Diana Tedtmann, Chairperson
Rae A. Fellows
Arlene Greenberg
Dorothy A.P. Howard
Judith 'Braswell, Alternate
Aly Gore, Voting Student
Caroline Roter, Voting Student
Virginia Farace, Education
Advisory Board 'Liaison
Also Present
Mohandas D. Chettayar, Executive Director
We Change Foundation
I. Pledge of Allegiance
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Chairperson Tedtmann led the
Board members in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum present.
III. Minutes Approval - November 2, 2000
To be approved at the next meeting.
IV. Chair's Report
Chairperson Tedtmann noted that they have been very busy with the boundary
issue and attending meetings at the School District on November 27, 2000 and
last night. The meeting on the 27th focused on the boundaries of the High
School, Middle School and Elementary Schools. Chairperson Tedtmann reported
that the Mayor, City Commissioners, as well as the City Manager and Assistant
City Managers, were present at the meetings, Also, several representatives from
this Board and Ms. Farace were present. There have been some decisions
made, but the plan will not be finalized until January 22, 2001. This will be
discussed further under Unfinished Business.
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Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
December 14, 2000
Chairperson Tedtmann announced that Mr. Ehster resigned from the Board and
a new member, Ms. Rosalind Murray, has been appointed as an Alternate, but
was unable to be present tonight.
V. City Liaison Report
Ms. Farace reported that a great deal of her time has been spent on the School
Boundary issues.
Ms. Farace announced that today was education day for the Chamber of
Commerce Leadership. Each year one day is devoted to education. The schools
visited and the issues were -
· Galaxy Elementary School, which is in need of remodeling and
· Grading of schools and accountability.
· South Technical School's transition to career academies and transitioning out
the adult students.
· Congress Middle School was visited and the team learned about the magnet
· The new High School site was toured and the head of construction for the
school discussed construction issues for the District, followed by a lengthy
discussion on the boundary issues.
VI. ProJect We Change Foundation Presentation
Members agreed to continue with the meeting until the representative from We
Change Foundation arrived.
VII. Public Audience
Mr. David Fellows reported that Mr. Richard Kabinoff informed him that the
magnet program at Congress Middle School is coming under scrutiny. Mr.
Fellows was uncertain as to what was actually being scrutinized. He noted that
the School District is looking at re-evaluating the magnets to determine if they are
doing the job that they were intended for. Congress Middle School is a school-
wide magnet and the City made a $100,000 contribution in computer equipment
to the School.
Ms. Farace asked if the magnet program at Poinciana was also being looked at
and Ms. Braswell reported that all magnet programs are being re-evaluated and
she has received information from the magnet office that they will be re-
evaluating the effectiveness of Poinciana's magnet program. Ms. Braswell was
not certain what the criteria will be used for the evaluation. The funding to do the
Meeting Minutes -
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
December 14, 2000
evaluation has already been requested. The magnet program at Poinciana has
been in existence for six years and she feels it has been very successful.
Ms. Farace pointed out that this is a big concern to the City because it can affect
the economic development of the community. Ms. Braswell would like to see the
feeder system continue because this is unique to the City. School Board
member Paula Burdick indicated to Ms. Farace that magnet funds needed to be
reduced and sent back into the regular classrooms. Also, Dr. Robinson, the
newest School Board member, stated on several occasions that Poinciana
should not be a magnet school. This should be another issue that the Board
should address.
Ms. Fellows proposed that this be a goal for this Board to retain the magnet
programs in the Boynton Beach Schools and she feels that the science and math
magnet programs are a plus for the Boynton Beach Schools.
Project We Change Foundation
Presentation - Mohandas D. Chettayar
Mr. Chettayar apologized for being late, and said he had difficulty locating the
room in which the meeting was being held. Ms. Fellows proposed that a sign be
placed on the door identifying the room where the Education Advisory Board
meeting is taking place. Ms. Farace requested that the Recording Secretary
prepare a sign to be placed on the door identifying the Program Room as the
meeting room for the EAB.
Mr. Chettayar stated he was present tonight at the request of Garfield Hamilton
to present his Foundation to the Board. He stated they have been operating in
Boynton Beach for over five years and they wanted to take a new approach to
education in order to make a difference. His philosophy is that the problems that
young adults are encountering today have nothing to do with the academics
being offered in the schools. Out of 181 students at his school, 72% come from
a divorced background. He further noted that today teachers are being held
accountable for many things taking place, many of which are not valid.
The curriculum being offered also plays a role and noted it is impossible to make
a student who is not interested in math or science to want to study this subject.
Their absorption rate is very poor. They have developed a course that detoxifies
the students' memories, in order to rid the students of the problems that they
have retained. After the memory is detoxified, they are taught respect, self-
esteem, goal setting and achieving. Phase 2 consists of showing the student
who they are and what their purpose is in life. These children are very, very
smart; they just need someone to open up their eyes. To date, over 181 students
have graduated. In December there will be a graduating class of almost 32
students that all dropped out of high school and will now graduate with an
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
December 14, 2000
accredited high school diploma, accredited by the Board of Education, the State
of Florida and the Federal Government. Out of the 181 students, all but 25 are
employed. The 25 not employed are involved in a program with the Palm Beach
County School District or Middle Schools and are too young to work.
There are four courses offered: a motivational course called "mind span"; a
professional customer service skills training; an accredited High School Diploma;
and "rated PG course", which is for the parents of the students taking the course.
There has been 100% attendance record for the parents, because if parents
don't attend, the children are expelled.
They receive no funding whatsoever and the students pay for their courses. The
school has students who were expelled from Congress Middle School, who are
now straight A students. Mr. Chettayar said he would like this Board to assist
him in getting students that are in the school system and having problems to
enroll in their program.
Ms. Farace inquired about their recruiting process and does the school receive
the dollars that goes with the child? Mr. Chettayar said they receive no school
dollars. It is mandatory when a student signs up for the program that they must
recommend someone in their peer group to take the course with them. If a
student takes the course and then goes home at night to their neighborhood pals,
they are lost. It is much more encouraging if one of their peer group joins the
class with the student,
A question and answer period followed.
qualifications of the teachers and Mr.
conventional teachers.
Ms. Greenberg inquired about the
Chettayar said they do not use
Ms. Fellows asked about the training of the staff. Mr. Chettayar said 'on staff
there is a 23-year veteran of the Air Force who has a Master's Degree and a
former veteran that was in both the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy who is working on
his Master's Degree in Psychology. There is a Chiropractor-physician also on
staff. All teachers must be involved in a business.
Ms. Fellows asked about the detox process and Mr. Chettayar said it is nothing
like a drug detox process. Mr. Chettayar pointed out that his students are not all
impoverished and socio-economically deprived students. He has students from
Wellington whose parents are very wealthy, who have five children, and none of
which graduated from high school.' Mr. Chettayar explained how the process
works, which includes writing down everything that they think they did wrong in
their lifetime. If a student doesn't do this, they cannot return to school. The
papers are never looked at by the teacher and are used as a means to take the
weight off the student's shoulder. There is a strong Eastern influence in the
training, combined with American-Western ingenuity.
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Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
December 14, 2000
Mr. Chettayar feels that there is too much emphasis today on making High
School mandatory. He would like more focus placed on going to college. He
would like to start another pilot program for 20 students in Boynton Beach. Ms.
Farace inqUired about the cost of the course and was informed that it costs
$1,500. There are no scholarship programs available because they do not have
any funding.
Chairperson Tedtmann asked if Mr. Chettayar ever considered running' his
school as a charter school? He replied that there is so much politics involved .in
setting up a charter school that he does not want to get involved. Mr. Chettayar
spoke about some of the success stories that have come from his program.
Ms. Fellows asked if Mr. Chettayar ever spoke to any foundations for funding and
he said that they plan to apply for some grants. First they needed to have a track
record, which they now have and are now successful. Ms. Farace noted that TV
Channel 25 is very supportive of the program and she has seen Mr. Chettayar
several times on their educational show.
Also, Mr. Chettayar noted that they do not support the G.E.D. system and
students in his program earn an accredited High School Diploma. A G.E.D. gives
the connotation that the student does not have the qualifications of a well-
rounded education.
Ms. Roter inquired if any of the students go onto college and Mr. Chettayar
replied that currently seven students are in college and ten are waiting to enroll.
Chairperson Tedtmann asked about the success rate of the school and Mr.
Chettayar stated that of all the children enrolled, all but two students did not
graduate. Chairperson Tedtmann requested that Mr. Chettayar forward literature
on his school to the Board.
Magnet Programs
The Board resumed its discussion on the magnet programs. Ms. Greenberg
reported that she attended a SAC meeting at the Chdsta McAuliffe School where
the principal reported that $13 million has been spent on the magnet program.
Also they are not doing well on the FCAT and there is no means in place to
determine how these students are doing. Ms. Braswell reported it is difficult to
measure math and science at the elementary school level and that an FCAT for
science is scheduled for 2003. Ms. Braswell said that she felt more time was
needed to determine the success of the magnet programs and some of the
programs are not being given the appropriate support.
Ms. Braswell pointed out that the selling point for Poinciana is that there are only
700 children enrolled in the school compared to other schools that have 1,400 to
1,500 students, Chairperson Tedtmann inquired when a student leaves
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
December 14, 2000
Poinciana what Middle Schools do they attend and Ms. Braswell stated it was
between Roosevelt and Middle School for the Arts. The reason they do not go to
Congress is because of its reputation. Also, Congress Middle School does not
have the resources or facilities that Roosevelt has.
Ms. Roter said she was not in favor of magnet schools for elementary school
children, because the children are too young to know what they wanted to do
when they get older. Chairperson Tedtmann said that many of the School Board
members also feel this way and would like to have smaller class sizes in all
schools. Members discussed the advantages and disadvantages of having
magnet schools. Ms. Braswell pointed out that many disadvantaged schools
receiving Title 1 funds have smaller classrooms than Poinciana.
Ms. Gore, who had attended a magnet school, felt there was a disadvantage to
students who did not attend magnet schools and that regular students did not
receive the attention and courses that were available to those students. Ms.
Farace noted that perhaps all schools should offer magnet programs so that all
students receive the same attention. Also, Ms. Roter stated in order to attend a
magnet school, usually you have to travel a great distance and she would like to
see magnet schools in all neighborhoods. Also, Ms. Farace pointed out that the
magnet schools have not been in existence long enough to judge their success
or failure and the program needs more time to prove itself.
Ms. Farace also said that a recommendation is going to be made to promote
choice for the South County Schools, which Dr. Robinson is advocating. Ms.
Braswell stated that choice has just started in Riviera Beach. Also, choice is
offered in St. Lucie County Schools. Chairperson Tedtmann would like to see
some kind of theme for Boynton Beach Schools. This Board needs to find ways
to support the Congress Middle School and to encourage Poinciana students to
attend Congress Middle School.
Ms. Braswell pointed out that the new reports that have been published show
that the United States ranks number 19 in math and science, which is very poor.
There needs to be an emphasis on math, science and technology, otherwise this
Country cannot remain a wodd leader.
Ms. Farace inquired why choice was instituted in Riviera Beach and Ms. Braswell
stated this was due to the fact that a large percentage of the population was
going out of Riviera Beach to support diversity in other communities. The
residents wanted the children to be able to attend neighborhood schools and
millions of dollars was spent to improve the neighborhood schools in Riviera
Beach, which were magnet schools and are now schools of choice.
Ms. Gore pointed out that with all these programs available, the regular students
who do not attend a magnet or lB program are left out. Ms. Gore stated that the
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Boynton Beach, FL
December 14, 2000
curriculum for the regular students is not of the same caliber offered to the
specialized students. Chairperson Tedtmann stated these issues need to be
dealt with in the school itself and by the SACs.
Chairperson Tedtmann inquired if any Board member would like to do some
research as to what is happening in Riviera Beach and St. Lucie and report back
to the Board. Ms. Braswell said she would call Dr. Vogel in St. Lucie County to
determine what is happening in their schools. Ms. Braswell suggested that one
of the student members contact Ms. Janice LaFort or Mary Helen Abergast at the
Palm Beach County School Board at 434-8000. Ms. Fellows indicated that she
would like to attend the next SAC meeting at Atlantic High School.
Chairperson Tedtmann requested that this issue be added to the agenda for the
January meeting. Ms. Farace would also like this Board to address the magnet
issue and that this Board supports the continuation of full magnet programs at
Poinciana and Congress Middle Schools. Ms. Fellows suggested a workshop
be held in January to pursue this issue. Ms. Fellows felt that the magnet schools
need more time to prove themselves because they haven't been in existence for
that long a period and that Congress Middle School has been through a great
deal of changes. Ms. Braswell pointed out that all teachers are obligated to
provide quality education to all students.
Ms. Howard stated that there are other subjects, besides math and science that
are lacking in schools that need to be addressed, such as reading and phonics
and students up through the 11th and 12th grade cannot read. Ms. Howard
agreed that the programs need more time to determine their effectiveness. The
student members discussed the shortcomings of their courses compared to the
honor courses.
Also, Ms. Roter said that the Principal of Atlantic High School would not allow a
PTA to organize at the School. Ms. Roter said that she spoke with Mr. Scott, to
whom Ms. Tedtmann had referred her and discussed the situation with him. The
Principal feels since there is a SAC at the School, she sees no need for a PTA.
Mr. Scott informed Ms. Roter that he has been trying to get a PTA in Atlantic
High School for a long time and has not been successful. Ms. Farace suggested
that some members attend a SAC meeting at Atlantic High School to determine
what takes place at the meetings.
Ms. Braswell suggested that before attending the SAC meeting, Ms. Roter obtain
a copy of the School Improvement Plan to determine the objectives because one
of the main functions of the SAC is to identify and meet the goals identified in the
School Improvement Plan.
Ms. Howard observed that during the meetings some topics are focused upon for
a great length of time and other topics are briefly discussed and wondered what
Meeting Minutes " ....
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
December 14, 2000
the procedures were in addressing agenda items. Chairperson Tedtmann
agreed with Ms. Howard's observation and for closure on this topic stated that
the Board supports a science/ technology program at all levels for Poinciana
Elementary School, Congress Middle School and the new High School. The
Board format will be discussed later in the meeting.
On Campus Intervention Program
Ms. Fellows noted that Mr. Fellows had been present eadier to discuss the OCIP
Program, but had to leave. Ms. Fellows reported that the program at Congress
Middle School will be moving into a new location at the School at the beginning
of the second semester. There have been staffing problems. The teacher had to
be changed and the counselor was changed twice. This is the first year that the
program is in both Middle Schools.
Also, Mr. Fellows in conjunction with Senator Klein's Office, is working on
legislation to expand the program with State funds. Mr. Fellows would like to
know if the Education Advisory Board would like to pursue getting OCIP into the
new High School. Chairperson Tedtmann asked about the success of the
program at the two Middle Schools and Ms. Fellows reported the results at
Christa McAuliffe have been very good. As a result of Congress Middle School
going through so many changes, the program is off to a slow start. However,
now that the teacher and counselor are in place, the program is starting to come
together. Ms. Farace said it might be premature for the Board to go back to the
City for funds for the program at the High School and that the Board should wait
until more data is available. Also, it has been reported that the new High School
will be having many needs and may have to come to the City for assistance.
Ms. Farace suggested that the additional funding request be put off for this year
and looked at again next year.
VII. Public Audience
VIII. Unfinished Business
A. Boundaries
Chairperson Tedtmann reported that two elementary schools are being
considered for changes. However, the School Board ended up tabling the
changing of SACs for the elementary schools for one year. With regard to the
Middle School, a comprise plan was arrived at. Nothing will be final until January
22nd, but it was a good plan that the City supports. The School District is no
longer interested in diversity, and the focus appears to be shifting to socio-
economic issues. With regard to the new High School, the School District on
November 27th exchanged 112 students from Rainbow Lakes where homes
range from the $120,000 to $150,000 for SACs 240 and 241, which
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
December '14, 2000
encompasses 309 students that come from homes that range from $35,000 to
$65,000. Ms. Farace said that as far as the High School boundaries are
concerned, the City does not feel it is a done deal until the final approval goes
through on January 22nd. Ms. Farace encouraged all Board members to continue
to attend the School Board Boundary meetings and to voice their opinions at the
Ms. Fellows inquired if it was possible to hold telephone meetings and Ms.
Farace stated that all meetings are conducted under the Sunshine Law, which
would prohibit telephone meetings.
Ms. Roter asked if it was possible to change the day of the meeting from
Thursday to another day because she is attending classes at PBCC that night.
Chairperson Tedtmann said this item would be added to next month's agenda for
further discussion. Ms. Farace noted that the next FAB meeting in January will
be very important because members will need to strategize to insure that the
Congress boundaries don't get changed at the last minute and if possible, to
work on changing the High School boundaries. Also, the elementary school
boundaries are going to have to be addressed. Chairperson Tedtmann
suggested that the January Board meeting be publicized and the public be
invited for their input.
B. Blue Ribbon School
Ms. Fellows reported that the Proclamation was sent to the City Clerk's Office for
Christa McAuliffe and the Blue Ribbon Celebration is scheduled for January 26th.
Ms. Farace noted that the Proclamation is on the City agenda for next week's
meeting. Ms. Fellows reported that the Mayor would be out of town on January
26th and that the Vice Mayor should be invited to make the presentation. Also,
Ms. Farace said that a representative from this Board needs to be present. Ms.
Greenberg said that she could attend since she is on the SAC at the Christa
McAuliffe School. Also Ms. Greenberg announced that two astronauts would be
attending the celebration.
Ms. Farace inquired if the Principal from Christa McAuliffe has been contacted to
accept the Proclamation on Tuesday, December 19th? Ms. Greenberg stated
she would contact the Principal to determine her attendance. Chairperson
Tedtmann requested that Ms. Greenberg, representing this Board, also be
present to accept the Proclamation.
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Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
December 14, 2000
IX. New Business
A. Coalition/COWBRA
Chairperson Tedtmann noted that the boundary issue has united the Cities of
Boynton Beach and Delray Beach. In the past there have been special meetings
with the EAB Boards from Delray Beach, Boca Raton and Boynton Beach.
Delray Beach would like to meet more often and as a group these cities
represent a large portion in the South County and will wield more power if they
were united. Delray Beach has proposed quarterly meetings to be attended by
representatives from all three Boards. It is Boynton Beach's turn to host the next
meeting. Chairperson Tedtmann reported that West Boynton has also asked to
be part of the coalition in South County. Chairperson Tedtmann noted that a
member of the Board will have to make the necessary arrangements and
suggested that this also be added to the January agenda.
B. Committees
Chairperson Tedtmann pointed out that in the past the Board formed various
committees to address certain issues. Some committees have been active, while
others have not done much. Chairperson Tedtmann would like to review the
committees at the next meeting and determine which committees are viable,
which ones should be retained and which ones should be dispersed with.
C. EAB Meeting Format
In the past each Board member had selected a SAC to serve on and this was
reported upon at the EAB meetings on a regular basis. Chairperson Tedtmann
noted currently there are a great deal of issues that need to be addressed and
asked whether the Board wants to continue with the old format or to address the
current issues. The Board's format will also be re-examined at next month's
meeting. Ms. Braswell felt it was important that members attend the SAC
meetings in order to know what is happening in the various schools throughout
the City and would like to see this continued.
Ms. Farace pointed out that the Board previously held goal-setting sessions each
year on a Saturday morning and spent several hours going over all the issues
and prioritizing them. Chairperson Tedtmann said this is something the Board
should consider.
Ms. Farace reported that the pre-K program at Forest Park School may be
discontinued and Ms. Farace would like the Board to determine what is
happening at Forest Park. There was a consensus among the Board members to
follow through on what is happening with the gifted program at Forest Park.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, FL
December 14, 2000
Chairperson Tedtmann reported that the School has been unable to hire a gifted
X. Repo~s
XI. Announcements
Chairperson Tedtmann announced that since Mr. Ehster has resigned and had
been assigned the Forest Park School, a replacement will be needed for this
School Board Boundaries Meeting' January 22, 2001
School Board Chambers- 6:30 p.m.
After discussion due to vacation schedules, it was unanimously voted to change
the date of the regularly scheduled January 4, 2001 meeting to January 11,
2001 to be held in the Library Program Room at 6:00 p.m.
Xll. Adjournment
There being no further business the meeting properly adjoumed at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(3 tapes)