. Commissioner McKoy was also in favor of moving forward as planned. Mayor
Taylor concluded that there was a consensus to proceed as intended.
Mayor Taylor referred to the column entitled "adopted $7,673,675" and "Estimated
$3,607,011." Mayor Taylor inquired if this meant that $4 million would have been spent.
Ms. Reese explained that when the budget was adopted last year, the expenditure was
$7 million and it was estimated that they would be using $5 million of fund balance.
However, it has now been anticipated that the expenditures would decrease to $3.6
Mr. Bressner noted that there are certain things that they could do to reduce the deficit.
The operating expenses of the fire assessment could be shifted to the general fund. By
doing this, beginning in 2005/2006, the total fire assessment would be solely for capital
construction. This would add approximately $1.8 million to operating expenses, thereby
reducing the deficit by this amount. Another alternative would be to index a portion of
the increased assessed value outside the CRA area to pay for fire station #5. This
would mean that this additional assessed value could not be used for general
governmental purposes for approximately two to three years to meet CIP needs.
Commissioner McCray inquired if this would impact the entire City. Mr. Bressner noted
that this would involve taking assessed value from a specific area of the City for a
certain period of time, after which the money could be used for general purposes.
Commissioner Ensler inquired how many years the fire assessment would have to be
extended in order to make up the shortage. Mr. Bressner estimated two to three years.
Commissioner McCray noted that when the fire assessment was passed it had a sunset
of seven years. Mr. Bressner stated that in order to extend the fire assessment, it would
have to be readopted.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission CIP Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 31, 2004
Mayor Taylor also pointed out that there would be an increase in revenue when the new
construction in the City comes on line thereby increasing tax revenues. Commissioner
Ensler noted that as new units are built, they have not contributed their share for
construction of the fire stations and could there be a way for those people to contribute
money. Mr. Bressner responded that this was not possible.
Mr. Bressner concluded his presentation.
VII. Adjournment
There being no further business the workshop concluded at 8:05 p.m.
Recording Secretary
City of Boynton Beach
(September 7, 2004)