ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 2005 AT 7:00 P.M.
Steve Waldman, Chair
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Evelyn Geathers
Hattie Miller
Steve Miller
Willie Pearl Wilson
Darcy LaFountain, Alternate
Juiie Claude, Student - Regular Voting Member
Renee Roberts, Student - Regular Voting Member
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Betsy Veaner
Anne Vonick, Alternate
Laura Woozley, Student - Regular Non-Voting Member
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
I1. Moment of Silent Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
Vice Chair Morera led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag after which there was a
moment of silent reflection.
II1. Approval of Minutes of December 2, 2004
Vice Chair Morera moved to approve the minutes.
carried unanimously.
Ms. Roberts seconded the motion that
IV. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Miller moved to accept the agenda.
Mr. Miller seconded the motion that carried
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Bovnton Beach, Florida
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
3anuarv 27, 200~
Ms. Sherri Claude read a letter received from last year's 3rd place Bob Borovy Award recipient,
Ashley Lockett, a copy of which will be placed in the record and included with the minutes.
VI. Public Audience
Chair Waldman welcomed student Alyssa Ewing who was in the audience.
VII. Old Business
A. Teen Center
Chair Waldman reported that he and Vice Chair Morera visited Odyssey Middle School to
make a presentation regarding the teen center and taped a segment to be broadcast at the
school which included information on various board projects. He noted that they have received
little feedback from youth regarding this project and wondered if there was no need for a teen
center if or they were just too busy with other things. He said the board has hosted a couple of
meetings and has only gotten a few kids to attend. He presented three options: going to the
schools to talk directly to the kids about it, producing a survey to get their feedback or dropping
the idea altogether.
Ms. LaFountain said that a survey is a good idea and she wonders what the awareness level
of the kids is. Vice Chair Morera said that hundreds of flyers about the meetings were put out;
unfortunately the first scheduled meeting was right after the hurricanes, so no one showed up.
Five kids attended the next meeting but none of them came to the meeting scheduled in
December. She wonders how to best get the attention of teenagers as their input is needed.
Ms. Geathers said that with a survey perhaps we could find out if there were other activities out
there that the kids participated in which may explain their lack of interest in a teen center. Ms.
LaFountain said that a needs assessment is the way to go.
Ms. Roberts suggested distributing and collecting the surveys in homeroom, like they do for
school elections, and using the "Scantron" system which would eliminate the need to manually
calculate the results.
After more discussion, there was consensus to spend time at the next meeting developing the
B. Volunteer Project/Adopt-A-Spot Program (April 9, July 9 and October 8)
Chair Waldman noted the upcoming dates for the Adopt-A-Spot program, and reported that he
and a couple of board members participated on January 8, but there were no kids.
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Bovnton Beach, Florida
3anuarv 27, 2005
E. Tennis Carnival (April 9) - heard out of order
Vice Chair Morera reported that the Tennis Carnival would take place on April 9 from 2-4 p.m.
at Hunter's Run. Registration will take place at City Hall in the Mall beginning February 8.
Former Board member Phyllis Stern, who began this event, is sending a donation for snacks.
Hunter's Run is donating drinks. Ms. Morera questioned whether the Board wanted to
purchase tennis balls or wrist bands or other items to be included in goodie bags for the
participants? This will be discussed further at a future meeting.
Chair Waldman would like to give Hunter's Run a plaque and Ms. Stern a a certificate and
thank you letter to thank them for all they've done for this event. Ms. Sherri Claude said that
she would create a plaque similar to what has been done in the past. She also noted that she
has prepared a press release and flyer to promote the event. It is also advertised in the
current issue of the Recreation & Parks Department's Funfare! Magazine.
Ms. Morere moved that the Board authorize expenditure of funds for the plaque. Ms. Roberts
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
C. Youth Volunteer Bank
Ms. Sherri Claude reported that in December she sent an "ongoing activities flyer" to all current
members (those who had submitted hours for either of the past two years and/or were new
members) and an update request letter to those who had not participated recently to determine
if they wanted to remain on the list. To date there are 127 current members.
Also in December, 160 "Box Tops for Education" were donated to Galaxy Elementary School
and some information on the Youth Volunteer Bank was also sent to them. Ms. Sherri Claude
received a phone call of thanks from a school representative.
Ms. Sherri Claude also reported that 10 Youth Volunteer Bank members attended the holiday
party on December 18 where they had pizza, ice cream, played bingo and watched cartoons.
Approximately 20 toys were collected and donated to the Migrant Association of South Florida.
Chair Waldman inquired about the banquet and Ms. Sherri Claude responded that she has
reserved the Civic Center on May 21 for this function. She will send letters to last year's
sponsors, requesting donations and has prepared a sponsor letter for Chair Waldman's
signature which members can utilize to solicit cash or in-kind donations from local businesses,
such as Blockbuster, McDonald's, movie theaters, etc. Copies of this letter will be included
with the minutes.
D. Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Sherri Claude noted that the award has been mentioned in several issues of the Boynton
Times and Neighborhood Post, that she has sent flyers and applications to the local high
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Bovnton Beiach, Florida
schools and that flyers have been prepared and distributed. She will also send the information
to eligible Youth Volunteer Bank members. She reminded the Board that an ad would appear
in the Boynton Beach High School newspaper, which Ms. Julie Claude said would be out next
month. Ms. Sherri Claude also noted the current balance allocated to this program and
remarked that the Board should start thinking about getting new sponsorship. Chair Waldman
said he will contact the American Legion about a donation.
Guest Speakers
G. Other
Ms. Roberts advised that she cannot attend the next two meetings due to other commitments
which would mean that she will have to resign. Chair Waldman encouraged her to continue to
remain active with the Board's projects, if she wished, and to reapply in the future when her
schedule changes.
VIII. New Business
A. Bowling Tournament
Chair Waldman gave a brief history of this event, noting that last year the proceeds went to the
Bob Borovy Award, which he would like to have happen again this year. Ms. Roberts
suggested advertising the event at the bowling alley.
A tentative date of July 24, with July 31 as an alternate, was selected. Chair Waldman will
advise Ms. Sherri Claude once he confirms that date so that she can ensure that the
information is included in the summer issue of Funfare! Magazine.
Future Meeting Dates:
February 24,2005
March 24, 2005
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned at
7:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherri Claude
January 28, 2005