Tom Balfe, Chairman
Barbara Madden, Secretary
Mark Bobich
Danielle Crissinger
Franz LaFontant
Carisse LeJeune
Brenda LeVant
Chuck Magazine
Chris Mitchell
Glendon Morgan
Kevin Nugent
Barbara Scott (arrived at 10:25 a.m.)
Rodney Vicki
City Clerk
Human Resources
City Manager
Risk Management
John Bebensee, Vice Chair
Glenda Hall
Eric Falstad
Public Works
Golf Course
I. Call to Order
Chairman Balfe called the meeting to order at 10:11 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present. It was noted that the
Library does not have a representative and Mr. Magazine will check on this.
Chairman Balfe welcomed Rodney Vicki, who would be representing
Finance/Warehouse on the Safety Committee. Britt Pait will be the alternate. Chairman
Balfe announced that the new alternate for Public Works would be Tim Calhoun.
Division Chief Nugent reported that Fire/EMS alternate would be Mike Landress.
Ms. Crissinger requested that her name be added to the member list for Human
Resources in place of Dorothy Mack, until Ms. Mack returns to work. Mr. Magazine
requested that he be furnished with a list with all the name changes and Chairman Balfe
will follow through with this.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2004
III. Acceptance of Minutes of September 13, 2004 Regular Meeting
Mr. Magazine moved to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Mr. Bobich and
unanimously carried.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
Members viewed a video entitled "Unsafe Acts - Human Behavior."
Mr. Magazine distributed a copy of "Supervisor's Report of Incident" that must be
completed every time there is an incident. Also distributed was the City's "Safety
Counseling Form" that is completed by the supervisor as a tracking mechanism for an
employee's safety awareness and is for safety training purposes only. The form does
not go in the employee's file. Mr. Magazine requested that this form be distributed to
employees to make them aware of it. He stressed that the form is not a discipline form.
On the back of the Supervisor's Report of Incident is the "Formal Notice of Incident
Preventability." This form is used by the IRB when reviewing a case to determine if it
was preventable or non-preventable. After this is determined, the Department head is
notified and informed whether they need to complete a Counseling Form, a written
warning, or a suspension. The IRB is a subcommittee of the Safety Committee and
does not recommend or issue discipline.
Mr. Mitchell inquired what level of management would complete these forms. Mr.
Magazine responded that the Safety Counseling Form is completed by the employee's
supervisor and is used as a safety-training tool. Supervisors should maintain a training
file on each of their employees. Mr. Magazine pointed out that these forms are available
on the Safety Share Drive.
Ms. LeJeune inquired why the IRB does not make a determination as to fault. Mr.
Magazine stated that this was not the responsibility of the IRB. The IRB determines
whether an incident could have been preventable. If any discipline is necessary that is
the department's responsibility. Mr. Magazine stressed that the IRB does not
recommend discipline, but makes a determination of preventability.
Ms. LeJeune inquired if an employee had any recourse to a determination made by the
IRB. It was pointed out that an employee has the right to appeal a decision of the IRB
and the IRB would reconsider it. Sometimes the IRB is not initially provided with all the
necessary information.
Chairman Balfe pointed out that the IRB relies upon the supervisor to provide the
correct information. There have been times when the supervisor has been requested to
complete another form or to provide more information. Mr. Magazine also noted that
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2004
there have been cases that were referred back to the Safety Committee for further
action that resulted in a recommendation to the City Manager.
Mr. Bobich pointed out the time when the Committee dealt with determining what "single
needle use" meant. Did it mean that one needle could be used several times or that only
one needle could be used one time? After this Committee reviewed the issue and made
its recommendation, the Fire Department changed its policy to require that a needle
could only be used one time for one single use and then must be discarded.
Division Chief Nugent pointed out that it was important that supervisors and employees
be adept in filling out these reports.
Mr. Magazine noted that there is a report available on how to conduct an incident
investigation. Ms. LeJeune inquired if supervisors were aware of these forms and how
to fill them out properly. Mr. Magazine pointed out that the Supervisor, the Safety
Coordinator, Department Director and the employee must sign the Supervisor's Report
of Incident. It is the responsibility of these four people to make sure that the form is
completed properly and contains all the necessary information. Chairman Balfe noted
that if all the information were properly provided, it would be easier for the IRB to make
an equitable decision on preventability.
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Division Chief Nugent anticipates that he would be getting together with the Safety
Coordinators for each department to arrange for unannounced fire drills. The only
person in that department that would be aware of the fire drill would be the Safety
Coordinator. Also, Communications needs to be informed of the dates and times of the
drill so that fire equipment would not be sent to the drills. Mr. Magazine did not think it
was necessary to have one in City Hall.
B. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Awards
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings (C. Magazine)
The reports are being prepared. Mr. Magazine requested that anyone who has not sent
them should send them to Julie Alibrandi in his office.
D. Defensive Driver Course
Mr. Magazine reported that almost 90 people have signed up for the course. It may be
necessary to schedule testing for the Police Department after hours to accommodate
those officers who work evening shifts. Mr. Magazine reported that Chief Gage is aware
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2004
of the training. The course must be taken by anyone who drives a City vehicle or their
own personal vehicle on City business on a regular basis. Mr. Magazine noted that all
Safety Coordinators and departments were notified of the dates for the courses. He
requested that the notice for the course be given to those employees who do not have
access to E-mail.
Division Chief Nugent said that it might be difficult to arrange the course for Fire/Rescue
personnel because of their schedules. Mr. Magazine noted that the course is a four-
hour course, but in most instances it takes two to two and one-half hours to complete it.
Fire/Rescue personnel previously took the course and if anyone were called out during
the class, they could reschedule it.
Ms. Madden inquired if an employee took the course, would they be eligible for a
discount on their own automobile insurance. Mr. Magazine was not certain and thought
it would depend upon the insurance company. The National Safety Counsel sponsored
the last course that was given and but not this course. People who pass the course will
be furnished with a certificate. Mr. Magazine recommended that the certificate be sent
to your insurance company to determine if it qualified for a discount.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
Mr. Bobich noted that safety shoe payments are now being handled by Human
Resources and last week employees received checks for their safety shoes. Mr.
Magazine pointed out that his Department no longer is involved with safety shoes. He
noted that this Committee established the definition for a safety shoe and safety boot,
and the form was redone to reflect the correct definitions. Human Resources and
Finance are now handling this. Ms. LeJeune requested that all inquiries be referred to
Mr. Jordan in Human Resources.
Mr. Magazine noted that the PPE Policy sets forth those jobs that require safety
footwear. Employees not in these job categories are not entitled to reimbursement for
safety shoes. He stated that because an employee is a member of the Blue Collar
Union does not automatically entitle that employee to funds for safety shoes.
Ms. LeJeune reported that every time it rains, the front lobby and the stairs leading to
the second floor in City Hall get wet because the roof leaks. The last time the stairs got
wet a customer informed Ms. LeJeune that the stairs were wet and that someone could
get hurt. Ms. LeJeune was of the opinion that at some point, someone was going to get
seriously hurt on the stairs.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2004
Mr. Magazine explained that the roof over the front lobby is made of Kalwal, which is an
inferior product. Ms. LeJeune pointed out that it gives off a continual odor and
questioned how long this would continue. Mr. Magazine acknowledged that the roof
needs to be replaced with another material other than Kalwal. Mr. Bobich inquired why
the roof cannot be sealed, and Mr. Magazine responded that they have tried to seal the
leaks, but have been unsuccessful.
Ms. LeJeune also requested that Chairman Balfe send a letter to the Customer
Relations Manager asking that when it starts to rain, staff should immediately put the
cones out. Mr. Magazine recommended that the Safety Coordinator from Utilities handle
this issue and Mr. Bobich stated that he would follow through on this right away.
Mr. Magazine reported that when the Library is refurbished and expanded the existing
Kalwal roof would be eliminated, leaving City Hall the only City building with Kalwai.
Division Chief Nugent distributed an overview of the difficulties encountered at the High
School during the hurricane. He requested that Mr. Magazine forward it to the Risk
Manager for the High School, which Mr. Magazine will take care of. The overview will
also be included in the report that Chief Bingham is preparing at the request of Mr.
B. Other
Chairman Balfe pointed out that his term as Chairman has expired since the Chairman
of the Safety Committee only serves for one year. However, last year Mr. Magazine
requested that Mr. Balfe serve a second term. This was due to the fact that it was not
certain what department Vice Chair Bebensee would be under, so Mr. Magazine
recommended to Mr. Bressner that Mr. Balfe serve another year.
Mr. Magazine noted that it was customary that the Vice Chair moves up to Chair in
January of each year. The City Manager then appoints the Vice Chair. If there is a
reason that the Vice Chair cannot move up to Chair, the City Manager would appoint a
new Chair and Vice Chair. Mr. Bobich inquired if this was a new policy and was
informed that it was. Mr. Magazine makes a recommendation to the City Manager
based upon who is willing to accept the position. Ms. LeJeune inquired if Mr. Magazine
spoke with the employee before making the recommendation and was informed that he
Chairman Balfe will speak with Vice Chair Bebensee to determine whether it is possible
for him to move up. If anyone is willing to serve as Vice Chair for 2005, please let Mr.
Magazine know. Division Chief Nugent stated that he would be interested in serving.
Chairman Balfe inquired if Vice Chair Bebensee could not move up to Chair, would it be
possible for Division Chief Nugent to be appointed Chair and Vice Chair Bebensee
would remain in his current position. Mr. Magazine noted that the procedure does not
limit the term length for the Vice Chair.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 11, 2004
Chairman Balfe said that he would be agreeable to serving until January when a new
Chair would be appointed.
Next Meeting Date: Monday, November 8, 2004 at 10:00 a.m.
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(October 25, 2004))