Minutes 05-10-05
AT 6:30 P.M.
Jeanne Heavilin, Chairperson
Henderson Tillman, Vice Chair
James Baretta
Alexander DeMarco
Don Fenton
Marie Horenburger
Steve Myott
Doug Hutchinson, CRA Director
Ken Spillias, Board Attorney
I. Call to Order
Chair Heavilin called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m, and introduced
Commissioner Ensler and Diana Johnson, President of the Chamber of
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
III. Approval Agenda
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda.
B. Adoption of Agenda
Ms. Horenburger pulled Item IV. H. from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
Chair Heavilin pulled Item IV. C. from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
Vice Chair Tillman moved to approve the agenda. Motion seconded by Ms.
Ms. Horenburger asked if they were postponing the New Business, Code Review,
for the Building Colors along Major Roadways project.
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Mr. Hutchinson stated it would be postponed until the next CRA regular meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
IV. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes, April lih 2005 meeting.
B. Financial Report.
C. Consideration of Façade Grant Request for James McMillan Jr. for
the property located at 1107 North Federal Hwy.
Chair Heavilin pulled Item IV.C from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
D. Consideration for a Six Month Extension for the Boynton Beach
Boulevard Self-Assembly Group.
E. Consideration for a Six Month Extension for the North Federal
Highway Self-Assembly Group.
F. Consideration of the Budget Transfer Request 2004-2005.
G. Consideration of Human Resources Policy for Paying the Travel
Expenses for Personnel Interviews.
H. Consideration of Payment of Ethics Fine for Charlie Fisher.
Ms. Horenburger pulled Item IV. H. from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
I. Consideration of Ten (10) Foot Utility Easement Over the Northern
Portion of the Relax Inn Property.
Ms. Horenburger moved for approval of the Consent Agenda, as amended.
Motion seconded by Vice Chair Tillman and unanimously carried.
Chair Heavilin stated she pulled Item IV.C, which was Consideration for Façade
Grant Request for James McMillian Jr., and asked if the applicant was present.
James Kent McMillan, 1301 SW 27th Ave, assumed the podium.
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Chair Heavilin asked what type of business it was and Mr. Kent stated it was
never a business. He owned the building for a little over three years, but it took
a year to get the permits because of the non-conforming site. He had to get
parking variances and had to put in parking lots and drainage, which was done in
Phase I and Phase II.
Chair Heavilin stated she wanted to know what his plans were for the building.
Mr. McMillan stated three years ago, the original request for the site plan was to
put in a watercraft business. Right now it is still an option, but he also had an
offer from The Dorma Group, which is a local family-based company, to lease it
for office space. He said that would tremendously reduce the parking impact.
Mr. DeMarco asked when the property would be occupied and Mr. McMillan
stated the company would like to move in as soon as he is finished. He expects
to finish within a month, but he might have to do a revision under his current
permit because the company would like to put in some interior walls, so
therefore he cannot give a specific timeframe but hoped they could move in
within three months.
Mr. DeMarco asked if it would be possible to give the CRA office a report every
30 days on the accomplishments, but Chair Heavilin stated that was not a part of
the façade guidelines. Mr. DeMarco stated he was trying to get a time period as
to when someone would move into the office space. Mr. Fenton did not agree,
and stated it was a façade grant approval, and did not think the questioning was
Mr. Fenton moved the Board approve the Façade Grant reimbursement request
of $15,000.00 for James Kent McMillan Jr. Motion seconded by Vice Chair
Tillman and carried 6-1 (Mr. DeMarco dissenting).
Chair Heavilin welcomed Commissioner Ferguson to the meeting.
V. Public Audience
Chair Heavilin welcomed anyone in the audience who wished to speak on
anything not on the agenda.
Brian Edwards, 629 NE 9th Ave, addressed the Board on behalf the Cultural
Center. He stated they had a Board meeting yesterday, and they felt it was
important to come before the CRA Board. He gave a brief report on the 1927
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high school on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Boynton Cultural Center
Inc. A copy of this statement is on file with the records of the meeting.
Ms. Horenburger asked if the team was formed because there was a section in
the statement that said the CRA Director agreed about a team. Mr. Hutchinson
stated there was no building or agreement as yet. They looked at concepts that
would put a team in charge of getting the project started, and their first step is
to have the agreement with the City. He said their draft had been with the City
for 5 weeks and they are awaiting a response.
Ms. Horenburger asked who would be appointing the team. Mr. Hutchison was
not ready to comment on that until they have a building because their entire
focus was on getting an agreement with the City drafted.
Chair Heavilin pointed out the consideration of the Old High School agreement is
slated on the future agenda items for June, which would be a more appropriate
time to discuss the team.
Since no one else in the audience wished to speak, Chair Heavilin closed the
public hearing.
VI. Public Hearing
Old Business
New Business
The new business item, Code Review for the Building Colors along Major
Roadways project (CDRV 05-009), was postponed until the next regular CRA
VII. Pulled Consent Agenda Items
H. Consideration of Payment of Ethics Fine for Charlie Fisher
Ms. Horenburger stated the $300.00 fine charged to Mr. Fisher was originally a
$1500.00 fine. Mr. Fisher claimed staff was responsible for the non-filing of the
form, which was his responsibility, and the ethics committee reduced his fine
stating that having been given erroneous advice by staff at the CRA merits a
reduction in his penalty. Ms. Horenburger did not think the Board or the City
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was responsible for the balance of the fee. Vice Chair Tillman agreed with Ms.
Horenburger and pointed out that when an individual receives an order to
disclose, it is their personal obligation and staff should not be involved. Mr.
Fenton was also in agreement, and asked what the downside would be of them
not paying the fine.
Mr. Hutchinson stated he brought the issue to the Board because from an
economics point of view, they would end up spending more than $300.00 on the
matter when they calculate the time spent dealing with the matter, as well as the
legal input.
Attorney Spillias stated there was nothing that would preclude them from paying
the fine, but on the other hand it was a policy decision of the Board. To the
extent that the Commission on Ethics gave credence to Mr. Fisher's position, they
reduced the fine by $1200.00. Attorney Spillias pointed out that the Ethics Board
determined that at least $300.00 worth of the problem was Mr. Fisher's
responsibility. He felt either decision the Board should make would be fully
Chair Heavilin asked if the Board would be setting a precedent if they should
approve. Attorney Spillias pointed out that each case is based on its own facts
and he did not think they would be setting a precedent.
After consideration of paying the ethics fine for Charlie Fisher, Vice Chair Tillman
moved that the Board does not approve paying the fine. Motion seconded by
Mr. Fenton and carried unanimously.
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
A. Consideration of the Creation of an Events Coordinator Position and
Pay Scale.
Mr. Hutchinson stated that staff is recommending hiring an Events Coordinator to
assist the Marketing Director with the logistics of planning and implementing CRA
promotions, events and festivals. With regard to the pay scale, they had an
amount which they felt was realistic for the skill sets they were looking for, and
he would report back to the board if he felt they were not able to get competent
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people within that pay scale. He thought they were in a good market range
based on others at that level.
Ms. Horenburger pointed out she would not like to have someone trained for the
position and doing a great job, then leave for a bigger pay somewhere else.
Vice Chair Tillman moved to approve the Creation of an Events Coordinator
Position. Motion seconded by Mr. Baretta and carried unanimously.
B. Consideration of the June Board Meeting being moved to June 9th,
Mr. Hutchinson stated he wanted everyone to realize that it was a different
meeting date, as well as a different day. He pointed out the meeting would be
the second Thursday of the month.
Mr. Myott stated he had to attend a Palm Beach County Leadership Graduation
that night, and may not be able to attend. He asked Mr. Hutchinson to find out
if there would be any development plans slated for that meeting, because if they
were he would like to attend.
Ms. Horenburger moved to approve the rescheduling of June's Board meeting
from June 14, 2005 to June 9, 2005. Motion seconded by Mr. Baretta and
carried unanimously.
x. Commission Action
Mr. Hutchinson felt the Board gave a positive vote on the carwash issue under
the impression that in certain C Districts it would be an issue to come before the
Board rather than automatic.
Mr. Hutchinson stated when the ordinance was presented at the City level, not
only was that taken out, but the M-l use was taken out as specific and put in as
all M-1. This put their M-l into the Ordinance, which was not in it before. He
said the reason he brought it up was because the Commission ended up taking a
recommendation of something that the Board had passed on that had nothing to
do with the Ordinance that was in front of the CRA Board. He pointed out he
would try to work on the issue with the City and staff, because he did not think
the Board would have approved to bring carwashes into their M-1.
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Chair Heavilin stated she understood from speaking to some members of the
Commission that the item was not presented to them the same way it was to the
CRA Board. She felt if the Commission ratified something the CRA did, that they
had to be the same.
Ms. Horenburger pointed out it was done for one piece of property, which is
adjacent to residential property, and she was sorry she supported that.
Mr. Hutchinson stated he would work on the issue because the Board must
consider the Ordinance. He pointed out that what they ended up with affected
them, and the Board had no input on that particular Ordinance.
XI. Director's Report
Mr. Hutchinson reminded the Board the Arts Commission joint workshop with the
City is scheduled for Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. at the Library Program
Mr. Hutchinson pointed out that almost after a year and a half he had the signed
South Florida Waterman District Permit for the Boynton Beach Boulevard
Mr. Hutchinson stated they sent out their proposed series of workshops for
summer, which may be adjusted. Mr. Hutchinson said the workshops would be
held at their office on Thursday nights at 6:30 p.m.
Mr. Fenton asked the time schedule on the trolley system. Mr. Hutchinson noted
the signs were in the process of being manufactured for the trolley schedules,
and the City is committed to installing the signs. Within three weeks the signs
should be up.
Chair Heavilin inquired who the appraiser was on the Mangrove purchase. Mr.
Hutchison stated they were using two appraisers who were specialists. One of
them would be for the Marina area and the other for the Mangroves.
Chair Heavilin inquired about the status on the feasibility study regarding the
Savage Creatures Team. Mr. Hutchinson stated they would bring it to the Board
for approval of the draft in August. Ms. Horenburger asked when the decision
was made on the Savage Creatures Team, because she had a disagreement
about it. Mr. Hutchinson stated he made the presentation a year ago, and stated
in paleontology, the fastest growing area in discovery is in sea creatures, and
there is no museum in the United States that is dedicated to that. Ms.
Horenburger felt it was an evolutionary theory and had disagreements with it.
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Mr. Hutchinson stated she could re-visit the issue when it comes up in the
Chair Heavilin needed clarification of the location of the Self Assembly. Mr.
Hutchinson explained it was on the west side of Federal Highway between CVS
and Goodyear.
Chair Heavilin stated the website activity report consisted of lots of paper and did
not think it was necessary to include them in the package.
Mr. DeMarco expressed he was very ill at the last CRA Board meeting, and that
was the reason he left early. He also pointed out that although he does not say
much, his comments are hardly recorded in the minutes. Mr. Hutchinson noted
that since meetings last for three to four hours, it is best when making a point to
say "for the record", which would assure that it is put on the record.
XII. Board Member Comments
XIII. Legal
A. Consideration of Quasi-Judicial Procedures for Presentation
Attorney Spillias explained the Board had asked for a draft of the proposed policy
that governs the quasi-judicial hearings with regard to putting some time
limitations on the presentations. He pointed out that the reference of the City
Attorney in paragraphs 2 and 5 of the draft were typographical errors, and
should be the CRA Attorney. Attorney Spillias read the draft of the Boynton
Beach Community Redevelopment Agency Quasi-Judicial procedures as follows:
1. Ex parte disclosures by CRA Board Members.
2. The CRA Attorney outlines the hearing procedure, including a statement
that any member of the Board may, at any time during the presentation
of testimony, question any witnesses.
3. Attorneys or other individuals acting in a representative capacity make
their appearances.
4. Request for identification of any interveners.
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5. The CRA Attorney or City Clerk swears in all witnesses.
6. City Staff members present a summary of the issues before the Board,
testify as to their opinions and make recommendations for inclusion in
"Conditions of Approval". (The CRA generally limits staff presentations to
15 minutes).
7. The Applicant presents its case, including acceptance or objection to
proposed conditions of approval. (The CRA generally limits applicant
presentations to 15 minutes).
8. Interveners present their cases, offer their facts and opinions, and cross-
examine previous witnesses. (The CRA generally limits intervener's
presentations to 15 minutes).
9. Members of the public offer their facts and/or opinions. (The CRA
generally limits public presentations to 3 minutes).
10. Intervener rebuttal/final comments. (The CRA generally limits intervener
rebuttal presentations to 3 minutes).
11. Applicant rebuttal/final comments. (The CRA generally limits applicant
rebuttal presentations to 5 minutes).
12. Staff rebuttal/final comments. (The CRA generally limits staff rebuttal
presentations to 5 minutes).
13. CRA questions and deliberation / decisions.
Attorney Spillias suggested the Board inform individuals they would hold them to
the timelines, unless the Board determines there is good reason to allow more
Mr. Tillman asked if the intervener would be separate from the applicant, and
questioned how they would define who was an intervener. Attorney Spillias
stated the intervener usually opposes the applicant. He said they could ask if
anyone who wished to assume that status, or if someone steps forward and
asked to be an intervener. The person would have to present why they should
be an intervener, and the Board would make a decision.
Attorney Spillias expressed the procedures would be a policy of the Board, and
would not need to be in the bylaws. The time frames would be announced at
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the beginning of the quasi-judicial hearing. For additional notice, they could
attachment the procedures to the agenda; and there is no legal requirement to
do that.
Mr. Fenton felt the public discussion they were having at that point would be
enough to make the public aware of their procedures because it would be in the
minutes. Mr. Spillias said legally that was correct.
Mr. Baretta thought in the interest of not surprising applicants who had a 45
minute presentation that they only had 15 minutes, it might be wise to attach a
copy of the procedures to the agenda.
Ms. Horenburger pointed out that they have three and sometimes four
applications on an agenda, and felt with the timeline procedures, a meeting
would last a very long time. She questioned if they could legally adopt a first
come first serve method, and limit the amount of applications at a meeting. Mr.
Hutchinson said no.
Chair Heavilin pointed out they only had one intervener in five years and that
was not a usual thing to happen. She suggested that since the Board would
already know the background information, that Staff only present what is legally
Vice Chair Tillman suggested that when staff made their presentation, the Chair
of the Board would ask the applicant if they were in agreement, or had any
questions. If the applicant was in agreement, then there would be no need for
a presentation from the applicant.
Ms. Horenburger was concerned how the time would be allocated if the Board
interrupted an applicant to ask questions.
Attorney Spillias pointed out it would be at the discretion of the Chairperson, to
decide whether the questions have taken up a significant portion of the
applicant's time.
Mr. Fenton asked if it was necessary for City staff to read the information, which
the Board already had in front of them. Attorney Spillias reminded the Board
that even though they already have the information, the general public does not,
and it was necessary in order for the public to follow along with the proceedings.
However, it was not necessary to read all of it. He suggested that staff could
summarize it, as long as the main points of staff's findings and recommendations
are spoken so the public has an idea of staff's recommendation.
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Chair Heavilin stated they addressed that issue previously, and said they should
re-emphasize that with staff.
Mr. Hutchinson suggested that staff read the summary of the recommendations
and the conclusions.
Chair Heavilin asked if the Board should respond to public hearing comments.
Attorney Spillias stated they could respond or ask questions.
Mr. Fenton moved to formally adopt the quasi-judicial procedures outlined 1-13,
by the CRA Board Attorney, Ken Spillias, with the noted grammatical corrections.
Motion seconded by Mr. Baretta and carried unanimously.
XIV. Other Items
Attorney Spillias noted he was going to be out of the country from Friday, May
13, 2005 until Monday, May 31, 2005. He pointed out if the Board had any
issues or questions they need resolved to contact Amy Dukes.
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
c~~c~ .
Catherine Wharton
Recording Secretary
(May 17, 2005)