Minutes 04-28-06
ON FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2006 AT 10:00 A.M.
Jerry Taylor, Mayor
Carl McKoy, Vice Mayor
Bob Ensler, Commissioner
Mike Ferguson, Commissioner
Mack McCray, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Janet Prainito, City Clerk
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.
Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Commissioner Ensler commented the items relating to the Lawrence Road Project had been
separated on the agenda and he felt they should remain grouped together. Mr. Bressner
explained the items had been split to differentiate between the ordinances and the resolution.
Commissioner Ensler suggested a new category be listed to include multiple items. Attorney
Cherof suggested a section be added under XII. Legal for Development and entire projects
could be listed there. Commissioner McCray remembered the Commission had requested that
staff consolidate projects in the agenda. Consensus was reached to move the items together.
Commissioner McCray requested his mail be brought to the dais before the Agenda Preview
Conference to ensure he has all the pertinent information relating to the agenda. He also asked
that an item be placed on the agenda relating to the red tags being issued on big debris piles.
If a letter had been placed in the water bills regarding debris pickup, he requested a copy and a
explanation for his benefit and for public information. Mr. Bressner suggested the item be
added under III. Presentations.
Presentation by Freda De Fosse, Manager of Golf Administration, of
check in the amount of $7,700, proceeds of a golf tournament held at
The Links on April I, 2006, to Ms. Laura Lassman, President and
Founder of Play for P.I.N.K. (Prevention, Immediate Diagnosis, New
Technology, Knowledge). Play for P.I.N.K. is a not-for-profit SOl(c)(3)
charity dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer research.
Mayor Taylor suggested moving the presentation for P.I.N.K. before the presentation on the
annual financial report as it may be a lengthy presentation. The Commission agreed.
Commissioner Ensler requested an item also be added to discuss the impact on the Heart of
Boynton Plan based on the anticipated change in the eminent domain legislation.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
April 28, 2006
Commissioner McCray also joined in the request. Mayor Taylor declared it would be added
under XI. New Business.
III.C.3. Presentation by Mark Veil from Caler, Donten, Levine, Druker, Parter &
Veil, for the approval of the 9-30-2005 City of Boynton Beach Annual Financial
Commissioner McCray questioned why the Veterans Advisory Commission was not included in
the flow chart and the status of the Assistant City Manager positions. Mr. Bressner advised the
Veterans Commission was created in the current fiscal year and would not have been included
in the 2005 report. The elimination of the one Assistant City Manager position went into effect
the current fiscal year also, as a result of the hiring of a new Utilities Director. The Golf Course
shifted to Mr. Hawkins' responsibilities and the Economic Development has yet to be
designated. Commissioner McCray felt the increase in property tax revenue should be noted
during the presentation for public information.
The decreases in the budget for City Hall General Administration and Planning and Development
were requested to be further explained. Bill Mummert, Director of Finance, explained
department heads can transfer monies between departments to cover additional expenditure as
they arise.
Commissioner McCray requested further explanation on the Mayor and Commission expenses.
Mr. Mummert noted all the monies budgeted were not spent, specifically relating to funds
designated for the Strategic Plan. The expenses include the Commission wages, benefits,
supplies and some professional services.
Commissioner McCray also questioned the negative figure under the Fire Department. Mr.
Mummert advised corrections in the use of the fire assessment funds required reclassification of
previous expenditures. Overtime costs was another factor.
CORPORATION, of Miami, FL. with an annual estimated expenditure of
$147,506 for the Utilities Department.
Commissioner McCray inquired if the figure reflected an increase in the expenditure. Kofi
Boateng, Director of Utilities, replied there was no increase.
Proposed Resolution No. R06- RE: Approving the City's Local
Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) for State Fiscal Years 06/07, 07/08,
and 08/09. These funds are the continuation of the State Housing
Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program.
Commissioner McCray advised he would be pulling the item for questions and answers to
enlighten the public
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
April 28, 2006
Proposed Resolution No. R06- RE: Approving and authorizing
execution of an agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and The
Crossings of Boynton Beach Condominium Association, Inc. to enter
into a partnership to improve and rehabilitate the wastewater main line
and service lines that convey wastewater from The Crossings
development into the City's wastewater collections system.
Commissioner McCray remarked he was pleased this item was on the agenda and would be
pulling the item to advise the public of its impact.
VI.D. Approve the "BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAL PARK PLAT 2" conditioned
on the approval being the certification of the plat document by H. David
Kelley, Jr., (City Engineer and Surveyor & Mapper)
Commissioner Ferguson requested the caption include language to indicate the approval would
create 350 new cemetery lots.
VI.E Authorize the use of $1,000 of Community Investment Funds to Jayne
Miller Nursing Scholarship Fund by Mayor Taylor.
Mayor Taylor advised approximately $2,000 had been donated to the Nursing Scholarship Fund
in previous years. Commissioners Ensler and McCray, and Vice Mayor McKoy requested the
item be amended to include $500 from each.
VIII. D., VIII.D.l and VIII.D.2 Hemingway Square
Mayor Taylor inquired if one motion could be made to remove all three items from the Agenda.
Attorney Cherof agreed only one motion would be necessary. Commissioner Ensler asked if the
motion could be done at the Agenda Preview Conference. Attorney Cherof responded the items
were advertised for the May 2nd date and would need to be addressed at that meeting.
Approval of Special Warranty Deed conveying title to the R. M. Lee
Community Development Center (CDC) for Lots 10, 17 & 18, Block 3,
Happy Home Heights. (Proposed Resolution No. R06-)
Commissioner McCray advised he would be pulling the item to address his concerns with the
IX.B. Continued Discussion on Study of Police Pension Issues
Commissioner Ensler noted the item was again on the Agenda and requested the three changes
be addressed individually. Mr. Bressner advised the total impact analysis had not been
completed. The purpose for the item was to address the concerns of the Commission and
clarify the parameters of any analysis.
Commissioner Ferguson asked to add review and pOSSible adjustment of the stormwater fees to
be heard at the first meeting in June.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
April 28, 2006
XI.A. Discussion of CRA
Commissioner McCray wanted assurances that the entire Commission was prepared to discuss
the CRA. Consensus was to proceed.
XI.B. Discussion of Code Compliance Board
Commissioner McCray announced he had requested the item be placed on the agenda so the
Commission could clarify for the board the difference between compliance and enforcement.
The minutes from the April meeting would reveal a problem according to Commissioner McCray
and he also requested a copy of the February meeting minutes.
Commissioner Ferguson questioned the granting of an occupational license with an extensive
lien existing. He suggested there should be some improved communication between Code
Compliance and the Building Department so the public could be better informed of violations.
Mr. Bressner advised he had discussed the problem and possible solution with the new building
official. Commissioner McCray requested to be kept better informed of problems so that he can
could properly advise the citizens.
Commissioner McCray suggested the addition of a 24 hour hotline to deal with problems
relating to the Building Department should be announced at the regular Commission meeting.
Mr. Bressner explained the development of the hotline was only recently activated and reviewed
the types of communications that had been received. He added the announcement of the
hotline would be sent to all permit applicants and holders, plus published in the Chamber of
Commerce and City Newsletters. Mr. Bressner suggested a complete update could be given at
the first meeting in June after the program had been totally tested. Commissioner McCray felt
an announcement of the hotline should be added to the current agenda. Mr. Bressner agreed a
short presentation at the beginning of the meeting could be done. Commissioner Ferguson
agreed. Mayor Taylor contended staff had to be given sufficient time to react to the problems
brought before the Commission. He felt some flexibility was needed and staff works diligently
to prOVide the Commission with as much information as needed.
Commissioner McCray reiterated his request that the development of a hotline should be
presented to the public, along with other things that are a positive impact for the citizens. Mr.
Bressner emphasized progress had been made and the work is ongoing. A presentation would
be made at the next meeting and the problem will be addressed and solved.
Commissioner McCray announced he would be unable to attend the events scheduled on this
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mayor Taylor adjourned the
meeting at 10:41 a.m.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
April 28, 2006
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