Brian Miller, Chair
Blanche Girtman
Kurt Godfrey
Eddie Mitchell
Joyce Mura
Diane Pacheco
Stanley Sorgman
Phyllis Stern
Brenda Lee Williams
Dan DeCarlo, Board Liaison
I. Pledge of Allegiance/Call to Order
Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. The Board recited the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
II. Roll Call - Regular Members and Alternates
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present. Chair
Miller introduced new member Stanley Sorgman to the Board.
Recognition of Visitors
Minutes Approval of January 12, 2005
Mr. Godfrey moved to approve the minutes from the January 12, 2005 meeting. The
motion was seconded by Ms. Williams and passed unanimously.
V. Agenda Approval
Chair Miller added the following: New Business, Item C, Heart of Boynton Beach
Redevelopment Program and Item D, Announcement of New Vice Chair.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 9, 2005
Mr. Godfrey moved to approve the agenda, as amended. The motion was seconded by
Vice Chair Girtman and passed unanimously.
VI. Correspondence and Announcements
Vice Chair Girtman requested that the Board express its' sympathies to Kurt Bressner,
City Manager, and Wilfred Hawkins, Assistant City Manager during their time of illness.
The Board concurred and commented about concerns.
VIII. New Business
a) Announcement of New Vice Chair
Chair Miller asked for nominations for the position of Vice Chair. Mr. Mitchell nominated
Ms. Girtman.
Chair Miller asked for further nominations.
Mr. Godfrey moved to close the floor to nominations for position of Vice Chair of the
Community Relations Board. Ms. Williams seconded the motion that passed
Chair Miller congratulated Vice Chair Girtman on her appointment to Vice Chair.
VII. Old Business
a) PATCH Update
Mr. DeCarlo updated the Board on a meeting that took place on February 2nd with the
Principal of Forest Park Elementary, PATCH representatives, and members from the
School district. Mr. DeCarlo commented that the tone of the meeting was not whether
the project should be done but instead, what has to be done in order to make it work.
Forest Palm Elementary has been designated as the site for the trailer, which will house
the wellness center. It was determined that there would be room on the southern end of
the campus, in the current playground area, to deed a portion of the land to PATCH and
possibly FAU; provided FAU wants to partner with PATCH on this program. Deeding
the property is for the purpose of having an entity take on the liability of placing the
trailer on the site and having the wellness center function in the trailer.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 9, 2005
One of the advantages of the site is that it is a Beacon Center, which is a community
school the school district promotes. This school also boasts the largest percentage of
Haitians in the community. There are a number of evening programs for the community
because the Beacon Center is located there.
The school district recently approved a wellness center at another elementary school
approximately one and one-half years ago and they are now more seasoned in getting
the program up and running. Because the school will soon be remodeled, there might
be another trailer available that could be used for the wellness center instead of the one
Bethesda Hospital offered. The school's trailer is a double-wide and Bethesda's is a
triple-wide with restrooms already inside.
The next step in the process is to determine if PATCH would be the sole owner of the
property and run the program as a non-profit organization or own the property in
partnership with FAU. Currently, discussions are between PATCH and FAU and focus
on PATCH bringing FAU on board. It would make the City's efforts much easier and the
school district would have a higher level of comfort if FAU was a partner in the wellness
Mr. Godfrey asked if there was anything that the Board should be doing to assist in the
project at this time and was informed by Staff that once the project is further along with
site preparation and the school district is ready to move forward, it would be a time for
the Board to inform the Commission a workshop is needed. The workshop would define
what each entity's role would be to make this initiative work. Mr. DeCarlo suggested
this could happen as soon as 3-4 months.
Mr. DeCarlo recommended the Board send an appreciation letter to the Principal of
Forest Park Elementary for his help and ongoing support of this program. He
commented that this would further solidify his role and involvement in the program and
reminded the Board the Principal put himself out on a limb by saying he wanted the
wellness center at his school. His commitment to the program has been instrumental in
gaining the support of the school district. The letter should be addressed to the school
district and placed in a packet that would go from the school to the school district
showing the City's support of the PATCH program to be located at Forest Park.
Vice Chair Girtman was pleased to hear about the project moving forward. She was
involved with a similar project 1974/1975 when the City was working with the Block
Grant Program and there was a need for a location where citizens could go for
healthcare. The need arose because there was no public transportation at that time
and the community was a relatively small block area. She commented because of the
Haitian community located around Forest Park, it is a very important amenity that the
City was assisting with. She commended Mr. DeCarlo for his efforts in pulling all the
parties together to make this project happen.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 9, 2005
Mr. Godfrey moved that Staff prepare a letter addressed to the school board
commending the efforts of the Principal at Forest Palm Elementary on the PATCH
project. The letter should be reviewed by the Board and signed by each member at the
next Community Relations Board meeting. The Principal at Forest Park Elementary,
Bethesda Hospital, City Manager, and City Commission would be copied on the letter.
Vice Chair Girtman seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
b) Pride in Boynton Beach
Chair Miller attended an organizational meeting in which Jeff Livergood, Public Works
Director; Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent; Scott Blasie, Code Compliance
Administrator; Mr. Mitchell, and Mr. DeCarlo were in attendance. The intent of the
meeting was to find out if the program initiative was feasible. It was determined that it
was and another meeting was scheduled for February 14, 2005 at 1:30 p.m. in the Park
and Recreation Department Conference Room. Everyone was invited to attend.
Chair Miller and Mr. DeCarlo also met with Wayne Segal, Director of Media/Public
Communication, and found out that the City does not have an information packet that
they distribute to new residents. The only information that could be located regarding
the City's services was a brochure that is produced and distributed by the Chamber of
Commerce. The Chamber's brochure is not widely distributed and it was felt that before
the Board drafted and produced something different, it would make more sense to
determine if the City was going to either update the information housed in the
Chamber's material or create something else.
Chair Miller stated that the City would be producing a Guide to City Services booklet.
This booklet would be a foundation for a packet of information that would be distributed
to neighborhood associations and made available at City Hall for residents to pick up.
Included in the packet would be a Warning Notice flyer from the Code Compliance
Division regarding garbage collection/pickup and refuse container etiquette, and the
Community Relations Board flyer. Ms. Williams suggested the packet be mailed with
the City's water bills.
Mr. Sorgman commented that the Code Compliance Division's Warning flyer is great
information for new residents to receive and it was a good idea to have it translated in
Spanish and Creole.
Mr. DeCarlo suggested the Board include a cover letter in the packet that introduces the
Board and it's mission. He explained that the Board would take the lead in compiling
and distributing this helpful information packet to new residents.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 9, 2005
Mr. Godfrey, Ms. Mura, Vice Chair Girtman, Chair Miller, and Mr. DeCarlo will
participate on a subcommittee to develop the packet and determine how it should be
distributed. Ms. Pacheco noted an error on the map included within the Guide to City
Services booklet and also provided corrections to Mr. DeCarlo on grammatical errors
found within the Community Relations Board flyer.
The Heritage Fest, to be held through February 27th, would be a good place to distribute
the Board's flyers as well. The Board would have a booth at this event and requires that
at least 2 members participate to work in the booth. The members would provide
information about the Board and inform visitors about the Board's projects. The event
would be held from 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. and 4 members could work in the booth for 2
hours each.
Ms. Stern moved that the Community Relations Board represent itself at the Heritage
Festival to be held on February 28th from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Vice Chair Girtman
seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Mr. Sorgman mentioned that his appointment should expire in 2008, not in 2006 as
referenced in his appointment letter. He stated that Commissioner Ferguson brought
this to the Commission's attention and Mr. Sorgman was informed that it would expire in
2008. Mr. DeCarlo stated that he would confirm Mr. Sorgman's expiration date with the
City Clerk's Office.
c) Youth Tennis Carnival
Ms. Stern provided an update on the Youth Tennis Carnival, She notified the Advisory
Board on Children and Youth of the Board's decision for each member to contribute a
voluntary monetary donation towards the event. It was anticipated that approximately
$25.00 would be collected. She received a return email thanking the Board for their
participation. Contributions would be placed in an envelope and given to Ms. Stern at
the next Board meeting.
VIII. New Business
b) Literacy Program (Read Boynton Program)
Mr. DeCarlo mentioned that a flyer was attached to the Agenda that referenced the
Library's Read Boynton program. The program would be held at the City Library on the
2"d and 4th Thursdays in February, April and May 2005 beginning February 10 . The
program would not be held in March due to FCAT testing. Essentially, the program
utilizes high school students to mentor/tutor Middle and Elementary students after
school in the City's Library.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 9, 2005
The meeting February 10th is an introduction to the program and all members were
encouraged to attend. Participation is not required at every meeting, although it is
something that is strived for. Members can participate by attending any meeting.
This program will allow the Board to find out what type of role it would like to play with
regard to literacy within the community. Once this program ends, the Board can decide
if they would like to continue with a literacy initiative.
Vice Chair Girtman suggested that some of the times be changed to the afternoon in
order to accommodate children that are in daycare programs whose parent work during
the day and cannot get their children to the meetings by 6:00 p.m. The daycare should
be able to deliver the children to the library for participation in the event if the time were
changed to the afternoon.
c) Youth in Government Day - April 14th
The Youth in Government Day would be held on April 14th. Juice and donuts are
provided to the students when they arrive in the morning. Staff provides lunch and
Board members were encouraged to attend. Generally, there are 5 students from 4 or 5
different schools within the City who participate in this program.
Each student is assigned to a Department Head at the City and they work with that
Department Head throughout the day. The students hold a mock Commission meeting
in the Commission Chambers that evening and present any information that the
Department Head would bring before the Commission. The Department Head students
make their cases before the Commission students as to why the Commission should
support their program.
Chair Miller informed the Board he attended the breakfast, lunch, and student
commission session last year and found it to be a very rewarding experience. The
students were very timid in the morning, a little more vocal at lunch, and very lively at
the Commission session.
d) Heart of Boynton Beach Redevelopment Program
For lack of time, it was determined the Heart of Boynton Beach Redevelopment
Program would be discussed at the March Board meeting. Mr. DeCarlo would provide
everyone with a copy of the Redevelopment Plan prior to the next meeting so Board
members could familiarize themselves with it. This topic ties into the Board's Pride in
Boynton Beach initiative.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
Februa~ 9,2005
IX. Next Meeting: March 9, 2005 - Commission Chambers
X. Adjournment
Since thers was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned
at 8:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deanna Ewing
Recording Secretary