ON THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2005 AT 6:00 P.M.
Michael Enkoff, Chairman
Teresa Frazier, Vice Chair
Janet Prainito, Secretary
Karilyn Norem Hohner
Jody Rivers, Parks Supervisor
Tom Balfe, Parks Manager
Susan Morrison
Also Present:
John Wildner
I. Call to Order
Chairman Enkoff called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.
II. Review of Cemetery Rules
Secretary Prainito noted the purpose of today's workshop was to review the Cemetery
rules to bring them up to date and to determine which sections needed to be addressed.
Members took an opportunity to review each section. Secretary Prainito pointed out
that they were reviewing the latest rules and regulations as amended through April 19,
2005. This included Section 26 that addressed the change to the urn vaults.
The Rules and Regulations are divided into two categories: General and Mausoleum.
Section 1. Chairman Enkoff pointed out that State law currently does not require the
filing of a disinterment permit with the Health Department. However, if this ever
becomes a requirement, the Cemetery Rules already address this, which is covered in
the Note to Section 1. Chairman Enkoff recommended that this language remain.
Chairman Enkoff suggested it might be beneficial for the City to require its own
disinterment permit.
Mr. Balfe noted this issue came up today and to address it, the City Clerk's Office
adapted an interment form and changed it to "disinterment." The form contained most
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 28, 2005
of the necessary information. Secretary Prainito thought they should have a form for
record keeping.
Chairman Enkoff recommended they draft a form and submit it to the City Attorney for
approval. After approval, it could be added to the Rules and Regulations. There was a
consensus to move forward with this. Chairman Enkoff suggested that the form require
the following information: (1) where the body was interred, (2) date of disinterment, (3)
the funeral director in charge of the disinterment, (4) where the body is going, and (5)
who would receive it. There also should be a place to state how the remains were
transported from the Cemetery.
Mr. Balfe recommended putting a second Note in this section stating that a disinterment
form is required. Chairman Enkoff recommended language that would state, "City
disinterment forms shall accompany all disinterments."
Chairman Enkoff also recommended that in Note
changed to "re-interment point" or "final disposition."
the Note in Section 1.
1 the words "terminal point" be
Secretary Prainito will add this to
Section 2. After review, it was determined that no changes were necessary.
Section 3. Ms. Rivers questioned the wording "must be able to be moved with one
hand" since Mr. Balfe informed her that people have placed concrete objects at
gravesites. Mr. Balfe reported that there are occasions where people have placed more
than three items at gravesites. The Cemetery staff has been making a list of these
graves and will be asking staff to prepare and send out a letter to the owners of those
gravesites. Chairman Enkoff recommended providing copies of this rule to people that
visit the Cemetery. Mr. Balfe felt it would be difficult to enforce this. Mr. Wildner noted in
the past staff sent letters to people to remove objects at the gravesite.
Chairman Enkoff recommended that the height of objects be limited. Ms. Hohner stated
the rules should prohibit anything made of glass being placed at a gravesite. After
discussion, it was determined that no object could exceed 18" overall. Language
reading "not to exceed 18" in height" will be added in the third line of Section 3, after the
words "moved with one hand." Also the wording "and no glass vases or figurines will be
permitted" will be added after "gravesites."
Section 4. Chairman Enkoff recommended changing the first sentence to read, "Lot
enclosures of any kind are prohibited." Also in the second sentence, Ms. River inquired
if "corner stones" should be allowed. Mr. Balfe noted that there were some corner
stones in the old section of the Cemetery and he did not think they should be allowed.
Ms. Rivers suggested adding language "corner stones shall not be allowed."
The sentence will, therefore read, "Lot enclosures and corner stones of any kind are
prohibited." Chairman Enkoff did not think that brickwork should be allowed as well
since this could be considered a lot enclosure.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 28, 2005
Discussion took place regarding "no mounds are permitted over graves." Ms. Rivers
noted some of this language is included in the Ordinance governing the Cemetery and
she read the applicable section that states, "No mounds are permitted over any grave or
graves. The grade of all lots shall be determined by the board of governors." Ms. Rivers
noted that the Ordinance also permits corner stones.
Mr. Wildner recommended amending the Ordinance and to forward the Board's
recommendations to the City Attorney's Office for review.
Ms. Rivers felt that the Ordinance needed to be changed since it still provided that
Tereesa Padgett would serve on the Board for life.
Section 5. Chairman Enkoff noted that this section provides that a person could build
something on the lot if they obtained a permit from the City. Mr. Balfe said that this
could apply if a person wanted to change or modify the marker. Secretary Prainito
recommended changing the language to state this.
Ms. Rivers recommended language that would read, "No person shall be allowed to
perform any modification or construction of a headstone or marker on a lot without a
permit from the City." Mr. Wildner recommended using the word "construction" in place
of "installation." After discussion it was determined that this sentence would read, "No
person shall be allowed to perform any modification or installation of a marker or
monument on a lot without authorization from the City."
The second sentence of this paragraph was moved and will become Section 15.
Secretary Prainito will renumber the remainder of the Sections.
Mr. Balfe would like Section 26 moved to be included with Section 10 since this applies
to the Cemetery.
Ms. Rivers recommended that the second sentence in Article 5 that reads "No money
should be paid to any person in the employ of the City for services or attention, other
than their salaries and wages paid by the City" should become Section 16.
Section 6. This section shall be changed to read, "All excavations shall be made by
the City, unless otherwise approved by the City. Installation of markers must be
approved by the City."
Section 7. Mr. Balfe presented a drawing of a marker. He explained that lengths and
widths of markers vary, depending upon the size of the plot. Single plot markers cannot
exceed 2' 6" wide by 9' in length. Double plot markers cannot exceed 5' wide by 9' in
length. The thickness of marker must be a minimum is 4" and made of solid marble and
granite. If the marker is bronze, it must have a 4" minimum solid base, made of marble,
granite or concrete and properly attached to it. Markers cannot be constructed of
separate pieces of material laminated, glued or attached in any manner, with the
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 28, 2005
exception of bronze markers that require a minimum 4" base made of marble, granite or
It was recommended that this would now become Section 7. Mr. Wildner suggested
having the diagram available at the Cemetery.
Mr. Wildner inquired about the markers provided by the Veterans Administration. Mr.
Balfe stated most Veteran markers are made of white granite. Mr. Wildner noted that
some have come in bronze as well. Mr. Balfe stated when a bronze marker is received,
staff would attach it to a concrete base and install it.
Section 8. Will remain as written.
Mr. Balfe reported that he has instructed the Cemetery staff not to accept any
headstone without first receiving a work order from the Clerk's Office. If they do not
have a work order, they are to call the Clerk's Office. If the Clerk's Office informs staff
that they do not have a work order, the Cemetery staff cannot accept any headstones.
Most headstones are delivered via a freight company and occasionally UPS.
Mr. Balfe brought up a situation regarding a headstone that is currently being held at the
Cemetery. There appears to be a family dispute. A woman had a headstone delivered
to be placed on her father's plot. However, another sister, who is the owner of the plot,
would not allow the marker to be placed on the plot.
Chairman Enkoff recommended that the City write a letter to the sister who had the
marker made inquiring what she would like the City to do. A second letter could be sent
to the sister that owns the lot asking her the same question. Secretary Prainito
recommended writing only to the owner of the plot, with a copy to the sister who sent
the marker, requesting how she wants to handle this. This then provides a written
record on how to handle the situation.
Mr. Balfe requested that some language be added to the rules regarding the procedure
for accepting markers.
Ms. Rivers recommended adding the language to Section 5 that would state, "no marker
shall be accepted by the City without a work order from the Clerk's Office." Mr. Balfe
noted that there have been occasions where bronze markers have been sent directly to
the Clerk's Office.
Mr. Wildner stated that markers from the Veterans also arrive at the Cemetery prior to
obtaining a permit from the lot owner. Mr. Balfe reported that before a marker is shipped
from the Veterans Administration, he receives a form that must be signed agreeing to
the size and specifications of the marker. Ms. Rivers felt that completing and signing
this form could be considered authorization. Ms. Rivers recommended amending her
change to Section 5 that would read "no marker shall be accepted by the City without
prior authorization by the City."
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 28, 2005
Secretary Prainito pointed out that she would prepare all the recommended changes in
draft form and bring them to the next meeting for review before sending them on to the
City Attorney.
Ms. Rivers announced that she would not be available for the May 12th Board Meeting.
After discussion it was determined to cancel the May meeting. Ms. Rivers
recommended that the draft changes be sent to the members for review prior to the
June meeting. There was a consensus to proceed in this manner.
Section 9. Mr. Balfe thought that this was a duplication of the language in Section 3.
Secretary Prainito questioned the sentence in Section 3 that reads, "Employees will, for
cemetery maintenance purposes, move and replace these items with care, but the City
does not accept responsibility for replacing broken items unless there is a clear
negligence on the part of the City employees." Mr. Balfe stated if a Cemetery worker
damages a marker, the City replaces it. Ms. Rivers recommended adding language that
states, "unless there is clear negligence on the part of City employees."
Section 10. Mr. Balfe would like to have Section 26 included with this Section. Also,
Chairman Enkoff recommended that the second sentence of this section be changed to
read, "Casket must be encased in an outer barrel container made of concrete." It was
decided that the first sentence reading, "No wooden boxes may be used for interment"
would be deleted.
Section 11. Mr. Wildner inquired if the Cemetery Board was considered the "Board of
Governors." Ms. Rivers will check with Legal on this.
Section 12. No change.
Section 13. No Change
Section 14. For clarification, Chairman Enkoff recommended that "Secretary of the
Cemetery Board, the City Clerk" be changed to "the City Clerk's Office."
Mr. Wildner also recommended including Memorial Day, Veterans' Day and other
national holidays."
Mr. Balfe inquired where animal cremains would be addressed. Secretary Prainito
recalled that the Board at the last meeting made a motion prohibiting this, and she will
check on the status of the motion. Mr. Wildner recommended that the rule prohibiting
animal cremains be included as Section 17.
Review of Mausoleum Rules
Chairman Enkoff inquired if Mr. Osborne was notified about the rule change requiring
gasketed caskets. Mr. Prainito responded that he was notified, but he has 45 days to
respond and still has time left to do so.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 28, 2005
Ms. Rivers asked Mr. Balfe if there were any Mausoleum rules or regulations that he
thought needed to be addressed.
Secretary Prainito noted that Section 25 under Mausoleum Rules should be moved to
the Cemetery rules. This would become Section 18.
Chairman Enkoff inquired about silk flowers at the Mausoleum. Mr. Balfe reported that
Mr. Osborne does not want to have any potted flowers or plants at the Mausoleum. Mr.
Balfe inquired if silk flowers were, in fact, allowed at the Mausoleum. Secretary Prainito
noted that the rule changed recently to allow them.
Chairman Enkoff inquired about the rule for bud vases. Mr. Balfe stated people must
supply their own bud vases that they can store in the cabinets that are provided for this
purpose on the Chattahoochee. People are allowed to put fresh flowers in the vases.
When the flowers die, they are disposed of and the vase is put back into the cabinet
closest to the crypt. Chairman Enkoff asked if it was a rule that bud vases be stored in
the cabinets. Mr. Balfe was not sure and thought because people were leaving the
vases on the Chattahoochee, it was determined to store them in the cabinets.
The question of Poinsettias came up. Mr. Balfe noted Poinsettias were allowed between
December 21st through January 1st.
Members did not think there were any rules in the Mausoleum that needed to be
changed at this time.
Mr. Balfe noted there is an issue involving veterans. Families have requested to place
crosses or small flags on the front of the niche and this is not allowed. This will be
addressed at a future date.
Next Meeting: June 9, 2005 @ 6:00 p.m. in the Arts Center
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(April 29, 2005)