Tom Balfe, Chairman
John Bebensee, Vice Chair
Lola Bramwell, Secretary
Mark Bobich
Chris Mitchell
Franz LaFontant
Rodney Vicki
Glendon Morgan
Eric Falstad
Danielle Crissinger
Carisse LeJeune
Chuck Magazine
Mike Landress
Glenda Hall
Mark Bobich
City Clerk
Golf Course
Human Resources
City Manager
Risk Management
Public Works
Brenda LeVant
I. Call to Order
Chairman Balfe called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of October 11, 2004 Regular Meeting
Mr. Magazine moved to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Ms. LeJeune and
unanimously carried,
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
Mr. Magazine reported that the City received notification from the State of Florida
regarding the City's mod rate (self-insured experience modification). The State
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 8, 2004
determines the rate by comparing like type organizations of similar size, based upon
number of claims and how much money has been spent on claims over the previous
year with the average being 1.00. If an entity comes in higher, it means they have more
claims and are spending more money. If an entity comes in below 1.00, they are better
than average.
Mr. Magazine pointed out that the City's best year was 2000 when the rating was 0.67.
Due to an increase in claims in 2001, the City's rating went up to 0.85. In 2002, the
rating increased to 1.01 also due to an increase in claims, as well as settlement of some
of the City's older claims. In 2003, the rating was 1.08 that resulted from settling two
very large claims. The rating for 2004 came in under 1.0. This was due to major
improvements that the City made, as well as a decrease in Workers' Comp claims. Mr.
Magazine felt that having Workers' Comp now handled in house has had a major impact
that has resulted in employees going through the Workers' Comp process much faster.
Ms. LeJeune inquired if Mr. Magazine attributed this to the new system that Risk
Management has implemented. Mr. Magazine stated that this was the case since the
City is now spending much less money on individual claims. These numbers will be
available for next month's meeting.
Mr. Bobich inquired if the decrease in scheduling employees to undergo certain
procedures contributed to a decrease in the costs as well. Mr. Magazine stated that this
resulted in a dramatic increase in costs and has cut back on the time that an employee
is out of work.
Mr. Magazine distributed posters that he requested be displayed in Human Resources,
the lunchroom in City Hall, the Public Works Compound and the two Water Treatment
Plants. One poster contained information on Workers' Compensation. The second
poster was furnished by PGCS, with whom the City works, and has a fraud unit. PGCS
pays up to $10,000 for a conviction of somebody who fraudulently files a Workers'
Comp claim.
Mr. Magazine reported that on occasion he receives a notice from a department
regarding problems throughout the City. He recently received a notice from the Planning
and Zoning Division staff that was concerned that safety was being sacrificed due to the
vegetation and broken debris throughout the City's parking lots.
Mr. Magazine requested that if anyone noticed any safety hazards in the City, they
should notify him or the Safety Committee. Also, it would be appropriate that the
department responsible for taking care of the hazard be notified. Members of the Safety
Committee have the authority to do this.
Mr. Magazine also noted that when the Defensive Driver Course became mandatory,
this decreased the number of preventable accidents by 40%. Since that time, however,
they have been increasing. He anticipates with the new course, this will assist in
reducing accidents. Most classes are full for the month of November. Anyone wanting to
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 8, 2004
take the course should contact Risk Management for scheduling. There are two
classes being offered: one for small vehicles and one for trucks. Anything smaller than
a pick-up truck would be categorized under small vehicles. Any employee who drives a
truck that is larger than a pick-up truck would take the truck course.
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Chairman Balfe requested that the Safety Coordinators contact the Fire Department to
set up fire drills.
B. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Awards
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings (C. Magazine)
Mr. Magazine reported that he did not bring the matrix to the meeting because many
departments are not performing inspections or safety meetings, which will be reported
to the CMLT. Chairman Balfe inquired if the matrix was on the share drive and Mr.
Magazine stated that it was not. Chairman Balfe inquired if it could be placed on the
share drive and Mr. Magazine will follow through with putting it on the share drive.
D. Defensive Driver Course
Previously discussed.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
B. Other
It was noted that the Library has no representative on the Safety Committee. Chairman
Balfe stated that he forwarded a copy of the Safety Meeting Minutes to Craig Clark at
the Library.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 8, 2004
VII. Announcements
It was announced that the City received the 2004 Heart Ready Award from the
American Heart Association. Boynton Beach is the second City in the State to receive
this award.
Ms. LeJeune inquired how often the Fire Department offered the BLS course. Mr.
Landress explained that the Fire Department has revamped its CPR Program and only
schedules two classes. One class is for family and friends and a head saver course for
City employees. In January, both classes will be offered twice monthly on the first and
last Thursday of the month. He had sent a schedule Citywide and people have already
registered for the course. Ms. LeJeune requested that she be furnished a copy of the
class schedule, which Mr. Landress stated he would do. The classes will begin at 6:00
p.m. in Fire Station #3.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, December 13, 2004 at 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:25 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Transcribed by Barbara M. Madden,
Recording Secretary
(November 24, 2004)