ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2004 AT 6:30 P.M.
Betty Pierce, Chair
William Orlove, Vice Chair
Betty Thomas
Tom Williams
John McVey, Alternate
John Spannuth, Alternate
Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks Director
.lohn Wildner, Deputy Recreation & Parks Director
Margaret IVlurphy
Lisa Peterfreund
Pamela Winters
I. Call to Order
Vice Chair Orlove called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m.
The Vice Chair took attendance and declared that a quorum was present.
III. Approval of Minutes of August 23, 2004
Mr. Orlove made corrections to the minutes. On page 2, in the last paragraph, second
sentence, he asked that the sentence be revised to say" The County Parks have really
large rapids" instead of "The County Parks are very large with rapids".
Ms. Thomas moved to approve the minutes of August 23, 2004 as submitted with
corrections. Mr. McVey seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 27, 2004
IV. Unfinished Business
A. Senior Center
IVlr. Majors provided an update on the Senior Center. He wanted to keep Board
members abreast of the recent renovations and different activities, since they have
been challenged with the storms.
B. Congress Avenue Community Park - Boundless Playground
IVlr. Wildner presented a drawing and an overview of concepts and plans for the
Community Park. He noted that at the Board's previous meeting, the concept of the
Boundless Playground was endorsed so that staff could look into funding. The Board
moved that it supported the Boundless Playground as one aspect of the total
development of the Park, along with other recreational opportunities for that Park.
Mr. McVey asked about maintenance and storage. Mr. Wildner responded that they
would be included in the plan. Hr. Wildner also announced that he would bring
someone with experience to the next meeting who would be qualified to answer the
Board members' questions and concerns about the construction plans.
Mr. Spannuth commented that extensive time was spent getting ideas from people in
various communities. He thought that the Board should give serious consideration to all
the ideas that staff has for the Boundless Park.
Chair Pierce commented that this was discussed at various meetings and that this is a
great concept and idea. She praised Vice Chair Orlove for all the hard work that he did,
making sure he contacted all the homeowner associations in the District in which the
Park would be located, to find out each community thoughts and how important it is to
have this park.
Mr. Spannuth commented that the building requires a lot of thought process and
physical work which will require a key person being there at all times. Therefore, he
urged Board Members to think about all this and what has been discussed.
Mr. Wildner explained that this concept was not an endorsement of this particular
concept; it was an idea from one individual and one Commissioner's view of what could
go forward. Chair Pierce said they were moving in a great direction. She feels this is
one step and what Mr. Wildner has presented is another. Maybe the Board could get
with that community and show the other communities what somebody has come up
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 27, 2004
with to get more suggestions, since this is a piece of land that will be with the City for a
very long time.
Mr. Majors explained that during the month of October, they would conduct a survey of
the area. Barbara Meacham the City Parks and Landscape Architect could start doing
some focus design work. Virginia Shea will be creating a internal core of staff who
would start using the Boundless Playground template. He further explained that they
would start moving forward with establishing a committee to deal with the design phase
and the funding raising.
Mr. Majors said this was not a C:[P project, but the City would contribute some funding.
He announced that they currently have $15,000 in the CIP budget for next fiscal year,
to cover a portion of the survey and some of the initial design work and if necessary,
some professional engineering advice.
As part of that Recreation and Parks would need to engage some Board Members, in
order to get general ideas of what the needs are. Mr. Wildner said at this time he
would like to get feed back from the Board and the general public. He also suggested
that the Board nominate a member as the main spokesperson to be part of one of
those committees. That person would report back to the Board to allow them to keep
pace with what is going on and also act as a liaison between the community and the
Mr. Majors pointed out that in terms of fundraising Ms. Majors would play a great role
in seeking grants. There are at least two local foundations that are expressing interest
in participating in this project. Mr. IVlajors said this would be something that they have
to look into.
Mr. IVlajors recommended that the Board nominate a Board Member that can be part of
the committee who could report back to the Board. He did not anticipate the project
being a million dollar project; it could be a regional attraction that would attract a lot of
IVlr. IvlcVey commented that the drawing appeal would be to one special age group and
that was not majority of the community. Since this is a very small percentage
suggested consideration should be given for other age groups.
Vice Chair Orlove was nominated as Liaison for the Board and a member of the
Boundless Committee. There were discussions amongst Board Members that Mr.
Orlove should be a member for the entire park and not just the Boundless Committee.
Mr. Majors noted that he was following the Boundless template, which does not mean
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 27, 2004
they cannot venture outside the playground and into other elements of the park. He
pointed out that members could rephrase the nomination accordingly.
There was a general consensus from Board Members to nominate Mr. Orlove for the
entire park. Discussion ensued regarding the language being changed to "for the Park
and Recreation Board and to the committee that has been set to design the Congress
Avenue Park".
IVlr. Williams questioned whether the Park would require staffing. Mr. Majors responded
that it would depend on the design if the facility has an office and serves as a multi
function, then they would need a staff person.
Vice Chair Orlove inquired if they would have a Summer Camp and would the park be
equipped for different groups of children. He pointed out that there would have to be a
place where the children have access to a bathroom and could use the park when there
is inclimate weather.
Mr. Williams noted that there should be a phone for scheduling. Vice Chair Orlove said
he met with two associations who said it would be great to have senior dances and
other recreation activities. As a result there would be a need for someone to be in
charge of the calendar like the Civic Center.
V. New Business
A. Recreation & Open Space Element of Comprehensive Master Plan
Mr. Majors stated that this was a very significant project and as a Board they would
focus on the Open Space and Recreation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. As part
of this project they would take public input at that current meeting and at the October
25, 2004 meeting. He announced that at the meeting in October they would be joined
by David Barth. Mr. Barth is one of the consultants with Glatting-.~ackson who is the
Consulting Firm they hired. Mr. Barth is scheduled to provide the Board with an
overview of what they would be responsible for, which would lead them to the
November 17, 2004 Workshop. The Workshop is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. at the Hester Center. This would give the public an opportunity to provide input
and to offer suggestions and recommendations that this Board could bring forward.
Mr. Majors noted that this was a key time in the history of the department since Mr.
Wildner was retiring and they were in the process of bringing in a new employee for the
first time in twenty years. As part of this project he was doing strategic a plan for the
department which the Board will not be involved with because it is an administrative
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 27, 2004
Mr. Majors said in regard to the Recreation and Space Element they solicit public input
because they would like to get opinions from the public in terms of a park system and
their vision of what parks should look like in the future. The first step will be to perform
an audit of the existing facilities in the City. They will be going out to gather an
inventory of all private facilities in residential developments. Examples of what they are
auditing would be pools, tennis courts, community centers, clubhouses, children's
playgrounds and racket ball courts.
Mr. Majors they would like to create an additional layer to the GTS program. Part of the
Comprehensive Plan would also be area and level of service standard. For example,
currently the City's level of service is one pool for every 40,000 people. As part of this
project they analyze that, and then decide if that is appropriate, or would there be a
need for more or less. Ultimately that is why the public and the board is critical
because that way it would reflect the needs of the community. The State requires that
the Comprehensive Plan be updated every five years.
Ms. Thomas questioned when was the last Comprehensive Plan performed. Mr. Majors
responded that in 1988 the last one was completed after several years in the making.
Ms. Thomas also asked if there was a questionnaire already made up or was there a
national one that the board would follow. Mr. Majors responded that staff would take
care of the survey. He also explained that there was the SCORP, which is the State
Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. They have some standard, which they could
follow. He said ultimately they found that one plan does not fit all, so in essence they
allow for more discretion within each community to determine what is appropriate.
Discussion continued regarding that the Board having an opportunity to do something
that would have an impact on the future of this community. This would also provide
leverage of how the City would develop in the future. IVlr. Majors said currently the
standard from neighbor to Community Park is 5 acres for 1000 residents.
Mr. Majors pointed out that at the October 25, 2004 meeting David Barth would be the
only item on the agenda. Mr. Majors would then meet with GIS to create a clipboard
and a checklist format that could be used to drive into an area to determine that
someone lives on a certain street. This would be necessary because not all residential
developments have a Homeowner Association with predetermined boundaries. Mr.
Majors emphasized that this information was time sensitive for the GIS department so
that they could create the layer for said project.
Mr. Major's thought that the City would be divided into quadrants. That way they can
base it on what each quadrant looked like demographically and geographically. Mr.
Barth will explain how the process move to the State level.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 27, 2004
Mr. Lindsay a resident from Colonial Village stated that they received a letter stating the
City was having a meeting on September 27, 2004 on .laycee Park and they assumed
the Recreation and Parks Board meeting would be about .laycee Park.
Mr. Wildner explained to the residents that he was not aware of the letter, but he was
happy they were able to attend. He further explained that the Recreation and Parks
Advisory Board wanted as many people in the community as possible to think about the
parks and what they want to see in the parks; not only in their section or their
quadrants but also in the entire City. He would like them to express what facilities they
would use as an individual, what facilities their community would use as group, and
what facilities are needed throughout the City. They should also think in terms of what
the future is going to bring. For example, 50 years down the line if their community
does not exist it might be replaced by a different group. :If that were the case, what
would they need?
Mr. Lindsay pointed out that as a former president for his development, in talking to
other people they realized they would like to see .laycee Park as a multipurpose Park so
that it would appeal to the mothers who would like to come in with children and play or
have a picnic. IVlr. Lindsay said all these discussions were in the informative stage.
A resident from Leisureville commented that Theresa Zabik, Special Events Coordinator,
distributed flyers to them and she set meeting/events up, but needed the support of
the residents of Boynton Beach to get her ideas across. Vice Chair Orlove inquired if
they knew what was going on with .laycee Park. They answered yes and said they have
seen diagrams and have attended some meetings.
IVlr. Majors asked people in the audience if there was a show or concert at the Park on
Congress Avenue would they be interested in attending. One couple said they would be
interested. Mr. Majors pointed out that Iris. Zabik was not in his department but he
would convey that thought to her and let her know they came and spoke in support of
.laycee Park. Mr. Majors also thanked them for coming and providing feedback and
invited them to the October 25, 2004 meeting.
Chair Pierce invited the residents to the Coastal cleanup.
phone number in case they have questions or concerns.
November 6, 2004 from 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
She provided them with a
The event is scheduled for
B. Monthly Report
Mr. Spunnuth was glad to see on page 2, under Oceanfront Park, all the details
regarding what people are doing, but he was surprised there were no water rescues
during that month. Mr. Majors said the staff is very diligent at the Park and they do a
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 27, 2004
great job and .lohn Bebensee runs an outstanding marine safety operation. If Mr.
Spunnuth needed more elaboration, we can invite Mr. Bebensee to the next meeting.
Chair Pierce noted that each season was different. Everyone should look at what the
month was like, for example in September the weather was bad and the Park was
closed for awhile; therefore, that would be a good explanation for no water rescue.
C. Items for the City Manager's Attention
Chair Pierce commented that she did not get the letter out to the City Manager in
regard to items for his attention; therefore, she would get together with Vice Chair
Orlove and proceed on that.
Mr. Wildner announced that September 27, 2004 was his last meeting as a City
employee with the Board; however, he would still be working on the Comprehensive
Plan and other project he started over the years. He would also attend most of the
meeting as a volunteer.
Next Meeting: October 25, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. at the Senior Center.
VII. Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned
at 7:57 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk