Minutes 06-13-05
FLORIDA, ON MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2005 AT 10:00 A.M.
Kevin Nugent, Vice Chair
Barbara Madden, Secretary
Carisse LeJeune
Chris Mitchell
Frantz LaFontant
Tom Balfe
Barbara Scott
Glenda Hall
Charlie Crawford
Chuck Magazine
Mark Bobich
City Clerk
City Manager
Police/Code Compliance
Public Works
Risk Management
Brenda LeVant
Eric Falstad
Dorothy Mack
Glendon Morgan
Sharyn Stump
Rodney Vicki
Golf Course
Human Resources
Finance/W arehouse
I. Call to Order
In the absence of Chairman Bebensee, Vice Chair Nugent presided and called the
meeting to order at 10:09 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of April 11 ,2005 Regular Meeting
Vice Chair Nugent noted there were no minutes for the May meeting due to a lack of a
In the minutes of April 11, 2005, Mr. Magazine noted in the third line down on Page 6,
he was referred to as Chairman Magazine.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 13, 2005
Mr. Bobich moved to accept the minutes, as amended. Motion seconded by Mr. Balfe
and unanimously carried.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
Mr. Bobich provided two videos for viewing. The first video dealt with how roads and
streets are marked. He had intended to show the first video at the May meeting in
conjunction with a program that would be presented Citywide regarding Sunshine State
One Call of Florida where you call for locations. Even though the program has already
taken place, Mr. Bobich felt the videos would still be worthwhile. The second video dealt
with disasters when workers dig things up improperly. This video was not viewed.
After viewing the video, discussion took place. Mr. Bobich pointed out that Sunshine
State One Call of Florida is a very valuable resource and their toll free telephone
number is 1-800-432-4770. They are always willing to provide safety meetings since
one of their responsibilities is to protect the public and the infrastructure. Mr. Bobich
pointed out the program recently presented at the Library was open to the public to
keep them informed as well.
Mr. Bobich pointed out if anyone in the City wanted further training, they should feel free
to contact Sunshine State One. Sunshine State One provides cards and he will bring
some to the next meeting. Vice Chair Nugent inquired who the targeted audience was
for the presentation. Mr. Bobich responded it was intended for City workers, but the City
also wanted to get the information out to the public. Mr. Magazine inquired if anyone
from the public was present, and Mr. Balfe thought there were some people from other
companies and outside agencies.
Mr. Magazine inquired whether it would be worthwhile to sponsor another presentation
and contact the property managers in the City. Mr. Bobich pointed the intent of the
previous program was to target these people. Vice Chair Nugent pointed out that many
of the incidents he is called out to deal with are homeowners that are unaware of the
proper procedures. Mr. Balfe pointed out just putting a shovel in the ground is
considered "excavating."
Ms. Hall noted there is concern the City does not have a procedure in place for City-
owned property whenever work needs to be done. She thought it would be feasible to
have a procedure in place to follow whenever this type of work needed to be done. Mr.
Balfe pointed out that the Facilities Division is familiar with most of the lines throughout
the City. They also have a locating device for this purpose.
Mr. Magazine inquired if GIS could assist by identifying all the lines located on the maps
of the City. Ms. LeJeune pointed out this would be dependent on the utility companies
providing the location of all their lines in the City so it could be put into the GIS system
as an overlay. Mr. Magazine was not intimating outside utility lines would be identified,
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 13, 2005
but only City owned internal lines. He was opposed to assuming any risk for the City by
having people call the City instead of State Sunshine One. Ms. LeJeune also pointed
out that information on GIS would have to be regularly updated and could contain
inaccurate information.
Vice Chair Nugent inquired if Facilities would be the division that would be in charge of
tracking the location of all City lines. Mr. LaFontant recommended inviting the Facilities
Manager to a meeting to discuss these issues. Mr. Magazine thought it would be
beneficial if a sub-committee was formed that would be comprised of the parties
involved to work on putting together a proposed policy and procedure. Ms. Hall offered
to contact the Facilities to see if they would be willing to participate.
Mr. Magazine recommended that the following departments should be involved in the
process: Parks, Utilities, Public Works, ITS and Engineering. Mr. Bobich recommended
putting this on the next agenda under Unfinished Business as locating City
infrastructure and establishing a procedure for maintaining and updating the locations.
Also, it needs to be determined who would be responsible for overseeing the entire
Ms. Hall recommended holding a meeting that would be attended by Facilities and she
will speak with Mr. Livergood about whom he thinks should serve on the sub-committee.
Vice Chair Nugent also recommended contacting each department to see if they have
their own internal policies and this information might be able to be combined to come up
with a policy. Mr. Magazine felt it was important there be one point of contact, similar to
Sunshine State One. Ms. Hall also recommended that the ITS Director, Peter Wallace
be invited to attend any sub-committee meeting. Mr. Bobich will try to arrange a meeting
within the next couple of weeks.
Mr. Magazine also thought it might be beneficial to contact Sunshine State One to see if
they have any written policies that the City could adopt.
Vice Chair Nugent inquired when Sunshine State One comes to a site, is there a
charge. Mr. Bobich noted Sunshine State One is supported by the member utilities and
a small fee is involved. Mr. Balfe stated it costs 63ft every time the City gets a ticket.
V. Unfinished Business
A. Fire Drills
Vice Chair Nugent reported that fire drills are status quo. A new person has been hired
in Fire/Life Safety Division and he has been working with him to determine how to get
the fire drills done. There have been some drills, but nothing is being done on a regular
basis. There was nothing further to report. Mr. Magazine would like to set a target date
when the drills could be held. Vice Chair Nugent will have this available for the next
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 13, 2005
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards
Mr. Magazine announced that his Department has received new pins and anyone
wanting any should contact Risk Management.
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
Mr. Magazine reported that he is short staffed and as soon as new staff comes onboard,
they will be updated on the share drive. He requested that calendars with the
Departmental Safety Meetings be provided to him. The City Manager's Office has
instructed him to start attending and conducting classes. He would like to begin doing
this in July.
Vice Chair Nugent reported that the Fire Rescue Safety Committee Meeting was
conducted last week. Vice Chair Nugent reported on the accident that occurred at the
Marina Village condos that involved a crane collapsing. He commended the crane
operator's quick action that resulted in many lives being saved. Vice Chair Nugent
noted the area was unsafe and is a hardhat area. The Department is re-emphasizing
their policy that whenever staff goes to a construction site, helmets and gear must be
Ms. LeJeune inquired if the company recognized the crane operator, and Vice Chair
Nugent was unaware of this. Mr. Magazine recommended that something be submitted
to the Palm Beach County Safety Council recognizing the operator, which is commonly
done at the annual awards luncheon.
Ms. Hall reported at Fire Station #4, the landscape contractor doing work at the site
heard someone yelling. He came upon a gentleman coming from Publix Supermarket
who had his wallet stolen. He called 911. He, along with another worker at the site
followed the robber, but he got away.
Vice Chair Nugent reported at their safety meeting, some parking problems were
identified at this station. Also the stoplight for emergency traffic is after the driveway
entrance. Staff is working with the County to move the stoplight back. Mr. Magazine
reported Chief Bingham informed him the doors were tall enough and should not create
any problems.
Mr. Bobich inquired if there would be a generator backup at this station and was
informed there would be. He also reported there was an underground cable from Station
#4 to the East Water Treatment Plant.
Vice Chair Nugent reported with the hurricane season coming upon us, some safety
problems have been identified at Boynton Beach High School and are being corrected.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 13, 2005
D. Defensive Driving Course
The classes continue to be offered and people continue to sign up. Mr. Bobich noted
some people that have taken the test earned perfect scores. Anyone scoring 100 on
both tests are given a key ring. Mr. Magazine noted when the City first offered the
course, the motor vehicle accident rate dropped 40% in the first year.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
F. Lightning Protection
Mr. Magazine reported another meeting has been scheduled and a report will be
provided at the next meeting.
G. Department Alternates
Mr. Magazine reported that three departments do not have alternates. Those
Departments are City Manager, Golf Course and Library. Mr. Magazine will speak with
staff at the Golf Course and the Library Director.
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
B. Other
VII. Announcements
Mr. Magazine announced and distributed a flyer regarding the Storm Safety Workshop
the City will be holding at the Civic Center on Thursday, June 23, 2005 from 10:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m. There are 20 openings for the class.
Ms. LeJeune announced any employees that may be reassigned after a hurricane,
unless their job description includes debris removal, will not be asked to pick up debris.
Only experienced personnel will be picking up debris. The course being offered by the
City will help people identify things and what to do after a hurricane or a disaster; it is
not a course that would certify City employees to remove debris on behalf of the City,
unless it is part of their existing job description.
Mr. Bobich announced that the Sunshine State One course was also coordinated
through the City's Organizational & Strategic Development Office. Ms. Spoerri kept a
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 13, 2005
sign in sheet provided at the course. He recommended contacting her if anyone wanted
to determine what departments attended the meeting.
Ms. LeJeune recommended that Safety Coordinators and/or their supervisors may want
to attend the workshop, especially if they have employees that clear debris or would be
doing cleanup work after a hurricane.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, July 11, 2005 at 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 11 :05 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(June 28, 2005)