Minutes 11-22-04IvI~.N__U.TE_S_ ?F_ THE COLLECTZVE BARGAZNZNG HEETZNG BETWEEN THE Al ¥ UP BOYNTON BEACH AND THE PALM BEACH COUNTY POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOC]~AT~ON - L]~EUTENANT'S UNliT - HELD ~N CONFERENCE ROOM B~ cI'rY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, ON HONDAY, NOVEHBER 22, 2004 AT 3:30 P.l~l. Present For the City: Jim Cherof, City Attorney Steve Graham, Assistant Chief of Police Mary Munro, Budget Coordinator For the Union: ,Jill Hanson, PBA Attorney Lt. Richard Root Lt. Kelly Harris :~. Call to Order Attorney Cherof called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. ~Z. City Proposal Attorney Cherof presented the City's proposal as follows: 11/22/04 Lieutenant's Collective Barqaininq Agreement With the exception of the following monetary provisions, the City proposes maintaining the terms of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement for an additional one (1) year, 10/1/04 to 9/30/05. The City offered the Union a choice of one of the following monetary packages: Option 1 (exempt status): The bargaining unit members would continue to be treated as exempt status employees. Each bargaining unit member would receive a 3% base wage increase up to a base wage of $80,000, which represents top-out pay for the position. Any portion of the 3% increase over $80,000.00 would be paid as a lump sum. Each Lieutenant shall maintain an accurate duty log reflecting hours actually worked and shall make that log available for inspection on request. Meeting Minutes PBA - Lieutenant's/City of Boynton Beach Bargaining Session Boynton Beach, Florida November 22, 200,1 Option 2 (hourly rate): The base wage for each bargaining unit member shall be adjusted the first pay period following ratification of the Agreement as follows: Briganti $71,515.20 Harris $65,000.00 Katz $65,000.00 Root $68,748.80 Unger $72,596.80 Yannuz7i $81,291.20 Bargaining unit members shall be converted to hourly rate employees eligible for overtime. The base pay for any employee promoted to or hired as a Lieutenant will be $62,000.00. Discussion Attorney Cherof advised how the City had arrived at the numbers for Option 2, hourly rate. If each of the bargaining unit members were considered with the numbers he had shown and $10K was added to that, their current base rate would be shown. The City deducted $10K because the City's audit of the last time the City paid overtime to the Lieutenant's indicated that on average, the bargaining unit members received $12.5K in overtime. Attorney Cherof realized that not each and every bargaining unit member had gotten $12.5K in overtime, but this was the average. In theory, each bargaining unit member should have equal opportunity for overtime. Ms. Hanson asked when that audit had taken place, and Ms. Munro responded that it had been done in 2001. Attorney Cherof commented that the City had kept the base pay for any employee promoted to or hired as a Lieutenant at $62K so it would be less than the dollar amounts the City had specified as the new base wage starting points. Attorney Hanson suggested a caucus to consider the City's proposal. At 3:40 p.m. a caucus was dec/areal. At 3:S8 p.m. the meeting resumed. Attorney Hanson stated that the negotiations were at impasse because neither option was acceptable. 2 Meeting Minutes PBA - Lieutenants/City of Boynton Beach Bargaining Session Boynton Beach, Florida November 22, 2004 Attorney Cherof expressed regret about not being able to reach an agreement. He asked why the bargaining unit members had moved away from their position on the exempt status issue. Attorney Hanson responded that she had expected the Federal regulations to change if the national election had gone a different way. It did not now appear that they would be changed. According to her interpretation of the existing regulations, it was clear that the Lieutenants would fall under the description of non-exempt. Attorney Cherof stated that the regulations had not referred to Lieutenants very often but when they did, it was from a case where they were determined to be exempt. Attorney Hanson responded that in terms of how the regulations described the duties and what they considered to be exempt and non-exempt, the Lieutenants would have a classification of non-exempt. Attorney Hanson asked if Attorney Cherof had received a letter PERC had sent out about the Special Master program. Attorney Cherof and the City Manager will be meeting to discuss the timetables for this and he would contact Attorney Hanson by Monday, November 29 at the latest. Attorney Hanson believed that the Special Master event would probably be on December 23, according to her interpretation of PERC's timetable. III. Adjournment The meeting duly adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Susan Collins Recording Secretary (112204) S:\CC\WP\MINUTES\PBA Negotiations\112204.doc 3