Jean Cairo, Chairperson
Floyd Bell, Vice Chair
Barbara Brunetti
Christine Moeller
Joan Pleasants
Melinda Mallon, Alternate Member
Davis Weinstein, Alternate Member
Jeffrey Andre, Student Member
Virginia Farace, Board Liaison
Also Present
Anthony Gaspard, Student
Natalie Myers, Reporter from the Boynton Times
Erica Hammond
Margaret S. Newton
I. Pledge
Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
II1. Minutes: January 6, 2005
The minutes were accepted as written.
IV. Public Audience
Ms. Natalie Myers, a reporter with the Boynton Times, explained she was present at the
meeting order to write an article on the issues facing the City schools. Ms. Myers stated
she was interested in serving on a City Board and was informed of the process involved
to be appointed to a Board.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 3, 2005
Chair's Report
· PFAD Planning
Chairperson Cairo requested this be added to the agenda because she felt it was
important to start setting the goals for the next Principal for a Day. She would like the
event to grow and thought it would be beneficial to go over some of the ideas that
surfaced from the last Principal for a Day. She would like to have a sub-committee
meeting sometime this summer to start strategizing. At that time, she would also like to
start handing out the responsibilities and jobs to the various Board members. She would
like to have the video put together long before the event takes place in November.
Chairperson Cairo felt it would be worthwhile to send the letters out to the
businesspeople as soon as possible so they could make plans to participate in the
event. She noted last year some people could not participate because they did not
receive sufficient notice. They have a tentative date for the event as the second
Thursday in November. Chairperson Cairo would also like to see more people
volunteering to help out.
Chairperson Cairo noted Winn-Dixie's Rewards Program now allows a person to select
a school to receive points. This means every time a person shops in Winn-Dixie, they
would contribute something to the school they select. Target Stores also has a similar
program for the schools.
VI. City Liaison's Report · Boundaries
Ms. Farace reported City Manager Kurt Bressner was admitted to the hospital for
emergency surgery. Ms. Farace stated he is coming along fine and would probably be
in the hospital for another week. Also, Wilfred Hawkins, the Assistant City Manager, is
quite ill and has not been in the office since the holidays. Dale Sugerman is the Acting
City Manger. However, he is being considered for the City Manager's position in the
Town of Highland Beach.
Ms. Farace reported as far as the committee is concerned, the boundaries cycle has
concluded. Recommendations have been made to the Superintendent and five to seven
boundary proposals were discussed at a recent meeting. Boundaries affected in this
area are the boundaries for the new elementary school at Military Trail called "03B,"
which is located north of Gateway. Students residing in the City's Chapel Hill area will
now be going to Boynton Beach High School instead of Atlantic High School.
The new boundaries for Atlantic High School continue to change every time they are
discussed. Ms. Farace discussed the final boundary recommendations and noted the
new boundaries for Atlantic High School and other schools were outlined on the map
she distributed to members for their review. She noted it was still up to the
Superintendent if he wanted to take these recommendations to the School Board.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 3, 2005
Ms. Pleasants inquired if the area between Chapel Hill and the area south of Lake Ida
were included in the new Atlantic High School, and Ms. Farace stated they were. Ms.
Farace pointed out, however, these recommendations are always subject to change.
Ms. Pleasants pointed out seniors could choose to remain at their current high school.
· "Read Boynton"
Ms. Farace reported this is a literacy program she has been working on with the High
School. The kick-off for the event will take place one week from tonight, on February 10,
2005, at 6:00 p.m. It is anticipated that the Principals and Assistant Principals would
attend the kick-off, along with the high schools students who would be doing the
mentoring and tutoring. There will be a demonstration of the online resoumes offered at
the Library. One endeavor is to make certain all tutors have Library cards and how to
use the online resoumes. They would also like to involve adults as well in the program.
The City's Community Relations Board is also interested in the project and some of
those Board members will be attending the kick-off meeting. Ms. Farace would like to
have some of this Board's members also participate. Any Board member wanting to
participate should attend the kick-off meeting for further information. Board members
could advise the various City schools of the program. Ms. Farace reported the High
School students were to have made visits to the various schools to discuss the
program. Currently, the tutoring would be offered on the second and fourth Thursdays of
each month. However, any student that has additional time is always welcomed to
come to the Library to provide additional assistance.
Ms. Pleasants inquired if the helpers would be provided training. Ms. Farace responded
beginning Thursday, Dr. Howard would be training the adults. The training would consist
of how to interact, when to offer assistance, and what to do and what not to do. Mr.
Andre stated many students in his class at Boynton Beach High School have signed up
to participate. Ms. Farace noted Mr. Latson, the Principal of Boynton Beach High
School, made a presentation to the City Commission this past Tuesday and invited
them to the kick-off.
Vice Chair Bell inquired if there was a program of this type for adults to learn how to
read. Ms. Farace reported the Palm Beach County Literacy Coalition provides tutors for
adults. Any adult that wants to learn how to read could go to the Library Reference Desk
and sign up. A tutor would then contact them.
Ms. Pleasants inquired if there were any flyers she could bring to her SAC meeting. Ms.
Farace will provide her with flyers prior to her meeting. Ms. Pleasants also questioned
if there would be transportation to the Library from the schools. Ms. Farace felt this
would be something the schools would have to work on. Ms. Farace pointed out there
would also be multi-lingual tutors available.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 3, 2005
VII. Principals' Roundtable
Chairperson Cairo asked if she should contact all the principals to determine what dates
they would like to participate in the Roundtable. Ms. Farace offered to do this via E-mail.
Ms. Brunetti stated all principals' E-mail addresses are available on the School District's
Internet site. The last Roundtable took place in the summer prior to school opening.
Ms. Farace noted the Roundtable has been held at various times.
Chairperson Cairo will contact Ms. Carole Shetler and inform her the Board would like to
set up a date for the Roundtable and determine what dates would be best. Ms. Farace
recommended obtaining some alternate dates.
Vice Chair Bell inquired about the length of the Roundtable, and Ms. Farace noted it
could take anywhere from two to three hours. The last Roundtable was held during the
day and was very successful. Some City Commissioners also attended. Vice Chair Bell
noted they did not discuss much at the last meeting and Chairperson Cairo felt it was
important to come up with a date first before making plans. Ms. Farace explained to
Ms. Myers how the Principals' Roundtable worked.
Chairperson Cairo wanted to discuss holding a local event with the schools that was
discussed at the last meeting and asked Ms. Brunetti for an update of what had been
discussed. Ms. Brunetti's original idea was to have a math and science program for
parents and children and to do various activities, similar to the County's math and
science fair. The projects presented would be made by the schools, not the children.
The purpose of the program would be to get the parents to understand math as part of
the everyday world. She has had success at her school and noted parents tend to
become very excited when they are involved in these types of programs. Chairperson
Cairo asked for examples of things that could be presented and Ms. Brunetti had many
science and math ideas in mind.
Ms. Pleasants was not sure if the timing was good for this project since many teachers
are currently working on preparing their students for the FCAT and do not have enough
time to do hands on activities in the classroom.
Ms. Brunetti also noted at the last meeting they discussed inviting SAC committees to
explain what a SAC committee does for the parents. She felt many parents were
unaware there was a SAC committee and its purpose. Chairperson Cairo asked Ms.
Brunetti if she could come up with a list of activities the Board could consider becoming
involved in after the FCAT exams. Discussion ensued whether it was necessary to
involve teachers in putting together some kind of program or activity.
Ms. Pleasants was concerned whether the Board could, at this time, become involved in
another large event. In the alternative, she recommended putting together a team of
people to do different established activities with different age groups. She felt this would
be a much easier way to approach this.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 3, 2005
Vice Chair Bell explained when they discussed this, they also discussed working in
conjunction with other City Boards. Chairperson Cairo felt it was not necessary to make
any decisions at this time. Ms. Pleasants recommended holding a sub-committee
meeting to further discuss what they could do. Vice Chair Bell recommended inviting
members from other boards to also attend for their input. It was recommended
attending a meeting of the Children and Youth Board to determine if that Board would
be interested in doing something with this Board. Ms. Farace felt it would be beneficial
to have a specific plan before any Board members attended other Board meetings.
Chairperson Cairo agreed with this approach and offered to take the lead to come up
with a plan. Vice Chair Bell offered to assist.
Ms. Pleasants offered to contact Mary Morera who serves on the Advisory Board on
Children and Youth to see if they would be interested in doing something. Vice Chair
Bell will contact the Community Relations Board as well.
A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the timing of the FCAT tests. Ms. Pleasants felt
they should be held later in the year. Ms. Farace explained the testing took place in
March because the scoring of the tests is sent to private companies and these
companies have to receive the tests on a timely basis to do the grading. Ms. Brunetti
responded they treat the FCAT just like any other test. Mr. Gaspard stated the test
could be difficult for seniors because there is so much time spent on how to take the
test, but not enough time is spent learning the content of the test.
Mr. Weinstein inquired how schools could evaluate a child's progress, when they are
too busy trying to teach children something they cannot do. He was a proponent of
developing the child, not trying to cover up inadequacies in the school's teaching
system. He felt the FCAT exam was a disgrace, and even more so, attaching money to
it, was atrocious.
Ms. Farace reported the Board proposed a Resolution to the City Commission opposing
the FCAT, which was adopted and sent to the State. Ms. Brunetti stated the FCAT test
is actually an achievement test, but the bad part was attaching money to it. Ms. Brunetti
pointed out the test was a fair test on all levels. The problem is there was too much
pressure put on it for the schools to perform well. Chairperson Cairo noted schools
have taken away so many extra curricular items such as music, art, physical education,
etc. it is detrimental to children learning.
Ms. Pleasants pointed out it is important a school score well in the FCAT in order to
attract a certain population to their neighborhood. Parents do not want to send their
children to a "D" school. She felt it does make a difference on who attends the school.
Ms. Farace pointed out parents do not want to send their children to Boynton Beach
High School because it is a "D" school. However, she felt it was more important how
the child performed in school than the school's rating.
(Ms. Brunet# left the meeting at 7:41 p.m.)
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 3, 2005
VIII. SAC Reports (in writing if possible)
Chairperson Cairo requested Ms. Moeller provide a brief description of "LTM"
mentioned in her SAC Report. Ms. Moeller responded "LTM" stood for Leadership Team
Meeting. Ms. Moeller distributed her report to the members. The intent of the LTM
meeting was to take the ideas that came out of the meetings and incorporate them in
the classrooms immediately. The LTM program was the creation of Dr. Johnson and
she was neither for nor against the program.
New Business
· Meeting Locations
Chairperson Cairo noted at the last meeting, there was a discussion on where the
Education Advisory Board Meetings should be held. Some members would like to hold
meetings in Commission Chambers.
Ms. Farace thought Board meetings were no longer held in the Commission Chambers
due to security issues. Ms. Farace also felt the Chambers would not be conducive to the
types of meetings this Board holds, as opposed to meetings around the roundtable.
Vice Chair Bell reported at the last meeting all the members agreed to hold the next
meeting in the Chambers because it would encourage more public participation.
Ms. Pleasants felt it would be easier for people attending the Board meetings to meet in
the Library Program Room.
Ms. Farace said she would have to check on this. Vice Chair Bell responded he had
checked on the availability of the Chambers and determined it was available. Vice Chair
Bell has served on several other City boards that have met in the Chambers and it
always worked well.
Chairperson Cairo recommended holding the next meeting in the Chambers to
determine if Board members preferred the Chambers to the Library Program Room. Mr.
Weinstein added when this Board used to meet in the Chambers, more people from the
public attended. He felt the Chambers was more prestigious, especially when a
member from a legislative body was invited to a meeting.
Ms. Farace also pointed out when a Board meets in the Chambers, alternates sit in the
audience and do not have the ability to participate easily in the conversation.
Vice Chair Bell pointed out the public is unaware of the EAB meetings because there is
no sign on the Library Program Room door. Ms. Farace pointed out that meetings are
listed in City Hall and are on the calendar. Chairperson Cairo noted there were
occasions when the Board had to meet in the small conference room in the Library
because another group took up the Program Room. She felt this could have been an
issue because it did not provide adequate space for the meeting. She also pointed out
by sitting around the large table in the Library Program Room, it was difficult to hear
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 3, 2005
people on the other side of the room. She requested the table in the Library Program
Room be set up so people could be more intimate with their conversations. She
recommended holding the March meeting in the Commission Chambers to get an idea
of the feel of the room and whether Board members preferred it to the Library Program
Room. After the meeting, members could vote on their preference; i.e., the Chambers
or the Library. Ms. Pleasants felt if the Board wished to continue to meet in the Library,
a sign be posted on the door announcing the meeting.
VIII. SAC Reports (continued)
Ms. Farace reported on the Boynton Beach High School SAC meeting at which a
discussion on Read Boynton took place. The Principal was not present and the meeting
was brief. A copy of Ms. Farace's SAC report was included in the agenda packet.
Ms. Pleasants turned in her report on the Crosspointe SAC meeting that took place on
Tuesday, January 25th. They still do not have printed agendas and to date minutes
have not been taken. This is the first year Crosspointe must come up with a school
improvement plan. The sole agenda item was reviewing the current school improvement
plan and doing an inventory of what has or has not been accomplished.
Two issues were discussed. One would be to hold an author's night and Ms. Pleasants
recommended contacting Ms. Farace for assistance. The other issue was concern
about summer reading and whether or not to continue last year's summer reading
program. They are considering a tutoring program to help students with their reading
during the summer months. Ms. Farace reminded members the County sponsors
reading programs throughout the County during the summer.
Ms. Moeller read her SAC report for Atlantic High School into the record and provided a
copy to the Recording Secretary to be included with the minutes of the meeting. The
meeting took place on January 25th and they are looking forward to the new school
starting up as scheduled in August 2005. The School will be offering career academies;
one being construction, and the other finance. They are trying to identify the students
that would benefit from these academies. This might be done by doing a survey within
the school.
The Principal had concerns regarding the lack of funds for a new turf for the football
field. Also, there is not enough land to have a practice field. There was discussion about
asking the City of Delray Beach to lend them some land they own behind the Temple
that could be used as a practice field. They are looking at ways to raise money for
students who cannot pay the activity fee.
Ms. Pleasants inquired why a student activity fee was necessary. Ms. Moeller
responded in order for a student to participate in a sport, the student had to pay for it.
These costs included insurance and uniforms as well. Ms. Pleasants noted this type of
fee was not required in the middle schools and was informed they only applied to high
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 3, 2005
schools. Ms. Pleasants was surprised children had to pay to participate in after school
programs and questioned the legality of this requirement.
Ms. Farace responded there has always been a student activity fee charge, but this
year students are being required to pay for their insurance. Ms. Farace noted Atlantic
High School had a wonderful boosters' club and questioned why the school did not ask
them for assistance.
Lastly, the School would also be instituting the failure-free reading program.
Vice Chair Bell reported the Survivor Charter School and Citrus Cove SACs did not
meet in January.
X. Adjournment
Since Senator Ron Klein had previously reserved the Commission
Chambers for Thursday, March 3, 2005, the regular Education
Advisory Board Meeting will be held in the Library Program Room
beginning at 6:15 p.m.
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(February 22, 2005)