Minutes 03-24-04
Boynton Beach Library Advisory Board
Minutes: March 24,2004
Present: Eleanor Daly, Sean Fenton, Donna Harmening, Bob Heffernan, Dan
Holthouse, Barbara McGee, Alice Otis, Valerie Pleasanton.
Library Director: Virginia Farace
The meeting was called to order at 3:35 P.M. by Chairperson Valerie
Pleasanton.Valerie reminded members whose terms were expiring to reapply for
their board appointments. These members are Eleanor Daly, Bob Heffernan, Dan
Holthouse, and Alice Otis. Valerie has reapplied.
Correspondence: Valerie reach a thank you note from Virginia for the flowers she
received during Library Appreciation Month.
Chair's Report: None.
Unfinished Business: Library Expansion:Different wordings were discussed for a
sign to be placed outside announcing the Library Addition.
A letter was received in November from a party who had a bicycle stolen from the
bicycle rack. She requested surveillance cameras be included in expansion plans.
The Director and architect responded to her concerns. She sent another letter in
February. It was again explained to her that cameras would be installed.
A non-resident expressed concern about the trees to be lost due to expansion.
Virginia said the cost moving the small tree would be in excess of $35,000, and there
would be no guarantee that it would live. ..
Director's Report: Virginia met with the City Manager regarding vacancies. Joyce
Waters has delayed her retirement until May 28th to allow time for a nationwide
search for her replacement. Virginia has approval to post all vacancies and the dates
have been approved.
Virginia will be on vacation from April3rd through April 13th.
The budget kickoff is Monday. There will be no increase in the budget. Salary
increases must be absorbed. Positions to be filled will be at lower rates of pay. The
budget must be completed by April 30th .
A memorial service for Jane Northrup will held at Intracoastal Park on April 28th
from 8:30 A.M. until 9:30 A.M. The Library will open at 10:30A.M. that morning
so that all staff may attend.
Ellie Thompson, treasurer of Friends has been moved to Hospice.
The Friends annual meeting will be March 29th at 1:00 P.M.
We will address the time of our meetings next month.
The next Meeting will be April 28th at 3:30 P.M.
We adjourned at 4:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Donna Harmening, Secretary