Minutes 06-16-04
City of Boynton Beach
Library Board Minutes
June 16,1004
Present: Sean Fenton Donna Harmening, Bob Heffemam, Myra Jones, Alice Otis, Valerie Pleasanton.
Absent: Eleanor Da1; (ill), Barbara Me Gee (ill), Dan Holthouse (daughter giving birth in California).
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Valerie Pleasanton at 4:15 P.M.
Minutes: The April minutes were approved as distributed. The May 26th meeting was cancelled due to
confusion about the date and time.
Correspondence: "The First Year: Scleraderma"was purchased with proceeds from the Friends of the
Library endowment.
Unfinished.Business: The city will go out for bids on the new construction during the second or third
week in July. Possible changes due to construction cost increases were discussed. Hopefully the
Commission will approve the winning bid at the first meeting in September and ground breaking will be
in late September or early October.
New Busmess: None.
Director's Report: Virginia introduced her new administrative assistant. Joyce Waters' replacement,
Joseph Green, former Director of the Kansas City Library System,will start on July 26th .Assistant Director
Henehan is relocating and will be leaving August 61b. The position has been advertised.
Budget workshops will be Iuly 13 th and 14th.
Virginia will attend the A.L.A.Conference starting June 23n1, and then will be on vacation until July 13th.
Announcements: Virginia announced that Sean Fenton was married on May 28th,
Public Audience: Herb Suss cautioned us to notify the City Clerks' office of all absences.
The next meeting will be July 2Slb on call.
We adjourned at 5:00 P. M.
Donna Harmening, Secretary