Minutes 01-26-05 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH LffiRARY ADVISORY BOARD MlNUTES:JANUARY 26,2005 PRESENT: Donna Hannening, Dan Holthouse, Myra Jones, Barbara McGhee, Alice Otis, Valerie Pleasanton ABSENT: Eleanor Daly, Sean Fenton, Bob Heffernan LIBRARY DIRECTOR: Virginia Farace The meeting was called to order at 4:05 P.M. The minutes of the December 8th meeting were approved. CORRESPONDENCE: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: In the next week or so there will be a construction trailer moved on site and the Civic Center parking lot area will be fenced off. NEW BUSINESS: Virginia discussed the -Read Boynton" program. This is a tutoring/mentoring program for local students. The tutoring will be done by selected Boynton Beach Community High School students and be done at our library. The program will be overseen by Principal Latson, the ESOL coordinator Dr Howard, and the Library Director. Principal Latson will present the program to the City Commision at their next meeting. Myra agreed to represent the Board at that meeting. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Virginia reported that Bob Heffernan has accepted a part time position at the library and is resigning from the Board. She has filled two part time positions but still is recruiting for the two Adult Services Librarians. The monthly report was passed around. The State Library has assigned a new consultant for this part of the state. The Town Square report was made available for review and meeting dates were presented. Myra gave us a very infonnative report on the Heritage Festival. Among the events will be a Spelling Bee, Oratory Contest and an Art Show. On Saturday February 19th, HeritageFest will feature an author who was a NBA player. From 5:00 to 9:00 that evening there will be a Dinner at Poinciana School. The admission is $25.00 for adults and $15.00 for youths. The admission price includes the book. Award winners of the Heritage Festival will be announced. ANNOUNCEMENTS: The next meeting will be on February 23rd. We adjourned at 4:45. ~~~#~ Secretary