Minutes 01-24-06
TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2006 AT 6:30 P.M.
Lee Wische, Chairman
Woodrow Hay, Vice Chair
Sergio Casaine
William Cwynar
Shirley Jaskiewicz
Diane Johnson
Roger Saberson
Joseph Baldwin, Alternate
Sharon Grcevic, Alternate
David Tolces, Assistant City Attorney
Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director
I. Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Wische called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag led by Mr. Casaine.
II. Introduction of the Board
Chair Wische introduced the Board.
III. Agenda Approval
Chair Wische asked for any corrections, deletions, or additions to the agenda.
Mr. Cwynar moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Casaine. The motion passed 7-0.
IV. Approval of Minutes - December 22, 2005
Mr. Casaine moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Mr. Cwynar. The motion passed 7-0.
V. Communications and Announcements
A. Plannina and Zonina Report
1. Final disposition of the December 22, 2005 Planning and Development
Board meeting agenda items
Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, reported on the disposition of the items from this
meeting. At the January 17, 2006 City Commission meeting, the United Way of Palm Beach
County major site plan modification request to add an additional one story, 5K square foot
building was approved. Also, the Rapido Rabbit carwash item was tabled again, at the request
of the applicant, to the February 21, 2006 City Commission meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 24, 2006
Mr. Saberson asked Mr. Rumpf when the M1 zoning moratorium on Congress Avenue would end
Mr. Rumpf responded it had been extended again through April. The resolution extending it
specifically stated the dates in March and April when the amendments should be delivered to
this Board, the CRA, and the City Commission.
VI. Old Business
Assistant City Attorney David Tolces administered an oath to all who planned to speak at the
A. Zonina Code Variance
Bellamy Heights (ZNCV 06-001)
Zamil Abou
Nauras Corporation
Lots 15 and 16 of Block 9
Request for relief from the Land
Development Regulations, Chapter 2,
Zoning, Section 5.D.2.a, requIring a
minimum 10 frontage of 60 feet to allow a
minimum lot frontage of 57 feet (a variance
of three feet), and requiring a minimum lot
area of 7,500 square feet to allow a
minimum lot area of approximately 6,850
square feet (a variance of 650 square feet)
for a proposed single-family residence
within the R-1-A Single Family Zoning
Ed Breese, Principal Planner, stated staff recommended approval of this item due to a hardship
not created by the applicant himself. The lots in this area were platted in 1925 and the majority
of them were between 50 to 58 feet wide.
Chair Wische opened the floor for the public to speak, and closed it when no one came forward.
Lestin Quintinella, 434 S.W. 9th Avenue, Boynton Beach, stated he lived in the house
next door to the lot in question. He was also representing the Nauras Corporation.
Ms. Jaskiewicz moved to approve the request for relief from the Land Development Regulations,
Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.D.2.a, requiring a minimum lot frontage of 60 feet to allow a
minimum lot frontage of 57 feet (a variance of three feet), and requiring a minimum lot area of
7,500 square feet to allow a minimum lot area of approximately 6,850 square feet (a variance
of 650 square feet) for a proposed single-family residence within the R-1-A Single Family Zoning
District. Mr. Casaine seconded the motion that passed 7-0.
Meeting Minutes
Planning &. Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 24, 2006
&_Site Plan Time Extension
St. Johns Armenian Church (SPTE 05-
006) (fka St. Gregory Armenian
Dale Meaux, API Group
The Armenian Cultural Association
South side of Boynton Beach Boulevard,
approximately 300 feet west of Southwest
8th Street
Request for a second one year time
extension of the site plan approval granted
on September 2, 2003, from September 2,
2005 to September 2, 2006
Jasmin Meaux, 5921 Vista Linda Lane, Boca Raton, wife of the architect for the project,
appeared. When asked if the applicant agreed to the Conditions of Approval, Ms. Meaux stated
she was unaware of the conditions.
Eric Johnson, Planner, explained there were two conditions of approval. One was the water
reservation fee that had to be paid, and the other was updating the traffic analysis. He
explained that traffic concurrency had to be obtained before pulling a building permit.
Mrs. Meaux responded they agreed to those conditions.
Ms. Jaskiewicz referred to the Boynton Beach Code violations on the property and inquired
whether they had been rectified. Mrs. Meaux responded the Code violations had all been
Ms. Jaskiewicz reported a meeting was held last year with representatives of the St. Johns
Armenian Church, residents of Leisureville, and City staff from the Planning & Zoning and
Building Departments concerning some changes Leisureville wanted to the project. This meeting
took place after the Planning & Development Board voted to approve the project. Ms.
Jaskiewicz wanted the agreements from that meeting regarding all of the wall abutting the
residential properties to be made a part of the site plan.
Because eQthers felt they were not approving the site plan, only an extension of the site plan,
afl€l-they did not think it would be proper to €le-se add those conditions at this time..
One of the Jgr-cements V.'JS for J wall Jlong the entire portion of the residentiJI Jreu, insteJd of
just J portion of it JS pr-cviously Jpproved. The Ms. Jaskiewicz added that another etl=tef
agreement reached during the meeting with a representative of the Building Department
present. was that the wall had to be constructed before issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
The President of St. Johns Armenian Church and Mr. Meux agreed to that condition.
Meeting Minutes
Planning &. Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 24,2006
Ms. Jaskiewicz was also concerned about the vagueness of the plans for Phase 3. The details of
Phase 1 and 2 were satisfactory and agreed to by all. Phase 3 was speculative in nature and the
details were sketchy at best. Phase 3 was for a gymnasium that mayor may not be built on
the property. Ms. Jaskiewicz was reluctant to approve the site plan extension in the absence of
a full presentation on Phase 3.
Mr. Cywnar commented that Item #3 in the Conditions of Approval state that all previous
Conditions of Approval must be complied with. To this, Ms. Jaskiewicz responded that she did
not think those conditions had been included since the meeting she reported on took place after
the Board meeting and after the City Commission meeting. With that statement made. Mr.
Cwynar did not see how those conditions could be included since those were not issues that
came before the Board. Ms. Jaskiewicz stated that the conditions had to be included because
they were agreed to and had been recorded.
Mr. Wische reminded the Board members that the purpose of this application was a time
extension. He noted that under recommendations. it said all Conditions of Approval from the
original project must be satisfactorily addressed during the building permit process. He
explained that whatever went on in a meeting that took place after everything was voted on
does not mean it has to be put in. Whatever is included must be there and everything that is
accepted beforehand must be met.
Ms. Jaskiewica reiterated that City staff was present and witnessed Mr. Meaux and the
President of the Church agree to the additional conditions.
Chair Wische recognized the presence of Commissioner Bob Ensler in the audience.
Assistant City Attorney Tolces advised under the Land Development Regulations, at expiration
of a site plan approval, the City Commission could impose additional conditions if changes had
occurred from the first site plan approval. If the Board felt it was appropriate, it could make
those items a part of its recommendation to the City Commission.
Mr. Casaine agreed with Chair Wische that the item before the Board was an extension for one
year. If there are conditions that need to be added, staff should present those conditions. One
board member is aware of those conditions, but the remainder of the Board members are not.
According to the Board attorney, the Commission has the right to make amendments or add
Mr. Casaine addressed Mr. Meaux stating that he assumed Mr. Meaux was familiar with the
conditions that were added and based on earlier testimony, Mr. Meaux had no problems with
those conditions. Mr. Meaux responded, "Correct". Mr. Casaine advised that it would be
improper to consider those conditions until they are brought to the Board's attention by staff.
The Board would be happy to have a presentation by staff. However, during this hearing, it
was improper to consider the conditions since the request before the Board was for a time
Meeting Minutes
Planning &. Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 24, 2006
When Ms. Jaskiewicz felt it was improper to approve a site plan that had not been seen in its
entirety, Mr. Casaine reminded the members that the issue before the Board was not the site
plan, but a one-year time extension.
~:;: ~~u~~ ~..:~~~ felt they did not hu'Je sufficient informJtion to Jdd the ChJn~es resultiri
from thc informal ""'cting to t~c cond~ions of approVilI, in tAC abscAcc of a "'po ~ ~ .
~~ :~ ~t~:: ~nd, ~qs. Jaskie'.vicz did not feel it WJS JppropriJte to appro'/e J i n
e~tension, Jnd by reference the site plJn itself, 'Nithout hJving seen the entirety of the PhJse 3
portion of the site plan.
Mr. Saberson noted the staff report had listed the minor site plan modifications agreed to in the
referenced meeting as follows:
· relocation of the irrigation pump
· relocation of lift station
· inclusion of a 6-foot high wall along the south property line
· submission of a photometric plan showing lighting levels on adjacent Leisureville lots
· Coordination with Leisureville on the possibility of relocating the dumpster and
informing Leisureville prior to the commencement of Phase 3 (gymnasiumO of the
church's site plan
It was noted in the staff report the applicant had agreed to these conditions at a meeting on
December 16, 2004. Since the applicant and staff agreed, Mr. Saberson felt the additional
conditions could be added.
Eric Johnson, Planner, indicated subsequent to the first site plan time extension request, an
informal meeting was held between City officials, the applicant, and Leisureville. That meeting
resulted in several agreements made by the applicant in response to Leisureville requests. The
City was a broker between the two parties. Those modifications made to the site plan were
never on record at the Planning & Development Board level or at the City Commission level. In
analyzing the applicant's request for a second site plan extension, staff considered the
conditions of approval from the first time extension, the original site plan conditions, and the
conditions of approval listed by Mr. Saberson. It was staff's hope the applicant would comply
with all agreements made during the informal meeting.
Mr. Saberson asked whether the applicant had submitted a revised site plan incorporating the
agreed to changes. Mr. Johnson noted they had made a permit application and several
comments had been made on it. However, he was unaware of whether those changes
referenced the agreements made at the informal meeting.
Mr. Rumpf responded it was their intent to see the referenced comments were met at'the time
of permitting, if they were not officially added to the development order. They might have
been. He did not have a copy of the development order with him. For example, they would not
be seeing a photometric plan at this stage anyway. Mr. Saberson asked if the Commission were
aware of the informal meeting, and Mr. Rumpf responded they were.
Meeting Minutes
Planning &. Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 24, 2006
Commissioner Robert Ensler, 26 Woods Lane, Boynton Beach, was not familiar with the
details of this particular situation. He explained the Commission had recently passed an
ordinance to help with problems associated with site plan time extensions. Up until the
ordinance was passed, the Board only had the choice of saying yes or no. The ordinance now
Jllowcd allows some changes to be made that had occurred during the time elapsed from the
original approval to the request for extension.
Diana Johnson confirmed the square footages for the various phases, including Phase 3. Ms.
Jaskiewicz noted there was nothing in the agenda packet about Phase 3 except a proposed
square footage.
Chair Wische commented that the Board votes on issues based on information that is provided.
He requested that the Board be iven all information so that the Board members are not
misinformed when they are voting.
Vahram Danielian, a representative of the Armenian Cultural Association, stated they
had agreed to a four-foot high wall and after the informal meeting agreed to a six-foot high
wall. They also agreed at that meeting to extend the wall all around the property abutting the
residential area. The Leisureville residents were concerned the gymnasium slated for Phase 3,
potentially, would create noise. Also, Leisureville residents were concerned the building would
be a big, unadorned "box" and not attractively presented. The representatives from the
Armenian Cultural Association had advised the Leisureville residents the gymnasium was
important to them. Also, the gymnasium would be made of cinderblock stucco construction, and
completely enclosed. It would be soundproof. There would be no problem with noise. The
architect presented a sketch at that time showing the building was not going to be a simple
"box." It would be nicely constructed to harmonize with the neighborhood.
Mr. Cwynar moved to approve the request for a second (1) one year time extension of the site
plan approval granted on September 2, 2003, from September 2, 2005 to September 2, 2006.
Mr. Casaine seconded the motion.
Mr. Saberson asked whether Mr. Cwynar wanted to amend the motion to include the
agreements made at the informal meeting. The motion could ask the City Commission to
consider the changes and make a judgment about them. Mr. Saberson reiterated the conditions
mentioned in the staff report. Chair Wische stated staff could report that back to the Board.
Chair Wische wanted to hear a report on the conditions.
Mr. Cwynar was not interested in amending his motion-;-, and felt Comment #3, "All previous
Conditions of Approval must still be complied with" covered those situations.
The motion passed 6-1, Ms. Jaskiewicz dissenting.
Meeting Minutes
Planning &. Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 24, 2006
VII. New Business
A. Annexation
Southern Dance Theater (ANEX 06-
Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning
Southern Dance Theater, Inc.
East side of Knuth Road, approximately 495
feet south of Old Boynton Road (1203
Knuth Road)
Request to annex subject property
Hanna Matras, Planner, reviewed the annexation and land use plan amendment/rezoning
concurrently. Staff recommended approval of the annexation for the reasons listed in the staff
Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning Consultants, offered to answer any questions.
Chair Wische opened the floor for the public to speak, and closed it when no one came forward.
Ms. Johnson moved to approve annexation of the subject property. Mr. Cwynar seconded the
motion that was approved 7-0.
Land Use Plan Amendment/Rezoning
Southern Dance Studio (LUAR 06-001)
Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning
Southern Dance Theater, Inc.
East side of Knuth Road, approximately 495
feet south of Old Boynton Road (1203
Knuth Road)
Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan
Future Land use Map from Commercial High
Intensity (CH/8, Palm Beach County) to
Local Retail Commercial (LRC); and
Request to rezone from Agricultural
Residential (AR, Palm Beach County) to
Community Commercial (C-3).
Meeting Minutes
Planning &. Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 24, 2006
Hanna Matras, Planner, reviewed the land use plan amendment/rezoning and indicated staff
recommended approval, for the reasons listed in the staff report.
Chair Wische opened the floor for the public to speak, and closed it when no one came forward.
Ms. Johnson moved to approve the request of Southern Dance Studio to amend the
Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Commercial High Intensity (CH/8, Palm Beach
County) to Local Retail Commercial (LRC). Ms. Jaskiewicz seconded the motion that carried 7-0.
Ms. Johnson moved to approve the request of Southern Dance Studio to rezone the subject
property from Agricultural Residential (AR, Palm Beach County) to Community Commercial (C-
3). Ms. Grcevic seconded the motion that carried 7-0.
New Site Plan
Southern Dance Studio (NWSP 06-
Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning
Southern Dance Theater, Inc.
East side of Knuth Road, approximately 495
feet south of Old Boynton Road (1203
Knuth Road)
Request site plan approval to construct a
one-story building totaling 10,000 square
feet for a dance studio and retail use, and
related site improvements on 0.92 acres
zoned C-3
Bradley Miller, Miller Land Planning Consultants, stated the applicant was in agreement
with all 37 staff conditions.
Kathleen Zeitler, Planner, reported the site plan complied with parking, landscaping, building
and site design uses. The building had a lot of architectural details and the color was neutral. It
also complied with the C-3 setback and lot coverage requirements, building height
requirements, signage, and lighting. Staff recommended approval with the 37 conditions.
Chair Wische opened the floor to the public, but closed it when no one wished to speak.
Ms. Jaskiewicz moved to approve the site plan for Southern Dance Studio to construct a one-
story building totaling 10,000 square feet for a dance studio and retail use, and related site
improvements on 0.92 acres zoned C-3, including all staff conditions of approval. Ms. Johnson
seconded the motion that carried 7-0.
Meeting Minutes
Planning &. Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 24, 2006
Mr. Hay arrived at the meeting at 7:14 p.m.
Ms. Johnson was pleased the City had not lost the dance studio to another City, and thanked
Mr. Miller for his efforts to keep it in the City.
B. Conditional Use
Renaissance Commons Phase VI
(COUS 06-001)
Carl Klepper, Compson Associates, Inc.
Compson Associates of Boynton II, LLC
Southeast corner of Congress Avenue and
Gateway Boulevard
Request conditional use/major site plan
modification approval to change 104,412
square feet to self-storage use, converting
in part, a portion of the previously approved
office space within the Renaissance
Commons project, which is zoned Suburban
Mixed-Use (SMU).
Carl Klepper, Compson Associates, Inc. appeared as agent for the applicant.
Chair Wische asked Mr. Klepper whether the applicant agreed with the 17 staff conditions of
approval. Mr. Klepper indicated the applicant agreed to all 17 conditions and he complimented
staff for doing a fantastic job with the application.
Eric Johnson, Planner, thanked Mr. Klepper for the compliment. This request was to allow self-
storage facility use in the Suburban Mixed Use Zoning District, which required conditional use
approval. Staff reviewed the applicant's request to modify Building I to allow a self-storage
facility inside the building and the applicant had demonstrated they would comply with all the
standards for evaluating conditional use. They recommended approval of their use.
Chair Wische opened the floor to the public, and closed it when no one wished to speak.
Ms. Jaskiewicz inquired whether the footprint was the same for Building I, and Mr. Johnson
responded it was, except the parapet wall had been raised by one foot to 71 feet. It was
previously approved for 70 feet and was advertised that way; therefore, the applicant had
agreed to change the parapet height by a foot to comply with the previous conditional use
Mr. Cwynar moved to approve the Renaissance Commons Phase VI request for conditional
use/major site plan modification approval to change 104,4112 square feet to self-storage use,
converting in part a portion of the previously approved office space within the Renaissance
Meeting Minutes
Planning &. Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 24, 2006
Commons project, which is zoned Suburban Mixed Use (SMU). Mr. Casaine seconded the
motion that passed 7-0.
VIII. Other - None
IX. Comments by Members - None
x. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Susan Collins
Recording Secretary