Minutes 05-25-05
City of Boynton Beach
Library Advisory Board
Minutes: May 25, 2005
Present: Eleanor Daly, Donna Harmening, Valerie Pleasanton, Barbara Wilson, and
Library Director Virginia Farace, Sean Fenton arrived late.
Absent: Dan Holthouse, Barbara McGee
Chairman Valerie Pleasanton called the meeting to order at 4:17 P.M.
Minutes: The minutes ofthe March and April meetings were approved.
Correspondence: Valerie said she had received a copy of the Mayor's "thank you for
your service" letter to Alice Otis but not for Myra Jones.
Chair's Report: None
Unfinished Business:
Library Expansion: The land is being prepared for construction. FPL is working on the
electric service plan. A temporary entrance is being worked out.
Budget: The Board's recommendation for an increase for books was included in the
budget request. Commission budget workshops will be held July 12-13.
New Business:
A 1 % fee on new construction is being considered by the Commission for a Citywide Art
in Public Places program. The fee would include funding of a new Public Arts
Coordinator's position.
Director's report: The new Librarian for the adult services position is in the process of
moving here now.
The city is doing a salary review study of all positions. The present starting salary for a
new Librarian with a Master's degree is $31,800. Virginia has been authorized to offer
10% over base and is still having extreme difficulty in recruiting at that salary. She hopes
that the salary study will result in an increased base salary.
There is no information yet on whether the Governor has approved our State Library
Construction Grant. It is included in the budget that is awaiting his signature.
Virginia will leave on June 23 for the American Library Association Conference in
Chicago. She will be on vacation June 30 - July 12.
The June meeting will be cancelled. The next meeting will be on July 27.
The current Library Board officers have agreed to continue.
Meeting adjourned at 4:40 P.M.
Donna Harmening