Minutes 10-27-04 City of Boynton Beach Library Advisory Board Minutes: October 27, 2004 Present: Eleanor Daly, Donna Harmening, Dan Holthouse, Barbara McGee, Valerie Pleasanton. (Myra Jones came late) Library Director: Virginia Farace Absent: Sean Fenton, Bob Heffernan, Alice Otis Valerie Pleasanton, Chair, thanked everyone for being here at 4:00. Virginia introduced Craig Clark, new Assistant Library Director and the Board members introduced themselves to him and welcomed him prior to officially opening the meeting, which was then called to order at 4: lOP .M. The minutes of the September 22, 2004 meeting were approved. Chair's Report: Valerie met with the Leadership Boynton group as part of their Education Day last week. She spoke to them about the Library as an educational institution and briefly shared building expansion plans. She discussed Internet filtering and the responsibilities legislated/mandated by the State. She explained that the Library Board always favors 1 sl amendment rights, and also feels that there is a need for parental supervision. She explained our policy and reasoning. Unfinished Business: Virginia showed us the invitation to the ground-breaking and gave one to each Board member. It is hoped that all Board members can attend and should RSVP to Karen at 742-6380. New Business: Valerie suggested we have a time capsule in the new addition. She gave her thoughts on possible contents. The Board will bring their suggestions for this project to the next meeting. Director's Report: Virginia announced that the new Assistant Director, Craig Clark, was now here. (She had introduced him prior to the meeting.) Two Adult Services positions are still not filled. She passed around the monthly report and offered to make it available bye-mail to those who want it. The November and December meetings will be combined and we will meet on December 8, at 4 PM. Everyone is asked to be here 5 minutes early so that the meeting can start promptly at 4. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 P.M. Donna Harmening, Secretary