ON THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1987 AT 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Nick Cassandra
~lce Mayor Ralph Marchese
Qommissioner Ezell Hester
Commissioner Leonard Mann
Commissioner Dee Zibelli
City Manager Peter L Cheney
City Clerk Betty S. Boroni
City Attorney Raymond S. Rea
City Planner Carmen Annunziato
Mayor Cassandra called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
~nder "III. Other", Commissioner Mann added "A. Status of
he CRA", and City Manager Cheney added "B. Proposed Change
of Budget Workshop Date", "C. Discussion of Meeting Date for
Citizen Input on the Multi-Purpose Recreation Building", and
"D. Real Estate Tax Report and its Impact".
Vice Mayor Marchese moved to approve the agenda as corrected.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hester and carried
4-0. (Commissioner Zibelli arrived at the meeting just after
~he agenda approval.)
Wallace, Roberts and Todd
Mr. Annunziato introduced the first planning consultant firm,
Wallace, Roberts and Todd. He reported that WRT was responsible
f~r the 1979 Comprehensive Plan and the Neighborhood Strategy
the Center on
llan; they also worked South
r. Annunziato noted several items of importance relating to
he Boynton Beach Boulevard study, including land use, zoning,
rban design, economics, and the policy framework within which
11 of these decisions are made.
ohn Fernsler, President of Wallace, Roberts and Todd, Inc.,
91 Giralda Avenue, Penthouse, Coral Gables, Florida 33134,
said WRT has been involved in urban planning, architecture
and landscape architecture for the past 25 years. Mr. Fernsler
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JUNE 11, 1987
introduced two of his colleagues: Katherine Timco, of WRT in
loral Gables, who has seven years of experience in the public
ector; and Jack Chadwick, of Economics Research Associates,
consultant, real estate broker, and commercial real estate
Mr. Fernsler believed the Commission desired the consultant
o help them decide whether Boynton Beach Boulevard should
ave to look like every other commercial highway strip in
~outh Florida. Mayor Cassandra replied that Mr. Fernsler's
mpression was correct, but the Commission was also looking
or a uniqueness for the boulevard.
Mr. Fernsler wished to tell the Commission how his firm
qould help the City. He outlined the.planning process for
oynton Beach Boulevard in five steps. 1) What is it now,
~nd you are the boulevard as
it is currently, based on present policies and trends, what
~ill it be like in 5-10 years, if no changes are made?;
) Assuming you are dissatisfied with that direction, several
easible choices will be posed (market choice, development
pattern, and design issues); 4) Based on what we have seen
that it could become, what do we really want it to become?;
) Once that decision is made, the role of the consultant is
to prepare the tools (ordinances, incentives, etc. needed to
influence the market and the developers) to accomplish what
is desired.
~r. Fernsler next showed slides of and discussed some of the
projects accomplished by WRT (Baltimore Inner Harbor, Boynton
~each Comprehensive Plan, Boynton Beach Neighborhood Strategy
~lan, Boynton Beach Tennis Center on Congress Avenue, future
site selection of the City's Multi-Purpose Recreation Facility,
revitalization of downtown Delray Beach and Atlantic Avenue).
Rr. Fernsler addressed four pertinent issues noted in the
letter from Planning Director Carmen Annunziato to the two
firms dated May 28, 1987 (See "Addendum A" attached to the
original copy of these minutes in the City Clerk's Office).
These issues were: planning or site development questions,
market questions, design questions, and policy questions.
Mr. Fernsler then elaborated on case studies of each of the
four issues.
Regarding the development issue, Mr. Fernsler referred to a
project his firm had worked on at N.W. 7th Avenue in Dade
County. He explained the steps in the process used in that
project (understanding existing land uses, functional areas,
existing traffic patterns, existing parking lots, ownership
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JUNE 11, 1987
or property assembly, image analysis, problem analysis, and
ypical block alternatives). Mr. Fernsler noted the simi-
larities in some of the problems of N.W. 7th Avenue and
Boynton Beach Boulevard.
Regarding the market issue, Mr. Fernsler said the first step
~uld be to realize why the City has what it has there, and
ke elaborated. Mr. Chadwick discussed the methods used in
~.nderstanding the market (looking at the existing land use,
ooking at where to go and how to get there, deriving required
pace estimates for different zoning uses, recommending an
ppropriate mix by square footage of the appropriate commercial
~.ses to serve the emerging trends). He said two questions to
ke answered were how to meet the needs and how to influence
those trends to develop the desired image. Mr. Chadwick noted
that his firm, ERA, was a national firm, as was WRT, and that
~he two groups had worked together before on various projects.
elatin t '
R ' g o the image/design issue, Mr. Fernsler referred to
Case studies dealing with landscaping and building aesthetics,
He showed slides of improvements made in Homestead, Florida,
~here their designation as the "Flower Capital" had been
~Phasized in the streetscape designs. Mr. Fernsler next
showed slides of building improvements made in Hollywood,
~lorida in the downtown area. He advised that Ms. Timco had
~elped '
to invent the facade restoration program there.
~elating to the policy question, Mr. Fernsler referred to a
case study in Coral Gables, where policy choices had been
prepared for a City Commission facing the possibility of
allowing high rise development in the downtown. Mr. Fernsler
Explained how his firm approached the situation.
Questions and Comments by Commissioners
ayor Cassandra asked if any of the Commissioners had any
questions or comments. Commissioner Hester agreed with a
comment made by Mr. Fernsler that there could be a problem
regarding the size and depth of the parcels on Boynton Beach
Vice Mayor Marchese asked Mr. Fernsler if he was aware that
est of Congress Avenue, the boulevard was to become six-lane.
~r. Fernsler was aware that it was to be done, and he asked
if Vice Mayor Marchese considered this a problem. The Vice
Mayor responded that he saw it as something to be considered
in the overall planning.
r. Fernsler told Commissioner Zibelli that his firm had done
he revitalization plan for the Neighborhood Strategy Area,
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~hich included the strategy for 10th Avenue, and the downtown
Delray Beach revitalization.
Gommissioner Mann asked how the recent Supreme Court decision
~ould affect this project. Mr. Fernsler was not sure how to
interpret the impact of the decision. He commented that
governments give and take away, and what the Commission might
d° on Boynton Beach Boulevard would not necessarily be construed
as taking away.
Mayor Cassandra noted that Boynton Beach Boulevard is the City's
Qnly east-west entrance. He pointed out that the outcome of
~he Supreme COurt decision on whether the DOT could build a
ridge at the east end should be considered. Mayor Cassandra
said that, although the downtown development area ends at the
~ailroad tracks, it might be advantageous for the analysis to
cover the area eastward to the end of the bridge. He asked
the firm to also consider how they would recommend developing
the area, if the bridge is not built. MaYor Cassandra also
asked the firm to consider development on the west end of the
ity Manager Cheney stated, relative to the Supreme Court
ecision, that the City wishes to have a coordinated plan for
n existing road to create a higher value of the area. He
aid it would be interesting if the Supreme Court would say
ities must pay for the value of land taken away, but could
et credit for any value added; but they are not saying the
econd part of that. City Manager Cheney was not worried
bout the decision, because he believed when the project was
inished, the value of the area would be increased.
ity Manager Cheney commented on Mr. Chadwick's statement that
he firm would look at the trends of how the area got to be
ike it is. He said he was not really concerned with the
rends, but rather with what could be done with the boulevard,
egardless of the trends. Mr. Chadwick agreed, and he noted
hat he also mentioned influencing the trends in order to get
he desired image and development. Mr. Fernsler added that
he purpose of the projection was not to be the basis for the
lan, but to show what would happen if changes were not made.
Mayor Cassandra agreed that the Commission was looking for
new ideas and something that would benefit both the property
owners and the citizens of Boynton Beach.
Mayor Cassandra asked Mr. Fernsler about an approximate time
f~ame for the project. Mr. Fernsler estimated 1½-2 months for
the evaluation and market analysis, 1½-2 months to outline
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JUNE 11, 1987
choices and policies (at which time a decision would be made
by the Commission), and 1 month for the actual preparation of
~he plan. He estimated a total time of six months.
Mayor Cassandra asked City Attorney Rea if, based upon the
~wo month moratorium already imposed and the additional six
months for the study, there would be a problem with extending
e moratorium, as long as positive input was being received
toward a goal or objective. City Attorney Rea did not see
~ny legal problems with extending the moratorium, but he
ht the impact of the Supreme Court decision would have
be considered. (He had not yet read the hard copy.)
Manager Cheney advised that the downtown moratorium was
xtended twice.
n closing, Mr. Fernsler stated his firm would be truthful
with the City. He said not all urban development problems
have solutions. Mr. Fernsler called his firm "straight
hooters" and said they would prepare a pl~an the City could
N.r. Annunziato asked who WRT planned to use as a traffic
consultant. Mr. Fernsler asked if the City felt there was a
reed for this. Mr. Annunziato thought it would be needed.
~.r. Fernsler said he would be glad to obtain a traffic con-
~.T 8:30 P.M.
rban Design Studio
· Annunziato introduced Hank Skokowski, President of Urban
~esign Studios, 2000 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard, Suite 600,
West Palm Beach, Florida 33409. He advised that UDS had done
~he Central Business District Plan for the City, worked on the
preparation and design of documents for the Comprehensive Plan,
prepared design guidelines for the CBD, and worked for private
developers within the City.
r. Skokowski stated that UDS was a West Palm Beach firm founded
n 1977. He introduced Joellen Leisinger, Russell Scott, and
eff Fesler. Mr. Skokowski gave background information on
imself and his staff. Mr. Skokowski said Ms. Leisinger, who
ecently won a State competition for a redevelopment plan for
he Flamingo Botanical and Zoological Park in Broward County,
as the proposed project manager for this project. Mr. Skokowski
aid that Mr. Scott specialized in zoning matters, and Mr. Fesler
specialized in signage and street graphics.
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Mr. Skokowski asked Ms. Leisinger to discuss the graphics and
lhe firm's approach to the project. Ms. Leisinger said she had
ound the primary goal of this study would be to improve the
image of the entrance to the City. She said creating a beautiful
gateway would provide a positive identity to visitors and civic
pride for residents.
Ms. Leisinger explained that the process for this study would
nclude data collection and analysis; identification of
pportunities, problems, goals and objectives; design concepts;
final design; and regulatory documents. She said this would be
done through input of the Commissioners at various workshops.
9.s. Leisinger added that the analysis process would include the
ssues outlined in Mr. Annunziato's letter to the consultants,
as well as any other issues that might arise during the study.
9.s. Leisinger pointed to three exhibits before the Commission,
~hich showed land use, zoning and a brief analysis of the site.
Referring to the land use exhibit, Ms. Leisinger said the over-
~iding pattern was a residential concentration in the center,
anchored by a commercial concentration on either end. She
~oted 10 zoning districts in the zoning exhibit that would need
to be addressed. In the analysis exhibit, several main features,
cpportunities and constraints were identified. Ms. Leisinger
noted the boulevard was anchored by two important destination
points.- the CBD and the turnpike.
s. Leisinger next discussed opportunities, problems and goals
or the study that the firm had established. Opportunities
ncluded the establishment of the moratorium and study, the
ridge, considering land control in addition to streetscaping
n the study, and considering this as a model project to
mplement Comprehensive Plan goals. Problems included a
ragmented image along the boulevard, circulation problems,
oordination of funding from various agencies, land use
roblems, crime and safety problems, and obtaining the
ooperation of existing land owners. Goals included making
he boulevard a major gateway to the City, providing a frame-
ork to existing land use regulations to insure proper develop-
ent, improving and integrating circulation systems, having
fficient and adequate utility systems, and providing a brief
iscussion of concept solutions or alternatives.
s. Leisinger noted three possible approaches to this study:
hort term, long term, or a combination of both short and
ong term (which she recommended). She further elaborated
n how this could be done.
r. Skokowski concluded by mentioning some of the firm's most
rmcent projects, including work at Palm Beach International
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Airport, PGA National, and Martin Downs. He noted that his
firm offers a complete scope of services from planning to
design, Mr. Skokowski added that the firm is ready to begin
work immediately with an approach that is visionary, ambitious,
et practical, and he said the work would be done within the
oals, objectives and policies of the City.
Questions and Comments by Commissioners
ommissioner Mann asked about the railroad situation; Mr.
kokowski said the CRA had battled with this issue for a
long time, and he would want direction from the City on how
o deal with it. Commissioner Mann also asked why Ms. Leisinger
aid small commercial property would be easier to deal with.
Ms. Leisinger replied that it would be easier in terms of land
~gss and number of owners; less condemnation and less coor-
dination would be required.
Mice Mayor Marchese asked about increasing the depth for
commercial use, as mentioned by Ms. Leisinger. Ms. Leisinger
~nswered that would be far into the future. Presently, the
focus would be on the west end and the CBD as the two commercial
nchors; what happens in between those two areas during the short
~erm would have to be treated very carefully. Vice Mayor Marchese
wondered what the depth would be in the future; Mr. Skokowski
Estimated a 400-650' commercial depth to create a proper area
~or buildings, parking, landscapin~ and easy access from the road.
Mr. Skokowski said the intent of Ms. Leisinger's original comment
as to reinforce the identity and strength of commercial districts,
nd not to dilute that with small scale and isolated, free-standing
strip developments.
ayor Cassandra inquired about the firm's time schedule, assuming
o unexpected problems arose. Ms. Leisinger responded that there
ould be a series of workshops, with an approximate time of three
o six months, depending on what was done. Mr. Skokowski added
hat the firm could also start work immediately.
ommissioner Hester asked, if there was commercial development
n either end of the boulevard, what would happen in between.
s. Leisinger said the current trend is for new commercial
rom 1-95 westward. She said west of 1-95 might be more
uburban and less detailed than the area east of 1-95, where
ore character and quality might be desired. Mr. Skokowski
dded that the area east of 1-95 was definitely where the
ransitional land uses existed. He said what was done in
his area was very important, as it would make a statement
about the City of Boynton Beach, and he promised to look at
all the different possibilities for that area.
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City Manager Cheney asked what the firm had in mind regarding
economic studies. Mr. Skokowski did not feel the initial
irban design plan would significantly affect the intensity of
ommercial and business uses, where market analysis would be
ppropriate. He said the most critical market analysis would
e concerning office and retail space. Mr. Skokows~i felt
that, at this stage, there would be a redistribution of land
uses and a redefinition of the quality and character of the
~rea, rather than issues that would affect questions of economic
iability. He noted that, if the need for an economic evaluation
ecame apparent, the firm would address the matter at that time.
ity Manager Cheney said the firm's suggestion that the road
~e widened to six lanes was the first time he had ever considered
hat possibility. He noted, if the road was widened, the narrow
ommercial strips might be eliminated; there might then be a
,oulevard to be landscaped as opposed to a commercial strip.
they were welcome to have representatives
ity Manager Cheney advised that the City Commission would
hoose a firm at the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting
n Tuesday, June 16, 1987. Mayor Cassandra added it was not
ecessary that anyone from either of the firms be present, but
attend if they wished.
Status of the CRA - Verbatim Transcript
The first addition is the CRA discussion. Before
we start on this, I would like to ask the Commission
that we do this one time around period, instead of
going back and forth, or we'll be here all night
arguing opinions. All right, Commissioner Mann
has brought this up for discussion. I started on
that end, and let me start on this end. Anything
you want to say?
I don't quite understand, I mean, there's been no
action taken by anybody. I don't understand--the
status of the CRA being related to what? Comments
that have been made, accusations that have been
Cassandra: That's an excellent point.
That's my point about it. There's been nothing,
the Commission hasn't done anything in relation
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JUNE 11, 1987
l assandra:
to this particular (inaudible), and I don't see,
you know, we can discuss it, but I still don't
Let me go the other way. That's a very excellent
point, Commissioner. Mr. Mann, you have raised
the question, so maybe we should start with you
in this particular case. What do you wish us to
discuss here? Is there something you want us to
do, some action?
Yes. May I ask Mr. Rea one question?
You may ask him 20 questions.
In the sense of the special meeting, is it O.K.
to make a motion?
Yes, if it's put to the agenda.
It's on the agenda.
It's on the agenda.
If it's on the agenda, it's on the agenda; so
you can do whatever you choose on an agenda
O.K., thank you. I want to just make one little
statement, and maybe it will help kick things off.
On May the 21st, 22 days ago, 22 days ago, I asked
the CRA Chief to tell me what we have to show for
the $400,000 or such in funds, and more importantly,
the five years of time. I never meant to impune
him about it; I never suggested that anything was
wrong; I was just asking a simple question. To
this date, they have not responded to the question.
They called my simple request for information
"slurs"; that's hardly a slur. The resignation of
Mr. Thompson was greeted with an editorial in the
Palm Beach Post saying, quote, "Thompson was cleared
of any potential ethics code violation, but a high
code of conduct and good judgment should be demanded
of City officials and Board members. Boynton is
better off with Thompson's departure." Unquote.
The resignation of Mr. DeMik brought statements
about half-truths, and Mr. Thompson stated that my
criticism of the Agency was uncalled for and
undeserved. Again, I say, "What criticism?" I
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JUNE 11, 1987
was simply asking a very simple question. A
financial report was presented to us recently that
said the Agency had spent $289,000, but had received
$418,000 over the past five years. I'd like an
explanation of what was done with the so-called
unspent $129,000, if in fact those figures work
out to be true. Mr. Mucciolo said these
discussions should not have sparked a chain
reaction of resignations; I agree. It only clouds
the issue, when I'm asking for simple information.
And, finally, Mr. Thompson, who on June 4 said "I
have nothing to do with the Agency now", managed
to attend a previously unscheduled meeting on the
9th where the CRA voted to change the Executive
Director's contract to remove a severance clause
and cause other implications. This insensitive
act of thumbing their collective noses at the
City Commission and the citizens of this City,
flaunting their independent authority, teaches
me a good lesson. We must never allow Boards
to spend tax money without that Board being
accountable to taxpayers. These defiant actions
taken by this group are actions that will be
remembered. If that's how they wish to be
remembered, that's fine. I'd been planning to
ask the remaining members, Mr. Scheiner and Mr.
Mucciolo and Mr. Martin, to help us on other
municipal Boards, but I am afraid that their
behavior last Tuesday precludes this, from my
point of view. I've studied this Agency, it's
records, it's expenditures, it's hiring practices,
it's effectiveness. I've toured the City for
hours with the Executive Director, and I resent
the inferences that I don't understand Mr. Thompson
and his group. And not only do I understand him,
but there's a very good lesson to be learned from
this, that's called "Mann's Second Law", and that
is that nothing is ever a total loss, because it
can always serve as a poor example. So I don't
want you to think everything is lost. Finally,
I'd like to quote from a June 7 Palm Beach Post
editorial, which also states, quote, "The time
has come to thank the Board for its work, disband
it, and transfer its powers and title to the City
Commission. Taxpayers will sleep better once they
know that millions of tax dollars that could
eventually come CRA's way will be overseen by
elected officials." Unquote. Under the set of
circumstances, I would like to make three motions.
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JUNE 11, 19'87
You can make one motion at a time. Let me back-
track. Let me hear the motions. Maybe they can
be all in one motion, and we can ask the attorney
if that could be. Mr. Rea, he has three motions
he wants to make. The question is, should he make
them individually, or not knowing what the context
is, is it possible to be one motion. Can he say
what they are?
Yes. We could hear the motions and see if
(inaudible) rather a matter of preference. He
could either do them individually or state all
three and see if they could be combined as one.
?~atever you want to do, Commissioner Mann.
Ail right. The first motion is, I'd like to move
that the City Commission take over all of the
duties of the CRA as it exists today. The second
motion I have to make is, I move that the P&Z
Board, Planning and Zoning Board of our City,
take over all of the functions of the Downtown
Review Board, and that the City Planner become
the Director of the CIA. And, finally, I move--
Not the CIA, the CRA.
The CRA. And, lastly, I'd like to move that we
direct the City Attorney to draft all of the
appropriate ordinances. I urge this Commission
to consider this very seriously and back me up
in these requests.
Mr. Rea?
He could do them all individually, or he could
do them all as one motion.
I would feel, listening, that they should be
done individually, because involved in indivi-
dual, you know, that should be responded to;
because it's a City Manager's staff person that's
being used here, and therefore, he should have
input to that second motion. So I'd prefer not
to have all three together, but they should be
separate. I would recommend, Commissioner Mann,
that you make your motions individually, only
because of the individual (inaudible).
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JUNE 11, 1987
Happy to do so.
Make your first motion, and then we have what
you can then discuss on it.
I'd like to move that the City Commission take
over all of the duties of the CRA, as it exists
I second it.
I have a motion and a second. Let me read that,
please. The question I have to ask the Attorney--
I don't know if this motion has the intent of what
he wants. It says, "I move that the City Commission
take over all the duties of the CRA, as it exists
today." I'm wondering, since we have a second,
for discussion, if the motion should not read that
the CRA should be abolished and that the City
Commission becomes the Agency. That is the way
the motion should be, I believe. Correct me if
I'm wrong.
Not necessarily. The CRA, you don't abolish the
CRA; you can abolish the CRA and all of the downtown
programs, but that's a separate issue.
As long as it's correct. I have a motion that
moves that the City Commission take over all the
duties of the CRA, as it exists today. Any
discussion? Now I'll start from--
Before I vote on something like this, I would like
to have more information about--certainly, we've
had a concern by Commissioner Mann about the
finances of the CRA, and personally, I think, to
me, the whole thing was blown out of proportion.
Maybe it was done by the press; I don't know.
The whole thing was blown out of proportion. I
think if this information--Commissioner Mann, did
you officially ask for it, or you just mentioned
it at the meeting, right, about the finances, right?
At the meeting we had with the CRA, you just
mentioned it to them at the CRA meeting, right?
That's correct.
Did you--I don't know if you have to, but did you
officially go down to the CRA office and inquire
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JUNE 11, 1987
about the information? I'm just asking questions;
I'm not--you can ask any question you want, but I
need more information; I need to know about the
enabling act, what the act is all about. I read
the brochure, the information, that the City
Manager gave us. I need more study on it, per-
sonally, because I wasn't here at the time, and
it took three or four years, I think, to get
it all together, and I just need to know more
I don't want to go back and forth, but I think
the motion really should be to direct the City
Attorney to prepare an ordinance, all right,
which means go to first reading and you go
to second reading. Am I correct? The action
tonight is not immediately effective, but as
(inaudible) abolish the CRA. Is that correct?
To comply with that motion as stated, you would
be required to draft an ordinance and go to the
first and second readings.
I just wanted to make sure of that. The reason
I stopped this, Commissioner Mann, I don't want
to go too fast. Make the statement, and we'll
just continue on and then decide if we want to
go to first reading, which then all that infor-
mation can still be gotten, and second reading,
all that information opens it up to the public,
and get all the information from the public. So
the important thing I'm trying to point out is
that a decision is not made tonight on the CRA.
It must go to first reading and second reading.
That's important, but I just don't want--any
more questions you want to ask?
Go ahead.
The only thing that I have to say about it, about
the motion about abolishing the CRA, I think, now
this is just my personal feeling, as it stands now
with the accounts going on, I think, in the long run,
it might have an affect on what's going to happen
downtown. As far as the money's concerned, I think,
I'm sure it to be accurate. I might be wrong. Any
finances that are spent, the City appoints the Board,
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JUNE 11, 1987
l assandra:
right? So anytime you want to find out how they're
spending the money, I know they're autonomous, we
can always, I'm sure, Check on them on the money
they are spending and what it's being spent for.
It's all public record.
The only thing I'm saying is, I think with this
particular act that came up, we might do a little
more harm than we're going to do good downtown.
That's just my personal opinion.
That's a valued opinion.
Because what they have done, I don't know too
much about it, either, but the money has to be
accounted for, I'm sure of that because of law.
So, if the money's not being spent properly, we
can always look at that. I think it's going to
do more harm than it's going to do good, per-
sonally; that's just my personal feeling.
That's it?
For right now.
One time around. One time around, or we'll be
here all night long arguing back and forth.
Vice Mayor M~rchese?
Well, I had never met with the CRA. The last
meeting they had was in September, and this was
the first meeting they had, and I was a new kid
on the block, and I thought that the question
that was asked by Commissioner Mann was quite in
order. I thought when we left that night, and
I distinctly remember saying "Let's work
together. Let's get this show on the road and
more cooperation." Then came the fury of
resignations, etc. Now, in my opinion, it is
the responsibility, itl is the duty of the
Commissioners to know what the progress is of
any Board and what the! progress is of any
expenditures. ~en you start spending money,
when you can't ask questions, then there's no
need for a City CommisSion. There's no doubt
in my mind that we canl only go in one direction,
and that is to take over the function of the CRA
and run it, make it progress, make it the center-
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JUNE 11, 1987
piece we want it to be. This is the first step.
You've got to have a nice, clean organization.
If people get very touchy, this City's in trouble.
We're not dealing in personalities; we're dealing
with the City of Boynton Beach. As far as I'm
concerned, I feel that, I strongly feel, that we
should take over, and that's that.
Commissioner Zibelli?
I think that one of the remarks that was made
about the Palm Beach Post and what their editorial
or whatever said, I don't believe the Palm Beach
Post talks for the Commission, and that's an
independent opinion, and I believe all editorials
are independent opinions. I would also like to
make mention, and I think that I made my feelings
known at the last Commission meeting in reference
to the CRA, that what I don't think I did bring
out is that Ernst and Whinney, who does our audits
for the City itself, also does work for the CRA,
so nothing is wrong with that whatsoever. I think
that Mr. Mann's"second rule" which calls the CRA
a poor loss, I think that they have done a very
excellent job. I think they should remain
autonomous, and I hope Mr. Mann will be able to
make all the extra meetings that the Commission
will have to do in order to be the CRA. This has
been coming a long time. I've seen it coming a
long time, where there's always wanted to be a
takeover of the CRA; and I was wondering exactly
when it would happen; and I feel it's a great
disappointment. Thank you.
Thank you, Commissioner Zibelli. No response.
No, no, no. I just want to clear up one point.
It never was~a question of the money or the
spending of the money. The question was, "What
are the results? What do we have to show for
the expenditures?" That was the question, and
I've been unable to get the answer. I've spent
a lot of time with the Agency, and I think it's
time to take over and move it along better. I
just don't have another five years to give it.
Z~belll: ( Inaudible. )
Commissioner Zibelli, no one commented, please.
I think probably I'm the only one on this
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JUNE 11, 1987
Commission that's been with the CRA for 4~ years.
I've been in the trenches with them--the pros and
the cons, the rights and the wrongs, the gives and
the takes. And there's no one on this Commission
who's been there as I have. The question here is
not finances. The question here is should the CRA
concept still be maintained, and that's the only
question that should be addressed. The City cuts
the checks, so we have an exact count of all the
pennies. I have two points for the Commission's
edification, and I'm glad to see that former Mayor,
Vice Mayor, Commissioner Zimmerman is here, because
he was in the trenches with me for the four years
of the CRA's bringing. I think what's happened
here is that the CRA Agency is not seeing the
overall picture anymore, and the way of saying
that is "because of the tree, you don't see the
forest." Let me bring that to point to you,
please, only for edification. They went through
a concept designed and requested, and through the
trench fighting, the three goals that they were
aiming for at the beginning portion were cove,
bridge, and marina. As a matter of fact, it was
bridge, cove, marina, in priority; and in the
trench fighting, when they were challenged "What
would you do if the bridge is not approved? What
would you do if the cove is not approved?" What
would you do if the marina concept is not approved?",
that's when Hank Thompson gave his first resignation
and then withdrew it, and that's when Councilman
Wright was on the Commission at that time. Our
concern of the Commission of old was "Is there a
Plan B?" That was at the workshop, and at the
Plan B concept, I was "poo-pooed". As far as
they were concerned, they were going bridge, cove,
and marina, hell and high water. They hired a
consultant, which is proper, and there should be
no question about that expenditure; that was proper.
That consultant's first report said, "Drop the cove.
You can't do it." They pressured the cove, that
that consultant change that report. When they went
up to Tallahassee to DER, they were told, "Forget
it." The cove idea died. The b~idge is at the
Supreme Court with DOT. The marina concept is not
the original concept. The original concept was
boutiques. What we got was a mixed usage, which
was businesses and retail stores on the bottom,
which I voted in favor of, because the concept of
developing the land is what we're talking about
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JUNE 11, 1987
here. Pineland Villas, Pineland and Bud's Chicken
were not of their doing. The City put a moratorium
because we were concerned if anyone built while
they were in their concept plan approval, they
might build something that was not to their design.
So they had nothing to do with that. If you look
back, they have not accomplished what they aimed
to do, and the end result--they're shot-gunning.
Look what they're doing. They went to the medium
deVelopment that started a year and a half ago.
They got a master landscape planner--proper also.
There should be no question about that expenditure.
But nothing has been done. Sam Scheiner, Vice
Chairman, has quoted,"Let's do something, so the
people can see something has been done." They
have argued on size of trunks of trees in that
median; the end result, they had to go from a
slope to a--what's the proper language?
Non-mountable curb.
Non-mountable curb. From an expenditure of $30,000
to $40,000 originally proposed to $130,000 to date.
The numbers are not--and forgive me for the exact
numbers; I don't have those figures in front of me.
That has not been accomplished. They wanted to do
that Casa Loma, where the City owns that little--
that fizzled out. Now they're in the parking, and
that should be done, and that should be proper.
They're working on C.A..R.L., which is the mangroves,
and that's proper, but nothing to date has been
done; and they don't realize that; and they've backed
away; and they don't see what's happening. Second,
we had many workshops before the September one, and
they were heavy workshops. When we called this last
workshop meeting, I said, "Please do not wear your
sensitive skins, because things are said, only on
criticism and desire to know." Well, obviously,
everybody came in with sensitive skins that night,
because it hit. I think some people were going to
resign, regardless, because of their own personal
work loads, and that would have happened anyway.
But I must bring to point, and you can verify in
the minutes, one of the workshop sessions, when
they finally became a proper agency, and correct
me Mr. Cheney, the first CRA was improperly formed;
then the second one came, and that's the one we're
talking about with Hank Thompson. The first one
was improperly formed; we did another one which is
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the present one. I think that all five members are
still the original five members, or very close to
it. But we sat down to see what powers they should
have, we again had an in trench fight, because they
wanted eminent domain powers; they wanted a lot of
City Commission powers, which they were not,
and they were denied, and it went back and give
and take, and we came to agreement. At that
meeting, check the minutes, my concern was we
cannot have two Commissions running this City.
That was my~ concern then, and three and a half
years later, that concern came back to bite
this Commission in the proverbial "poo-poo" area.
But the problem here is can they do what they want
with taxpayers' money, and that's what happened
Tuesday. I think that's the problem. I think
downtown must be developed, and it must be
maintained. This Commission must bring this thing
back to the fold. Three years down the road, and
correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. Rea, we could always
redevelop the CRA Agency with five or six people.
Whatever it is, we can give it back to somebody.
You can give it back.
O.K., but I think that we've got to get priorities
and jobs done, and I think this Commission could
do it. I think this Commission could say, "Hey,
let's attack the median problem." There is no
discontinuity. Mr. Cheney's been involved with
the parking consultant's study. Am I correct,
Mr. Cheney?
The only question here is CARL, and the CARL
information is there. There is no question of
discontinuity there. The question is, let's get
the act back to where it was originally. I think
that's very important here, because this Commission
and Commissions to follow must make policy and must
account for taxpayers' money, and that's the two
bottom issues here. Not should we abolish the CRA
concept, and I agree with you, Commissioner
Hester, the downtown must be developed. Water's
Edge, or whatever the name is going to be, is not
affected by this decision that you make. There
is nothing in house in deVelopment that will be
affected, other than the possibility of CARL, or
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the mangrove project. Ail right? That's the only
possible, and we don't even know if we got that.
We still have to fill out an application, and we
have to ask ~for a special hearing. Is that correct?
In the proper time sequence.
If we get the application in by August 1--
Then we're in proper time sequence, so there's no
problem that that can't be done yet. So I
don't think that the questions immaterially at
that time were wrong. I had all the answers,
because I go ask the City Manager for the reports
of the expenditures of all departments, not just
CRA. I ask about the Building Department, how
many people they have, why the delay, like we
said with the CRA, so there is no problem on my
part because I know the answers of what they spent.
I think the bookkeeping that has been done is
poorly, but that person is not an accounting type
person, and you can understand that, her not being
an accountant. But we have lost track of where
we are going; the guidelines have disappeared, and
I think we should come back to the fold. Now I
have a motion on the floor saying to direct the
City Attorney to write the first reading. Is that
the correct way? That's what's going to happen,
right? The motion will force you to make first
So that you know what you're voting, you have to
go to first reading and then to second reading,
and second reading is when you get the public
input. Can we have a roll call vote please?
Commissioner Hester?
What is the motion again?
The motion is to move that the City Commission
take over all of the duties of the CRA, as it
exists today, understanding the procedure is to
go to first reading and then to second reading.
Do you want that in the motion? Do we have to
say that in the motion just to make sure every-
one understands?
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Well, it would have to be accomplished by ordi-
nance, so the motion would require adoption of
an ordinance, so it would mean then--
So you would go to first reading and second
reading. O.K.
Since there's going to be discussion, I'll vote
aye, since there's going to be discussion.
Commissioner Mann?
Commissioner Zibell?
Mayor Cassandra?
Vice Mayor Marchese?
Vote 4-1.
Second motion. Do we need a second motion
tonight, or can that motion be made during the
first and second reading?
If we're going to have the ordinance coming up,
personally, why do we need, we have the motion
to (inaudible), why can't we just wait to see
what's going to happen after the ordinance is
approved or disapproved? That's just a question.
I mean, why do we have to do everything, you know--
If I may interject, it would be from a drafting
point of view and, probably, from an organizational
and structural point of view. That's for the
Commission to address those two issues simulta-
neously, because the Downtown Review Board is,
if I understand it, is the equivalent of the
Planning and Zoning Board. I think, from a legal
point of view and public policy point of view, that
those two issues are somewhat interrelated. If I
am going to draft an ordinance which names this
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Commission as the CRA, this Commission would
probably want to also address, at that same time--
Could we write this one up, because this has an
"A" and "B" in here, once I look at it. It says,
"I move that the P&Z Board take over all the r .
functions of the DRB", and then he names a person
to become the Executive Director. I think that
second portion could be held off. Go with the
DRB. He has "and the City Planner become"; I
think that portion can be held off and at the
discussion period at a later date be addressed.
Sure, you could do it that way.
of preference.
It's a matter
I think because, obviously looking, I don't think
the City Manager knew what Commissioner Mann was
going to say, and I think he should have time to
think that, so--(TAPE CHANGE)--Is that a question?
No, just a statement. I think it's important
that the City Manager (he realizes it, but for
the record), that he's got to start looking around
for someone to be a Director.
That's assuming that you're going to get rid of
the Executive Director. I don't know if that
assumption should be made right now. I think
right now what you should do is get the DRB,
because you have to go to first and second
reading yet, for that function to occur.
The DRB was set up separate from the ordinance
that set up CRA. I would perceive those to be
two different issues. You can proceed with
what you want to do in the CRA independently of
whether or not you want to do something to the
DRB. They're really two separate ordinances.
If you do away with the DRB, we have to address,
I think, if I remember the ordinance, there are
some things in the ordinance for the DRB that
specifically relate to downtown. We'd have to
decide how we're going to break those things up
for the Planning and Zoning Board and the Community
Appearance Board. So all I'm saying is, I think,
Ray, you can do the CRA ordinance independent of
the DRB ordinance. They may still want to vote
on it tonight.
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If I recall, I'm trying to put my thinking cap
on, the DRB was made up to bypass the Community
Appearance and the Planning and Zoning Boards,
in the sense that we took a person from the
Community Appearance Board and put them on the
DRB and someone from Planning and Zoning Board.
I'd like to just add that, I don't want to get
into CRA again, but let me just add a comment
here about the DRB, as far as the Planning and
Zoning Board. The way it has worked is the DRB,
in carrying out its responsibilities, gets very
much and in great detail involved in plan review
down to individual signs, individual wording,
individual colors and shingles on the building,
and all kinds of things. That's a very precise,
direct involvement in downtown. Traditionally,
the Planning and Zoning Board, because of its
schedule and its more general involvement, doesn't
get into those details. I think, if you give up
the DRB, you are saying you are going to give up
some of that precise attention to the downtown
area. The DRB does what no one else does. I
think that's a part of what you have to think
about, if you decide to go with--
I have a feeling the same as the City Manager
that the DRB portion should be withheld at this
particular point, until we look at what our
ordinances say. I would suggest the two of them
do interrelate in many ways, even though they are
two different ordinances, because the present
make up of the Downtown Review Board includes
members of the Community Appearance Board and
includes members of the Planning and Zoning Board
and includes members of the Community Appearance
Board--did I say that?
Community Appearance Board, Planning and Zoning
Board, and other people.
If, again, it's a matter of style. If this
Commission does decide that they are going to
become the CRA, then they have to also ultimately
address the issue as to whether or not a number
of their members are going to become members
of the Downtown Review Board.
Let me throw a question up, because I don't think
not acting on DRB tonight would be a problem,
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because it can always be acted on at another
period of time. I think the question such as
"What special duties do the DRB do now that the
Planning and Zoning Board doesn't do?" If there
is such a duty, then we have the problem of
rewriting what the (if we go in the direction of
the DRB being abolished), we have to rewrite the
Planning and Zoning responsibilities, so they
become the "itty-gritty" that the DRB was, if that's
the direction we want to go. Then we have to tell
the Community Appearance Board that they have to
get more "itty-gritty" in what they do, as far as
the landscaping and color scheme, and shingles--
up to the colors of shingles--so I think to jump
in now without properly evaluating the duties of
both, if there is a difference, might hurt both
boards, as well as the City. I don't think
waiting one more week or two more weeks would be
a strong problem. If there are no differences,
then there are no problems. If there are dif-
ferences, then they have to be written. Do we
have to go to ordinances to rewrite the Planning
and Zoning responsibilities?
The Downtown Review Board is created like that,
created by ordinance. So if you want to either
change the structure or change the duties you
have to do it by ordinance, as well.
(Inaudible) the DRB (inaudible) is by ordinance,
right? So that is altogether separate from
CRA? Now, the way I understand it, the DRB, the
people that are on that Board right now, appointed
by the Planning and Zoning Board and the other
Board, plus other members, right? What I'm seeing
here is that here is a Board that has functioned--
I don't know whether they have problems or not--
they function at their duties that have already
been established. Why try to get rid of that Board,
when the members of that BOard are mainly from the
City staff, and although I know it's separate (from
when I said separate, altogether separate), but the
members on the Board, most of them, are appointed
from these two Boards.
I think it's two of them, isn't it, and one
Maybe I'm wrong, but this Commission wants to
take over the CRA, right, the function of the
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CRA? What's wrong with letting the DRB do their
function instead of placing more responsibility--
you've got control of the purse string now when
you take over the CRA, right? What's the purpose
of, say, getting rid of the DRB, when you're going
to have some other people doing the same thing
anyway? In the end, they're all--
I don't know. I raised the question, "What are
the different responsibilities?", and that should
be addressed. If you do have duplication of duties,
exactly the same, then we have duplication and that
would be one reason. If they are different, then
that would have to be investigated; I agree with
The DRB's going to have more--they look at the
color, the signage. You're going to put this
on the Planning and Zoning Board, and they'll
say you're going to have to do this thing all
over for the Planning and Zoning Board for them
to have those duties now that the DRB has.
Vice Mayor Marchese?
Well, what you're really saying is that, and
rightfully so, you're going to look at what the
DRB is doing, but if you look and you find that
we have duplication of effort, then it's not a
good straightline organization.
That statement is true.
Then all you've got is a bureaucracy, and we
ought to streamline this thing once and for all.
Again, not dealing in personalities, but what's
best for the City to get this job done. We've
got the Planning and Zoning Board knee-deep in
it now; you've got Community Appearance knee-deep
in it now. Investigate it, but I want you to know
that my feelings are that it should be a stream-
lined organization with no duplication of efforts.
There's no disagreement. I don't disagree with
Commissioner Hester. I don't disagree with you.
I'm saying I don't know it there are duplications.
I'm saying that should be investigated.
I have no problem with that.
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How can I vote on something and say "Get rid of
DRB" and find out the Planning and Zoning Board
is not covering the same duties. I'm saying
that portion should be investigated.
That's all I'm saying. Then if, upon investigation,
there are duplications, then I know it's duplication.
I don't know it there are duplications, and I don't
want to get the staff involved in this, because it's
strictly a policy decision; but I'll get the City
Manager involved. I'll leave those people out, but
put the City Manager--Are there duplications? Should
the Planning and Zoning Board be doing the same thing
that the DRB is doing for the City?
At the moment, there is no duplication, because at
the moment things that go to the DRB do not go to
the Community Appearance Board or the Planning and
Zoning Board. The protection, according to the
coordination of planning policy is that there is
a member of the Planning and Zoning Board on the
Downtown Review Board, and there is a member of
the CAB on the Downtown Review Board. Theoretically,
that keeps the Downtown Review Board following the
general policy of those two bodies. There is no
member of the CRA on the Downtown Review Board, but
they appoint members (inaudible). So at the moment,
there is no duplication. My only suggestion is
there is a difference in intensity of review, depth
of review. There is the argument of whether or
not you want to keep that depth of review as you
My question to you, Mr. Cheney, is should that be
also on the Planning and Zoning Board?
It's getting more that way with your review of
architectural plans, although I'm not sure it
would ever get that depth on the Planning and
Zoning Board. Although what we're doing with
Boynton Beach Boulevard urban plans, we're setting
up a second area where we are more precisely
concerned with Boynton Beach Boulevard, somewhat
similar to the CBD.
Mr. Cheney, when are you leaving?
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I leave Sunday morning.
Sunday. It seems to me that--tomorrow's Friday--
it's a little too late--that I would like to have
on paper the differences between the DRB and the
Planning and Zoning. This Commission should have
in hand on the 16th, which is the Commission meeting,
the marked differences, at which time this Commission
can decide to abolish the DRB and rechange the
organizational structure of the City action. At
this present moment, I don't know if there are
duplications or not. Now if there are duplications,
I'll tell you now that we have just too many Boards
doing the same thing; but if there aren't any
duplications, then there's no reason, as Commissioner
Hester points out, to abolish--
We can have you the report; that's no problem.
Commissioner Zibelli?
Yes. I have a problem with it only for the reason
Which? Give me a topic sentence.
The DRB--because I think their focus is on the
downtown. Their direct focus is on downtown.
Their only focus.
Their only focus, and by doing away with the DRB,
we have a tendency to forget. I mean, that downtown
area's been in bad shape for one heck of a long time;
and it seems like nothing, you know, now that they're
reviewing everything, I think your focus (that's
my own opinion), that the focus would not be there
when you have that specialized, you know, just that
specialization for one part.
I think, then, the request to see what the difference
of the two is a proper request, and I would like
the motion maker who wanted to make a motion to hold
off that motion until you have that information in
front of your hand, and if you still feel the same
way, then make the motion on the 16th. Now, let
me ask a question of the Commission--not to put it
on the agenda, obviously, the DRB, but would it be
proper to direct the Attorney to review the writing
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of an ordinance in case it does go that way? Not
to put on the agenda for the 16th, so he could get
the time and leg work (inaudible)--to do the leg
work of writing, but not to put on the agenda.
We'll put the CRA item on the agenda for first
reading. Ray will have the other one in his back
pocket, in case you want to use it; you can add
it to the agenda. Is that what you're saying?
That's only if the Commissioners agree.
Yes, I said if you add it. He'll have it; if you
don't put it on, he won't put it on.
Because by that time, you'll have the information
in hand about either there are differences or
there are not differences. If there are differences,
then it doesn't go on the agenda. If there are no
differences, then the City should reorganize
duplication of Boards. What's the consensus?
May I?
O.K. I don't want you to think I proposed this
motion lightly. I discussed this motion with Mr.
Cheney at one time, and I know he feels that the
Downtown Review Board should be retained, because
it has a depth of intensity not currently on the
P&Z--his opinion. I've discussed the matter with
Planning and Zoning. (Inaudible.) I asked them
what they thought, so that I could know more about
it, and I think you might be interested to hear
what they have to say. I don't wish to speak for
them, but they have no problem with that. I'll
tell you that. You can ask Carmen what you wish,
but if it is the will of this group to ~L hold
this off three or four days, I don't have any
great pressure. I'm sure you won't (inaudible),
but I don't want to push it on; but I don't want
you to think, in any way, that this ~s a~ightly_made
motion, because I believe it's an extra layer of
bureaucracy not needed.
What's the feeling of the--
Let him prepare the paperwork, keep it in his
back pocket. You never get a job done where
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JUNE 11, 1987
you have six or seven bosses. There's got to
be somebody in charge, and it's up to him or
her to focus on the needs of the downtown. It's
that simple. You can skirt around this thing all
night. I don't ever want to be in a position
again where people call up and just about cuss
you out for asking a basic, simple question.
The City comes before personalities.
I will entertain a motion, Commissioner Mann,
to direct the Attorney to prepare an ordinance
in the abolishment of the DRB and not to direct
the City Manager to put it on the agenda.
I'll accept that.
You need to make a motion.
I move that we direct the City Attorney to draft
an appropriate ordinance in case the Commission
decides to place the Downtown Review Board with
the Planning and Zoning Board, but to not agenda
it until further discussion takes place.
I have a motion. I need a second.
So move.
I have motion and a second to direct the City
Attorney to prepare the appropriate ordinance
to abolish the DRB, but not to be acted upon
until the Commission decides.
Well, I need to change it. It's not to abolish
the DRB. You cannot abolish CRA or DRB; that's
a law, but we can take over its functions.
No, no ~ no.
You're abolishing the DRB by
No, I think what the intent of this ordinance
is is to simply, from a structural point of view,
to turn the membership of DRB into the membership
of the Planning and Zoning Board. If I understand--
You can't do that totally, Ray, because one member
of the DRB is a member of the CAB, and you can't--
No, I think what I'm understanding is that his
intent is that what you simply do is, you get
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the number of bodies that are on the Downtown
Review Board, and one from this organization,
one from this organization, and change it so
that the Planning and Zoning Board replaces and
acts as, like wears two hats.
Let me cut across you, please. As the Chair, I
obviously did not read the motion correctly as
intended, so the motion that I read is not the
motion of the motion maker, so it's not on the
table. I'm to a point where I find that I think
there should be no motion on the DRB until the
16th. I think it's got to be written properly,
so we know exactly what we're doing. I will not
put this City into a mishmash type of ordinance
where we don't know what we're doing. So I will
not go with the DRB motion tonight, but I will
address the motion on the 16th, because I'm
finding I don't know what we're going to do about
this DRB. So I'm not in favor of the DRB until
it is distinctly spelled out properly, as far as
organizational charts. Let's not be slip-shod
about one type of organization, and then the
Commission's doing the same thing. Do what you
Mr. Mayor, the direction was for the City Attorney
to make that study.
We told him to write the ordinance.
Well, isn't that a study to see what can be done?
Well, I do not feel it is the same. I could
direct the City Attorney to make a study on--I
really should direct the City Manager, not the
City Attorney, the City Manager--to study the
organizational chart of the Planning and Zoning
Board as the agency to review all of the City
development. That (inaudible) through staff.
Once they come back, then he writes an ordinance.
He does not, with due respect for our City Attorney,
he does not write the policy that we want. We tell
him what we want through our advisors. I have the
highest respect for Mr. Rea, but he is not a
Commissioner. Let's the keep the power in the
proper setting. Now if you want to know what kind
of ordinance it should be, if you want the DRB
duties to be taken over by the P&Z, I think that's
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what your motion is, then we have to find out what
the duties of the DRB are down to the detail of
responsibility and tell the Planning and Zoning
Board they have that responsibility, if that's
the direction you are going. I think we have got
to know that. You just can't say get rid of them.
A report like that, as I've interpreted your
discussion so far, is that you want a report
like that--
I definitely want it before the 16th.
And you will have it. It will probably be--
Before the 16th.
--It will be in the agenda, but it won't be a
part of the agenda.
That's right, not part of the agenda.
Mr. Mayor--
First of all, before you run away, I had, I
thought you had a motion and a second on the
floor. Since I did not read the motion properly,
then there is not a motion in front of this body.
Second removed?
First removed?
Motion removed.
There is no motion on the table.
more items.
We have three
Mr. Mayor, on the CRA business, could I make a
request? I assume that the item of the CRA will
simply be first reading of the ordinance on the
16th and no discussion.
By the audience. No public discussion, unless
there is more information (inaudible).
- 30 -
JUNE 11, 1987
I would like to have the opportunity, if you are
going to pass the ordinance, to be involved in
the issue of staffing an operation and so forth.
Of the CRA?
Yes. I will hold those comments until July 7,
if you don't want them until then, but if you
want them--
My feeling is the motion was five commissioners,
Mr. Cheney. I don't know if you're reading
anything else in the mOtion.
No. I just said--
Why are we staffing the Commission? Is there
something I've missed?
If you are going to change the CRA--
To more than five?
I'm not talking about membership. I'm talking
about how we provide staff services.
Oh, oh.
And if you are not going to discuss that on
Tuesday, I won't bother now.
Well, if you have a concern now, if you have a
concern that you have rather quickly or would
rather think it over--
No, when you get to that point, since I won't be
here the 16th, that's all.
Do you have something we should be made aware of
right away?
That's only the first reading, right?
That's only the first reading.
That's all. I'll wait. I have some feelings
about it I'd like to be involved with when you
- 31 -
JUNE 11, 1987
get to that point in the second reading. That's
You're leaving Sunday? And you come back?
The second of July.
· Proposed Change of Budget Workshop Date
ity Manager Cheney suggested, due to Mayor Cassandra's new
ork schedule, that the Budget Workshop sessions be changed
rom July 22-24 to July 27-29 (Monday-Wednesday). He noted
hat July 28 was the same date that one of the PZB hearings
ould be held, but the issues discussed at that meeting would
11 come back to the City Commission at a later date anyway.
ity Manager Cheney advised Commissioner Zibelli that the
Budget Workshop meetings would be held at 7:30 P.M.
Discussion of Meeting Date for Citizen Input
on the Multi-Purpose Recreation Building
City Manager Cheney stated that a contract was being negotiated
w~th the architect for the Multi-Purpose Recreation Building.
H~ thought there should be a public meeting for the purpose of
agquiring citizens' input into the activities that t~ke place
at this building. City Manager Cheney proposed that discussion
n9t be opened up to the location question, since studies about
that would not be available at that time. He realized that
sDme of the suggestions might not be feasible, but at least
tae citizens would have a chance to voice their opinions.
City Manager Cheney further stated that, in order to select
a building, they must have an idea of the shape and size of
t~e building, as well as what activities will go on in the
ity Manager Cheney suggested that the meeting be held on
Dnday, August 3, 1987 at 7:30 P.M.
C~mmissioner Zibelli asked which multi-purpose building was
b~ing discussed. City Manager Cheney replied that it was the
b~ilding for which an architect had been chosen· He added
t~at he was not referring to the 19th Street facility. City
M~nager Cheney stated that facility would be discussed, but
they started on the other one first since it was larger. He
n~ted they could not all be done at once·
!i~s~isi~!!! ~i!i~asked cOmmissiOner zibelli if she wanted
c the facility on 19th Street now.
i said she just wanted clarification on
- 32 -
JUNE 11, 1987
which building was the "multi-purpose recreational building",
and she asked what the other building was called. City
Manager Cheney replied the other building was currently called
the ',20-acre site". City Manager Cheney said it depended on
certain factors as to which one would be completed first.
ity Manager Cheney thought Commissioner Zibelli believed him
o be delaying the 20-acre site. However, he noted, he has
stated the 20-acre site is the moSt important; but the larger
building was started first for monetary reasons, as suggested
by the Commission. City ~nager Cheney wished to be advised
if he had misinterprete~ the wishes of the Commission.
ayor Cassandra asked if, once the preliminary contract was
ompleted, the 20-acre site could concurrently be addressed.
ity Manager Cheney said that could be done, but he asked
he Commissioners it would be done at the same time the City
s attacking Boynton Beach Boulevard and the review of the Code
nd Ordinances. City Manager Cheney said the City Commission
ould have to so direct him. Commissioner Mann wished to begin
he 20-acre site as soon as possible.
ayor Cassandra suggested that the question be addressed
hen City Manager Cheney returned from his vacation. City
anager Cheney suggested that issue be put on the July 7
ity Commission agenda for discussion. City Attorney Rea
dvised that the City would have to open up to bids again
or this project, even if they were pleased with their current
City Manager Cheney said they could work on choosing consultants
consultants on working on site
fs~r thebuilding He said it would
lection of the multi-purpose .
involve extra meetings, and he noted there are staff limitations.
D. Real Estate Tax Report and its Impact
City Manager Cheney said currently real estate taxes (the tax
ro~ls- are prepared by the tax appraiser) are due no later than
July 1. Everyone then has 90 days to adopt budgets. In the
past year, the tax assessor~ and tax collector have been criticized
b~cause the tax bills have not gotten out. This year, because
of the criticism, the tax~ass~Ss~may put the tax ~oi1 out
earlier (June 17 or 19) and start the 90 day process then, if
all of the taxing jurisdictions agree.
City Manager Cheney said he was going to protest this change,
unless instructed differently by the City Commission, because
the City has planned their schedule around the July 1 through
- 33 -
JUNE 1i, 1987
September schedule. City Manager Cheney said the City has
never criticized the tax ass~essor either The Commissioners
agreed with City Manager Cheney.
E. Other
City Manager Cheney reported they are telling people that
want to build on Boynton Beach Boulevard during the moratorium
that they can bring in a building permit application and go
through the appeals process in the ordinance. The application
ill be reviewed and taken to the Planning and Zoning Board.
ity Manager Cheney would then make a final recommendation to
he City Commission. He said people are told if they plan to
ake major exterior changes to their buildings, those probably
ould not be recommended for approval; if the changes were
inor interior changes, they probably would be recommended.
There being no further business to come before the City
Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
A :TEST: ~ ~
City Clerk
Recording Secre~tary
(Three Tapes)
ommi .~s loner
- 34 -
Requested Information: DATE
VERBATIM MINUTES EXCERPT (Subject to an hourly charge
per Recording Secretary wage)
Request submitted by:
Date completed
June 11, 1987
7:30 P.M.
A. Call to Order - Mayor Nick Cassandra
B. Agenda Approval:
1.- Additions, Deletions, Corrections
2. Adoption
C. Announcements:
~,/A~. Urban Design Studio
~,/B~. Wallace, Roberts & Todd
'CITY of
200 N. Seacrest Blvd.
Post Office Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL
(305) 734-8111
28 May 1987
Mr. Hank Skokowski, President
Urban Design Studios
2000 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard
Suite 600
WeSt Palm Beach, FL 33409
Dear Mr. Skokowski:
As you know, your firm has been pre-qualified by the City's
iff, to present to the City Commission, your credentials
.ated to the preparation of a study of the Boynton Beach
tlevard corridor, in order to focus in on the issues which the
idy must address, it has been suggested that the following
>ics be fully explored in the proposed study.
It is recommended that the consultant selected by the City
Con~ission commence the study by meeting in a workshop session
wi~.h the Commission to discuss desired options for the
de%'e!opment of Boynton Beach Boulevard. These desired options
will form the basis for the analysis. Following the analysis,
alternatives which are consistent with desired options will be
presented to the Commission with recommendations. If, as a
result of the analysis, desired options are unattainable,
additional meetings with the Commission are suggested to further
explore policy options.
It is recommended that the selected consultant review all
existing land development regulations which are applicable to the
development of the Boynton Beach Boulevard corridor. In
addition, the planning analysis should include, at a minimum, an
analysis of ownership patterns, an evaluation of impacts of
development on surrounding land uses, and an evaluation of levels
of service necessary to support existing and proposed land uses
including traffic.
It is expected that uses proposed will be consistent with the
ability of the Boynton Beach market area to ued
economic stability. To support suggested al , it may be
necessary to test selected alternatives for rates of absorption
for appropriateness of use.
Boynton Beach Boulevard, owing to its location in the County and
its importance as a major east-west arterial should reflect a
unique and desirable image which compliments the City of Boynton
Beach. In this regard, design guidelines which insure that
Boynton Beach Boulevard develops as an aesthetically pleasing and
functional arterial should be provided.
If, as a result of the analysis, or based on the selected
consultant's experience, additional issues need to be addressed,
these matters should be brought to the attention of the City
Commission, as it is not intended that the topics discussed above
limit the activities of the selected consultant.
Yours very truly,'
Carmen S. Annunziato, AICP
Planning Director
City Commission
City Manager
200 N. Seacrest Blvd.
Pos~ Office Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL
(305) 734'8111
28 May 1987
Mr. John Fernsier
Wallace Roberts & Todd
191 Giralda Avenue, Penthouse
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Dear Mr. Fernster:
As you know, your firm has been pre-qualified by the City's
Staff, to present to the City Commission, your credentials
re~ated to the preparation of a study of the Boynton Beach
BoUlevard corridor: In order to focus in on the issues which the
study must address, it has been suggested that the following
topics be fully explored in the proposed study.
It is reconunended that the consultant selected by the City
Commission commence the study by meeting in a workshop session
with the Commission to discuss desired options for the
development of Boynton Beach Boulevard. These desired options
will form the basis for the analysis. Following the analysis,
alternatives which are consistent with desired options will be
presented to the Commission with recommendations. If, as a
result of the analysis, desired options are unattainable,
additional meetings with the Commission are suggested to further
explore policy options. -
It is recommended that the selected consultant review all
existing land development regulations which are applicable to the
development of the Boynton Beach Boulevard corridor. In
addition, the planning analysis should include, at a minimum, an
analysis of ownership patterns, an evaluation of impacts of
development on surrounding land uses, and an ~valuation of levels
of service necessary to support existing and proposed land uses
including traffic.
It is expected that uses proposed will be consistent with the
ability of the Boynton Beach market area to ~ntinued
economic stability- To support suggested ~ it may be
necessary So test selected alternatives for rates of absorption
for appropriateness of use.
Boynton Beach Boulevard, owing to its location in the County and
its importance as a major east-west arterial should reflect a
unique and desirable image which compliments the City of Boynton
Beach. In this regard, design guidelines which insure that
Boynton Beach Boulevard develops as an aesthetically pleasing and
functional arterial should be provided.
If, as a result of the analysis, or based on the selected
consultant's experience, additional issues need to be addressed,
these matters should be brought to the attention of the City
commission, as it is not intended that the topics discussed above
limit the activities of the selected consultant-
Yours very truly,
Carmen S. Annunziato, AICP
Planning Director
City Commission
City Manager