Minutes 12-16-04IANGCONCERNING ~ REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN EXTENSION ST. GREGORY S ARMENIAN CHURCH PROJECT FOR / ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2004, T 10:00 A.M., IN CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Present: Commissioner Bob Ensler Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer Representatives of the Palm Beach Leisureville Board of Directors, the Palm Beach Leisureville Community Association, Residents of Palm Beach Leisureville, and Representatives of the Armenian Church The parties assembled at 10:00 a.m. Commissioner Bob Ensler hosted the meeting, which was called in order to seek resolution on some open issues concerning the Site Plan Time Extension requested by the St Gre or's Arm ' · g Y eman Church. The discussion centered on seven points of concern of the residents of Palm Beach Leisureville as outlined in a memorandum from Mr. Tim Hare, the Community Manager of Palm Beach Leisureville, to Commissioner Ensler dated December 13, 2004. Generally, the concerns of the residents were the potential for smells (lift station and garbage), sights/privacy (30 foot building very close to a residential neighborhood), security/noise (the gym and its clients), and the potential for reflected light from the proposed church development. They were also concerned about drainage issues. The drainage issues were apparently satisfactorily addressed. The gym is a part of Phase 3 and it was previously approved when the current Site Plan was presented a year ago. The residents wanted the developer to move forward on Phase 1 and 2 and bring Phase 3 back to the City when it had been designed, since it was not even certain that they would ever need to develop it. The agent for the developer was interested in preserving the approval previously given, even if they ultimately decided not to pursue the gym. There was a considerable amount of discussion between the parties. At the conclusion of the meeting, the status of each item was as follows: 1) Relocation of Irrigation Pump to Location More Suitable Than Southeast Corner of Property Adjoining Leisureville The developer agreed to move the irrigation pump from its current location to the inside fence near the kitchen. Meeting Minutes Site Plan Extension Request from St. Gregory's Armenian Church Boynton Beach, Florida 2) Relocation of lift station in same Southeast corner adjoining Leisureville The developer agreed to move the lift station to the Southeast comer of the recreation area. 3) Parking Spaces The developer explained that the church sanctuary accounted for 41 of the 105 parking spaces required by the City. The meeting hall accounted for 43 spaces, the classrooms for 12 spaces, and the offices for 3 spaces. There would be considerable overlap in the persons using each of the identified spaces. Also, there was no room for seating in the basketball court area. 4) Wall Around Property Originally, the developer was asked to place a six-foot high concrete block wall around the Western, Eastern, and Southern borders of the property. A compromise of a 4.5 foot wall was agreed to. However, at this meeting, the developer agreed to the six-foot high concrete block wall around the whole property excepting the commercial area and at the front. 5) Site Plan Time Extension for Phases 1 and 2 Only? The agent will develop some elevations for the proposed Phase 3 Gym and present them to the interested parties before the City Commission meeting in January. Mr. Rumpf requested that the applicant present a letter request the City to table its Site Plan Extension request and ask that it be heard at the second City Commission meeting in January. The applicant was interested in preserving the prior approval for Phase 3. The applicant hoped that when the interested parties reviewed the drawings, that they might change their minds about opposing it. The applicant and the agent will discuss this to try to find ways to make Phase 3 acceptable to all concerned. 6) Effects of Overhead Lighting on Adjoining Properties During the discussion on this item, it was brought out that the light poles would be baffled from behind, would be directed towards the interior of the property, and would be very low in foot candles - approximately 2 foot candles or less. The Engineering representative from the City did not believe that there would be any negative effect on the surrounding properties from the proposed lighting. The City lighting code was very comprehensive and strict. The agent will provide the City with the specific photometric plan for the proposed development. 2 Meeting Minutes Site Plan Extension Request from St. Gregory's Armenian Church Boynton Beach, Florida 7) Relocation of Dumpster Away from Residences The location of thc dumpster was discussed extensively. Thc church did not believe it would bc necessary to have a large dumpster, believing that it could get by with a very large regular garbage container. There were certain restrictions placed on thc location of a dumpster by the City such as a minimum back-up distance from the dumpster of sixty (60) feet. The agent will discuss this with the applicant to try to find the best solution. The City will also will investigate thc appropriate solid waste vehicle for this property (rollout or dumpstcr). Both parties were willing to work together to come up with an amicable solution to thc outstanding issues. Respectfully submitted, Susan Collins Recording Secretary (121604) 3