Minutes 02-27-06
ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27,2006 AT 6:30 P.M.
Betty Pierce-Roe, Chair
William Orlove, Vice Chair
Patti Hammer
Pam Winters
Janelle Sloan
Betty Thomas
Tom Williams
Wally Majors, Recreation Director
Jody Rivers, Park Superintendent
Mr. John McVey, Alternate
James McMahon
I. Call to Order
Chair Pierce-Roe called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Attendance
Chair Pierce-Roe called the roll. A quorum was present. She introduced Mr. Tom Kaiser of the
Veterans Advisory Commission. Mr. John Thomas, Mr. Daniel Harder and Ms Barbara Ready
were also present.
III. Approval of Minutes -
The following corrections were noted:
· page 2, third paragraph, Boundless Park as opposed to Bells Park,
· page 2, first paragraph, the facility is not slated to begin construction until 2007.
· page 4 - third paragraph, exploratory areas.
· page 5 -last paragraph, bring in exotics should be eradicate the exotics,
· page 7 - second paragraph, Ocean 100 instead of the Arches.
A motion was made by Mr. Orlove to approve the minutes with the changes noted above. Ms.
Hammer seconded the motion that unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 27, 2006
Veteran's Memorial at Veteran's Park This was Item B. New Business and was taken out
of order.
Recreation and Parks Director, Mr. Wally Majors introduced Mr. Kaiser, a representative of the
newly formed Veterans Advisory Commission who is interested in potentially developing
Veterans Park.
Mr. Kaiser spoke about the memorial and indicated the City Commission has allocated $35,000
to begin the process of acquiring a monument. He showed a schematic of the park design and
indicated there could be a lot more room on the site if the tree could be removed. Mr. Kaiser
explained in the future, a major renovation would be taking place downtown. It was hoped the
monument would be visible in the redeveloped area and Mr. Kaiser elaborated they hoped to
have benches, a meditation area, plaques on the site and whatever area they have to develop,
they hope to improve, making it nicer for city residents. The monument the City erected at
Intracoastal Park will stay at the site. The Submarine Memorial they placed at Intracoastal Park
would probably not be moved to the new location
Mr. Majors indicated there is no cost estimate at this point. The plans for the project were put
together by the developer of the project across the street. The Recreation and Parks Board
reviewed the master plan. The site is less than half an acre. The location is strategic with the
Community Redevelopment Agency area. There is no time frame for the project and Mr. Kaiser
expressed he felt there was a possibility public/private partnerships could be formed. Mr.
Majors explained as with any project, the Commission is interested in hearing the opinion of the
Recreation and Parks Board and recommended a formal endorsement be made, approving the
project in concept.
A motion was made by Mr. Williams to stand behind the Veterans and do whatever could be
done for them, and to endorse the project in concept. The motion was seconded by Ms.
Hammer and unanimously carried.
The Board discussed approaching the CRA, Oceans 100 or any other developers to seek
potential public/private partnership funding.
Skateboard Park
This item was Item D, New Business and was taken out of order.
Mr. Majors introduced Ms. Ready who had been working with the community to develop a
Skateboard Park in Boynton Beach for over 10 years. She made a presentation and indicated
the community is still interested in having a Skateboard Park. She announced there is a
potential site on the grounds of Congress Middle School, when the school will be torn down that
could be used.
The Board discussed the County would probably be interested in this project. The school
location would be an ideal location. It borders an industrial area and the impact would be
insignificant. This activity poses an attractive option in the park system. Many years ago, there
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 27,2006
was a concern about risk of injury. Today, skateboarding is a fairly standard activity and has a
positive track record. The School District has approached the City about turning the grounds
into some type of public use for the area. Presently the ideas discussed have been primarily for
multi-use and the property is essentially a green space, but could be utilized as a semi public
use. Mr. Majors explained many years ago when he was a supervisor, he was asked to put
together a 40 page document regarding skateboarding. The Board recognized the need to keep
children busy with activities and to work with the Commissioners to do something for the
children. Mr. Major's clarified the plans do not show what the costs would be. The plans only
show the front northeastern portion of the site as being open space and park land. The School
District mandates that schools include various recreational activities on site. Mr. Majors noted
there are many more options available for skateboarding today. Costs can be obtained via
comparison with the City of Delray Beach who just poured a concrete slab and added ramps to
their skateboarding facility and anticipated the costs to be minimal. It was suggested the input
of the kids should be sought.
Chair Pierce-Roe requested Ms. Ready come back to the Recreation and Parks Board with some
type of concept or diagram. It was also recommended Ms. Ready call the County
Commissioners, more particularly Mary McCarty, Addie Greene, Warren Newell, Burt A~r~lnson
Aaronson and Mayor Taylor. Mr. Majors explained the County has Recreation Assistance
Program monies. The County Commission has much more money for these type programs and
the Recreation and Parks Board noted it would be nice to do something for the older children.
C~lus~ Caloosa Park was originally named as the appropriate park for the activity but the
County8ty developed in-line hockey courts and wanted to perform a traffic study. Mr. Majors
strongly recommended approaching the County for the Recreational Assistance Program (RAP)
Funds because if the funds are obtained, and interest for the project is generated, they would
try to obtain grant and foundation funds as well. Mr. Majors expressed even though Congress
Middle School is still operating, they could try to time the commencement of the project with
the closing of the school. The School District also approached the City inquiring whether the
school could remain for a teen center or some other potential recreational activity. The location
would be an area where individuals could skate safely, that is fenced in and is attractive. There
is public transportation nearby. There was discussion the front part of the property at Congress
Middle School floods during heavy rains. Mr. Majors indicated the site would need to be
engineered for proper drainage. How other municipalities operate their skate parks was
discussed. It was suggested this item be placed under City Manager Items to find out what the
City needs to do to pursue an interlocal agreement with the County or School Board or both.
This item will be kept under Unfinished Business.
Mr. Orlove moved the Board whole-heartedly approve of the concept and direct staff to look
into an agreement with the School Board. Mr. McVey seconded the motion, which unanimously
passed. It was suggested Ms. Ready come back to the Recreation and Parks Board with a
layout of what they think would be appropriate and also make the City Commission aware of
their efforts.
An update on the Little League Park was given. Mr. Majors announced on Thursday there
would be a ceremony where a developer is donating $50,000 to the City, who will invest it in a
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 27,2006
security system for the Little League Park. It was noted there are a lot of new amenities at the
park since the renovation.
IV. Unfinished Business
A. Nominations for Naming Intracoastal Park
The Board discussed the letters of nomination for the above. In the past, the Recreation and
Parks Board made a motion that was forwarded to the City Commission who made the final
decision on this matter. As the gatekeeper of the project, the Recreation and Parks Board
thought it would be fair to invite interested parties to make a presentation. There was further
discussion and concensus to invite the interested parties to make a presentation, which would
be limited to three minutes. The Board will make a determination the following meeting. This
item will be put on the agenda for the April meeting.
v. New Business
C. Naming Portion of Bikeway in Honor of Pete Firehock (former City Firefighter)
The Board discussed naming a portion of the Bikeway in Honor of Pete Firehock (former City
Firefighter). Mr. Majors explained Ms. Debbie Het:tIe~ was unable to attend to make a
presentation about Mr. Firehock. Chair Pierce-Roe requested a short biography be drafted. The
Board also discussed whether there was an option to have more than one person named or if
dedications would be split along the Bikeway.
A. Department Administrative Manual
Mr. Majors explained as part of becoming an Accredited Recreation and Parks Department, a
manual had to be created containing the policies and procedures for the department. He hoped
to formally apply for accreditation and a site visit is coming up in March or May. The
accreditation board will send three members to give an assessment of the department. The
accreditation exhaustive and in a positive way, invasive, ensuring they will meet nationally
recognized standards. Less than 3% of the Recreation and Parks Department in the nation are
accredited. If approved, they can showcase themselves as one of the premiere organizations in
the county. It also is a statement of accountability indicating the department is running as
efficiently as possible.
The Senior Center accreditation has been mailed off.
Chair Pierce-Ro~w asked how one could make a donation to the Boundless Park. Mr. Majors
explained once the master plan for the park is completed in April, they would get with the
steering committee and determine how to move forward and address the fundraising
committee. Establishing some type of account for Boundless Park would be necessary. It was
noted there is a donation account with the city currently. The City commission is providing the
seed money for the park, and noted they have a federal and state request for funding. The
next Recreation and Parks Committee will be a joint meeting with the steering committee.
There will be a conceptual master plan available then.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks
Boynton Beach, Florida
February 27,2006
E. Monthly Report
There were no questions or comments received on the monthly report.
F. Items for City Manager.
Mr. Majors urged the members to attend the City Commission meeting tomorrow.
Mr. McVey relayed how the Little League Park Extreme Makeover occurred. There is a
ceremony on March 18th at 12 noon for everyone who helped and volunteered with the project.
The Seniors Movie filmed in Boynton Beach will be viewed locally on March 17, 2006.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,