O88-25ORDINANCE NO. 88-~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 5 - SECTION 5-8 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; ESTABLISHING THE BUILDING SECURITY CODE; PROVIDING FOR TITLE; PROVIDING FOR RULES OF CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING FOR ADMINISTRATION; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. Title This ordinance may be known and cited as "The City of Boynton Beach Building Security Code" hereinafter referred to as "Security Code." Section 2. Rules of Construction For the purposes of administration and enforcement of this ordinance, unless otherwise stated in this ordinance, the following rules of construction shall apply to the text of this ordinance. ( 1 ) In case of any difference of meaning or implication between the text of this ordinance and any caption, illustration, summary table, or illustrative table, the text shall control. (2) The word "shall" is always mandatory and not discretionary; the word "may" is permissive. (3) Words used in the present tense shall include the future and Words used in the singular number shall include the plural, and the plural singular, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary. (4) The phrase "used for" includes "arranged for", "designed for", maintained for" or "occupied for" (5) The word "person" includes an individual, a corporation, a partnership, an incorporated association, or any other similar legal entity. (6) Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, where a regulation involves two (2) or more items, conditions, provisions, or events connected by the conjunction "and", or "either...or", the conjunction shall be interpreted as follows: (a) "And" indicates that all the connected terms, conditions, provisions, or events shall apply. (b) "Or" indicates that the connected items, conditions, provisions, or events may apply single or in any combination. (c) "Either...or" indicates that the connected items, conditions, provisions or events shall apply singly but not in combination. (7) The word "includes" shall limit a term to the specified example, but is intended to extend its meaning to all other instances or circumstances of like kind or character. Section 3. Administration (1) General. This Security Code is hereby declared to be remedial, and shall be construed to secure the beneficial interests and purposes thereof which are health, safety and general welfare through minimum building security standards established to make buildings less susceptible to unlawful entry and secure for those persons using said buildings. Strict compliance with this code in no way guarantees immunity from criminal activity directed at property or persons. The enforcing body assumes no responsibility nor liability for any loss or damage relating to building security. (2) Applicability. The provisions of this code shall apply to the construction, alteration, repair, change of occupancy classification, or relocation of every building or 2 structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or structures occupied for commercial or residential purposes. (3) Existing Buildings. Provisions, as set forth herein, for building security are recommended for all existing buildings but shall not be mandatory except as set forth in Section 3-2 of this Code. (4) Federal and State Authority. The provisions of this Code shall not be held to deprive any Federal or State agency, or any applicable governing body having jurisdiction, of any power or authority which it held on the effective date of the adoption f this Code, of any remedy then existing for the enforcement of its orders, nor shall it deprive any individual or corporation of its legal rights as provided by law. (5) Maintenance. All buildings or structures, both existing and new, and all parts thereof shall be maintained in a safe and securable condition. All devices or safeguards, which are required by this Code in buildings erected, altered, or repaired, shall be maintained in good working order. The owner, or his designated agent, shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings and structures. (6) Enforcing Authority. It is hereby established that the City of Boynton Beach Building Department, hereinafter known as "Department", is charged with the enforcement of this Code. It is also established that the rights and limitations of this enforcing body be those so stated in the currently adopted Building Code where not in conflict with the scope of this Code. Any appeal from the provisions of this Ordinance shall be to the Building Board of Appeals. Section 4. Definitions. Words, terms and phrases: (1) Approved. Approved by the Building Official or other authority having jurisdiction. 3 (2) Bolt Throw. Is the distance from the lock front surface to the farthest projected point on the bolt or latch at the center line when subjected to end pressure. (3) Burglar-Resistant Material. Framed glass or glass-like materials that can withstand the impact of a five pound (5~) steel ball dropped from a height of forty feet (40') and five (5) impacts from a height of ten feet (10') concentrated within a five inch (5") diameter area of the surface without release from frame. Tested in accordance with UL 72-1972. (4) Double-Keyed Dead Bolt. A dead bolt lock actuated by a key from the inside and outside. (5) Louvers. A series of removable, fixed-slanted, or movable slats. (Glass-louvered is descriptive of jalousies. Glass, wood or metal jalousies are considered to be louvers. Awning-type windows having sections more than twelve inches (12") in depth are not considered to be louvers.) (7) Multiple-Point Lock. A system of lever-operated bolts that engage a door opening, at least at the head and sill, operated by a single knob or handle from the inside and, optionally, by a cylinder-locked handle from the outside. (8) Opening. Is a section of wall into which a door or an operable window is installed. (9) Single Keyed Dead Bolt. A lock bolt which does not have a spring action. This bolt must be actuated by a key from the exterior and a knob or thumb turn from the interior and when projected becomes locked against return by end pressure. (10) Strike Plat. A metal plate designed to receive and hold a projected bolt. Section 5. Residential Structures. (1) Scope. The provisions of this section shall apply to openings in dwelling units and to openings between attached garages and dwelling units. (2) Exceptions: (a) Openings where the smallest dimension is six inches (6") or less, provided that the closest edge of such opening is at least forty-two inches (42") from the locking device of the door or window assembly or configures in such a manner as to prevent reaching in and defeating the security device. This subsection should be read in conjunction with Subsection (15) herein. (b) Openings protected by required fire door assemblies having a fire endurance rating of not less than forty-five (45) minutes. (c) An opening in an exterior wall when all portions of such openings are more than twelve feet (12') vertically or six feet (6') horizontally from an accessible surface of any adjoining yard, court, passageway, public way, walk, breezeway, patio, planter, porch or similar area. (3) Obstructing Exits - General. Security methods shall not create a hazard to life by obstructing any means of egress or any opening which is classified as an emergency exiting facility. Security provisions shall not supersede the safety requirements relative to latching or locking devices on exit doors which would be contrary to the provisions of Chapter 11 of the Standard Building Code and the Life Safety Code, N.F.P.A. 101. (4) Emergency Escape or Rescue Windows. Bars, grills, grates or similar devices may be installed in, on, or over emergency escape or rescue windows or doors as required by Section 1104.4 of the Standard Building code provided: (a) Such devices are equipped with approved release mechanisms which are openable without the use of special tools, keys, special knowledge or effort; and, (b) The building is equipped with smoke detectors installed in accordance with applicable fire and building codes. (5) Entry Vision. Ail main or front entry doors to dwelling units shall be arranged so that the occupant has a view of the area immediately outside the door without opening the door. Such view may be provided by a door viewer having a field of view not less than 180 degrees. (6) Doors - Swinging Doors. All exterior swinging doors shall be equipped with a single keyed dead bolt with a one inch (1") minimum throw. (7) Hinges. Hinges which are exposed to the exterior shall be equipped with non-removable hinge pins or a mechanical interlock to prevent removal of the door from the exterior by removing the hinge pins. (8) Strike Plat Installation. In wood frame construction any open space between trimmers and wood door jambs shall be solid shimmed by a single piece extending not less than six inches (6") above and below the strike plate. Strike plates shall be attached to wood with not less than two No. 8, 2-inch screws. Strike plates, when attached to metal, shall be attached with not less than two No. 8 machine screws. All strike plates or doors in pairs shall be installed in accordance with manufacturers specifications. (9) Swinging Double Doors. The active leaf in pairs of swinging doors shall have locks as required for single swinging doors or be provided with multiple-point locks which contain inserts, each with one inch (1") minimum throw bolts and a cylinder lock. The inactive leaf in pairs of swinging doors shall be provided with threshold and header bolts that penetrate a strike plate with a minimum 5/8 inch throw and 1/2 inch minimum engagement. (10) Sliding Doors. Sliding doors shall be equipped with a secondary locking device operable from the inside without the use of separate tools or key. (11) Jalousie/Louvered Doors. Doors with jalousie or louvered panels shall have those panels protected by approved metal bars, security screens or grills. (12) Garage Doors. Garage doors shall be equipped with a key operated exterior locking device. (13) Windows. Jalousie or louvered windows shall be protected by approved metal bars, security screens or grills. (14) Sliding Windows. Sliding windows shall be equipped with a secondary locking device operable from the inside without the use of separate tools or key. (15) Fixed Glazing/Glazing set into Doors. It is recommended that fixed glazing larger than six inches (6") in any direction located in a door, or within forty-two inches (42") of the door's locking device, be of burglar resistant material, having security screening, or other auxiliary security device. (16) Exterior Identification/Numbering. Single family units shall have their address numerals displayed in a conspicuous manner, four inch (4") minimum size and of diverse color. Multi-family units shall be identified with four inch (4") minimum address numerals of diverse color at front and rear entrances. (17) Parking Identification. Assigned parking spaces shall not be identified to coincide with room number, name, or unit address. Section 6. Commercial Structures The provisions of this section shall apply to openings into commercial structures. (1) Exceptions: (a) Openings where the smallest dimension is six inches (6") or less, provided that the closest edge of such opening is at least forty-two inches (42") from the locking device of the door or window assembly or configured in such 7 a manner as to prevent reaching in and defeating the security device. (b) Openings protected by required fire door assemblies having a fire endurance rating of not less than forty-five (45) minutes. (c) An opening in an exterior wall when all portions of such openings are more than twelve feet (12') vertically or six feet (6') horizontally from an accessible surface of any adjoining yard, court, passageway, public way, walk, breezeway, patio, planter, porch or similar area. (d) Toilet Rooms. (2) Obstructing Exits - General. Security methods shall not create a hazard to life by obstructing any means of egress or any opening which is classified as emergency exiting facility. Security provisions shall not supersede the safety requirements relative to latching or locking devices on exit doors which would be contrary to the provisions of Chapter 11 of the Standard Building Code and the Life Safety Code, N.F.P.A. 101. (3) Entry Vision. All entry doors shall be arranged so that the occupant has a view of the area immediately outside the door without opening the door. Such view may be provided by a door viewer having a field of view not less than 180 degrees. (4) Doors - Swinging Doors. All swinging doors shall be equipped with a single keyed dead bolt with a one-inch (1") minimum throw. See N.F.P.A. 101 for Exceptions. (a) Hinges. Hinges which are exposed to the exterior shall be equipped with non-removable hinge pins or a mechanical interlock to prevent removal of the door from the exterior by removing the hinge pins. (b) Strike Plate Installation. Door jambs shall be solidly shimmed, extending not less than six inches (6") above and below the strike plate(s). Door jambs and frames shall be installed in accordance with manufacturing specifications. Strike plates shall be attached to wood with not less than two No. 8, 2-inch screws. Strike plates, when attached to metal, shall be attached with not less than two No. 8 machine screws. All strike plates of doors in pairs shall be installed as tested. (c) Swinging Double Doors. The active leaf in pairs of swinging doors shall have locks as required for single swinging doors or be provided with multiple-point locks which contain inserts, each with one inch (1") minimum throw bolts and a cylinder lock. The inactive leaf in pairs of swinging doors shall be provided with threshold and header bolts that penetrate a strike with a minimum of 5/8 inch throw and 1/2 inch minimum engagement. (5) Sliding Doors. Sliding doors shall be equipped with a secondary locking device operable from the inside without the use of separate tools or key. (6) Jalousie/Louvered Doors. Doors with jalousie or louvered panels shall have those panels protected by approved metal bars, security screens or grills. (7) Garage Doors. Garage doors shall be equipped with a key operated exterior locking device or other device that, when activated, will resist unlawful entry. (8) Windows. Jalousie or louvered windows shall be protected by approved metal bars, security screens or grills. Sliding windows shall be equipped with a secondary locking device operable from the inside without the use of separate tools or key. (9) Fixed Glazing/Glazing Set Into Doors. It is recommended that fixed glazing, larger than six inches (6") in any direction, located in a door, or within forty-two inches (42") of the door's locking device, be of burglar resistant material, having security screening, or other auxiliary security devices. (10) Exterior Identification/Numbering. All active entry and rear entry doors shall be identified with six inch 9 (6") lettering, numerals or combination, in a conspicuous manner and of diverse coloration. (11) Parking Identification. Assigned parking spaces shall not be identified to coincide with room number, name or unit address. Section 7. Construction Sites The provisions of this section shall apply to any sites proposed for construction that are required to obtain Commission approval. (1) Security measures at a construction site are determined after a security survey is conducted using the following procedures. (a) One staging area, to store equipment and park machinery, must be fenced. (b) The staging area must be visible from an acceSsible roadway to allow effective police patrol. (c) Lighting must be provided to allow complete visibility to the area. (d) Padlock all storage trailers and park within staging area. (2) Items that must be discussed during a security survey with the Crime Prevention Bureau. (a) The establishment and progressive evaluation of a security budget. (b) The proper posting of the property. (c) The proper storage and marking of machinery and tools. (d) The methods of employee identification and active site security methods. Section 8: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 9: Should any section or provision of this ordinance or portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be 10 invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this ordinance. Section 10: ordinance. Section 11: This immediately upon passage. Authority is hereby granted to codify said ordinance shall become effective 1988. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this ATTEST: (Corporate Seal) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Vic~ayor / commissioner 11