Minutes 09-21-05
SEPTEMBER 21, 2005 AT 7:00 P.M.
Michele Costantino, Chairperson
Kathy Cook, Vice Chair
Kathleen Carroll
Chris DeLiso (left 9 p.m.)
Bob Foot
Lisa Simshauser
Richard Yerzy, Alternate
David Tolces, Board Attorney
Scott Blasie, Code Administrator
Code Officers:
Courtney Cain
Luney Guillaume
Skip Lewis
Richard Laverdure
Mike Melillo
Vestiguerne Pierre
Pete Roy
Willie Webb
I. Call to Order
Chairperson Costantino called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
II. Approval of Minutes - August 17,2005 and August 5,2005
Mr. Foot moved to table the minutes until Ms. Springer arrived. Ms. Simshauser seconded the
motion that passed 7-0.
III. Approval of Agenda
Sr. Code Officer Webb stated that page 3 had been removed (05-1713); pages 7 (05-1933), 8
(04-2790), 11 (05-1561), and 14 (05-1858) had complied.
Vice Chair Cook moved to approve the agenda, as amended. Mr. Foot seconded the motion that
passed 7-0.
IV. Swearing in of Witnesses and Introduction
Attorney Tolces explained the hearing procedures and swore in the people who planned to speak.
V. New Business
Sr. Code Officer Webb called the roll to determine who was present. The cases where the people
are present are heard first.
A. Cases to be Heard
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
Case No. 05-1308
Property Address:
Douglas Schnell
655 S.W. 1st Avenue
CH15-ART.IX-15-120 (D) 1 INC, FBC '01 ED BBA
Permit required for sheds in rear yard. Clean back
yard of discarded or derelict items, blocks,
ladders, junk, wood, awning.
Code Officer Cain reported this property was originally cited on June 16, 2005 as a result of a citizen
complaint. The property owners were given 30 days to comply. Notice was given by posting the property
on September I, 2005. Code staff believed the items in the yard presented safety hazards.
Doug Schnell, 655 S.W. 1st Avenue, pled no contest. He was joined at the podium by Natalie
Willoughby of the same address.
Code Officer Cain showed photographs to Mr. Schnell, Ms. Willoughby, and the board. It was Mr.
Schnell's contention that he had already done almost everything in the citation. He and Ms. Willoughby
felt the majority of the junk was gone from the yard. One of the items was a generator in a trailer that
Mr. Schnell takes to and from work every day. The shed was there before they bought the house. Some
of the other pictures showed things in his truck on his way to the dump. He had not fixed an awning
from last year's hurricane yet.
Code Officer Cain said the property was still in violation. The Respondents were advised to work with
Code Officer Cain and the City's Building Department to learn what more they had to do to bring about
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1308, Mr. Deli so moved this board find that
Douglas Schnell is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to order
that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 21, 2005. The board has considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 21, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
Case #05-1730
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Armenian Cultural Association of America
850 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard
10-2 BBC of Ord.
Remove downed trees and mow lot. Trim back all
Florida Holly or remove. Raise canopy of all trees
to 10 feet.
Code Officer Cain reported this violation surfaced as a result of a routine inspection. The initial date of
the citation was July 29, 2005. A written notice was sent by certified mail on August 9, 2005. The green
card was signed, but there was no date on it. The violations constitute a hurricane hazard.
Vahram Danielian, 3000 N. Ocean Drive, 26D, Singer Island, pled no contest. He was out of the
country when he received the violation. He plans to build on the property and was following the
contractor's advice not to cut the trees now because they would grow very fast. The contractor
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
suggested waiting until the permits were approved to clear the property and start the construction. They
would be leaving a certain number of trees at the request of the City Forester.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1730, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that the Armenian Cultural Association of America is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code
sections as cited, and move to order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before November
20, 2005. The board has considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent,
and all previous violations by the Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply
with this order, a fine in the amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past November
20, 2005 plus administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the
City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to
verify compliance with this order. The motion was duly seconded and passed 7-0.
Case #05-1228
Property Address:
N. Tiruvalam and R. Thanisetty
35 Meadows Park Lane
ART. XVIII SEC.3, FBC '01 ED BBA 104.1.1
Swimming pool barrier
Code Officer Laverdure reported this violation was reported through a citizen's complaint The property
was originally cited on June 13, 2005. A pool barrier was installed without a permit. They were given 15
days to comply on the notice dated August 31, 2005. The Respondents have a contractor under contract
to install the pool barrier, and have been in constant contact with the contractor and the city, but the
contractor had not been able to get out to their house to do the job. They had installed orange contractor
type netting with posts to provide a temporary barrier. This was a brand new case and they had never
appeared before the board.
Naharaja Tiruvalam, 35 Meadows Park Lane, explained that the usual pool barrier had been
destroyed in the hurricanes in 2004. He explained his efforts to get the contractor to do the job.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1228, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that N. Tiruvalam and R. Thanisetty are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited,
and move to order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before November 20, 2005. The
board has considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous
violations by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a
fine in the amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past November 20, 2005 plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton
Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance
with this order. Mr. Foot seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
Case #05-1934
Property Address:
Violation( s}:
Elisha D. Harris
416 N.E. 12th Avenue
CHI5-ART.IX-15-120 (D) INC, PT 3 LOR CH 2,
SECT 4.N and 5.F.l
Stop repairing motor vehicles in a residential
zoning district. Remove unregistered and
inoperable motor vehicles from property. Remove
all outside storage and all trash from yard.
Sr. Code Officer Melillo reported this violation was a rental property with evidence of car repairing in the
yard. The violation was a result of a citizen's compliant. The initial inspection was on August 12, 2005.
This is not a repeat violation but the property had been cited five times in three years.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
september 21, 2005
Elisha D. Harris, 2944 Bolton Court, West Palm Beach, pled no contest. He had repeatedly told the
tenant to stop repairing cars, but he did not recall that there were five different occasions. He lives in
West Palm Beach and is not at the property that often. The property is rented out to a City employee.
He sought guidance about the best way to handle this. He thought eviction might be necessary since he
did not want to pay fines for someone else's actions.
The board made it very clear to Mr. Harris that he would be held responSible for his tenant's actions.
They also emphasized that repairing cars in a residential zone was completely prohibited.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1934, Vice Chair Cook moved that a Cease and
Desist Order be issued giving Elisha D. Harris until October 1, 2005 to bring the violations of City of
Boynton Beach Code Sections as cited into compliance. The board has considered the gravity of the
violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and any previous violations by the Respondent, and
hereby orders that a fine in the amount of $250 per occurrence of the violation thereafter shall be
imposed upon the Respondent. Mr. Foot seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
Attorney Tolces asked the board to consider amending the motion to include the words, "plus
administrative costs" in reference to the fine.
Vice Chair Cook amended the motion in Case #05-1934 to add the phrase, "$250 (plus administrative
costs) per occurrence of the violation." Mr. Foot agreed to the amendment, seconding the motion that
passed 7-0.
Case #05-1724
Property Address:
Violation( s):
James Lewis
411 S.E. 20th Court
CH15-ART.IX-15-120 (D) INC, 20-7 BBC of
Remove all debris off back yard. Boat must
be parked on a hard surface. Remove
unregistered/inoperable vehicles. Also,
remove boat from swale.
Code Officer Pierre reported that this property had been cited before, but when Mr. Lewis bought the
property from his family, the old case was closed and Mr. Lewis was cited for the violations.
James Lewis, 411 S.E. 20th Court, pled no contest and asked for 30-45 days to come into compliance.
He said he just needed to get the boat in the back yard and do the swaJe. Code Officer Pierre said that
Mr. Lewis had plenty of time to correct the violations before he was re-cited. He chose not to. Code
Officer Pierre showed pictures to Mr. Lewis and the board.
Chair Costantino asked Mr. Lewis why the violations had not been taken care of earlier. The boat was still
there because he did not have the gate done yet. It would cost $750 to put in the gate and he did not
have the money for it. He would move the little table in the pictures into the back yard this weekend. He
was on a dead-end road and did not believe the violations were bothering anyone. Mr. Lewis commented
he was refinancing the house and in two weeks would have enough money to take care of everything.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1724, Mr. DeLiso moved this board find that the
James Lewis is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to order that
the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 6, 2005. The board has considered the gravity
of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the Respondent and
hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the amount of $75 per day
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
september 21, 2005
for each day the violation continues past October 6, 2005 plus administrative costs shall be imposed.
The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code Compliance Division in
order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this order. Mr. Foot seconded
the motion that passed 7-0.
Case #05-1955
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Southern Homes of Palm Beach LLC
3103 S. Federal Highway
104.6 BBA to FBC '01, FBC '01 ED 105.6
and 104.5
Permit will expire in 15 days if no
inspections have passed. Obtain required
inspections and contact Glen Steg in the
Building Division at 742-6355 to resolve.
Code Officer Pierre reported that this was a Red Tag from the Building Department.
George Ruiz, Construction Manager for Southern Homes, 8937 S.W. 49th Court, Cooper City,
and a local office at 3103 South Federal Highway, the location of the violation, pled no contest. On
September 8 the wall was inspected and a notation was made that the wall extended beyond the east
end location as shown on the site survey. He had been looking for the site survey. He got a copy from
the City and he could not see that there was a violation in his examination of the wall. They called for
resinspection and paid the fee on September 16. He had a site plan tie-in survey done and he would turn
this in for the inspection tomorrow. He hoped this would rectify the situation.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1955, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that the Southern Homes of Palm Beach LLC is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as
cited, and move to order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The
board has considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous
violations by the Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a
fine in the amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton
Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance
with this order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
Case #05-2198
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Yves Hubert
725 N. Federal Highway
FBC '01 ED BBA 104.1.1
Cease work on opening and secure
opening until permits are secured to close
opening per engineering drawings.
Pete Roy, Code and Rehab Inspector, reported this violation had come to light through a citizen's
complaint and the City's Building Department. The initial inspection date was September 16, 2005. The
violation was installing an overhead door without a permit. The original written notice was issued on
September 19, 2005 giving one day to comply. An amended version of the citation was presented to the
Respondent on September 19. The first citation was delivered on September 16, but the Code previously
referenced was incorrect. Mr. Hubert is a repeat violator with three other violations of the same Codes.
The City recommended 10 days for compliance.
Yves Hubert, 7280 West Palmetto Park Road, Boca Raton pled not guilty. He acknowledged he
owned the property in question. He had been cited for cutting an opening in the front of his building in
order to install a new garage door without a permit, but this was not a fair or adequate assessment of
the repair work that Mr. Gall, the Building Inspector, observed on September 15. He was in the process
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
of securing his premises and safeguarding his property after an accident with a forklift on September 15
that shattered the front of the building and left his building without defense to break-ins and possible
storm damage from Hurricane Rita. He had no choice but to act immediately to preserve the structure.
On September 16, 2005, he went with Dennis Tippin, a consultant, to apply on an emergency basis for a
building permit. He spoke with Don Johnson of the Building Department, who referred him to Mike Rumpf
of the Planning & Zoning Division. After speaking with Mike Rumpf, both Mr. Tippin and Mr. Hubert
understood that given the immediacy of the circumstance, he was permitted to do whatever he could to
secure his premises and safeguard his property without further delay. On September 16, he was issued a
citation to stop work. He did stop work, boarded his building with plywood, and worried that it was
unsound and that roof was no longer properly supported. Many years ago a train went through the
building and a repair was done with a cold joint on the structure of the building with visual cracks on it.
That is why he installed something to make sure the roof did not cave in. On September 17, he
discovered the plywood did not protect the building from a break-in. He had to call the Police to report
vandalism and theft from the property. By September 18, the Weather Bureau was cautioning a tropical
storm might develop into a hurricane that could threaten Palm Beach County. He did what he had to do
by completed the urgently needed repair using the material he had available to him to secure his building
before the storm hit. He did not know what else he could have done in the circumstances.
Chair Costantino noted it sounded like Mr. Hubert was permitted to do what he had done. Code
Inspector Roy said he was allowed to make temporary repairs to patch up the hole, but he went a step
further and did, in fact, install an overhead door and a new header. Mr. Hubert stated the new header
was installed because it was a concrete slab roof and it had cracked on the top and it was no longer safe
to have a cracked header. When he talked to Scott Blasie, he felt he had permission to do whatever he
had to do to secure the building.
Attorney Tolces swore in Mr. Blasie and others who had come to the meeting late.
Scott Blasie said that he talked to Mr. Hubert and Mr. Tippin and was with Mike Rumpf and they had
pictures showing an opening in the wall. He informed Messrs. Hubert and Tippin they had every right to
secure the building. He did, however, make it clear they were going to have to fix the opening and make
it meet Code and that they would receive a citation. He advised them that he would still be held
accountable for a permit and repairing the damage.
Vice Chair Cook thought that the way to correct the citation would be to properly apply for the permit
necessary for that overhead door. Mr. Blasie said that was correct. In addition, he thought the overhead
door would be considered a major site plan modification and would have to go through the appropriate
procedures and board approvals also. Mr. Rumpf mentioned that in the aforesaid meeting in Mr. Blasie's
and Mr. Hubert's presence. Vice Chair Cook asked how much time would be involved in all of that. Mr.
Blasie said that under the circumstances, he doubted that approval would be granted. Mr. Hubert
already has some liens on the property for Code violations. Also, he understood that the City was not in
favor of overhead doors fronting on major thoroughfares such as this one, although Mr. Hubert could
certainly apply for approval.
Mr. Hubert commented that plywood was not 175 mph windproof. He had checked the Code for
emergency repairs and the Code did not provide any emergency repairs. Mr. Blasie said the City did not
know that the overhead door met any particular wind load either, because there was no permit. Mr.
Hubert said he was supposed to install the door on the back of the building and it was not put on yet and
to protect the building, this was the best way he had to close up the opening for rain, theft, and wind.
Attorney Tolces said Mr. Hubert could put the property back into the condition it was in prior to that and
this could probably be done within 30 days. Mr. Blasie concurred.
Mr. Hubert felt it would take six months for the appeal and the permit. It would also be a major expense
to block the hole and take the door down. Attorney Tolces said it was not the board's job to tell him how
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
to come into compliance. The board was trying to tell him that he did not have to go through an appeal
process to put the blocks back up the way they were before the incident occurred. If he chose afterwards
to go ahead and modify the site plan and apply for a variance or appeal, that would be his choice. In
regard to paperwork on emergency repairs, Mr. Hubert was advised to discuss this with the Building
The board was ready to make a motion and did not feel the need of further testimony.
Dennis Tippens, 917 Lake Avenue, Lake Worth, architect, was sworn in and proceeded to testify.
He said he had known Mr. Hubert for three years and understood the City's desire to make U.S. 1 more
attractive. Mr. Hubert had this property for over ten years and zoning had changed. He reiterated
everything Mr. Hubert had already brought up and said they had tried to do the right thing and it was not
fair. They tried to repair the accident to the building in the face of a threatening storm. There was no
procedure or paperwork. It was just like New Orleans.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-2198, Mr. Foot moved this board find that the
Yves Hubert is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to order that
the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 21, 2005. The board has considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $250 per day for each day the violation continues past October 21, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Vice Chair Cook seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
Chair Costantino reminded the Respondent of his right to appeal this decision and ask that it be heard
before the City Commission.
Case #05-1744
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Mariano &. Juanita Avila
2851 N. Seacrest Boulevard
CH15-ART.IX-15-120 (D) 1 INC, PT 3, LOR, CH2,
SEC 6.B.2, CH 20, SEC 8 E-16
Install 4-inch house numbers that can be seen
from the City right-of-way. Sod all bare areas.
Repair driveway and remove all outside storage
from public view.
Sr. Code Compliance Officer Webb reported this violation resulted from a routine inspection. The initial
inspection date was August 1, 2005. The Respondent was given 30 days to come into compliance.
Mariano and Juanita Avila, 2851 N. Seacrest Boulevard, pled no contest. He believed he had very
little left to do to comply with the violation.
Code Officer Webb showed pictures of the property to the Avilas and to the board. He stated the outside
storage was still a problem. The carport contained a number of things that should be stored from public
view. The Avilas did not agree. Also, there was still no house number on the home. The grass had
complied. Mr. Avila stated he had put the 4-inch house number on this afternoon.
The board suggested 5 days for compliance, and asked Code Officer Webb to return to the property to
verify compliance and let him know the result.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1744, Mr. Foot moved this board find that
Juanita and Mariano Avila are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move
to order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before September 26, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past September 26, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Vice Chair Cook seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
Case #05-1396
Property Address:
Antonia Maxi
147 S.E. 10th Avenue
CH15-ART.IX-1-120 (D) 1 INC, 10-3 BBC of ORD,
CH 20 SEC 8 E-16
Remove unregistered and inoperable vehicles on
property. Remove all outside storage that would
cause a hurricane hazard. Install four-inch house
numbers on house that are visible from the
adjacent street.
Code Officer Laverdure reported this property received a violation on June 23, 2005 as a result of a
routine inspection of the neighborhood. The homeowner was given 30 days to comply. It was necessary
to post the property on August 31, 2005. Pictures were shown to the Respondent and to the board. Code
Officer Laverdure noted one of the vehicles had been removed but an old truck was still there, covered
up. There was also debris on the side of the yard and the fence was leaning down, almost to the ground.
There were awnings and plywood in the yard that present a hurricane hazard. He had spoken to Ms.
Maxi, who had promised to bring the property into compliance by September 23, 2005.
Antonia Maxi, 147 S.E. 10th Avenue, pled no contest. Attorney Tolces swore her in as she was not
present earlier. Code Inspector Guillaume translated for Ms. Maxi.
It was felt that 10 days would be ample time to bring the property into compliance.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1396, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that the Antonia Maxi is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to
order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The board has considered
the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Simshauser seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
VI. Old Business
A. Lien Penalty Certifications (Tabled)
Case #05-212
Jonis Elusme &.
Marie M. Auguste
404 W. Ocean Avenue
Code Officer Guillaume reported this property had initially been cited on January 27, 2005 for a permit
and inspection requirement for a garage enclosure. A Code Compliance Board hearing was held on May
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
18, 2005 and Jonis Elusme appeared. The board set a compliance date of June 17, 2005 and proposed a
fine of $50 per day. The property came into compliance on August 10, 2005, for 53 days of non-
compliance. The City recommended "no fine."
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-212, Mr. Foot moved this board find that the
Respondents have complied with the Board's Order dated May 18, 2005 and having considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, that this Board impose and certify a fine
in the amount of $0.00 including administrative costs. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
Case #05-5S7
Erix A. Alvarez
130 S.E. Sth Avenue
Code Officer Guillaume reported this property had been cited on March 17, 2005 for electrical issues
related to fire damage. A Code Compliance Board hearing was held on April 20, 2005 and no one
appeared. The Board set a compliance date of May 20, 2005 and proposed a fine of $25 a day. The
property came into compliance on August 17, 2005 for 88 days of non-compliance.
Erix Alvarez, 130 S.E. Sth Avenue, appeared with a translator, and pled not guilty. He misunderstood
the Board's order and thought he had six months to complete everything. This was the first time
something like this had happened to him. Chair Costantino advised him that the plea phase was past and
the Board was considering whether or not to certify the fine.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-587, Mr. DeLiso moved this board find that the
Respondent has complied with the Board's Order dated April 20, 2005 and having considered the gravity
of the violations and the actions taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the
amount of $0.00 including administrative costs. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
B. Lien Penalty Certifications - New
Case #05-112
Victor B. &. Joan Shahid
204 S.E. 2nd Avenue
Code Officer Guillaume reported this property had been cited on January 12, 2005 for an occupational
license requirement and for violations of the Community Appearance Code. A Code Compliance Board
hearing was held on July 20, 2005 and no one appeared. The Board set a compliance date of August 19,
2005 and proposed a fine for non-compliance of $75 per day. The violation still exists, for 32 days of non-
Victor Shahid, 204 S.E. 2nd Avenue, said if any letters were sent to him, they were sent to the wrong
address. They were sent out of state to where his ex-wife was living. He just received the notice in the
mail from her. He had planted grass seed because when he went to the agency suggested to him for
help, he was told the City was not doing this any more since it was no longer in the budget.
Code Officer Guillaume said the property was posted. The Board ascertained that Mr. Shahid lived in the
house and was not renting it. Mr. Shahid said he did not need an occupational license because he was
not renting the house. Code Officer Guillaume showed pictures to the Respondent and to the Board,
saying the vehicles were no longer on the property. Also, Mr. Shahid had taken care of the grass violation
with grass seed and it was in acceptable condition.
In one of the pictures a falling-down fence was shown. Mr. Shahid said that he had not been required to
fix the fence as part of this citation.
Code Officer Guillaume said there were still pieces of debris in the back yard - pieces of broken fence and
garbage. Mr. Shahid said his back yard was closed and could not be accessed. When advised Code
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
Officer Guillaume had taken the pictures from outside the fence, Mr. shahid said he would have had to
go to his next-door neighbor's property to take a picture.
Mr. shahid said he needed about ten pieces of wood to fix the fence and the board advised him he had
to get a permit. This was discussed. Mr. Blasie said if he were taking down the existing fence and
putting another one up, he would need a permit. Mr. Blasie suggested bringing the fence back to the
board. He agreed with Code Officer Guillaume that the rotting pieces of fence were debris. The board
felt it was a hurricane hazard. Mr. Shahid said he had two sections of fencing to replace the broken
section of the fence. He just had to take out the old posts, which had rotted out, and put in new posts.
Mr. Foot suggested tabling this case until the October 19 meeting to allow clarification between the City
and the Respondent about the fence. Mr. Blasie suggested Mr. Shahid speak to Code Officer Guillaume
and if he came to the City, Mr. Blasie would take him over to the Building Department and show them the
pictures and what had to be done.
Mr. Deli so asked Mr. Blasie if it were true that the City was no longer helping people with sod through
the Community Improvement Division. Mr. Blasie did not know what the situation was when he applied.
Mr. Foot moved to table Case #05-112 to the October 19, 2005 Code Compliance Board meeting. Ms.
Carroll seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
Case #05-188
B &. G LLC
317 N.E. 10th Avenue
Sr. Code Officer Melillo reported that this property had been cited on January 26, 2005 for permits for
windows, outside installation of washers, occupational license, and outside storage. A Code Compliance
Board Hearing was held on May 18, 2005 and Mr. Dan Busser appeared on behalf of B & G LLC. The
Board set a compliance date of August 16, 2005 and proposed a fine for non-compliance of $25.00 a day.
The property came into compliance on September 21, 2005 for 35 days of non-compliance. The May 18,
2005 order was the second order. The first one was given on July 14, 2005 and it had complied. This
company had not been before the board before.
Scott Gervais, partner in B &. G LLC, 317 Martin Luther King Boulevard, appeared. He explained
that he had a hard time finding contractors to do the work. Sr. Code Officer Melillo agreed this had been
the case. Mr. Gervais had tried to work hard and stay in communication with the City on this. He
apologized it took so long to get the work done.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-188, Mr. Foot moved this board find that the
Respondent has complied with the Board's Order dated May 18, 2005 and having considered the gravity
of the violations and the actions taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and certify a fine in the
amount of $0.00 including administrative costs. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
Mr. DeLisa left the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Case #05-881
Rosa C. Sakir
670 South Road
Sr. Code Officer Melillo reported this property had received a notice of violation on April 28, 2005 for
permits required for front roof and porch, repair fence, remove outside storage, install grass in bare spots
in front. The Code Compliance Board met on July 20, 2005 and no one appeared. The Board set a
compliance date of August 19, 2005 and proposed a fine of $50 per day for non-compliance. The
violation still exists, for 32 days of non-compliance.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 200S
Ralph DeVita, 676 South Road, appeared for Rosa Sakir. Mr. DeVita lives in the house and was its
former owner.
The Board accepted Mr. DeVita's affirmation that he was present on behalf of Ms. Sakir, but reminded
him that she would still be responsible for whatever the Board decided.
Mr. DeVita apologized for the delay, saying he had been trying to get permits for the roof but the process
was ongoing. He was to bring in the application again tomorrow and hoped to get the permit. They had
changed from the permitted flat deck roof to a gable roof without a permit. The hurricane last fall
damaged the gable, and now it had to be fixed.
Sr. Code Officer Melillo said he had kept in touch, but was having a hard time getting the permit.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-881, Ms. Simshauser moved that this Board
find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated July 20, 2005, and having
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, that this Board impose and
certify a fine in the amount of $50 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to accrue until
the Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of
fine. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1383
W.J. &. Kathleen H. Perry
602 N.W. Sth Street
Pete Roy, Code and Rehab Inspector, reported that this property had been cited on June 23, 2005 for
violations of the Community Appearance Code. A Code Compliance Board hearing was held on August
17, 2005 and no one appeared. The Board set a compliance date of August 27, 2005 and proposed a
fine for non-compliance of $75.00 per day. The violation still exists for 24 days of non-compliance. The
vehicles and trash are still present.
Walter Perry, 602 N.W. Sth Street, said he had not received notice of this violation. When advised the
property was posted, Mr. Perry thought his wife or daughter might have taken the posting down before
he saw it. Mr. Perry is a roofer and stated that the shingles were for his job and they were not trash. He
was informed that he would have to find a place to store them out of public sight. Also, they were
hurricane hazards at present.
Inspector Roy showed pictures to the Respondent and to the Board. Chair Costantino informed Mr. Perry
that while he might have an occupational license, it did not give him permission to store his work
materials in his yard.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1383, Ms. Simshauser moved that this
Board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated August 17, 2005, and
having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, that this Board
impose and certify a fine in the amount of $75 per day plus administrative costs which shall continue to
accrue until the Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
The meeting recessed at 9: 15 and resumed at 9:22 p.m.
VII. Lien Reduction
Case #03-2160
Richard D. Zolnay
168 S.E. 31st Avenue
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
Scott Blasie reported that the property owner at the time of the original citation was Richard Zolnay, and
the new property owner is Mr. Lippman, represented by Bobby Rivera. The original citation date was July
29, 2003 for violations of the Community Appearance Code. The property was in very poor condition. Mr.
Blasie showed pictures to Mr. Rivera and to the Board. The case came before the Board on December 17,
2003 and no one appeared. A date for compliance was set as January 1, 2004 and a fine of $25 per day
was set for non-compliance. The property came into compliance on August 2, 2005 for 578 days of non-
compliance. The records indicate that Mr. Lippman purchased the property in October of 2004. The
property had improved considerably and looked even nicer than the pictures.
Bobby Rivera, 725 Nathan Hale Road, West Palm Beach, said his associate, Mr. Lippman, had
purchased the property in foreclosure and put $20-30K into fixing it up. It was Mr. Lippman's intention to
sell the property, not rent it. They were unaware of the liens when they bought the property.
Mr. Foot asked Attorney Tolces if the lien ran with the property in this situation - the new owner is bound
by what happened under former ownership? Was the lien "lost" after the bankruptcy? Mr. Blasie believed
they had checked this out with Legal and the response was that the City's lien was recorded before the
foreclosure took place. To the extent that the City was not included in the foreclosure, the City's lien
would not be foreclosed out. The name was not familiar to Attorney Tolces and he handles foreclosure
cases for the City. If the City had received a complaint on its lien, he would have filed an answer. Mr.
Blasie looked at the Final Summary Judgment of Foreclosure, saying it was recorded August 5, 2004. The
lis pendens was filed earlier and, therefore, the City was not named. Attorney Tolces believed that the
City's lien was probably still valid, but he would have to examine the Court file to be certain.
Mr. Blasie detailed all the improvements the owner had made to the interior and exterior of the home.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #03-2160, and having been advised that the
Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set forth in Section 2-84 through 2-89 of the
City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Mr. Foot moved that this Board reduce the fines instituted in
Case #03-2160, by virtue of this Board's Order of December 17, 2003, to an amount of $922.21,
including Administrative costs. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Case #03-1941
Daniel R. Fuchs
329 N.W. 7th Court
Scott Blasie reported that this property had been cited on June 27, 2003 for permit and inspections
required for carport enclosure. A Code Compliance Board hearing was held on August 20, 2003 and no
one appeared. A date for compliance of September 19, 2003 was established, along with a proposed fine
for non-compliance of $25 per day. The property complied on February 8, 2005 for 507 days of non-
compliance. A contractor hired by Mr. Fuchs pulled a permit but due to a parting of the ways, the
contractor had the permit voided. Mr. Blasie showed photographs to the Respondent and to the Board.
Daniel Fuchs, 329 N.W. 7th Court, appeared, saying that he had transformed the property he also
owned across the street from a disaster to a "doll house." He briefly explained his dealings with the
contractor that led to the permit being voided. He had also gone through an unexpected divorce that was
financially devastating. He obtained a permit and did everything according to the Code. The house was
beautiful, and it had taken all of his money to make it so.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #03-1941, and having been advised that the
Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set forth in Section 2-84 through 2-89 of the
City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Vice Chair Cook moved that this Board reduce the fines
instituted in Case #03-1942, by virtue of this Board's Order of August 20, 2003, to an amount of
$730.15, including Administrative costs. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
Chair Costantino called for a Roll Call vote. The Recording Secretary polled the vote and the motion
passed 5-1, Mr. Yerzy dissenting.
Case #05-598
David Edery
S.W. 3rd Street (vacant
Scott Blasie reported that this property had been cited on March 18, 2005 for overgrowth on a vacant lot
including trash and debris. The Code Compliance Board met on May 18, 2005 and no one appeared. The
Board set a compliance date of May 28, 2005 and proposed a fine for non-compliance of $50 per day.
The property came into compliance on August 25, 2005 for 88 days of non-compliance. There was a
problem with the address when the property was cited, probably explaining the lack of response to the
David Edery, 8089 S. Lakeside Place, Lantana, reiterated the problem with the Property Appraiser's
designation of his address. When he finally got notice at his correct address, he arranged to take care of
the violations in a timely manner. He explained that he was putting in several homes in this area and that
the perimeter of this lot was surrounded by sewer work that had to be done, rendering the vacant lot
somewhat inaccessible.
After further discussion, the Board decided to rescind the fine for this violation.
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-598, and having been advised that the
Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set forth in Section 2-84 through 2-89 of the
City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Vice Chair Cook moved that this Board rescind the fine
instituted in Case #05-598, by virtue of this Board's Order of May 18, 2005, and that the lien imposed by
that Order be released. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #03-3218
Kevin &. Kristin Lawton
1220 Isle Court
Scott Blasie reported that this property had been cited on December 8, 2003 for a permit and inspection
requirement for a carport enclosure. The Code Compliance Board met on January 19, 2005 and no one
appeared. The Board set a compliance date of February 18, 2005 and proposed a fine for non-compliance
of $25 per day. The property came into compliance on September 20, 2005 for 213 days of non-
compliance. The public records of Palm Beach County indicate that Mr. and Mrs. Lawton signed a
warranty deed for the property on October 22, 2003. The Lawtons inherited a carport that had been done
without benefit of permit or inspections by the City. The Lawtons managed to put the property back into
its original condition, a remarkable feat in itself. He said the Lawtons had been very cooperative.
Kevin Lawton, 1220 Isle Court, said they had purchased a house with a third bedroom that had to be
removed, making the house much smaller than it was. The Lawtons spent about $7K to demolish the
carport enclosure. He indicated the carport had been enclosed years previously. The former owner was
cited on the day the Lawtons closed on their house. They got a notice mailed from the City on that day.
Vice Chair Cook commented it had taken the Lawtons a year to take care of the violation. Mr. Lawton
responded that it had been a matter of getting the money together to pay someone to knock down the
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #03-3218, and having been advised that the
Respondent has complied with all lien reduction procedures set forth in Section 2-84 through 2-89 of the
City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Ms. Carroll moved that this Board rescind the fine instituted in
Case #03-3218, by virtue of this Board's Order of January 19, 2005, and that the lien imposed by that
Order be released. Mr. Foot seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
Mr. Lawton was advised that the lien would be released and that he could go to the Building Department
to pursue the rebuilding of the carport with the property permit and inspections.
V. New Business
Cases to be Heard - continued
Case #05-1768
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Josephine Daffin
315 NW. 10th Avenue
CH15-ART.IX-15-120 (D) INC, 10-2 of BBC
of ORD.
Remove all trash and debris and all
unregistered cars. Mow property and
maintain per City Code.
Code and Rehab Inspector Pete Roy reported that this property was cited on August 3, 2005 as a result
of a routine inspection. The homeowner was given 10 days to comply. The notice was sent by certified
mail on August 17, 2005 and the card was signed and returned on the same day. Ms. Daffin had been to
see Inspector Roy and he had explained to her the potential consequences of having repeated violations.
Josephine Daffin, 315 N.W. 10th Avenue, pled guilty and asked for 30 days. A person was supposed
to buy it and he had not come back to look at it.
Inspector Roy stated that if she could get rid of the trash and debriS and cut the hedges, he did not have
a problem with the car, since it is off to the side. He needed Ms. Daffin to agree that she would do these
things, and she did so agree.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1768, Mr. Foot moved this board find that
Josephine Daffin is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to order
that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 21, 2005. The board has considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 21, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Vice Chair Cook seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
During this portion of the meeting, consideration is given to cases on which the homeowners are not
present to testify.
Case #05-1703
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Church of God at Boynton Beach
1015 Old Boynton Road
PT3-LDR-CH2. SEC 5.C.l
Outside storage not allowed in R1AA zone.
Remove all trucks and trailers.
Code Officer Cain indicated the City recommended 10 days for compliance.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1703, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Church of God at Boynton Beach is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited,
and move to order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The board
has considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 200S
violations by the Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a
fine in the amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton
Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance
with this order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1728
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Aaron J. &. Genevieve Eller
31 Vista Del Rio
FBC '01 ED BBA 104.1.1, and 10S.6
Permit and inspections required on
hurricane-damaged roof addition dry
Code Officer Cain stated the City recommended a compliance date of October 6, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1728, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Aaron J. & Genevieve Eller are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and
move to order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before October 6, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past October 6, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Simshauser seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-190S
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Lesly Alcide &. Marie Dort
609 W. Ocean Avenue
CH1S-ART.IX-1S-120 (B).l & (D).INC
Remove debris from swale including
asphalt, limbs and trash. Bring back swale
to its original shape.
Code Officer Cain stated the City recommended a compliance date of October 6, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1905, Ms. Simshauser moved this board find
that Lesly Alcide and Marie Dort are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and
move to order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before October 6, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 6, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-S26
Property Address:
G. and Emily Caliendo
916 S.E. 1st Street
CH1S.ART.IX-1S-120 (D) llNC
Remove all trash and debris. Repair or
replace driveway. Repair or replace fence.
Install sod in yard.
Code Officer Guillaume stated the City recommended a compliance date of October 21, 2005.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-526, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find that
G. and Emily Caliendo are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to
order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before October 21, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past October 21, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1546
Property Address:
James P. Cogswell
137 S.E. 8th Avenue
CH15-ART-IX-15-120 (D) 1.B
De-weed and re-rock swale
Code Officer Guillaume stated the City recommended a compliance date of October 1, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1546, Ms. Simshauser moved this board find
that James P. Cogswell is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to
order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The board has considered
the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1675
Property Address:
DSS Properties, Inc.
728 Casa Loma Boulevard
FBC '01 ED BBA 104.1.1, PT3-LDR-
Repair roadway adjacent to seawall in a
manner that provides for the public's
safety and welfare. Laurinda Logan,
Engineering Division
Code Officer Guillaume indicated the City suggested tabling the case until the November 16, 2005 Code
Compliance Board meeting.
Ms. Simshauser moved to table Case #05-1675 to the Code Compliance Board meeting on November 16,
2005. Vice Chair Cook seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1836
Property Address:
Boynton Ventures I LLC
211 S. Federal Highway
10-2 BBC of ORD, PT3-LDR.CH2.SEC.4.J.l
Mow overgrown grass and weeds. Trim
hedges. Remove all dead palm trees
including trash and debris.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 200S
Code Officer Guillaume reported the address of the property owner as 3050 Aventura Boulevard, Miami,
FI 33180. The City recommended a compliance date of October 21, 2005. The palm trees have been
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1836, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Boynton Ventures I LLC is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move
to order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 21, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations
by the Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 21, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1973
Property Address:
Boynton Ventures I LLC
East Ocean Avenue
FBC'Ol 104.6
Permit #04-S410. Remove temporary
fence in 10 days. Contact the Building
Code Officer Guillaume stated that the City recommended a compliance date of October 21, 2005. Vice
Chair Cook said the original order gave the property owner 10 days to comply. Inspector Guillaume said
that only the fence post was left. The property is next to 502 E. Ocean Avenue. Chair Costantino thought
30 days was a long time to take out a fence post.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1973, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Boynton Ventures I LLC is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move
to order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 6, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations
by the Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 6, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Simshauser seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-13SS
Property Address:
Christiane Francois
399 SE 4th Street/412 S.E. 4th St.
CH1S-ART.IX-1S-120 (D) llNC
Sod yard, mow vacant lot at 412 SE 3rd
Code Officer Laverdure reported that this property was a homesteaded single family and a vacant lot. Ms.
Francois' address is 65 Spanish River Drive, Ocean Ridge. The City recommended a compliance date of
October 21, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1355, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Christiane Francois is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to
order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 21, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations
by the Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past October 21, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1504
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Theodore &. Linda Williams
1611 N.E. 1st Court
CH15-ART.IX-15-120 (D) llNC
Mow and trim overgrown grass and
weeds. Remove all trash and debris.
Sr. Code Officer Lewis indicated that the City recommended compliance by October 6, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1504, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Theodore & Linda Williams are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and
move to order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before October 6, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past October 6, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1575
Property Address:
Jennie L. Daniels
407 N.W. 16th Avenue
CH15-ART.IX-15-120 (D) INC
Remove trash and debris and openly
stored items from back yard. Mow and de-
weed overgrown yard and swale areas -
west side swale
Sr. Code Officer Lewis indicated the City recommended compliance by October 6, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1575, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Jennie L. Daniels is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to
order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 6, 2005. The board has considered
the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 6, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Simshauser seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1674
Property Address:
Hammer Properties LLC
1900 N. Federal Highway
FBC '01 ED BBA 104.1.1
Apply and secure proper permits for new
water heater and gas piping done on
apartments. Red Tag from Building
Department. New entry doors installed
before permit issued.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 200S
Sr. Code Officer Lewis stated that the owner had asked for 60 days to comply, November 20, 2005, and
the City was comfortable with that.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1674, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Hammer Properties LLC is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move
to order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before November 20, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations
by the Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past November 20, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1679
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Jean A. &. Marie C. Joseph
1616 N.E. 1st Court
10-S2 B.B.C. of Ord.
CH1S-ART.IX-1S-120 (D) INC
Remove inoperable vehicles from the
property. Remove stored construction
materials from carport.
Sr. Code Officer Lewis stated that the City recommended a compliance date by October 6,2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1679, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Jean A. & Marie C. Joseph are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and
move to order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before October 6, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $75 per day for each day the violation continues past October 6, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Simshauser seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1700
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Bible Church of God Inc.
1390 N. Sea crest Boulevard
10-2 &. 10-3 BBC of Ord, CH1S-ART.IX-1S-
120 (D) INC, FBC '01 ED BBA 104.1.1, CH 8
Remove all inoperable buses, trucks,
autos, trash and debris. All construction
materials, SS-gallon drums, tires, and
discarded items need to be removed also.
Excessive debris has created a hurricane
hazard. Fill that was dumped on the east
side of property requires a permit. Cease
any further deposits.
Sr. Code Officer Lewis said the City recommended compliance by October 6, 2005.
When questioned whether staff felt a Cease and Desist Order was called for, Officer Lewis responded that
it was not.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 200S
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1700, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Bible Church of God is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to
order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 6, 2005. The board has considered
the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $100 per day for each day the violation continues past October 6, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Simshauser seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1734
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Walter Clark
lS90 N.W. 3rd St.
10-S2, 10-Sl BBC of ORD
Remove all inoperable automobiles from
property (on swale). Remove outdoor
stored materials.
Sr. Code Officer Lewis stated the City recommended compliance by October 21, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1734, Ms. simshauser moved this board find
that Walter Clark is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to order
that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 21, 2005. The board has considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past October 21, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-2020
Property Address:
Mark H. Schiff
380S S. Lake Drive
FBC '01 ED BBA 104.1.1, 104.6.1, 104.7.S
Secure all required permits for porch
enclosure, interior remodeling and
window change outs. Work done prior to
obtaining permits: (4) plus fee. See Red
Tag and Contact Building Department to
resolve (S61)742-63S0
Sr. Code Officer Lewis stated the owner was present earlier but had to leave. He had asked for 90 days
to comply with the Building Department's wishes and staff concurred.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-2020, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Mark H. Schiff is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to order
that the Respondent correct the violations on or before December 20, 2005. The board has considered
the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past December 20, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 200S
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. simshauser seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-2030
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Palm Beach County Housing Authority
406 NW 16th Avenue
CH1S-ART.IX-1S-120 (D) INC
Remove all inoperable vehicles; mow and
de-weed overgrowth; remove all trash and
Sr. Code Officer Lewis stated the only portion of the violation that still existed was the removal of the
inoperable vehicles. The City recommended compliance by October 6,2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-2030, Mr. Yerzy moved this board find that
Palm Beach County Housing Authority is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited,
and move to order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 6, 2005. The board
has considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous
violations by the Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a
fine in the amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past October 6, 2005 plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton
Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance
with this order. Ms. Simshauser seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-lSS7
Property Address:
Thirty-Six Hundred Holdings LLC
3629 S. Federal Highway
13-16- BBC of ORD
Used car sales require an occupational
license. Obtain a license for used car sales
or remove all vehicles from the parking
Code Officer Pierre reported that the City recommended compliance by October 1, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1557, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Thirty-Six Hundred Holdings LLC is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited,
and move to order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The board
has considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous
violations by the Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a
fine in the amount of $250 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus
administrative costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton
Beach Code Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance
with this order. Ms. simshauser seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1720
Property Address:
Dennis &. Mary Cavagnaro
410 SE 20th Court
CH15-ART.IX-15-120 (D).INC
De-weed and sod all bare spots in front
Code Officer Pierre stated that the City recommended compliance by October 1, 2005.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 200S
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1720, Ms. Carroll moved this board find that
Dennis & Mary Cavagnaro are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move
to order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Vice Chair Cook seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1741
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Janet Loffio
2012 S. Federal Highway Unit 402
FBC '01 ED BBA 104.1.1, and 104.7.S
Permit required; work before permit
issued in regard to air conditioning unit.
Code Officer Pierre stated the City recommended compliance by October 1, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1741, Ms. Simshauser moved this board find
that Janet Loffio is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to order
that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The board has considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Vice Chair Cook seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1979
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Joseph P. O'Halloran
2008 S Federal Highway Unit 20S
FBC '01 ED BBA 104.1.1
Permit and inspections required for
Code Officer Pierre indicated the City recommended compliance by October 6, 2005. He commented that
it was the same building the board had heard earlier, but a different owner.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1979, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Joseph P. O'Halloran is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to
order that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 6, 2005. The board has considered
the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $150 per day for each day the violation continues past October 6, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Mr. Foot seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-2094
Property Address:
Daniel E. &. Lisa Burns
lS0 S.W. 2Sth Avenue
FBC '01 ED BBA 104.1.1
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 200S
Permit required for a canopy or remove
Code Officer Pierre stated the City recommended compliance by October 1, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-2094, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Daniel E. & Lisa Burns are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move
to order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $25 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. simshauser seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1371
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Lucio &. Maria V. Garcia
S19 N. Seacrest Boulevard
CH1S-ART.IX-1S-120 (D) llNC and (E)
Remove all trash, debris and outside
storage. Mow property, cut hedges, and
remove dead trees. House requires
painting and property to be maintained
per City Code.
Sr. Code & Rehab Officer Roy stated the City recommended compliance by October 1, 2005. He stated
that some of it had been cleaned up but it was not yet in compliance.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1371, Ms. Simshauser moved this board find
that Lucio & Maria V. Garcia are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and
move to order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $75 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1922
Property Address:
Andrew &. Gail Luchey
128 N.W. 10th Avenue
CH10-ARTlI-SEC 10-24 (B) (1)
Remove all trash and debris. Keep
property mowed. Trash cans are to be
placed out of sight after pickup.
Sr. Code & Rehab Officer Roy stated the City recommended compliance by October 1, 2005.
Mr. Foot asked if the Lucheys were repeat violators. Code Officer Roy responded there were repeat
violations on the property, but a different owner. Mr. Foot said the board had seen the owners on other
properties at other times, not long ago.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 200S
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1922, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Andrew & Gail Luchey are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move
to order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1923
Property Address:
Violation( s):
Gail Luchey
124 N.W. 10th Avenue
10-2 BBC of Ord., CH10-ARTlI-SEC10-24
(B) (1)
Remove all trash and debris. Keep
property mowed and place trashcans out
of sight after pick-up.
Sr. Code & Rehab Officer Roy stated the City recommended compliance by October 1, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1923, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Gail Luchey is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to order
that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The board has considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #OS-1924
Property Address:
Andrew &. Gail Luchey
118 N.W. 10th Avenue
10-2 BBC of Ord, CH10-ARTlI-SEC 10-24
(B) (1)
Remove all trash and debris. Keep
property mowed and trashcans out of
sight after pickup.
Sr. Code & Rehab Officer Roy stated the City recommended compliance by October 1, 2005. In response
to a question from Mr. Foot, Mr. Roy indicated that the cases involving the Lucheys at this meeting were
all in a row.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1924, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that Andrew & Gail Luchey are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move
to order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Simshauser seconded the motion that passed 5-1, Chair Costantino dissenting.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
Case #05-972
Property Address:
Paul &. Mary Savage
2650 N.W. 1st Street
13-16 BBC of Ord., CH15-ART,.IX-15-120
(D) lINC, CH 20 SEC 8 E-16
Sod all areas in yard and swale void of
grass. Place four-inch house number on
building visible from adjacent street. An
occupational license is required for rental
Sr. Code Officer Webb indicated the City recommended compliance by October 21, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-972, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find that
Paul & Mary Savage are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to
order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before October 21, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 21, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Mr. Foot seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1595
Property Address:
John Brown
2627 N.E. 4th Street
13-16 BBC of Ordi CH 20 SEC 8 E-16
Install four-inch house number on building
that can be visible from City right-of-way.
Occupational license required for rental
property .
Sr. Code Officer Webb indicated the City recommended compliance by October 1, 2005.
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1595, Vice Chair Cook moved this board find
that John Brown is in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and move to order
that the Respondent correct the violations on or before October 1, 2005. The board has considered the
gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, and all previous violations by the
Respondent and hereby order that if the Respondent does not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 1, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondent is further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1717
Property Address:
Harriette Byer &. Hope Shelton
2281 N. Sea crest Boulevard
CH15-ART.IX-15-120 9D) 1 INC, PT 3-
LDR.CH2. SEC.5.D.l
Sod all dead areas in yard. Remove all
loose trash and debris. Stop doing auto
repair in residential zone.
Sr. Code Officer Webb stated the City recommended compliance by October 21, 2005.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
Based on testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1717, Mr. Foot moved this board find that
Harriette Byer & Hope Shelton are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Code sections as cited, and
move to order that the Respondents correct the violations on or before October 21, 2005. The board has
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, and all previous violations
by the Respondents and hereby order that if the Respondents do not comply with this order, a fine in the
amount of $50 per day for each day the violation continues past October 21, 2005 plus administrative
costs shall be imposed. The Respondents are further ordered to contact the City of Boynton Beach Code
Compliance Division in order to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this
order. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
VI. Old Business
B. Lien Penalty Certifications (New)
Sr. Code Officer Webb stated the City recommended certifying the fine at $25 per day in the following
cases: Case #05-1040, Case #05-1519.
Case #05-1040
James W. Gibbs
160 S.E. 27th Avenue
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1040, Mr. Foot moved that this board find
that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated July 20, 2005, and having
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, that this board impose and
certify a fine in the amount of $25 per day plus administrative costs, which shall continue to accrue until
the Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of
fine. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1519
Donald L. Smith, Jr.
2622 N.E. 4th Court
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1519, Mr. Foot moved that this board find
that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated August 17, 2005, and having
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, that this board impose and
certify a fine in the amount of $25 per day plus administrative costs, which shall continue to accrue until
the Respondent comes into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification of
fine. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Sr. Code Officer Webb stated that the City recommended certifying the fines in the amount of $50 per
day in the following cases: Case #05-1563, Case #05-1502.
Case #05-1563
Boynton Beach
Property Holding
410 E. Boynton Beach Blvd
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1563, Ms. Carroll moved that this board find
that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's Order dated August 17, 2005, and having
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, that this board impose
and certify a fine in the amount of $50 per day plus administrative costs, which shall continue to accrue
until the Respondents come into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this certification
of fine. Vice Chair Cook seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1502
Prudent financial
121 N.E. 13th Avenue
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1502, Vice Chair Cook moved that this
board find that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's Order dated August 17, 2005, and
having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, that this board
impose and certify a fine in the amount of $50 per day plus administrative costs, which shall continue to
accrue until the Respondents come into compliance or until a judgment is entered based upon this
certification of fine. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Sr. Code Officer Webb stated that the City recommended certifying "No Fine" in the following cases: Case
#05-1316, Case #04-2652, Case #05-1343, Case #05-1436, Case #05-1658, Case #05-1514.
Case #05-1316
Gabrielle Alexis
420 S.W. 9th Avenue
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1316, Vice Chair Cook moved that this
board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated July 20, 2005, and having
considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, that this board impose and
certify a fine in the amount of "No Fine" including administrative costs. Ms. Carroll seconded the motion
that passed 6-0.
Case #04-2652
John &. June Trach
2623 N. Lake Drive
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #04-2652, Vice Chair Cook moved that this
board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated February 16, 2005, and
having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, that this board
impose and certify a fine in the amount of "No Fine" including administrative costs. Ms. Carroll seconded
the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1343
Hidden Brook Corporation 351 S.E. 4th Street
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1343, Vice Chair Cook moved that this
board find that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's Order dated August 17, 2005, and
having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, that this board
impose and certify a fine in the amount of "No Fine" including administrative costs. Ms. Carroll seconded
the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1436
Marie C. Nicholas
1401 N.W. 1st Court
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1436, Vice Chair Cook moved that this
board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated August 17, 2005, and
having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, that this board
impose and certify a fine in the amount of "No Fine" including administrative costs. Ms. Carroll seconded
the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1658
Virgo H. Belot
125 S.E. 31st Avenue
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1658, Vice Chair Cook moved that this
board find that the Respondent has not complied with this Board's Order dated August 17, 2005, and
having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondent, that this board
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 2005
impose and certify a fine in the amount of "No Fine" including administrative costs. Ms. Carroll seconded
the motion that passed 6-0.
Case #05-1514
Jean Stephene &.
Marie Dieujuste
2634 N.E. 4th Court
Based on the testimony and evidence presented in Case #05-1514, Vice Chair Cook moved that this
board find that the Respondents have not complied with this Board's Order dated August 17, 2005, and
having considered the gravity of the violations, the actions taken by the Respondents, that this board
impose and certify a fine in the amount of "No Fine" including administrative costs. Ms. Carroll seconded
the motion that passed 6-0.
Sr. Code Officer Webb indicated the City recommended tabling the following cases to October 1 ~ 2005:
Case #05-567, Case #05-988, and Case #05-677.
Case #05-567
Robert J. Manze Ltd.
8562 Lawrence Road
Ms. Carroll moved to table Case #05-567 to October 19, 2005. Vice Chair Cook seconded the motion that
passed 6-0.
Case #05-988
Helen K. Tullos
118 N.W. 4th Street
Ms. Carroll moved to table Case #05-988 to October 19, 2005. Vice Chair Cook seconded the motion
that passed 6-0.
Case #05-677
2991 W. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Ms. Carroll moved to table Case #05-677 to October 19, 2005. Vice Chair Cook seconded the motion
that passed 6-0.
VIII. Discussion
A) Sexual Offender Residencv Prohibition Ordinance
Assistant City Attorney Tolces said this item was on the agenda to discuss the board's role in handling
violations of the City's Sexual Offender Ordinance.
Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator, introduced Sgt. David Egnor, who was on hand to answer
questions. Mr. Blasie indicated that it was possible the board would be hearing such a case at its next
meeting. Mr. Blasie summarized the ordinance, saying that sexual predators (even if adjudication is
withheld) living within 2500 feet from a school, a school bus stop, a playground, or any other place
where children congregate after July 19, 2005 would be in violation of the ordinance. If such a person
were living in rental property, the landlord would be responsible. Mr. Blasie was in the process of writing
up notices of violation to the three persons who were currently in violation. They might comply before
the meeting. In one case, an individual purchased a home very close to a school very recently and had a
sizeable mortgage. He did not expect they would be able to comply before the October 19 meeting.
They were given a 10-day notice of violation and the Police Department went to the address and gave
them a copy of the ordinance. Two of the cases were tenants and he fully expected they would move.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 200S
Mr. Blasie said the City gets reports from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement as to the
whereabouts of registered sexual offenders. The Police Department routinely goes out to verify that they
are where they are supposed to be. With the advent of the ordinance, it was now necessary to look for
the ones living within 2500 feet of the children-related areas. He believed that regardless of where a
person lived in the City of Boynton Beach, they would be within 2500 feet of such areas. Mr. Blasie felt it
would be interesting to see how this ordinance played out in Boynton Beach and in the other cities that
had enacted similar ordinances such as Boca Raton, Lake Worth. The cases will come before the Code
Compliance Board. Under Florida Statute 162, reasonable time must be given for compliance, unless the
board determines that it is a matter of imminent life/health/safety. He suggested that the board handle
these cases like all the other cases they heard on a case-by-case basis.
Assistant City Attorney Tolces advised the board it would treat these cases like any other cases coming
before it and make motions in the same way, giving potential fines for non-compliance. It was a little
different from the straight property case, but it was a City ordinance and the board did have the authority
to consider violations of City ordinances.
Mr. Foot asked Assistant City Attorney Tolces if he would give the board a "model" motion. Attorney
Tolces responded it would be the same motion they always used. Vice Chair Cook understood that in
order to administer the ordinance properly, the board members would have to become familiar with it.
Attorney Tolces offered to help the board understand any terms or provisions in the ordinance that were
complicated or confusing.
Attorney Tolces advised the board's sole role was in hearing the evidence, making findings, and entering
an order based on the findings, which mayor may not include a fine and a reasonable period of time for
the person to come into compliance. In the case of a landlord, it would mean making provisions to make
certain the individual was no longer residing at the location. With respect to an individual sexual predator
or offender living in a prohibited location, they would be required to move to a location not in violation of
the ordinance in order to come into compliance.
Vice Chair Cook asked if the persons appearing before the board were merely accused or judged by the
courts. Attorney Tolces advised this would be part of the evidence brought before the board by City staff
during the discussion of the background of the individual.
Attorney Tolces cautioned sgt. Egnor not to discuss any specific cases that might be coming before the
Sgt. David Egnor, Boynton Beach Police Department, said the notification for sexual offenders and
sexual predators comes from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Everyone is adjudicated
through the court system before the Police are notified. All the 45-47 people in the City of Boynton Beach
have been adjudicated. He did not see that the Board would have any problem with that. If anyone were
to challenge this ordinance, he hoped they would realize that it was enacted for the safety of the City's
children. He agreed with Mr. Blasie that with the exception of a small place on the golf course, perhaps,
the entire City was pretty much off limits to sexual predators and sexual offenders through this
Chair Costantino asked if other cities were handling this by bringing the cases to their Code Boards.
Attorney Tolces was not aware of how the other cities were proceeding. She asked who would do the
presentations, and Mr. Blasie responded that he would do them. He said there would be much discussion
in the coming month between his office, the Police, and Attorney Tolces.
The board was concerned that some of the individuals coming before the board might be violent.
Everyone felt that a police officer should definitely be present at any meeting where such an individual
would appear before the board, and Mr. Blasie concurred. Another suggestion was to put this kind of
case on at the beginning of the agenda to limit the amount of time they would be at the meeting. Mr.
Meeting Minutes
Code Compliance Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 21, 200S
Blasie felt strongly that most of the people would comply and would not wish to come before the board.
Many would probably not show up. Another suggestion was to schedule this kind of matter at the end of
lien reduction hearings, which were normally held in the afternoon on weekdays.
The board thanked Sgt. Egnor for spending the time to discuss this with them.
B) Approval of Minutes of AU9ust 17. 2005 and Auqust 5. 2005 Works hOD
Mr. Foot moved to remove the August 17, 2005 and August 5, 2005 minutes from the table. Ms. Carroll
seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
Mr. Foot had forwarded a list of desired modifications to the minutes to Chair Costantino. The following
modifications were made:
August 5, 2005 Workshop meeting, page 3, 2nd paragraph, added: "notes distributed from" to first and
second lines. Page 10, same minutes, first paragraph, added: "much before 7:00 p.m." following 7:00
p.m. in second line.
August 17, 2005 regular meeting minutes, page 14, motion in middle of page, remove words "and
unanimously carried." The vote was actually split after further discussion.
There were two other corrections/modifications suggested by Mr. Foot that were resolved through
discussion and did not require a change to the minutes.
Mr. Foot moved to approve the modifications to the minutes as listed by Chair Costantino with the
exception of the comment about the Chamber clock and the reference to the $250 fine. Vice Chair Cook
seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
IX. Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the board, the meeting was duly adjourned at 10:51 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Susan Collins
Recording Secretary