PBA Impasse The City of Boynton Beach OFFICE OF mE ClIY MANAGER 100 E. Boynton Beoch Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beoch. Ftorida 33425-0310 Ci1y Manager's Offll:e: (561) 742-6010 FAX: (561) 742-6011 e-mail; ci1y. manager@ci.boynton-beoch.fl.us www.ci.boynton-beoch.jl.us To: Janet Prainito, City Clerk City Commission From: Kurt Bressner, City Manager Date: April 5,2005 Subject: City Manager's Response to Special Magistrate Recommendation SM-2004-039 PBA Contracts for Fiscal 2004-05 Review of Special Magistrate's Findings IN THE MATTERS OF IMPASSE BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AND THE PALM BEACH COUNTY POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION Hearing Held on March 2, 2005 Opinion Received Certified Mail on March 21, 2005 The following is an analysis of estimated costs associated with the Special Magistrate's Findings: Based on 2004-05 Budget Costs, The total estimated cost of the Special Magistrate's proposed contract is $6,980,737 or $327,854 over the approved budget. This is for a one-year contract assuming all the items listed in the Special Magistrate's opinion were accepted. Presented below is the City Manager's Response to the Special Magistrate's Recommendations. Excerpts of the Special Magistrate's recommendations are shown in italic print. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE RECOMMENDATIONS Issue No.1 - New Article - Discipline: Recommendation: For the reasons stated above I recommend that no new language regarding a discipline article be added to the fiscal year 10/01/05 to 9/30/06 collective bargaining agreements for the three PBA bargaining units. City Manager Comment: Recommend that this item be rejected. The City believes the use of the Personnel Policy Manual (PPM) provides and equitable method, including arbitration of disputes. Issue No.2 - Union Business: Recommendation: For the reasons stated above I recommend that the language concerning the election or selection of Union Representatives or Stewards to assist employees in the investigation of grievances or representing them in grievance hearings and disciplinary interviews should remain unchanged. CITY MANAGER Comment: Recommend that this item be accepted. Issue No.3 - Hours of Work and Overtime: Recommendation: For the reasons stated above I recommend that the overtime computation language be as proposed by the City. The inclusion of vacation leave in the current contract language should be deleted. CITY MANAGER Comment: Recommend that this item be accepted. Issue No.4 - Take Home Cars: Recommendation: For the reasons stated above I recommend that a take home vehicle program not be included in this fiscal year collective bargaining agreement. CITY MANAGER Comment: Recommend that this item be accepted. America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Issue No.5 - Bonus Payment for 11 % Hour Shift Employees: Recommendation: For the reasons stated above I recommend that the bonus pay for 11 ~ hour shift employees should remain at 8~ %. If the City wishes to remove this bonus, they should place these employees on 8-hour shifts and pay overtime rates for any hours exceeding 40 hours in any work-week. CITY MANAGER Comment: Based on this recommendation the total cost of the contract package will be $286,355. Recommend this item be rejected. The 8.5% adjustment was a transitional adjustment. Comparative data from other jurisdictions is as follows: Shift Differential Data Agency Shift and Payment Information Palm Beach Works 8 hour shifts Boca Raton Works 12 and provides no compensation Lake Worth Works 8 hour shifts West Palm Works 11.5 and pays everyone 1/2 hour rate of pay each pay Beach Del ray Beach Works 11.5 and pays a night differential only .75/hour PBSO Works 11.5 and pays a night differential only $5/day Current Works 11.5 and pays shift differential of 8.5% of base pay as bonus Boynton Based on the above, the City of Boynton Beach's compensation for this item is well in excess of other Palm Beach County police agencies. Issue No.6 - Longevity Pay: Recommendation: For the reasons stated above I recommend that a longevity pay plan as contained in the IAFF collective bargaining agreement be added to the collective bargaining agreements representing the Patrol Officers, Sergeants and Lieutenants. CITY MANAGER Comment: Recommend that this item be rejected. The projected cost of the program based on IAFF contract in fiscal 2004-05 will be: $81,500. Issue No. 7 - Salary Step Pay: Recommendation: For the reasons stated above I am not recommending the implementation of any step pay plan for this contract year. CITY MANAGER Comment: Recommend that this item be accepted America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Issue No.8 - Wage Increase and Rates for Patrol Officers and Sergeants: Recommendation: For the reasons stated above I recommend that all Officers and Sergeants would receive a 5 ~% wage adjustment retroactive to October 1, 2004, plus performance adjustments of 3% to 5% based upon the employer's proposal. CITY MANAGER Comment: Recommend that this item be accepted. The cost of this is $333,263. This has the effect of increasing the salary range of the Police Officer from the current range of: $36,422 to $59,000 to a new range of: $38,425 to $62,245 and the Sergeant's salary range from the current range of: $45,600 with no top out to $48,108 with no top out. Issue No.9 - Rates of Pay for Lieutenants: Recommendation: For the reasons stated above I recommend that the pay rates for Lieutenants be increased by 3% if it is determined their positions are exempt from the overtime provisions of the FLSA. If it is determined that the Lieutenant's position is not exempt from the overtime provisions of the FLSA, I recommend that the parties reach a mutual agreement on what their true base rate of pay would have been if they had not been paid extra for not receiving overtime pay. Then that rate should be increased by 6%. I recognize that my recommendations concerning the possibility of Lieutenants being declared a non-exempt status is ambiguous. However, I do not have the facts or evidence before me to make a rational and reasonable specific recommendation. CITY MANAGER Comment: Recommend that this item be accepted. KB: 4/5/05 Cc: James Cherof, City Attorney Wilfred Hawkins, Assistant City Manager America's Gateway to the Gulfstream