ON MONDAY MAY 21 2005 AT 6:30 P.M.
Debby Coles-Dobay, Chairperson Arleen Dennison, Board Liaison
Richard W. Beaulieu, Vice Chair
Cheryl Arflin (arrived at 6:44 p.m.)
Angela Budano
Kim M. McGow
Anita Remer
Suzette Urs
Linda Sage, Voting Alternate (arrived at 6:44 p.m.)
Deborah Nesbit, Alternate
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m.
II. Announcements
Chair Coles-Dobay welcomed the new member — Deborah Nesbit, to the Board.
Everyone present gave a brief introduction of themselves.
III. May 24th Presentation
Chair Coles-Dobay stated the date for the workshop presentation is Tuesday,
May 24, 2005. They have had many discussions about the presentation
workshop and revised the schedule. They had presented to the Parks &
Recreation group and to the Cultural Center Board of Directors. Chair Coles-
Dobay expressed that each time they present to other Boards; there are things
people ask, and these questions give them insight as to what they may need to
say in their presentation. For the workshop on May 24, 2005, she felt they
should give their presentation first and then open the floor to questions. This
would eliminate the problem to people asking questions that would be addressed
in their presentation.
Chair Coles-Dobay went through the presentation/workshop document to see if
everyone was in agreement with it and if any additions or corrections should be
Brief Introduction
It was agreed they would begin the presentation with a brief introduction of the
Arts Commission.
"Art. Ask for more" commercials
It was also in agreement they would show the ''Art. Ask for More" commercials.
These commercials are on the website called americansforthearts.org, and show
children without art. Chair Coles-Dobay felt these commercials give a good
impact of what could happen to society and today's children if you don't include
art in their lives.
Why is Public Art Important
Chair Coles-Dobay referred to the bulleted points on their documented
presentation. She asked the Board if they agreed with the order they would be
Ms. Budano thought they discussed that at the last meeting, and made their
corrections. Chair Coles-Dobay was not sure if they discussed it because it was
the same order as the draft presentation document. Ms. McGow felt the order
was good, and the first six items were prominent and should be at the top of the
Chair Coles-Dobay suggested they should go through the workshop document
and decide what visuals were necessary for presentation.
What do we mean when we say Art in Public Places?
Chair Coles-Dobay felt it necessary to express they want to see art everywhere in
the City like in parks, city municipalities, the library and the civic center. They
need to show:
• Art that will contribute to the City's civic and economic growth goals.
• Art that will help to reduce crime & drug problems in our community.
• Art that will create jobs and decrease unemployment.
• Art that will increase education, culture and ethnic unity.
How did we develop the Recommendations and Guidelines.
Chair Coles-Dobay stated this related to the document they were going to
distribute. This gives an overview of the process of what had been researched,
meetings they attended. Ms. Budano felt they should also mention in the
document that they had feedback from the Community Redevelopment Agency.
Ms. Dennison stated there was a paragraph in the executive summary, which
they should include in the document. That paragraph read, "Staff, including the
Planning and Zoning Department, CRA, and the Legal Department, have
reviewed the Arts Commission's recommendations and guidelines. This
comprehensive document integrates many of their recommendations, as well as
the best of successful public art, defined to meet City's special needs." It was
agreed that this paragraph should come first and Ms. Budano suggested they
should also mention that the end results have been extensively studied over a
year to include the best of every program.
Recommendation — What is the result of this extensive research?
Chair Coles-Dobay read the proposal for this section, and everyone was in
agreement with it.
Exemptions to Public Art Fees
Chair Coles-Dobay read the exemptions as they were on the presentation
document and everyone was in agreement.
Endowment program
Chair Coles-Dobay said this was a new addition and felt they should give credit
to Doug Hutchinson, Director of the CRA, who suggested they adopt the
Endowment program. Ms. Dennison pointed out that they did not go too in
depth with the item, and felt it would be better if 5% or 10% of Art Funds went
to Endowment. She made copies of the proposed spreadsheet for distribution
and it was decided they would revisit the matter for discussion.
Chair Coles-Dobay said they should also point out they would actively seek
grants and private funding, and through aggressive marketing build fundraising
events into the program.
Art in Project Alternative
Chair Coles-Dobay stated this section explained how the funds would be
distributed. 70% of the construction costs to artwork, and 30% to the art fund.
Ms. Urs questioned how much of the fees would be required to be donated.
Chair Coles-Dobay said they had already established that it would be 1%. Ms.
McGow and Ms. Urs suggested rewording number 3, and it was decided to
reword it to
read, "Donate 1% to Public Art Fund as referenced above". Chair Coles-Dobay
felt they should make a clear statement that all artwork in the development must
be in public accessible places.
Chair Coles-Dobay mentioned the three basic things a developer can do as
1. Elect to site a permanent pubic artwork as part of the development
project, and use the Arts Commission to assist in developing the Art in the
2. Hire an artist on their own to execute a project that meets specific art
3. Donate 1% to Public Art Fund as referenced above.
How will Art benefit a developer
Ms. McGow did not think it would be easy to present this section because it
outlined the way the program would work. She felt they should outline some of
the benefits to the developer. Ms. Dennison stated she had a packet that had
interesting facts on community revitalization, economic development and job
growth, and youth and student achievement. She felt it was a great support
document and should be included in the resource section, because it had
excellent statistics and information.
Ms. McGow felt art would generate interest in the community and people would
want to visit the areas. Ms. Arflin said it would give a competitive edge to the
developer with prospective buyers.
Ms. McGow pointed out there was a difference between multi-million dollar
developments and the smaller developments that would still be subject to the
public art, and how they would benefit from the public art. She felt it was clear
how the larger developments would benefit, but felt they should make sure they
address how the smaller developments would benefit. Mr. Beaulieu expressed
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that there is a small real estate company that benefited from art because it put
them on the map. Ms. Urs felt one benefit of putting up art for small businesses
was that it would change the perception of being a bad neighborhood.
It was decided to change the topic to state how the Artwork on site would
benefit the Developer, and the following key points should be used to specify it:
• Create a positive relationship with the community.
• Bring visitors to the project or the development.
• It would provide a competitive edge to the developer.
• Creates a signature identity.
Art Donated to the City of Boynton Beach
Chair Coles-Dobay did not think it was necessary to include the two bulleted
points under this item. She suggested striking that language, and state that it
was another alternative and the details are in the document presented.
Fees in lieu of Artwork on Site
Chair Coles-Dobay suggested striking the language that stated "By-pass
completely the public art process".
Specific Criteria for Developers
Chair Coles-Dobay noted they were supposed to elaborate on what they consider
art elements, which was discussed on page 20 of the document. After some
discussion, Ms. McGow did not think they could narrow down what art is and Ms.
Budano felt they should discourage ornamentation as a substitute for public art.
Ms. Dennison expressed they could only say they are looking for original art
while discouraging catalogue shopping and ornamentation, and it will still need
to meet the basic criteria. Ms. McGow pointed out they did mention this on page
Chair Coles-Dobay stated her purpose for adding these additional pages was
because they are questions that would come up, and they could point out there
are some key things in the recommendations and guidelines, which they have
addressed, and refer to those pages. She noted those sections are:
• Site criteria
• Budgetary guidelines for developers
• Art selection guidelines
Art Commission Services
Chair Coles-Dobay the pages they could refer to were:
• Page 24, which lists the services the Arts Commission will provide.
• Page 25 outlines the projects pre -application review criteria.
• Pages 30-37 show examples of Public Art Projects and the costs
associated with their construction.
Pages 39-43 detail the Art and Artists selection Process.
Ms. Dennison noted these items should be added to the table of contents. Ms.
McGow suggested changing the red ink from the dollar figures on pages 30-37.
Chair Coles-Dobay felt their workshop would have a better impact if they had a
PowerPoint presentation. It was agreed they would have a few visual slides to
demonstrate sections of their presentation.
Chair Coles-Dobay said she spoke with Beth Ravtiz and she was definitely going
to attend the workshop to give her presentation. She mentioned that Ms. Ravtiz
is a public art artist and most of them had seen her presentation. Chair Coles-
Dobay felt Ms. Ravtiz should give a 15 to 20 minute presentation and one of the
things she should speak about was the City park project she conducted. This
was originally an unused piece of property that Ms. Ravtiz turned into a park
with the help of the school district and the community. Chair Coles-Dobay felt
she should speak about this entire process and show examples.
Chair Coles-Dobay also felt Ms. Ravtiz should speak about the rehabilitation
center project, which was under a budget. She explained that Ms. Ravtiz
researched the project and spoke with officials of the center as well as people
who attended the center, and created something spectacular. Chair Coles-Dobay
mentioned that classes and even weddings are now held there.
Ms. Budano felt that Ms. Ravtiz should be the first person to present since she
would be using slides for her presentation. She suggested the next speaker be
Jeffery Siegel who is the Landscape Architect for the City of Plantation, since he
and Ms. Ravtiz worked together on those projects. Ms. Budano noted that Mr.
Siegel should speak about the municipal aspect of the projects, and the
economic impact.
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Ms. McGow stated she spoke with Ms. Singer and pointed out that her first name
is spelled Elayna. Ms. McGow stated that Ms. Singer would present if they still
wanted her to, but was concerned that since her program was new and they did
not have any completed projects, that perhaps they should ask Ms. Goldberg of
the West Palm Beach Art in Public Places Program to present instead. Ms.
McGow said she spoke with Ms. Goldberg, but she has another commitment that
day and expressed she would get back to her on the matter.
Ms. Dennison noted she would like to see Ms. Singer's resume because Ms.
Singer is a powerful expert in the area of Public Art. Chair Coles-Dobay did not
think Ms. Singer had to speak on her specific program, but the overall economic
impact of art on Palm Beach County.
Ms. Budano questioned if Ms. Singer knew about partnerships with other
municipalities and what they are projecting, and felt she could possibly do her
presentation to reflect that area. Ms. Dennison noted Ms. Singer was also in a
testing situation where she has over a million -dollar budget to show how the art
would work.
Ms. McGow stated she would call City Hall and be transferred to the person she
should speak with at Palm Beach, and Chair Coles-Dobay offered to help contact
some people. Ms. Budano noted the Mayors were just changed, and the former
Mayor was heavily involved with Art in public places, and she felt he would be a
good speaker. Ms. Budano said she could try to contact him through Urban
Design Studio.
Chair Coles-Dobay felt that since Mr. Norm Codo could not attend, they could
invite people from Palm Beach County Art Program who have information about
the developer's involvement in art in public places programs to speak at the
workshop. Ms. Budano stated there are currently two projects in West Palm
Beach, and they were picking the piece that would be installed on site on May
10, 2005. She suggested contacting them to see if they would be willing to
speak about their experiences.
Ms. Arflin felt that even if they could not find all the speakers they were hoping
for, two or three speakers who covered the topic well would be good.
Endowment Program
Chair Coles-Dobay stated Ms. Dennison distributed a spreadsheet, which showed
the construction costs and what the figures would be for a 1% Public Art Fee. It
also showed the 70%, which would go toward the Art that stays within the
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project, and the 30%, which would go toward the Art Fund. This sheet also
showed what the figures would be if 5% or 10% of the Art Fund went towards
the Endowment program.
Ms. Dennison pointed out the important thing about the spreadsheet was to get
a handle on the 1% Public Art fee. She said there were objections to the fact
that 1% is an obscene amount of money and felt it was important to look at how
that 1% amount would be spent. As an example, she pointed out that Muvico is
almost a 12 million dollar project, and the 1% Public Art Fee would amount to
$119K. $83K would be allocated in the Muvico project to art. Ms. Dennison
noted that $35K would go toward the Public Art Fund, and suggested they
decide at the meeting whether they would use 5% or 10% to go toward
endowment. The question would be what they are going to do with the
remaining $32K, and Ms. Dennison pointed out that with every new project, the
fund is going to get bigger.
Ms. Dennison stated the City is in a budget process for 2005-2006, which
commences October 1, 2005. There is a request in that budget for a new
position for a Public Art Coordinator that would be funded out of the 30%. Ms.
Arflin questioned if the endowment could be structured so only the interest could
be spent, and Ms. Dennison said she would suggest that the endowment not be
spent for at least four years.
Ms. Dennison felt their document should mention that the 1% is only collected
for four years. The fund would be used to maintain the projects, and any work
necessary, and also be used on new projects on City properties, that are not
being done in the commercial development areas.
Ms. Budano questioned if the 30% was sufficient funding to pay a full time
person as well as pay the marketing and advertising costs. Chair Coles-Dobay
could not answer that question right now because they are not sure if all the
projects had been permitted. Ms. Dennison felt that was important because if
1% was approved, how long would it take to be implemented.
Ms. Arflin stated her understanding was there was a lawsuit pending in the City
of Boynton against the way fees were assessed to businesses, because some
paid a lesser percentage than others. She felt the Arts Commission should be
careful to not play favorites.
Ms. Dennison questioned if they should leave the spreadsheet with both the
proposed 5% and 10% to the endowment program, or if they should make a
decision on either the 5% or 10%.
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Ms. Arflin wanted to know if it was possible to take 5% for Endowment from
both the 70% and the 30%. Ms. Dennison stated the entire document is based
on leaving 70% within the project.
Mr. Beaulieu suggested going with the 5% for Endowment, and pointed out that
they could raise it in the future.
Ms. Budano questioned if there was an ordinance that stated you could raise the
endowment but not lower it. Ms. Dennison thought it would be a policy decision
that could be changed. Ms. Arflin pointed out that once you set up the
endowment in perpetuity that it cannot change, but you can change the amount
you contribute to it.
Ms. Urs felt that since they are hoping the endowment would carry the load of
their program, that they should start building it fast, and suggested 10% for
Ms. Dennison stated page 55 of the document related to what they would do
down the line and all those things would come out of the 30%. Ms. McGow felt
they should remember a part of their goal is to develop an entity, which will have
fund raising and grant writing, which will help to supplement the finances. Ms.
McGow also pointed out they would be developing a program that they will be
funding through private money which is a long term goal, so she thought they
needed to be careful and sure they could do what they say they would do now,
so they could prove that it is a successful program.
Ms. Arflin made a motion that they vote for 5% of the Art Fund to go to
endowment. Motion seconded by Ms. McGow and carried 8-1 (Ms. Urs
Ms. Urs dissented on the motion because she felt the endowment plan should be
10% of the Art Fund.
Ms. Budano agreed with Ms. Urs and thought they could move up the amount to
the endowment plan to 10% at a later point.
Ms. Dennison pointed out the State of Florida has a grant program which states
if you collect $260,000 in the endowment fund, you could apply to the State and
they would match it. She felt they could do fundraising for the fund once they
start writing their policy.
Ms. Dennison stated the Planning & Zoning Department suggested they speak
with some developers. She asked the other Board members if they felt it would
be a good resource to bring into the presentation, should she get in contact with
them. Ms. Urs felt it was a good idea.
Chair Coles-Dobay suggested contacting some people, and then they could
decide which ones would be best to present at the workshop.
Chair Coles-Dobay mentioned they might need a sub -committee meeting before
the workshop to be sure everything is in order.
Mr. Beaulieu clarified the workshop meeting would be held on May 24, 2005, in
the Library at 6:30 p.m.
Ms. Dennison asked about refreshments and it was agreed to serve water and
Chair Coles-Dobay felt they should start preparing a draft document, which
would point out some of the recommendations about where the money would be
spent. Ms. Urs suggested showing the CRA and City Commission a map of the
highlighted places where the money would be spent. It was agreed that a map
was something they should have at the workshop.
Ms. Dennison thanked Mr. Beaulieu, Ms. Arflin, and Ms. Sage for judging the
Sister Cities. Ms. Remer apologized for not attending because she was ill.
Chair Coles-Dobay stated at the March 7, 2005 meeting, they discussed
assigning individuals to spearhead sub committees for the following future
• Artist database
• Grant writing
• Sister Cities traveling exhibit
• Fundraising Events — Art Event
• Palmetto Park & Boundless Park — Art in Public Places coordination
Ms. Budano stated she is working on the RFP for Landscape Architecture for
Parks and Recreation. She would be happy to give an update.
Mr. Beaulieu questioned what they were doing with the Sister Cities, and pointed
out he called to photograph the pieces and Jim Williams had already done it
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because some of the students wanted back their pieces. He noted Mr. Williams
had the other pieces.
Chair Coles-Dobay felt they should contact Mr. Williams to find out how many
pieces there were and Mr. Beaulieu was willing to spearhead the project.
It was agreed that Ms. Arflin would do the grant writing; Ms. McGow would do
the Artist Database; and Ms. Urs. Ms. Sage and Ms. Nesbit would spearhead the
fundraising events.
Ms. Dennison expressed the Boynton Beach High School Theatre Department
had a play last Saturday and only 18 people showed up. She felt they should try
to spread the word in the future, about these events.
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
N�66� -
Catherine Wharton
Recording Secretary
(May 9, 2005)