WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2001 @ 7:00 P.M.
Ron Washam, Chairman
Beth Miller, Vice Chairperson
Anne Centi
Joy Currier
Blanche Girtman
Hansome Jones, Alternate
David Katz, Alternate
Eddie Mitchell
Brenda Lee Williams
Dan DeCarlo, Neighborhood Specialist
I. OPENING, Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Washam called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and asked David
Katz to lead the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
I1. ROLL CALL - Regular Members and Alternates
The Recording Secretary called the roll and a quorum was declared present.
Mr. Katz requested the addition under Paragraph VI of discussion regarding a
letter he had printed in the Community News regarding PATCH.
Ms. Girtman moved to accept the agenda, as amended. Motion seconded by
Vice Chair Miller and unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
January 3, 2001
(a) December 6, 2000 Board Meeting
Mr. Katz moved to accept the minutes. Motion seconded by Vice Chair Miller,
which carried unanimously.
Ms. Currier thanked everyone for their assistance during the Christmas season.
Gifts and toys were delivered at Hester Park and the Cherry Hill Section of the
City by the City's police officers. Christmas was provided for two families, which
included food, clothing, and gifts. Ms. Currier also thanked the Boynton Beach
Police Department, Vice Chair Miller and the Lord's Place, and Sister Ryan for
their kindness.
Chairman Washam thanked all the people that assisted with the toy drive that
took place not only in the Boynton Schools, but in Lantana as well. Many toys
and refurbished bicycles were distributed.
Ms. Centi announced that the schools are undertaking "adopt a class" program
and some of the groups that she is connected with are working with the Forest
Park School. The cost to adopt a class is $100 per year. Ms. Centi noted that
teachers are in need of supplies and the children need homework boxes, which
should include dictionaries, pens, pencils, paper, etc. Ms. Centi announced that
a clothing drive would take place later this month.
Discussion of letter (David Katz)
Mr. Katz distributed to the members a copy of a letter that was printed in the
December 20, 2000 edition of the Boynton Beach Community News (a copy of
which is included with the original minutes). The letter was also printed in the
Sun-SentineL Mr. Katz stated that initially he had some questions concerning
PATCH. However, at the last meeting he realized the significance of PATCH and
that it would be a benefit to the City and its residents. Because there hadn't been
much publicity and members were still needed from certain segments of the
community, Mr. Katz wrote the letter. However, Mr. DeCarlo received some
negative feedback regarding the letter, which was never Mr. Katz's intent. Mr.
Katz requested that the members read the letter and give their opinion as to the
intent of the letter. If any Board members so wished, Mr. Katz said he would
write another letter apologizing for the letter.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
Mr. DeCado responded that he had not seen the letter originally and after finally
reading the letter, he saw nothing negative about the letter. Chairman Washam
felt the letter was excellent, as well as necessary to get the word out about
A. Community Garden Update
Mr. DeCarlo reported that the Community Garden is progressing very well. The
fence has been put up and it should be painted this week. The mulch will also be
put in this week and there are plans to add a shed. Additional properties on
Seacrest Boulevard are being looked at for gardens and/or for beautification
projects. Some of the properties can be leased through the County's Extension
Service, which allows the City to make improvements to the property. There are
approximately 18 garden people involved, including the Brownies from Poinciana
School and children from the Treasure Chest.
Vice Chair Miller stated the garden was wonderful and she would like to see
more throughout the City. Vice Chair Miller suggested that the Board do some
public relations by incorporating an "adopt a garden" project. Mr. DeCarlo stated
that that a lot more publicity is anticipated and that the County would also be
approving a $5,000 grant to support the Community Garden. Also, the City will
be undergoing a $30 million stormwater project and will be focusing north of the
C-16 Canal to the City limit, which will encompass the entire north end of the
City. That entire area will be undergoing many improvements including new
Ms. Girtman stated that she too has received many compliments on the
Community Garden. Ms. Girtman stated that Mr. DeCarlo deserves a great deal
of credit in bringing this to fruition and noted everything looks beautiful.
B. MLK Boulevard, Revitalization & Planing Grant Update
Mr. DeCarlo reported that the RFP is being prepared and should be submitted in
late January. This study will be very critical to the area's revitalization and will be
included in updating the City's CRA plan. The City would like to get as many
people involved as possible, as well as the churches.
Mr. DeCarlo noted that the City Manager would like people from the cOmmunity
to serve on the committee that selected the consultant and inquired if there were
any members of the Board that might be interested in serving.
Vice Chair Miller inquired about the media event that had been anticipated at the
Community Garden? Mr. DeCarlo stated that the Sun-Sentinel is planning a
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
Jan uary 3, 2001
large article on the Garden and he is waiting for everything to come together with
the MLK activities being planned over the next few months.
Mr. Katz asked if the City was looking for community input for formulating the
RFP or approving the consultant? Mr. DeCarlo thought that it meant that the City
would like to have community input on the selection of the consultant and that a
Committee would be formed for this purpose. Mr. Katz stated that he would like
to be involved in the process. Ms. Girtman also said she would like to
Ms. Girtman raised concerns regarding the Boynton Terrace Project and she did
not feel that the parking spaces should be reduced to allow for additional
apartments, which would probably increase parking congestion. Mr. Katz said he
was under the impression that they were not adding additional apartments, but
would be putting in more amenities. Ms. Girtman said that she received notice
from the City because she is an adjacent property owner and it stated that more
apartments were going to be added. Chairman Washam was not sure if this was
an issue that this Board should become involved in and requested that the
remainder of the agenda items be discussed.
C. MLK sponsored "Art in the City" Program
Mr. DeCarlo reported that the City received a grant for Art in the City Program for
after school activities located at the Hester Center, the City's Art Center,
Treasure Chest and a School located in the north end of the City.
A. PATCH Meeting held December 20th
Officers were elected as follows:
Angela Girtman, Chairperson
Ralph Conca, Vice Chair
Brian Edwards, Secretary
It is anticipated that two or three more people would be added to the Committee
to include a representative from the Police Department and the Assistant City
Attorney, Nicholas Igwe. After the additional people have been nominated, Mr.
Bressner requested that the list be added to the City's consent agenda for final
approval. A meeting date has been set for the third Wednesday of each month.
It is anticipated that Mr. Bob Broadway would also be attending the meetings.
Chairman Washam commended the Board members for their hard work in
getting this project off the ground.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
January 3, 2001
City Sponsored Annual Board Dinner scheduled for
Thursday, January 25, 2001 at Benvenuto's
Chairman Washam announced that the Annual Board Dinner is scheduled for
Thursday, January 25, 2001 at Benvenuto's. RSVPs are due by January 17th to
the City Manager's Office. Ms. Girtman requested that a table be reserved for
their Board.
Chairman Washam thanked the City Commission for allowing their Board to
again meet in the Chambers.
Vice Chair Miller pointed out that there are two open seats on the Board and
requested that everyone try to get the seats filled as soon as possible.
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording SeCretary
(one tape)