Minutes 09-19-05
ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2005 AT 6:00 P.M.
Michael Enkoff, Chairman
Teresa Frazier, Vice Chair
Janet Prainito, Secretary
Karilyn Norem Hohner
Susan Morrison
Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent
Tom Balfe, Parks Manager
I. Call to Order
Chairman Enkoff called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
II. Attendance
Secretary Prainito called the roll and declared all members were present.
III. Agenda Approval
Secretary Prainito requested the addition of item C. under New Business, Disinterment
of Marie Minez, Block 0, Lot 43A. All paperwork has been signed and is in order.
Secretary Prainito moved to approve the agenda, as amended. Motion seconded by Ms.
Hohner and unanimously carried.
IV. Approval of Minutes - August 11,2005
Ms. Morrison moved to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Ms. Horner and
unanimously carried.
v. Receipt of Revenue/Expense Sheets - June, July & August 2005
Secretary Prainito moved to accept. Motion seconded by Ms. Horner and unanimously
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 19,2005
VI. Receipt of Sales Reports - August 2005
Secretary Prainito moved for approval. Motion seconded by Ms. Horner and
unanimously carried.
VII. Unfinished Business
A. Parks Division Report
Mr. Balfe read the Parks Report for the month of August 2005.
Chairman Enkoff inquired if the new disinterment should be added to this report.
Secretary Prainito responded it would be added to next month's report.
Ms. Morrison moved to accept the Parks Report. Motion seconded by Ms. Hohner and
unanimously carried.
B. Update on Cemetery Survey
Mr. Balfe reported that staff has received the survey and distributed copies to the
members to review. Mr. Balfe was pleased with the results. The Cemetery Survey now
includes the following:
. The road between Blocks I and J has been removed. Originally, staff anticipated
that 22 5x9 plots would be added to create 44 burial plots. However, the
surveyor was able to provide for 24 5x9 plots, resulting 4 additional plots.
. The road between Blocks M and L was removed to create 22 5x9 plots, resulting
in 44 burial plots.
. The road between the infant section and Block K was removed to create 2 rows
of 78 3x3 infant plots.
. The grass walkway running east to west in Blocks B through F was replatted to
create 80 burial plots. These additional plots are the long plots that run east to
west through 147 to 177 and then 1 to 34. Fifty-six (56) plots have been created
in row 1 and 58 in row 2. By removing the road between Blocks D and E, 55
additional 5x9 plots were created. Originally staff anticipated 110 plots, but the
surveyor was able to come up 112 plots.
· There was some additional space at the bottom of this road to the east and the
surveyor was able to add 56 plots in the replat section. These plots measure 3x5
and are presently being used for infant burials.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 19, 2005
As a result of this survey, more than 400 new plots would be created at Boynton Beach
Memorial Park.
Mr. Balfe explained that after the Cemetery Board approved the survey, it would then go
to Engineering for review. The Board at some point would have to identify the new plots
for purposes of sale. Previously rows had been identified such as "replat 91 through
146." Ms. Rivers recommended discussing this with Engineering.
Secretary Prainito inquired if the new 3x5 plots would be used for infants. Mr. Balfe
responded they could be used for infants and cremains.
Chairman Enkoff commended Mr. Balfe for doing an excellent job. Members also
thanked Mr. Balfe for the fine work he did on this project.
Ms. Morrison inquired if elimination of the roadways would provide enough access into
the Cemetery. Mr. Balfe explained even though the roadways would be eliminated, it
would not hinder any movement throughout the Cemetery because there is another
road available for ingress and egress into the Cemetery. Also, between Blocks J and K,
where the circle is located, there is another road. The access road on the north side that
leads to the gate is also available. Only one road would be eliminated on the north side
and there would still be three access roads on the north side of the Cemetery. In
addition, there is a road that runs along the far south side.
Ms. Rivers explained that almost every City department would review the survey.
Chairman Enkoff moved that the Board approve sending the survey on for review.
Motion seconded by Mr. Hohner and unanimously carried.
VIII. New Business
A. Approve transfer of Lots 379 A&B, Block R, Boynton Beach Memorial Park
from Charles Ezell to Roman and Judy Schrock. (Transfer fee in the
amount of $25 per plot has been paid.)
Secretary Prainito moved to approve. Motion seconded by Ms. Morrison and
unanimously carried.
B. Approve transfer of Lots 400 A&B, Block R, Boynton Beach Memorial Park
from Charles Ezell to Vicky L. Polk. (Transfer fee in the amount of $25 per
plot has been paid.)
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 19, 2005
Secretary Prainito moved to approve. Motion seconded by Ms. Hohner and
unanimously carried.
C. Approve disinterment of Marie T. Minez from Boynton Beach Memorial
Park, Block 0 Lot 43A.
Chairman Enkoff inquired if the fee had been paid. Secretary Prainito responded that
the fee has been paid.
Vice Chair Frazier moved to approve. Motion seconded by Ms. Morrison and
unanimously carried.
IX. Other
Chairman Enkoff inquired about the Delvalle marker. Mr. Balfe reported the new marker
has been installed and it is acceptable.
Chairman Enkoff reported that there are some graves at Boynton Beach Memorial Park
that are unsightly and littered with junk. Secretary Prainito noted the rules and
regulations limit the amount of items that could be placed on a gravesite. Mr. Balfe
stated that the plots Chairman Enkoff was referring to were located in Blocks Y and W.
Chairman Enkoff requested that the owners of those gravesites be sent a letter along
with the Cemetery rules and regulations.
Ms. Morrison inquired if staff could remove the items after a certain amount of time.
Secretary Prainito felt that staff was allowed to remove those items. Ms. Rivers recited
the rules that state, "Employees will, for Cemetery maintenance purposes, remove and
replace these items with care, but does not accept responsibility." Further, the rules
state, "City employees may remove any item placed on a gravesite that becomes untidy
or unsightly to the appearance of the Cemetery." Secretary Prainito recommended
when removing items from a gravesite, it should be done with care not to damage them.
Mr. Balfe said there is an area in the cemetery that staff keeps items that have been
removed from gravesites. Ms. Morrison felt that a letter should be sent as
recommended by Chairman Enkoff.
Chairman Enkoff asked if there was any progress on the mausoleum. Ms. Rivers
checked with the Building Division last week, since Mr. Osborne told some crypt owners
that the reason the mausoleum has not started was due to the City holding up the
permit. Ms. Rivers reported that no permit has been applied for. A letter has been sent
to Mr. Osborne asking what his intentions are regarding the mausoleum and also how
many crypts have been pre-sold. Ms. Rivers has also requested a legal opinion, but
she has interpreted the new statute to mean construction of the mausoleum must begin
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 19, 2005
once 50% of the crypts have been sold. She pointed out, however, that the City's
contract with Mr. Osborne states 70%.
Chairman Enkoff commented on how well the Sara Sims Cemetery has looked recently
and asked who was in charge of maintaining this Cemetery. Mr. Balfe responded that
Dwight Saulter is in charge and Chairman Enkoff commended Mr. Saulter for doing a
very good job.
Mr. Balfe asked when the bid for the etching of the Mausoleum would be going before
the City Commission for approval. Ms. Prainito thought it would be the agenda for the
first meeting in October. Chairman Enkoff requested he be informed of the exact date.
Discussion took place on scheduling the next meeting. It was decided to change the
meeting date to the second Monday of the month to be held in Commission Chambers.
Therefore, the next meeting will take place on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 6:00
p.m. in Commission Chambers.
x. Adjournment
There being no further discussion, the meeting properly adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
~A. A~
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(September 28, 2005)