Minutes 06-27-05
ON MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2005 AT 6:00 P.M.
Betty Pierce-Roe, Chair
William Orlove, Vice Chair
Janelle Sloan
Betty Thomas
Pamela Winters
John McVey, Alternate (arrived at 6:28 p.m.)
Patti Hammer, Alternate
Wally Majors, Recreation Director
Jody Rivers, Recreation Superintendent
Ralph Diaz
Tom Williams
Also Present: Jeffrey Livergood, Public Works Director
I. Call to Order
Chairperson Pierce-Roe called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
II. Attendance
Chairperson Pierce-Roe called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
Chairperson Pierce-Roe announced that due to the rain, the tour of the parks had been
postponed until the July meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Ms. Hammer thanked Ms. Rivers and Mr. Majors for taking her on a tour of the City's
parks. Ms. Hammer noted their professionalism and knowledge and wished to
acknowledge them publicly for doing a wonderful job.
III. Approval of Minutes of May 23, 2005
Mr. Majors noted on Page 4 the park referred to in (3) was the Meadows 1/Nautica
Sound site. The park referred to by Ms. Rivers in the next paragraph was the Nautica
Park site.
Vice Chair Orlove moved to approve the minutes, as amended. Motion seconded by
Ms. Winters and unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 27,2005
IV. Tour of Southeast Area Parks
V. Unfinished Business
Mr. Majors requested that Item V.C. (CIP Update) be moved up on the agenda since
Mr. Livergood, who is a member of the CIP, was present to address the CIP budget.
Members agreed by consensus to move up Item V.C.
C. CIP Update (moved up on the agenda)
Mr. Majors introduced Mr. Livergood, Public Works Director, who distributed the CIP
Budget for 2004/2005. This budget is being revised for fiscal year 2005/2006 and will
be presented to the City Commission in July. Since the new CIP budget is still in the
draft stages, Mr. Livergood did not bring this document.
Mr. Livergood next explained the capital improvement process and noted that Bill
Mummert, the City's Finance Director, is a key member on the CIP team. Other
members of the team are representatives from Utilities, Engineering, and the Facility
Maintenance Division of Public Works.
Members referred to the General Government section of the Budget, which was the first
page of the handout. The team tries to place a majority of the projects into the budget,
regardless of the dollar amount. They also work closely with the Utility Department so
staff would know if the Utility Department intended to put in a water main on a street that
was earmarked for pavement two years later. Coordination is detrimental to the success
of the CI P budgeting process.
Mr. Livergood noted departments sometimes have to compete for funds for their
particular projects and needs. Funds from the General Fund are used to fund many
items, some of which are the Intracoastal Park Clubhouse, the City's sidewalk program,
and general building improvements for the Police Department.
The team also discusses whether it would be better to build something new, as opposed
to repairing or maintaining. They also try to balance the needs of the community to
provide the amenities the residents would like to have and how to maintain those
Mr. Livergood noted with regard to Parks and Recreation, the new Southeast
Neighborhood Park and the Clubhouse at Intracoastal Park are being built. The City
also needs to come up with approximately $1.4 million to keep Oceanfront Park up and
running. Unfortunately, the City does not have these funds.
Also, the City would like to install more sidewalks along streets used by grade school
children who have to walk to school. The City uses approximately $75,000 to $100,000
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 27, 2005
on public sidewalks alone, yet there are many existing sidewalks that need to be
repaired as well.
Next reviewed were the Parks and Recreation projects on Page 2 of the handout. Mr.
Livergood explained that any funds not spent would be rolled over into the next year.
The CIP budget is actually a five-year projected budget. By doing projections, the
Finance Director can properly budget for the projected items. Mr. Livergood noted this
same function is done for Departmental Operating Budgets and could include labor and
materials, personnel costs, etc. so departments would know what their expenses would
be over the next five years.
Another function of the CIP Budget involves projections of revenues for the next five
years so the projects could be funded. When the CIP Budget is presented, staff wants
to make certain the staff resources are available, the finances are in place and goals
can be accomplished.
Ms. Hammer inquired if the income from all the new projects going up in the City were
projected and included in the budget. Mr. Livergood explained they have to make an
"educated guess" with regard to projection of future income. The Finance Director works
with the Planning Director to determine this. Mr. Livergood pointed out it takes at least
18 months from completion of a project, before the project is included in the books, the
revenues would be received by the City much later.
Mr. Livergood pointed out transportation improvements are funded by the gasoline tax,
based upon a formula at a certain number of cents per gallon. Therefore, as the cost of
gas goes up and people consume less, this results in less gas tax being received by the
City. Gasoline taxes also pay for sidewalks and the City's transportation system.
Vice Chair Orlove asked about the timetable for the CIP Budget. Mr. Livergood stated
staff has met monthly over the past 12 months to work on the CIP Budget that will be
presented to the Commission at the Budget Meeting in July. There are three budget
meetings scheduled for July 12, 13 and 14. Two meetings will be devoted to operations
and the third meeting will be devoted to capital improvements.
Vice Chair Orlove felt it would be appropriate for the Board to determine its priorities
prior to those meetings.
Mr. Livergood thought that this would be beneficial for the Commission. He pointed out
that the CIP team had to eliminate repair to the boardwalk at Oceanfront Park for lack of
funds. At the May meeting, they were asked by the Finance Director to cut $2.8 million
over a five-year period, or approximately $560,000 per year. Staff will, however, look at
other things that could be done to maintain the boardwalk in order to minimize the risk
of people slipping and falling
Chairperson Pierce-Roe asked what the life expectancy of the boardwalk was when it
was originally installed. Mr. Livergood responded this was not known, but noted it was a
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 27, 2005
first generation recycled lumber material. Ms. Rivers agreed it was unknown when it
was installed. Mr. Livergood stated staff is looking at various options, including
something maintenance free for the next 15 to 20 years.
Ms. Thomas inquired where the funding comes from for all the general items and Mr.
Livergood responded from the City's General Fund. Sources that contribute to the
General Fund include sales taxes, property taxes, and various fees.
Ms. Sloan asked about the East Water Treatment Plant expansion. Mr. Livergood
explained a consultant has been hired to consider what the best use would be for both
City plants. It is anticipated improvements to the plants will cost approximately $150
million to $180 million over the next 10 years in order to provide up to 36 million gallons
of water per day. Currently, the City can provide approximately 20 million gallons, but it
must be expanded to build out at 36 million gallons per day.
Mr. Livergood explained the Utility projects are self-funded and do not use any General
Fund money. Ms. Rivers noted the Utility Department is operated as a self-sustaining
fund called an "Enterprise Fund." Mr. Majors stated this same scenario applied to the
City's Golf Course.
Chairperson Pierce-Roe asked if Quantum Park would ever be developed. Mr. Majors
responded the Board should look at this and other sites to determine the Board's
priorities for projects they would like to see moved up. Other projects the Board
expressed an interest in were the FP&L site; Girl Scout Park; Meadows1/Nautica Sound
site; and the Winchester site. Mr. Majors also pointed out that funds are necessary to
maintain the existing parks. Mr. Livergood acknowledged that there is playground
equipment throughout the City that is in dire need of replacement.
Mr. Livergood reported last year the City had to take $1.5 million from the reserves to
balance the budget. Ms. Sloan asked about the size of the City's reserve, and Mr.
Livergood thought it was around three to three and one-half months, but Mr. Mummert
would be able to respond to this question. Mr. Livergood pointed out a certain number of
months should be kept in reserve.
Ms. Thomas inquired as new developments come 0 line, how much does a developer
have to contribute to the park impact fee fund. Mr. Majors responded this would vary
depending upon the development and an impact fee would come into effect when three
or more units are being developed. It would also depend upon the type of construction.
Ms. Rivers noted the revenue page was not included in the handout indicating where
the revenue comes from.
Mr. Majors pointed out any grant monies received would assist a project to move
forward. A grant in the amount of $440,000 from FDOT for the greenways project
should be forthcoming in a couple of years that would move the project along. In
connection with the grant, Ms. Rivers noted the City has to budget the engineering costs
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 27,2005
next year so they would be ready to utilize the grant money for the project. Mr.
Livergood pointed out most grants require matching funds.
Ms. Thomas inquired about the development going up downtown and was informed the
revenue from that goes to the Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA). Ms.
Thomas noted they still have to provide recreation. Ms. Rivers acknowledged this and
stated City staff is working with the CRA to assist with funding parks in the CRA District.
Mr. Majors noted the CRA is contributing to the improvement of Bicentennial Park that is
located near the City's animal shelter.
Mr. Majors reported that the impact fee for single-family homes is $940; $771 for single-
family attached (townhouse); and $656 for multi-family (apartments).
Mr. McVey pointed out there is never enough money for staffing, and he would like the
City to consider staffing a priority and to budget more money for that purpose. Mr.
Livergood pointed out this was the purpose for these types of meetings, to allow Board
members and the public to express their views on what they feel are priorities. This is
how the Commission can find out what people's priorities are.
Mr. Majors noted if this Board wanted to support certain projects, they could
recommend the City going out to bond to fund them. He noted the tremendous work
that the City's Arts Commission had done to develop a plan for funding art in public
places in the City.
There was discussion regarding the new clubhouse at Intracoastal Park that should be
a good revenue generator for the City. Chairperson Pierce-Roe acknowledged this, but
pointed out this Board has on several occasions felt it should have been built to hold a
larger capacity. Mr. Livergood noted the size of the building was a policy decision the
City Commission made. The City Commission favored having a smaller-type facility that
could seat 75 to 100 people in a dining-type setting. He pointed out a building any
larger than this would cost more than what was budgeted. Mr. Majors also noted there
was not enough room to accommodate parking that a large building would generate.
Ms. Hammer recommended the Board go before the Commission and ask them to
increase the size of the building. Mr. Livergood pointed out the City has already
expended $50,000 for the design of the building. Ms. Rivers stressed the City has very
strict parking guidelines in its Land Development Regulations that must be adhered to.
Ms. Hammer noted the code is always being changed and recommended they ask for a
variance in this instance. Chairperson Pierce questioned why a third story could not be
added to the building to increase the capacity. Mr. Livergood reiterated the site cannot
support a larger building. Mr. Majors noted the City cannot change rules to favor the
Vice Chair Orlove inquired if there was a dollar figure that this Board would want to
spend on parks and recreation. Mr. Livergood pointed out the proposed CIP budget for
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 27, 2005
Parks and Recreation in 2004/2005 is $7.6 million, which comes to approximately $2.6
million per year. This does not mean that all the money is earmarked for new
construction; it could also be used for maintenance of existing facilities. Ms. Rivers
pointed out the figures were not exact because not all the projects would be completed
and some funds would rollover to the next fiscal year.
Mr. Majors would like the Board to set priorities for City park sites, and Mr. Uvergood
would like the Board to set priorities to maintain existing facilities first. After the Board
makes its recommendations, staff will bring them to the City Commission for the CIP
Mr. Majors noted Wilson Center, Southeast Neighborhood Park, the Clubhouse at
Intracoastal Park and Jaycee Park are moving forward at this time. The City cannot
handle any more large projects at this time because there is not enough staff.
Mr. Majors also noted the infrastructure of some parks is over 40 to 50 years old.
Recently, the fence at Pence Park, the City's oldest park, was replaced for the first time.
Ms. Hammer reported the playground equipment at Galaxy Park was in very bad
condition and she felt this should also be a priority.
Members thanked Mr. Livergood for taking the time to address the Capital Improvement
Plan with the Board.
Mr. Majors suggested the Board determine their priorities for the CIP budget that could
be discussed at the July meeting. He noted that park sites are defined as
"undeveloped," as opposed to "parks" that are developed and maintained.
Ms. Sloan inquired if a Chinese theme park would be included on the Boundless
Playground site. Mr. Majors felt that the Boundless Park could be on line in three to four
years. Mr. Majors noted they are going to have to raise money for the Park and pointed
out the Senior Center received funds from a private foundation. Commissioner Ensler
has stated he would be assisting in securing funds for the Park.
Ms. Sloan felt the Beach should also be a priority because everyone in the community
utilizes it.
Ms. Sloan asked about the Arts Commission. Mr. Majors responded they developed an
art in public places program that would be funded through impact fees charged to
developers for this purpose. An Ordinance is being drafted to put this process in place
that would impact any development project over $250,000. Mr. Majors noted this could
involve many of the City parks that would be available for this type of endeavor. Mr.
Majors approached the Arts Commission about doing a project that would honor
Carolyn Sims, who was with the City for over 25 years and is now deceased.
Mr. Majors requested the members provide him with their E-mail addresses so he could
notify them whenever he would like to contact them quickly.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 27,2005
Vice Chair Orlove recommended the Board make a decision on its priorities. He also
recommended that Board members attend the CIP meetings if they were able to do so.
He noted that he, along with other Board members, addressed the Commission at a
former CIP meeting, with the Board's priorities.
Vice Chair Orlove inquired what the costs would be to replace old equipment at the City
playgrounds. Ms. Rivers reported she did an inventory of all the playground equipment
in the City and prioritized the replacement needs park-by-park. She estimates that over
five years they will be able to replace all playground equipment in the City.
Mr. Majors stated equipment was being replaced now at Meadows and Boynton Lakes
Park. He noted maintenance issues were more staff related and recommended the
Board focus and prioritize developing sites as identified in the Comprehensive Plan.
Members expressed their priorities and Chairperson Pierce-Roe felt Jaycee Park was
important. Vice Chair Orlove thought the Greenways was a priority. Mr. Majors pointed
out that both these projects are underway and recommended the Board consider other
sites as priorities.
Ms. Hammer thought Girl Scout Park should be considered. Chairperson-Pierce noted
the residents of Chapel Hill were opposed to developing the park. Mr. Majors stated if
this site were developed, it would be designed so that residential streets would not be
utilized. Mr. Majors pointed out if the Board decided to prioritize Girl Scout Park, the
next step would be to engage the public and invite them to a meeting for input or go out
to the neighborhood instead.
Mr. Majors referred to a small park in the Woolbright Leisureville area the residents
would like to see developed. Another site that could be considered for prioritizing could
be the Quantum site as well. Chairperson Pierce-Roe questioned if it was too early to
address the Quantum site since the area is still being developed. Ms. Rivers stated they
could begin to develop a conceptual plan now so people would know what to expect
when they move into the area.
Another area for consideration is the Meadows 1/Nautica Sound site. Because of the
shortage of boat ramps in the area, the FP&L site could be developed for this purpose.
Mr. Majors distributed a diagram of the FP&L site and noted the substation should not
pose a problem. Because of the way the site is laid out, it would be possible to build a
substantial buffer to keep people away from the substation. This site could be
developed for a boat ramp, picnicking and could be tied into the greenway plan.
Ms. Hammer would like to see the train station, off Boynton Beach Boulevard,
Chairperson Pierce-Roe suggested the Board choose five priorities they would like to
see developed, as well as endorsing that all playground equipment be replaced and
maintained properly. Ms. Rivers noted replacement of playground equipment also
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 27,2005
included benches, signage, park furniture, trashcans, picnic tables, etc. Chairperson
Pierce-Roe noted the Arts Commission included some of these items in their program
and would like to be involved in refurbishing of the parks.
Ms. Rivers reported the parks at Boynton Lakes and the Meadows have been
completely refurnished. She will have available before and after pictures. The costs for
redoing these two parks were approximately $150,000. Ms. Rivers noted funds have
been allocated in the CIP budget for the next five years for park furnishings,
landscaping, signage and equipment.
Mr. Majors pointed out the southwest area of the City is deficient in parks and he would
like the Boundless Playground considered a priority. Vice Chair Orlove questioned why
the Boundless Playground should be included since it is already in the design stage,
although he does feel it is very important that the Park be built.
Chairperson Pierce-Roe also thought they needed to start addressing the Winchester
property. Mr. McVey asked about the status of the property and Ms. Rivers provided an
Discussion ensued whether to include the Boundless Park since it was already in the
loop. Members wanted assurances that it would move forward by including it with their
priorities. Vice Chair Orlove also had some concerns for the Greenways. Ms. Sloan
inquired if the Board was prioritizing projects for the next budget year and Vice Chair
Orlove responded these would be projects that the Board would like to see moved
forward now.
Vice Chair Orlove moved that the five priorities that the Chair pointed out be accepted to
be this Board's priorities for the CIP Budget Workshop in July. Motion seconded by Ms.
Hammer and unanimously carried.
A. Senior Center
Mr. Majors reported they are addressing the leaking roof.
B. Update Recreation & Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Master
Not addressed
C. CIP Update
Previously addressed.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 27, 2005
VI. New Business
A. ASH (Action on Smoking and Health)
Mr. Majors distributed literature from an organization that would like to have smoking
prohibited at beaches. Vice Chair Orlove inquired if there are any beaches that have, in
fact, banned smoking. Mr. Majors will check on this.
B. Nomination of New Chair and Vice Chair
Ms. Hammer nominated Betty Pierce-Roe for Chair. Motion seconded by Ms. Thomas
and unanimously carried.
Ms. Winter nominated Bill Orlove as Vice Chair. Motion seconded by Ms. Sloan and
unanimously carried.
C. Monthly Report
Vice Chair Orlove commended staff, especially Ginny Shea, for the great publicity that
the City's recreation and parks receive in the newspapers and on television.
Vice Chair Orlove felt if the City wanted to really move forward with parks and
recreation, they need to consider doing a bond issue, similar to what Delray Beach has
done. He thought the problem with the last bond issue was that too much was included
in the mix and it was not promoted properly.
Vice Chair Orlove requested that it be placed on the August agenda to be addressed
further. He inquired when the next municipal election would take place and Mr. Majors
will determine this.
D. Items for the City Manager's Attention
VII. Discussion
Mr. Majors recommended that the Board take the bus tour for its July meeting, which
members agreed to. It was decided to meet at 6:00 p.m. at the Senior Center.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 27, 2005
VIII. Next Meeting: July 25, 2005 6:00 p.m. at the Senior Center
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
'-~l..J~UL It, fit an<<.
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(July 5, 2005)