Minutes 08-11-05
ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005 AT 6:00 P.M.
Michael Enkoff, Chairman
Teresa Frazier, Vice Chair
Karilyn Norem Hohner
Susan Morrison
Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent
Tom Balfe, Parks Manager
Janet Prainito, Secretary
Also Present:
John Wildner
I. Call to Order
Chairman Enkoff called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.
Ms. Rivers announced that Mr. Balfe would be delayed due to traffic.
II. Attendance
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
III. Agenda Approval
Ms. Morrison moved to approve the agenda. Motion seconded by Vice Chair Frazier
and unanimously carried.
IV. Approval of Minutes - June 9,2005
Ms. Morrison moved to approve the minutes of June 9, 2005. Chairman Enkoff
seconded the motion that unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 11, 2005
V. Receipt of Revenue/Expense Sheets - June 2005
Ms. Rivers noted the expense sheets for July 2005 were distributed to members, but
were not on the agenda. The reports were received in the City Clerk's Office on
Wednesday, August 10, 2005. The report could be approved tonight or it could be
added to the agenda for the next meeting. Members decided to table approval of the
Receipt of Revenue/Expense Sheets for the months of June and July 2005 until they
had an opportunity to review the July report.
Chairman Enkoff recalled he had some questions regarding the expense sheets
distributed at the June meeting. Ms. Rivers reported Chairman Enkoff questioned what
a miscellaneous receivable was and she determined the funds were used to purchase
additional equipment approved by the Board, but not budgeted. Chairman Enkoff
pointed out it was not on the current statement.
Ms. Rivers reported that this was a one-time expense, and whenever items such as this
come up, they are listed as miscellaneous. In the future, she will try to have a response
to what the miscellaneous expense was attributable to prior to approval by the Board.
VI. Receipt of Sales Reports - June 2005 and July 2005
Chairman Enkoff inquired when the contract with the Mausoleum expired. Ms. Rivers
reported the contract expired in 2008.
Chairman Enkoff moved to approve the Sales Reports. Motion seconded by Ms. Hohner
and unanimously carried.
VII. Unfinished Business
A. Parks Division Report
In the absence of Mr. Balfe, Ms. Rivers gave the parks report, which was included in the
agenda packet.
B. Update on Cemetery Survey
Ms. Rivers reported the survey is complete and she anticipated receiving it within the
week. The next step would be for staff to write a letter of request to the Department of
Public Works and Engineering requesting it be put through the replat process. There is
a $3,000 fee, but Ms. Rivers will request that the fee be waived. Normally departments
have to pay in-house fees for services performed by another department.
Chairman Enkoff inquired if a fee was paid when the cemetery had been previously
replatted. Mr. Wildner explained that the cemetery had not been replatted for many
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 11, 2005
years dating back to the late seventies. He did not think a fee was involved because
there was no policy in place for fees at that time.
Chairman Enkoff inquired if the Board had to request the replatting. Ms. Rivers noted
the Board previously approved that staff move forward with the replat. He inquired how
long this would take. Ms. Rivers did ask the Engineering Department how long this
would take, but she has not received an answer. Ms. Rivers will provide this information
at the next meeting.
C. Review & Approve Re-Write of Proposed Changes to Cemetery Rules &
Ms. Rivers noted the draft included in the agenda packet was still a draft until the Board
formally approved it. The underlined language and cross outs are rewrites. Chairman
Enkoff recalled that at the last meeting the rules and regulations were reviewed in depth
and final revisions were made. He felt it would now be appropriate for the Board to
approve the rewrite of the rules and regulations.
Ms. Morrison moved to approve the amendments to the Cemetery Rules and
Regulations. Motion seconded by Ms. Hohner and unanimously carried.
Chairman Enkoff requested that the record reflect that Mr. Balfe arrived at 6:16 p.m.
VIII. New Business
Ms. Rivers reported Mr. Balfe had an update on the cemetery survey.
Mr. Balfe reported that he spoke with the survey company yesterday and they informed
him there was a problem with the survey, but they did not state what the problem was.
Mr. Balfe had a copy of the draft survey, which members reviewed. He pointed out the
survey set out how the cemetery would be numbered and replatted; however, the
survey is not signed and sealed and is not the final survey.
Mr. Balfe pointed out the location of the graves to be added between the walkways
between Block B (by the flagpole) to Block G (old section).
Chairman Enkoff inquired when the problem would be corrected. Mr. Balfe felt the
survey should be ready by Wednesday of next week.
Ms. Morrison inquired what the problem was, and Mr. Balfe did not know. He did not
anticipate it would be a big problem and felt it could be corrected easily.
When looking at the survey, it appeared to Mr. Balfe that the graves on the bottom far
left were laid out in the wrong direction and he will discuss this with the surveyor. Mr.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 11, 2005
Balfe pointed out that the graves are 9' x 5' and should be laid out so that the 9' would
run east and west and the 5' would run north and south. However, it does not appear
this way on the survey. Mr. Balfe felt the infant section was platted correctly and should
be 3' x 3' graves. The infant section will be located between Blocks K and L.
Ms. Rivers also noted an error in the number of graves in one area of the survey.
Originally, staff requested twenty-two 5' x 9' graves in this area and it appears there are
more graves than requested.
Chairman Enkoff inquired how long the survey would be in Engineering, and Ms. Rivers
estimated a few weeks. She pointed out, however, that a replat of the cemetery has not
been done for thirty years. Chairman Enkoff felt it would be necessary to have a
meeting in September to address the survey and then forward it to Engineering. Ms.
Rivers inquired if staff received the survey prior to the next meeting, did the Board want
staff to forward it to Engineering. Chairman Enkoff felt the Board should review the
corrected survey before it was forwarded to Engineering.
Ms. Hohner suggested calling a special meeting when the survey was completed
instead of waiting for the next meeting in order to keep the process moving. Chairman
Enkoff agreed with this.
Ms. Rivers noted there was some old business she would like to bring before the Board
involving an update on the etching.
Mr. Balfe reported the etching of the letters went out for bid. There was a non-
mandatory meeting held at the cemetery for vendors that wanted to bid on the
sandblasting. One vendor did show up and made some very good suggestions. When
the bid went out the first time, it stated gold lettering on niche fronts. A vendor, however,
recommended using white on the inlay of the niche fronts because he had experience
where the gold lettering faded.
When the bid went out this time, white was used for the niche fronts, black for the crypt
fronts, and marble for inside the chapel. The vendor also recommended against
sandblasting in the chapel because it could cause cracks. The bid opening will take
place on August 16th. After the bids are opened, a recommendation will be made and
forwarded to the City Commission for approval.
Brady Osborne asked Mr. Balfe if he could start charging for the engraving of the new
crypts and niches that he sells, and staff agreed he could move forward with this. A
letter was provided to allow him to do so. Mr. Osborne questioned if he should pay the
City directly and the City would then be responsible, or would he be responsible for
paying the contractor.
Mr. Wildner recommended that Mr. Osborne pay the contractor directly. Further, he did
not think Mr. Osborne should charge for the engraving of the new crypts until the bid
has been awarded. Chairman Enkoff agreed with this procedure and recommended
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 11, 2005
when the bid was awarded, the name of the vendor and the costs should be provided to
Mr. Osborne. With regard to any new crypts that Mr. Osborne sold, he should be
responsible for contacting the vendor after the bid is awarded.
Mr. Wildner pointed out that Mr. Osborne includes the cost of lettering with the price of
the purchase of a crypt or niche in the mausoleum and it is not listed separately. Mr.
Wildner recommended against becoming involved with Mr. Osborne's business when
he makes a sale. He suggested adding to the bid that the contractor will charge the
same price to the mausoleum company as the City.
Mr. Balfe had spoken with Mr. Osborne about this previously, and Mr. Osborne
indicated he did not want to be involved with dealing with the vendor. He would prefer to
collect the fee and then forward it to the City that would arrange for the engraving.
Ms. Rivers thought this might entail a change in the contract that the City has with Mr.
Osborne. Chairman Enkoff recommended asking the Legal Department how they
should proceed with this. Mr. Wildner pointed out even though Mr. Osborne included the
cost of lettering in the sale of the mausoleum service, the City always installed the
letters. Mr. Osborne thought the same arrangement should be used for engraving the
crypts. Mr. Wildner explained that Mr. Osborne purchased the letters and the City staff
would install them. Chairman Enkoff thought Mr. Osborne did not want to become
involved in notifying the company to do the work.
Ms. Rivers would like to discuss this further with Mr. Balfe to work out the entire process
and then bring back a recommendation to the Board. She would also like to discuss this
with Legal. Chairman Enkoff was agreeable and requested it be added as an item to the
next agenda.
Ms. Rivers inquired if the Board would like to set a date for the next meeting. After
discussion, it was determined that the next meeting would take place on Monday,
September 19,2005 at 6:00 p.m. in Commission Chambers.
Chairman Enkoff inquired about the cemetery fence that was damaged as the result of a
car driving through it. Mr. Balfe reported the damage to the fence was $1,400 and an
additional $1,100 to the headstones. Risk Management is handling the replacement and
costs of the fence and headstones. Chairman Enkoff inquired if the costs would come
out of the Cemetery fund. Ms. Rivers said the costs would either come from the City's
Risk Management fund or the insurance company of the driver that caused the damage.
Chairman Enkoff asked for an update regarding Ms. Devalle's marker. Ms. Rivers
reported that a reminder would be sent to her on August 26th and she would then have
one more month to replace the marker.
Mr. Balfe had spoken with the monument company making Ms. Devalle's marker and
forwarded the specifications to them. To date, a new marker has not been installed.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 11, 2005
VIII. New Business
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Next
meeting will be Monday, September 19, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. in Commission
Respectfully submitted,
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Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(August 12, 2005)