ON MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2005 AT 6:30 P.M.
Debby Coles-Dobay, Chairperson
Richard W. Beaulieu, Vice Chair
Cheryl K. Arflin
Kimberlee M. McGow
Anita Remer
Linda Sage, Voting Alternate (arrived at 6:47 p.m.)
Angela Budano
Suzette Urs
Michael J. McGoey, Alternate
I. Call to Order
Arleen Dennison, Board Liaison
The meeting was called to order at 6:38 p.m. The Recording Secretary called the roll
and declared a quorum was present.
II. Approval of Minutes of February 7, 2005
Ms. Dennison requested that the spelling of Ms. Anne Centi be corrected accordingly
wherever her name appears in the minutes. The minutes were accepted, as amended,
and placed on file.
III. Announcements
Chair Coles-Dobay commented that as the Arts Commission's program gets closer to
being rolled out, there were several areas that would require participation and oversight.
Some of those areas would be:
Artist Database
Ms. Dennison had started this project some time ago and has an existing
Association Organizations Contacts/Database
Another one would be Association Organization Contacts/Database. As
organizations contact the Board for various reasons, their names need to be
added to this list. If anyone within the Arts Commission needed to initiate a call
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida March 7, 2005
to artists, that contact list would be utilized as well. The person responsible for
maintaining this list would not necessarily be responsible for sending it out the
Grant Writing/Contact Database
Grant writing is another area that would require maintenance of the potential and
existing grants in which the Board could participate. Ms McGow suggested a
database of each grant as well. Chair Coles-Dobay affirmed that would be part
of the oversight for this subject.
Artist Selection/Judging
Another area to be covered would be occasions for the board to offer services to
judge art competitions.
Chair Coles-Dobay called for volunteers for each of these areas.
Ms. Dennison distributed current copies of the artist database she developed. The
database consisted of anyone identified as someone the Board began to make contact
with as an artist. She was able to pull a query that identified everyone with an art
relationship. The copy distributed did not constitute the entire database. It was a more
powerful database that allowed the potential to track whether they are a funder, grant
foundation, national artist or international artist, etc. The database would allow for this
information to be extracted at a later date.
Ms. Dennison said that whoever volunteered to maintain each database does not
necessarily have to physically come to the Children's Museum to input the information.
Ms. McGow expressed an interest maintaining a database. They could work from home
by forwarding a spreadsheet to Ms. Dennison for input into the database. The database
currently holds approximately 10,000 names including the City Commission and City
Chair Coles-Dobay commented that she liked the idea of utilizing a centralized
database for accessing grant writer and artist information. Ms. Dennison stated the
database was also set up in her office at the City Library. If someone wanted to take
over the database management, he/she could be trained on how to utilize it and could
use Ms. Dennison's office at the City Library at his/her convenience. The person doing
grant writing/database management could access the database at the library office and
hold the grant team meeting there as well. The information would be available for the
team at the time of the meetings, during library hours.
Ms. McGow volunteered to be the grant writer/database coordinator
Ms. Remer volunteered to sit on the judging panel.
(Ms. Sage arrived at 6:47 p.m.)
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida March 7, 2003
Ms. Arflin volunteered to work on the grant writing committee.
Ms. Dennison would submit a recommendation to the City Commission to hire a full time
Public Art Coordinator. This was a result of the City's budgeting process that began in
March. She came across several job descriptions for a Public Art Coordinator and
planned to initiate the paperwork and work through the process. Chair Coles-Dobay
commented that the request was also in conjunction with the Board's need to have a
position of this nature once the Art in Public Places Program is active.
IV. Review of Arts Commission Document Presentation to City Commission
Executive Summary
An executive summary would be forwarded to Mr. Bressner for review. A date/time had
not been set so far to present the program to the City Commission due to Mr.
Bressner's recent illness. He returned to work part-time as of the date of the Board's
meeting, which was good news. It was hoped that a date would soon be set.
The Executive Summary was distributed for review. It is a summary of the plan
document that states succinctly. The details of the program were contained within the
plan document. Chair Coles-Dobay suggested changing the second sentence in the
first paragraph to read:
"The following document is the end product of nine months of research to
prepare the City of Boynton Beach's future as a cultural community with the
sustainability of economic success."
Ms. McGow commented that the sentence did not speak about anything specific. Ms.
Sage suggested that economic impact and rewards are referenced in the second
paragraph. A short discussion ensued and it was determined that the sentence should
end at the word "research."
The fourth bullet under the Recommendation section should read:
• "Fees will be calculated on amounts exceeding the $250,000 threshold."
A discussion ensued regarding whether the $250,000 threshold included residential
property as well as commercial. It would include both. If a person was buying a home
that was being built, the builder would be assessed the fee, not the individual buying the
home. The fee would be assessed as 1% of the construction value to real property,
subject to certain criteria. For residential property, it would be assessed only on new
residential construction and/or redevelopment for which a building permit would be
required, over the $250,000 real property value.
Ms. Arflin commented the bullet points discussed during the last meeting were not
included in the summary. Some of the bullets were:
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida March 7, 2003
• Gaining amenities and appreciative assets,
• Creating investments that would increase in value,
• Educating the community,
• Creating a sense of civic pride,
• Preserving communal history.
She further explained that even though it was important to focus on the financial
rewards of this program, it was just as important to keep the Art in Public Places
purpose as a focus in the summary too.
Chair Coles-Dobay pointed out that some of those points were mentioned in the 2"d
paragraph. The sentence reads:
"Clearly it is known that art offers community pride, civic awareness and a sense
of place."
The sentence did not address preserving communal history, which could easily be
added to the sentence. Chair Coles-Dobay commented that the presentation included
the bullet points but the executive summary was to be a brief overview of the program.
Ms. Arflin suggested changing the format of the second paragraph to be bullet points.
Ms. McGow suggested separating the financial aspects and making those bullet points
as well.
A discussion ensued regarding the phrasing of the first sentence of the first paragraph
after the bullet points under the Exception to Public Art Fees section. The sentence
would be changed to read:
The funds would be dedicated at 70% to the development of public art and 30%
to administering the Arts in Public Places program for the following:"
The second sentence of the second to the last paragraph would be changed to read:
"This comprehensive document integrates many of their recommendations, as
well as the best of successful Public Arts Programs and has been refined to meet
the City's special needs."
The last sentence of the last paragraph would be changed to read:
"We look forward to implementing this plan and are available to expedite this
Chair Coles-Dobay suggested the Board utilize the executive summary to work from
when the Board began to "sell" the Art in Public Places program to other departments
within the City; other groups, associations, or organizations; and Boards. While the
Board was waiting for a date to be set for the Workshop/ Presentation to the City
Commission, it would benefit the Board to work with other Boards to gain their support.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida March 7, 2003
Discussions took place with the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), who are
interested in having the Arts Commission members attend the CRA meeting to be held
on March 17th. The purpose would be to set a date for the Arts Commission to schedule
a date for a workshop/presentation to be made to them.
The Recreation and Parks Board also expressed an interest in meeting with the Arts
Commission. Their next meeting would be held on Monday, March 28t . They would
like for the Arts Commission to present its program at that meeting. Their meetings
were much less formal than the CRA Board meetings. The Recreation and Parks Board
meets at the Senior Center. Chair Coles-Dobay said she informed the Recreation and
Parks Board the Arts Commission would definitely be interested in meeting with them
on that date.
Chair Coles-Dobay requested volunteers to attend one or both of these meetings. Ms.
Sage offered to attend the CRA meeting. Ms. McGow, Ms. Sage, and Ms. Remer
offered to attend the Parks and Recreation Board meeting. An email would be sent to
all Board members requesting their participation at each meeting in order to bring a
strong sense of purpose from the Arts Commission to the meetings.
Chair Coles-Dobay informed the Board she had spoken with Chair Pierce of the
Recreation and Parks Board to provide a summary of what the Arts Commission is
doing. Chair Pierce was very excited and suggested she speak with Mr. Majors,
Director of Recreation and Parks; and Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent. Ms.
Dennison commented that Mr. Majors had been with the City for many years and the
Director of Recreation and Parks for approximately three years. Ms. Rivers had
experience with art in pubic places in a job she worked in previously.
Chair Coles-Dobay would confirm the length of time for the presentation to be made at
both Board meetings.
Revised Presentation Workshop to the Citv Commission
Chair Coles-Dobay said the Board should have received the revised document to be
used as the basis for the presentation to the City Commission. Changes were made in
accordance with the suggestions made at the last Board meeting and were reviewed.
She reminded everyone to visit the Americans for the Arts website
(www.americansforthearts.org/public awareness/index.asp) to view their commercials
that provide good information on supporting public art programs. Some of the
information contained within the commercials could be used in the presentation. Also,
she encouraged the members to continue to take photos of where they would like to see
public art displayed within the City. More photos of functional pieces of art need to be
included, such as murals and sculptures.
Chair Coles-Dobay also sent information to the members from the Palm Beach Cultural
Council that contained economic impact information. All members were encouraged to
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida March 7, 2003
review the information to determine what information would be appropriate to include in
the presentation.
Ms. Arflin would work on prioritizing the bullets contained within the presentation. Ms.
McGow would email typographical errors to Ms. Dennison. All members were
encouraged to re -read the document and submit any suggestions or changes to Ms.
V. Other Projects
Workshop at the April 4th meetin
Chair Coles-Dobay stated that she would like for the Board to host an open creative
workshop with key City departments such as Neighborhood Services, Recreation and
Parks, etc. as well as other Boards. The workshop would be held in the Library
Program Room because it provided more space. The Arts Commission would present
the Executive Summary to provide attendees with an idea of what the Board was trying
to accomplish. Ms. Dennison clarified that the workshop would not focus on any
funding issues but would educate attendees on public art.
A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the format of the workshop. Some ideas
discussed were to display glossy photos of current public art located within a 25 -mile
radius of Boynton Beach on foam board to set the stage for what would be discussed
during the workshop. Also, having the photos running on a slide show that continually
looped and displaying pieces of kinetic sculpture were some other ideas. Each photo
could represent a key bullet contained within the City Commission presentation.
The format for the presentation would be to have four or five tables with several people
sitting at each table. A representative from the Arts Commission would facilitate a
brainstorming session of approximately fifteen minutes to gain responses to various
pointed questions. Each facilitator would focus only on one or two questions then the
group would move to another table and be asked another question. Representatives
attending from the same department would be encouraged to sit at different tables in
order to have a true mixture of ideas.
A subcommittee would be formed to finalize the workshop. Chair Coles-Dobay would
notify the City Clerk's office once a date was established to meet with the
subcommittee. Ms. Dennison would create the flyers and invitations, as well as reserve
the room at the library.
Mr. Beaulieu would provide four new presentation boards that are tall and stand up by
themselves, as well as any table top presentation boards required. Ms. Dennison and
Ms. Sage would provide easels.
Chair Coles-Dobay reviewed the meeting schedules requiring participation from Board
members. Those dates were:
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida March 7, 2003
March 17th for the CRA meeting - establish a date for the Arts Commission to
make a more formal presentation.
March 28th - Recreation and Parks Board meeting to make an informal
presentation. Chair Coles-Dobay suggested only showing some of the pictures
taken that reflected public art as well as some that would depict spaces in the
community that would be good areas to place art. Some of the master plan
documents would be educational material to hand out.
April 4th — Arts Commission Workshop held in the Library Program Room. This
presentation would require more organizational effort. A subcommittee would be
established to formalize the content.
Ms. Dennison commented that once the workshop was put together, it could be
facilitated for other groups such as high school students, teachers, business owners, or
other cities trying to start an arts commission.
Recognition Dinner
The Board was reminded that the City's Board Recognition dinner would be held on
April 11th. Invitations were in the mail and everyone should receive theirs within the
Neighborhood Services
Chair Coles-Dobay distributed pictures of the park that Dan DeCarlo, Neighborhood
Project Specialist, requested the Board partner in for providing art depicting the City's
history along its greenspace. The park is located on the south side of the C-16 Canal
north of Martin Luther King Boulevard. The park is also located within the Heart of
Boynton area.
A discussion ensued regarding possible suggestions on what venues to use in order to
incorporate and depict the City's history. One possible suggestion was to make it a
community event and encourage students in the area to come up with ideas and have
the student be part of the production process.
A map was provided by the Neighborhood Services Department. The Board members
reviewed the map for its greenspace and blue space areas within the City. It provided a
good overview of potential areas for public art.
Sister Cities — Judging Responsibilities
Mr. Beaulieu reviewed the requirements he used during last year's Young Artist
Competition that was sponsored by the Sister Cities Organization. As agreed to at the
last meeting, the Arts Commission would take responsibility for judging this year's
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida March 7, 2003
A judging sheet was distributed for review and Mr. Beaulieu clarified that a numbering
system would be utilized of 1 through 5 with 5 being the best. Judges would be
encouraged to stay from using number 3 to avoid ties. He stated three judges would be
necessary, which was the amount used last year. Every judge would rate each piece.
The ratings would then be added together from each judge for a total score. The
highest scores would then be awarded accordingly. The judging would take place on
Saturday, March 11th, in the Program Room at the Library at 2:00 p.m.
There would be a total of seven prizes awarded, 1St place, 2nd place, Td place, three
honorable mentions and one People's Choice Award.
Chair Coles-Dobay commented that Ms. Urs had volunteered to judge during the last
meeting. Ms. Remer said she would try to volunteer as a judge, provided she felt better.
Ms. Sage also volunteered to judge. Mr. Beaulieu said he would serve as a backup
judge, if someone would not able to attend.
The pieces would be brought to the Children's Museum for display for a one-month time
period after the event. The People's Choice Award would be solicited during the month
they were on display at the museum. It would also be available for display to other
Ms. Dennison solicited assistance to locate a hanging system to display the art. It
would also need to be installed. Ms. Sage would do some research on invisible display
Cultural Council
Chair Coles-Dobay commented that the Cultural Council sent an email to its members
soliciting ideas for creating a cookbook. The email asked for submission in a variety of
topics, one of which was "organizations and events that bring culture, arts, education,
and fun to our area."
Chair Coles-Dobay thought that in an effort to get the Arts Commission name before the
public, they could submit the Boynton Beach's Art District that was established in 1999.
Photographs could be attached and submitted.
She solicited other thoughts and comments for submission. Submission deadline was
March 25 the to the Cultural Council.
Linda Stabile Location — Art Deco
Chair Coles-Dobay distributed pictures of Linda Stabile's property and commented that
she visited the art deco site. The site was scheduled to be annexed into the City. Ms.
Stabile was trying to establish the property as an historical site through the Palm Beach
Historical Society. Chair Coles-Dobay thought that it was a great example of a piece of
architecture that also served as a piece of art. Ms. Stabile renovated the site to
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida March 7, 2003
historical standards, both inside and out. It included a sculpture garden and a wonderful
collection of Haitian art, including museum pieces. She was open to allowing the Arts
Commission to display some of the pieces. Ms. Stabile was also open to having the
Arts Commission utilize the site for gatherings and may be a good site to include on the
Parks Tour.
VI. Next Meeting
The next scheduled meeting will be held on April 4, 2005.
VII. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Transcribed by Deanna Ewi
Recording Secretary