Minutes 05-11-05
Brian Miller, Chair
Blanche Girtman, Vice Chair
Alfred Levy
Eddie Mitchell
Joyce Mura
Gregg Orenstein
Phyllis Stern
Brenda Lee Williams
Diane Pacheco, Voting Alternate
Kurt Godfrey, Alternate (arrived at 7:15 p.rn.)
Dan DeCarlo, Neighborhood Specialist
Stanley Sorgman
I. Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. Members recited the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag led by Vice Chair Girtman.
II. Roll Call - Regular Members and Alternates
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
Chairman Miller received correspondence from Board member, Stanley Sorgman
stating he could not be present tonight because he was having surgery. The letter was
presented to the Recording Secretary for inclusion with the records of the meeting.
Ms. Stern recommended that the Board send a card to Mr. Sorgman, to which members
agreed. Chairman Miller asked Ms. Stern if she would take care of this. Ms. Stern will
send the card to Mr. Sorgman at his home address.
Election of Chair and Vice Chair
Chairman Miller noted that every May the Board elects a new Chair and Vice Chair.
Chairman Miller called for nominations for Chair.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 11,2005
Vice Chair Girtman nominated Brian Miller as Chair of the Community Relations Board.
Motion seconded by Ms. Mura.
There were no other nominations.
Vice Chair Girtman moved that the nominations be closed. Ms. Williams seconded the
The motion was made by acclamation that Brian Miller be re-elected Chair of the
Community Relations Board for another term.
Chairman Miller nominated Blanche Girtman as Vice Chair of the Community Relations
Board. Motion seconded by Ms. Williams.
There were no other nominations.
Mr. Mitchell pointed out that in accordance with Robert's Rules the Chair cannot make a
motion to nominate the Vice Chair. Chairman Miller withdrew his nomination.
Ms. Mura moved to nominate Blanche Girtman as Vice Chair of the Community
Relations Board. Motion seconded by Ms. Williams.
Ms. Williams moved that the nominations be closed.
By show of hands, Ms. Girtman was unanimously re-elected Vice Chair of the
Community Relations Board.
III. Recognition of Visitors
Ms. Stern noted it was Vice Chair Girtman's birthday. Members wished Vice Chair
Girtman a very Happy Birthday.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 11, 2005
IV. April 13, 2005 Minutes Approval
Ms. Mura moved to approve the minutes of April 13, 2005. Motion seconded by Vice
Chair Girtman and unanimously carried.
V. Agenda Approval
Ms. Williams moved to accept the agenda with any changes, if any. Motion seconded by
Ms. Mura and unanimously carried
VI. Correspondence and Announcements
Mr. DeCarlo announced, with regrets, that he would be leaving the City and would no
longer be the Board's Liaison. He has tendered his notice to the City and would be
leaving at the end of this month. He was not certain who the Board's new Liaison would
be. Mr. DeCarlo told the Board how much he has enjoyed being their Liaison and would
especially miss this aspect of his duties with the City.
The members wished Mr. DeCarlo success with his new endeavors and told him how
much he would be missed. Vice Chair Girtman thanked Mr. DeCarlo for his leadership
in the Board's new direction with the Heart of Boynton.
Ms. Williams also thanked Mr. DeCarlo for getting the PATCH program off the ground.
Vice Chair Girtman noted the PATCH Program continues to be active, but is still in need
of help. Mr. DeCarlo responded that the CRA is becoming proactive in this area and is
looking for leadership from the community. He would anticipate that the CRA would be
involving the churches and CDCs to get things accomplished. Mr. DeCarlo will also
remain active in the community, especially in the Heart of Boynton.
VIII. New Business (addressed out of order)
a) Florida Commission on Ethics Update
Mr. DeCarlo spoke with Assistant City Manager Wilfred Hawkins and the City Clerk's
Office and reviewed the minutes of the last meeting to determine what transpired at the
last meeting regarding this item. Mr. DeCarlo reported that this Board does not need to
be concerned about this requirement. He also spoke with the City Attorney who
confirmed this.
Ms. Williams noted there was an article in the paper about a member of another Board
being fined for filing late. Mr. DeCarlo explained that this person was a member of the
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 11, 2005
Community Redevelopment Agency and members of that Agency are subject to
different requirements than this Board. Mr. DeCarlo explained how the CRA differs from
this Board and most of the other City Boards.
If any Board member has any ethics issues, they should contact the City Clerk's Office.
However, he did not think that this would apply to members of this Board.
VII. Old Business
a) Pride in Boynton Beach
b) Literacy Program (Read Boynton Program) (addressed out of order)
Chairman Miller reported that the Read Boynton Program is done for the school year.
He inquired if Ms. Pacheco or Ms. Mura wanted to speak with the Library Director,
Virginia Farace, to determine if they want to offer the program in the Fall, when school
opens. Ms. Pacheco anticipated that the program would start up in the Fall.
Chairman Miller learned today that the Principal of Boynton Beach High School is
leaving and he questioned if the new Principal would be willing to offer this program.
Ms. Pacheco will speak with Ms. Farace. Mr. Orenstein stated that he would also like to
become involved in the program when it starts up again.
Chairman Miller will provide a new Board list for members at the June meeting.
a) Pride in Boynton Beach (addressed out of order)
Chairman Miller would like to have a representative from the CRA attend the next Board
meeting to discuss the Heart of Boynton.
Mr. Mitchell reported that he received a telephone call tonight to attend a meeting at a
local church tomorrow at 1 :30 p.m. to discuss the CRA and its new direction for the
Heart of Boynton. Mr. Mitchell was not certain who would be attending or what would
be discussed. Mr. DeCarlo said that he would check to determine the purpose of the
Mr. DeCarlo recommended that the Board invite the Chairperson and Director of the
CRA to the next Board meeting because they would be able to discuss the policy for the
Heart of Boynton. Also, he recommended inviting Henderson Tillman, who is the Vice
Chair of the CRA.
Ms. Williams inquired if the CRA decided to make changes in this area, would it have to
be disclosed to the community; specifically, if it involved how money would be spent.
Mr. DeCarlo pointed out that the CRA has conducted neighborhood meetings and
workshops that have involved the residents, CDCs and other interested parties to keep
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 11, 2005
them informed. If, they determine to spend funds differently from what had been
previously agreed to, it would have to be approved by the entire CRA Board.
Ms. Williams would like to have the agenda for the CRA meetings regularly furnished to
this Board. This would give Board members an opportunity to attend the meetings if
there was something on the agenda they wanted to address. Mr. DeCarlo
recommended that the Board request to be placed on the CRA mailing list to receive the
Ms. Stern moved to request that the Community Redevelopment Agency furnish this
Board with its agenda on a regular basis. Motion seconded by Ms. Williams and
unanimously carried.
Mr. DeCarlo will forward a letter to the CRA to invite the Chairperson and Director of the
CRA to attend the June meeting to update the Board on the Heart of Boynton.
Mr. Orenstein noted he was unfamiliar with the issue since he was new on the Board.
Mr. DeCarlo offered to meet with Mr. Orenstein and Mr. Levy to update them on the
Board's issues and programs. They were requested to telephone Mr. DeCarlo's office at
742-6028 to make an appointment.
Chairman Miller noted that the demolition of Boynton Terrace Apartments is underway
with two-thirds of the east side almost done.
Vice Chair Girtman invited members to attend the graduation of the pre-school children
of the Treasure Chest Early Learning Center scheduled for Sunday, June 1 ih at 4:00
p.m. at St. Paul AME Church, 315 NE 10th Avenue (MLK Blvd).
IX. Adjournment: Next meeting - Wednesday, June 8, 2005
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(May 12, 2005)