O88-29 ORDINANCE NO. 88~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR SHORT TITLE; PROVIDING FOR RULES OF CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY AND LEGISLATIVE INTENT; PROVIDING FOR STANDARDS FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSTALLATION; PROVIDING FOR LOCATION AND PLACEMENT; PROVIDING FOR NEWSRACKS LOCATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR ABANDONMENT; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF NEWSRACK VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS~, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida now finds and determines that it is in the best interests of the citizens of Boynton Beach to establish a comprehensive set of regulations applicable to newsracks on the public right-of-way and other public and private property; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Ordinance is to advance and improve safety and aesthetics by controlling the number, size, construction, placement and appearance of newsracks without restricting the free dispersal of information guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted a comprehensive approach to land use regulation to protect property.values, the public and the environment pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; and WHEREA~, the unregulated location and placement of newsracks in, on, around and about the public rights-of-way, sidewalks and bike paths would'frustrate the Cities land use objectives; and WHEREAS, the City in no way or manner seeks to restrain or abridge the constitutional rights afforded by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and/or Article I, Section 4 of the Florida Constitution by virtue of the enactment of this ordinance; and WHEREAS, more specifically the purpose of this Ordinance is to promote the public peace, health, safety and general welfare by regulating the placement, appearance, servicing and insuring of newsracks, so as to protect against the dangers of impairing or distracting the vision of motorists and pedestrians; the hazards of unreasonably interfering with the use of public property for its intended purpose; unduly restricting access to the use of poles, posts, traffic signs or signals, hydrants, mail boxes or locations used for transportation purposes; unsightly structures; neglectful servicing of newsracks resulting in visual blight on public property and detracting from the aesthetics of store window displays, adjacent landscaping and other improvements; reduction in value of surrounding property; unnecessary exposure of the City to personal injury or property damage claims, or suits; and public display of harmful or offensive materials. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1:. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known and cited hereinafter as the "Newsrack Ordinance." Section 2: Rules of Construction. For the purposes of administration and enforcement of this ordinance, unless otherwise stated in this ordinance, the following rules of construction shall apply to the text of this ordinance. (1) In case of any difference of meaning or implication between the text of this ordinance and any caption, illustration, summary table, or illustrative table, the text shall control. (2) The word "shall" is always mandatory and not discretionary; the word "may" is permissive. (3) Words used in the present tense shall include the future and words used in the singular number shall include the plural, and the plural the singular, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary. (4) The phrase "used for" includes "arrange for", "designed for", "maintained for" or "occupied for". ( 5 ) The word "person" includes an individual, corporation, a partnership, an incorporated association, or any other similar legal entity. (6) Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, where a regulation involves two (2) or more items, conditions, provisions, or events connected by the conjunction "and", "or", or "either...or", the conjunction shall be interpreted as follows: (a) "And" indicates that all the connected terms, conditions, provisions, or events shall apply. (b) "Or" indicates that the connected items, conditions provisions, or events may apply singly or in any combination. (c) "Either or" indicates that the connected items, conditions, provisions or events shall singly but not in combination. (7) The word "includes" shall limit a term to the specified example, but is intended to extend its meaning to all other instances or circumstances or like kind or character. Section 3: Definitions A. Advertising Circular: Any publication that contains only advertising and no news reports. B. Bike Path: That portion of a right-of-way improved, designed, or ordinarily used for bicycle traffic. C. Distributor: The person responsible for placing and maintaining the newsrack, the owner of the newsrack, or the publisher of the newspaper, news periodical or advertising circular vended therein. D. Newsrack: Any self-service or coin-operated box, container, storage unit or other dispenser located, placed, 3 installed, used, or maintained for the display, sale, or distribution of newspapers or other news periodicals or advertising circulars. E. Right-of-way: That area dedicated to public use or otherwise owned by a public agency for public street purposes and shall include, but not be limited to, roadways, swales, bike paths and sidewalks. Roadway: That portion of the right-of-way designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular improved, traffic. G. Sidewalk: Any surface within a right-of-way provided for the primary use of pedestrians. H. Swale: Any area within a right-of-way which is not either a bike path, sidewalk, or roadway. The term shall also include any area within a roadway which is not open to vehicular traffic. Section 4: Authority and Legislative Intent. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority granted to municipalities under Article VIII, Section 2, Florida Constitution, and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. This ordinance is intended solely to further the public's health, safety and general welfare by insuring that newsracks are located so as to protect both pedestrians and the operators of motor vehicles and bicycles and is in no way intended to regulate or obstruct the free flow of information by the "press" or other print media. Section 5. Standards for maintenance, installation, location and placement. Any newsrack located in whole or in part within the City limits of the City of Boynton Beach shall comply with the following standards: (1) No Newsrack shall be used for advertising signs or publicity purposes other than to state the name of the newspaper or news periodical sold therein. (2) Each newsrack shall be maintained in a clean, neat and attractive condition and in good repair at all times. 4 (3) Each newsrack shall have affixed to it in a readily visible place, the name, address and telephone number of the distributor of the newsrack. (4) No newsrack shall be used or maintained if it projects unto, into or over, any part or any road-way or bicycle path or which rests wholly or in part upon or over any portion of any road-way or bicycle path. (5) No person shall install, use or maintain any newsrack which in whole or in part, rests upon, in or over any public right-of-way or other public property which such installation, use or maintenance endangers the safety of persons or property or when such site or location is used for public utility purposes, public transportation purposes, or other government use, or when such newsrack interferes with or impedes the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, the ingress into or egress from any residence, place of business, or any legally parked or stopped vehicle or the use of poles, posts, traffic signs, or signals, hydrants, mail boxes or other objects permitted at or near said location when such newsrack interferes with the maintenance of any sidewalk or swale by the use of mechanical machinery or when such newsracks interfere with the ordinary use of public property. (6) No newsrack maintained swale when shall be permitted in any City placement of said newspaper rack interferes with the maintenance or integrity of the swale. (7) No newsrack shall exceed fifty-four inches (54") in height, twenty seven inches (27") in width or eighteen inches (18") in depth. (8) Newsracks placed adjacent to a wall of a building shall be placed parallel to such wall and not more than six inches (6") from the wall. (9) No newsrack may be chained, bolted or otherwise attached to any fixture located in the right-of-way when such chaining, bolting or other attachment substantially increases dangers to the safety of persons or property. 5 (10) No newsrack shall be chained, bolted or otherwise attached to any property or to any permanently fixed object not owned by the owner of the newsrack unless the consent of the owner of such property or object is obtained, in writing. (11) Newsracks may be placed, chained or otherwise attached to one another, however, no more than three (3) newsracks may be joined or placed together in this manner and a space of no less than eighteen inches (18") shall separate each group of three racks so attached. (12) No newsrack or group of attached newsracks allowed under subsection (11) of this Section shall weigh in the aggregate in excess of 125 pounds when empty. (13) No newsrack shall be placed, installed, used or maintained: a. b. Within three feet of any marked crosswalk. Within 15 feet of the curb return of any unmarked crosswalk. c. Within 3 feet of any fire hydrant, fire call-box or other emergency facility. d. Within 3 feet of any driveway. e. Within 15 feet of any sign marking a designated bus stop. f. At any location whereby the clear space for the passageway of pedestrians is reduced to less than 6 feet. (14.) No more than one (1) newsrack containing the same issue or edition or the same publication shall be located within the same block, or one thousand (1,000) feet, whichever is the lesser distance, on the same side of the street. Provided, however, a distributor may locate newsracks in excess of this limitation by demonstrating a public need for the excess newsracks. A public need may be established by the following method, but such method is not exclusive. After notice to the City, the distributor may monitor the sales activity of the newspaper at a particular location for a period of one (1) month. If, during that one month test period, the distributor can demonstrate that the average circulation from that newsrack equals or exceeds seventy-five percent (75%) of the capacity of the newsrack, then a public need is established and an additional newsrack may be placed at the location. Provided, further, this limitation shall not apply in any area that is predominately developed for business or commercial purposes. (15.) The placement of all newsracks in this City shall comply with all local and state handicap accessibility regulations. Section 6. Liability and Hold Harmless. The owner of each newspaper rack shall execute a document approved as to form by the City Attorney agreeing to hold the City, its officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any claim, demand or judgment in favor of any person arising out of the location of any newsrack located upon, in or over a public right-of-way or other public property and deposit with the City Manager a certificate of insurance evidencing that a liability insurance policy in minimum amounts set by the City Commission has been issued, naming the City as an additional insured and containing a provision that the policy cannot be cancelled, except upon five (5) days written notice to the City of the fact of such cancellation. If such insurance is cancelled at any time during the time the newsrack is installed or maintained on public property, said newsrack shall be removed in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 7. Newsracks located on private property. Any newsrack located totally on private property shall also be subject to and comply with the provisions of this Ordinance contained in Section 5 (1), (2) and (3). Distributor shall receive written permission of property owner for placement of newsracks on private property. Section 8. Abandonment. In the event a newsrack remains empty for a period of thirty (30) continuous days, it shall be deemed abandoned and may be treated in the manner as provided in Section 9 in violation of the provisions of this for newsrack Ordinance. Section 9. Enforcement of newsrack violations. 1. Upon the determination of the City Manager or his designee that a newsrack has been installed, used or maintained in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, a notice of violation pursuant to Chapter 2, Article V of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach may be issued to the distributor of the newsrack. In addition, a the notice shall be posted on the offending Failure to properly correct the offending condition within thirty (30) days after the mailing date of the notice shall entitle the City to remove the offending newsrack. If the offending newsrack is not properly identified as to the distributor under provisions of Section 5(3) hereof and the distributor is not otherwise known, a notice of violation may be posted thereon and if the offending condition is not corrected within thirty (30) days, it shall be removed by the City. Any newsrack removed herein shall be stored by the City at the distributor's expense for a period of ninety (90) days. The newsrack shall be released to the distributor upon a proper showing of ownership and payment of all storage charges. In the event the newsrack is not claimed within the ninety (90) day period, the newsrack may be sold at public auction and the proceeds applied first to storage charges and then paid to the City. At least ten (10) days prior to the auction the City Clerk shall publish a description of the newsrack, the location from which it was removed and a notice of the auction in a newspaper of general circulation in the City and shall provide the distributor, if it has been properly identified on the newspaper rack, pursuant to Section 5(3) 8 copy of newsrack. 2. or if otherwise known, with written notice of the auction by certified mail, return receipt requested. 3. In the event a newsrack distributor has been ordered by the Code Enforcement Board to correct a violation of this Ordinance, the removal of the newsrack shall be stayed pending final disposition of an appeal, if any, to the Circuit Court as provided for in the Code Enforcement Board Ordinance and Chapter 162, Florida State Statutes. 4. In the event of an emergency, such as a severe storm, in which the newsrack may become a dangerous instrumentality by virtue of the natural forces of catastrophe, all newsracks which are not securely bolted down must be removed by the owners thereof upon notification by the City that such an emergency is expected in the City of Boynton Beach area. If the newsrack is not removed by the owner thereof, the City may remove said newsrack pursuant to Section 9. Section 10. Special authority is hereby given to codify this Ordinance. Section 11. Repeals of Laws in Conflict. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 12: Should any section or provision of this ordinance or portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this ordinance. Section 13: This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage, however, newsrack shall not be required to be in compliance witk this Ordinance until ninety (90) days following the effective date. This period of time is provided to give an opportunity to the owners of the newsrack to comply with the requirements hereof. FIRST READING this /~day of /~ , 1988. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this ~~ , 1988. day of ATTEST city ~ (Corporate Seal) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Commissioner Commiss loner 10