Minutes 02-08-06
Thomas Kaiser, Chairman
Robert Zimmerman, Vice Chairman
William Kull
Cramer Hegeman
Lester McKenzie
Karl Washington
Stanley Gavlick, Alternate
Carisse LeJeune, Board Liaison
Stuart Preston, Alternate
Harvey Oyer, Alternate
David Buckner, Alternate
Morris Boruck
I. Call to Order
Chair Kaiser called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Invocation
Chair Kaiser gave the invocation.
IV. Roll Call of Members
The Recording Secretary called the roll. A quorum was present.
V. Agenda Approval
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 8, 2006
Chair Kaiser asked for approval of the agenda. He announced he would address his
upcoming meeting with the Recreation and Parks Department under New Business.
VI. Approval of Minutes
Chair Kaiser explained they do not have to read the minutes into the record, he would
ask for comments on them.
A motion was made by Mr. Zimmerman and seconded by Mr. Gavlick to approve the
minutes as presented.
Mr. Kull had a question on the time change for the Four Chaplains Sunday. Chair
Kaiser explained the time was changed to accommodate the Super Bowl. There were
no other comments.
Chair Kaiser called for a vote to accept the minutes as written. A vote was taken and
unanimously carried.
VII. Comments by Chair
Chair Kaiser recognized Wilma Jean Sims and complimented her for doing a great job
at the Four Chaplain's Sunday event.
VIII. Comments by Visitors
There were no comments from visitors.
IX. Business Items
a. Resolution to open Honorary Membership to ten (10) persons
Chair Kaiser reviewed this item had been discussed at the last meeting. The Resolution
originally set the number of Honorary Members at five. Later the number was changed
to 10. Chair Kaiser interjected one of the Gold Star Mothers is extremely ill.
Mr. Oyer explained he had the Gold Star Mother application for Ms. Girtman-Pitts and
then gave a brief overview of her life.
Ms. Girtman-Pitts was noted as one of the 11 individuals on the list for Honorary
Membership. Ms. LeJeune read the names of the individuals interested in serving as
Honorary Members as follows:
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 8, 2006
Angelina Milano, Gold Star Mother; Larry Goldgeier, Veterans Affairs; Marvin
Liebensohn, Jewish War Veterans; Jerry Jones, Eastern Paralyzed Veterans; Wilbur
Jean Sims, American Legion Auxiliary; Bill Andrea, US Submarine Veterans.; Marilyn
Nemes, American Legion Auxiliary; Rear Admiral Thomas E. Morris, US Battle
Monuments; General Albin Irzyk, Retired: Tom Bagley; Hilda Girtman-Pitts, Gold Star
Chair Kaiser announced the Veterans Advisory Commission could unofficially accept
those 11 applicants. He explained he would approach the individuals on the list that
attended the first meeting to determine their level of interest, since they have not
attended a meeting since then. He reiterated as the Commission moves along, if they
want more than (10) members, they can address that within the organization and asked
for a motion that the Honorary Members be accepted. Ms. LeJeune clarified the
Resolution specifically indicates 10 members.
A motion was made by Mr. Zimmerman and seconded by Mr. McKenzie to accept ten
(10) Honorary Members. A vote was taken and unanimously carried.
There was discussion on the process of elimination. Ms. LeJeune suggested tabling the
motion until the next meeting. There was consensus that was acceptable.
b. Eternal Flame Memorial
i. Discussion
ii. Site Location
iii. Request the City to call for designs of Memorial
Chair Kaiser explained plans for the Memorial will proceed once the City develops a
downtown plan. The next step would involve the Arts Commission. Ms. LeJeune
explained at the prompting of Commissioner Ensler, Wally Majors, Director of
Recreation and Parks contacted Arleen Dennison of the Arts Commission about how to
proceed. She explained the next step would be to put out a Call for Artists for the
monument. The Arts Commission is arranging to meet and review the schematics
Commissioner Ensler provided. They will then put together specifications that would be
included in the Call For Artists. The results would come before the Veterans Advisory
Commission. Once approved, the Call for Artists would be sent out.
There was discussion about the project site. Mr. Oyer indicated he wrote the City
Manager, and expressed his belief the property could be improved and the trees
removed. The City Manager replied the trees needed to stay on the site. Chair Kaiser
was in favor of any park enhancements and elaborated the monument would be in the
corner fronting Ocean Avenue for visibility.
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 8, 2006
Mr. Oyer asked if the Merchant Marines were invited to participate in the process. Chair
Kaiser explained they were not invited but are included in the monument. Mr.
Zimmerman added when the Four Chaplain's Sunday event was held, it was noted one
of the vessels that sank in the North Atlantic was a Merchant Marine Ship. He indicated
many Merchant Marines died during the war and should be honored.
Mr. Oyer mentioned the development of the High Speed Rail as it pertained to the
Eternal Flame Memorial location. He pointed out the railroad owns the property by 4th
Street and if the rail comes to fruition, the Memorial would be much more visible.
c. Memorial at American Legion Post 164
Chair Kaiser reviewed the original project started out at the request of Les McKenzie.
The Post endorsed the idea and began fundraising. The Veterans Advisory
Commission voted to keep the American Legion Memorial as part of their Memorial
project. He indicated funds could be allocated from their Memorial fund to assist the
American Legion with their Memorial.
Ms. LeJeune explained if the Veterans are looking for additional Community Investment
Funds, which are the funds that will be used for the Eternal Flame Memorial, the
request should be directed to a City Commissioner in the form of a letter. The letter
should include language that would indicate whatever funds are spent would benefit the
City as a whole.
Chair Kaiser indicated a letter would be sent to Commissioner Ensler. He asked for a
motion specifying how much money for this project should be taken from the Eternal
Flame Memorial Funds and be set-aside specifically for the American Legion Memorial.
Mr. Zimmerman made a motion that the Veterans Advisory Commission set aside
$10,000 to help enhance the Memorial at the American Legion site. Mr. Zimmerman
amended his motion to change the amount to $5,000. Mr. Hegeman seconded the
Chair Kaiser called for discussion on the motion. Mr. Oyer asked if the Veterans
Advisory Commission had a concept of what they wanted to see on that site. Chair
Kaiser responded a budget should be developed first. He added they envisioned the
concept of an eternal flame. One of the corner posts located at the gateway to Boynton
is remaining. That was the original project site because it had a tall structure with a
roman type vase, which they could place a light on. The American Legion began
fundraising. Then the City indicated they wanted a monument downtown, which would
be the City's Veterans Monument. The original idea was that some of those funds
would be allocated to the American Legion and they would not be left out of the
Veterans Advisory Commissions plans.
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 8, 2006
Mr. Oyer clarified the gates were on both side of the road and were the entrance to a
real estate development. The new monument would be incorporated into that location
on a raised pedestal.
The Chair called the question and the motion unanimously passed.
A letter will be sent to Commissioner Ensler indicating a motion was made, seconded
and adopted to ask the City to set aside part of the funds for the American Legion
Monument on the basis that the American Legion was the originator of the concept of
the monument, and they will have an eternal flame at their memorial as well as on the
City's Memorial.
Mr. Zimmerman indicated many veterans' organizations have funds in their treasury.
Mr. Zimmerman made a motion that $1,000 from each organization should be expended
on the monument. Chair Kaiser responded the American Legion already donated to the
Monument and some of the organizations do not have any funds at all. Mr. Zimmerman
withdrew his motion. There was discussion whether the American Legion monument is
on public property
Commissioner Ensler arrived at 10:54 a.m. and Chair Kaiser reviewed the progress of
the meeting with him. Commissioner Ensler recommended determining what the
Veterans Advisory Commission wants to accomplish, and then determining how much
money can be spent. He thought it was premature to approach the City for funding until
the Veterans had something to show the City. He also explained the funds could come
out of his Discretionary Funds for this year. Chair Kaiser suggested the Veterans
Advisory Commission take no action on the prior vote. Commissioner Ensler expressed
his belief the project would receive support from the City Commission. He requested
the Veterans let him work for them.
d. Resolution to memorialize 1-95 to POW-MIA Memorial Highway
Chair Kaiser announced the City Commission endorsed the concept of the POW-MIA
Memorial Highway along the 1-95 corridor. He explained his next step would be to go to
the cities of Delray and Jupiter, to request their council's endorsement. With three cities
supporting the concept, the County could endorse the concept and then the State
could be approached. He requested Commanders be contacted to attend the meetings
for a show of support.
Ms. LeJeune advised when the City of Boynton Beach traveled as representatives for
ASA (Americans Supporting Americans); they attended the Palm Beach County City
Managers Association and the Palm Beach County League of Cities. She informed
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 8, 2006
Chair Kaiser they were able to reach many city managers and elected officials at one
time. She informed the Chair if he would be interested in appearing before those
bodies, she could assist with getting him on the agenda. Chair Kaiser requested she
assist him in being placed on the agenda.
Mr. Zimmerman made a motion to withdraw his prior motion regarding setting aside
funds. Mr. Kull seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
e. Holiday Schedule for 2006
i. Memorial Day: May 28, 2006
ii. Veterans Day: November 5 or 11, 2006
Chair Kaiser reviewed the holiday schedule. The Memorial Day activities will
commence at 2 P.M. at the cemetery on May 28,2006.
Chair Kaiser announced there had been an earlier meeting of the Veterans Council that
set the Veterans Day Activities for November 5,2006, at 2 P.M. at Intracoastal Park.
x. New Business Items
Commissioner Ensler explained the appointment process to the Veterans Advisory
Commission. He reviewed there are three categories of members: Regular, Alternate
and Honorary. Alternates and Honorary Members have one-year terms and the City
Commission makes appointments every year in April.
He explained Messrs. McKenzie and Hegeman's terms are three-year terms and they
also need to be re-appointed. Commissioner Ensler suggested the Veterans Advisory
Commission recommend they be re-appointed for three-year terms.
Mr. Zimmerman made a motion to recommend Messrs. McKenzie and Hegeman be
appointed for a term of three years effective April 1, 2006. Mr. Kull seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Commissioner Ensler recommended another motion be made for the re-appointment of
the four Alternates.
A motion was made by Mr. Hegeman to accept Messrs. Gavlick, Preston, Oyer and
Buckner as Alternates for the incoming terms starting April 1, 2006. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Washington and unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Veterans Advisory Commission
Boynton Beach, FL
February 8, 2006
Ms. LeJeune will assist the members in completing their applications. There was further
discussion the appointments to the Honorary Members category could be set-aside for
the moment.
Commissioner Ensler reviewed the process for the monument and added there was a
positive reaction from the Recreation and Parks Department regarding the monument.
He further suggested giving Ms. LeJeune the authority to forward to the City
Commission, the final 10 names submitted to her by Chair Kaiser for appointment as
Honorary Members.
A motion was made by Mr. Gavlick for Chair Kaiser to determine the final 10 names
from the list of 11 Honorary Members. The list would be submitted to Ms. LeJeune who
will forward the information to the City Commission for appointment in the Honorary
Members category. Mr. Kull seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
XI. Benediction, Moment of Silent Prayer
Chair Kaiser led the Benediction.
XII. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 11 :22 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Cherry- uberman
Recording Secretary