Minutes 06-12-06
Minutes of the Safety Committee Regular Meeting
June 12, 2006 at 10:15 A.M., Fire/Police Training Room,
Boynton Beach City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida
Mark Bobich, Chairman
Pam Webb
Catherine Cherry-Guberman
Leslie Rogers
Chris Mitchell
Hoyt Johnson
Mike Landress
Eric Falstad
Craig Clark
Pam Welsh
Barbara Scott
Tim Calhoun
John Bebensee
Risk Management
City Clerk
Golf Course
City Manager
Public Works
Recreation and Parks
Frantz LaFontant
Dorothy Mack
Glendon Morgan
Human Resources
I. Call to Order
Chair Bobich called the meeting to order at 10:18 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present. Mr. Bebensee
introduced Ms. Pasqualle, an intern with their office. City Manager, Kurt Bressner, joined the
meeting at 10:24 a.m.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of 05-08-06 Regular Meeting
A motion was made by Mr. Bebensee, and seconded by Mr. Calhoun to approve the minutes as
amended. Motion unanimously passed.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program - Video
Chair Bobich spoke about the Education and Training sessions. He requested the members
review their Hurricane Plans now that hurricane season has arrived and that Tropical Storm
Alberto was present in the Gulf Coast. Chair Bobich also announced Vice Chair Magazine had
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 12, 2006
sent out a safety bulletin regarding heat issues. Ms. Webb distributed handouts from the Office
of Safety and Health Administration, (OSHA). The handout is available for inspection in the
office of the City Clerk and is attached to the original minutes. This information should be
shared with each department.
v. Unfinished Business
A. Fire Drills
Chair Bobich requested each department coordinate with Jim MacIntyre, Assistant Fire Marshall
for fire training and fire drills. Training on the use of fire extinguishers is also included in the
training. Mr. MacIntyre will be distributing one page documents for the training on P.A.5.S.
(Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep) and R.A.C.E. (Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Evacuate).
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards
Mr. Falstad, Golf Course Employee, announced his supervisor recognized him for the Proud to
be a Safe Worker Award for preparation regarding emergency procedures at the golf course.
Mr. Falstad attached micro-shield protectors on each piece of equipment to be ready in case a
Code Blue event takes place. He also tracked and monitored CPR, and AED training for each
employee and, he diligently conducts safety-training meetings to ensure the department is
ready for a Code Blue event. The commendation will be given to Mr. Landress for the Almost
Famous newsletter.
C. Departmental Inspections &. Safety Meetings
Chair Bobich requested the departments continue to send in their departmental inspection
D. Defensive Driver Course
Ms. Webb announced the courses are still being offered. She will gather dates and bring them
back to the committee.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
There were no issues reported.
F. Lightning Detection Policy
This item was tabled.
G. Departmental Safety Footwear Approvals
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 12, 2006
Each department submitted forms naming individuals recommended for safety footwear. Chair
Bobich announced once the requests are reviewed, the information will be transmitted to
Ms. Webb, from Risk Management, with a copy going to Ms. Goebelt, Human Resource (HR)
Director, and the City Clerk, for inclusion in the minutes.
The Committee reviewed the Blue/White Collar Safety Shoe List and there were questions
regarding whether the shoes were needed for specific City employees as follows:
Parks Maintenance Employee - Rocco Rossetti. His job entails setting up tables and meeting or
events as needed. It was noted a table could fall on his foot. Mr. Rossetti was approved for
Safety Shoes.
Transportation Services employees were discussed. City Manager Bressner was concerned
about the stiffness of the safety shoes for drivers. It was noted with wheelchairs, the workers
may drop something on their feet, but that was not part of their normal job.
Streets and Roads - Richard Cruit was discussed and noted as a street sweeper. Mr. Calhoun,
Public Works representative on the committee, explained Mr. Cruit spends time with the crew
workers. Mr. Cruit was approved for safety shoes.
The actual listing of the type of approved safety shoes is listed in the Administrative Policy
Utilities Department Employee - Paul Fleming was noted as not included in the White Collar
Unit, but it was known he performs a lot of field inspections. It was explained Mr. Fleming
wears Safety Shoes and submits for reimbursements.
Mr. Bressner asked about the procedure for tracking employees who transfer from one
department that requires safety shoes, to another department.
Chair Bobich responded the employee would be given the allowance, but would then use a
different policy. Mr. Bressner suggested modifying the Personnel Authorization Form for new
and transferred employees. He suggested the Safety Committee investigate whether the form
could be modified, as part of the review process, to ensure the authorization is given. The
authorizations would be primarily driven by job title, and this would be the sorting mechanism
for the employees who need the shoes. Chair Bobich will follow up with Ms. Goebelt about this.
Mr. Bebensee also indicated Recreation and Parks did not turn in all their listings. Mr. Bebensee
will follow up with Ms. Jody Rivers, Parks Superintendent.
Chair Bobich announced the listings are considered approved. This includes the two new
employees referenced via memos from HR Director, Sharyn Goebelt, which are attached to the
original minutes, along with the list of approved employees. Risk Management will develop a
master list, which will be given to Ms. Goebelt. Mr. Bressner suggested HR do a Personnel
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 12, 2006
Authorization Form for each of these employees. The form would provide documentation that
the incumbent employees needing the shoes have received them.
VI. New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
Eric Falstead discussed the Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation mouthpieces. He indicated the
ones ordered from the warehouse are open to exposure and do not meet the golf course needs.
He had ordered mouthpieces that have a tear away pouch, and are protected until being used.
He brought this to the attention of Mike Dauta, at the Warehouse, who indicated nobody else
had that need, so he thought he would bring it to the attention of the Safety Committee.
VII. Announcements
Chair Bobich announced Vice Chair Magazine is off for the week. Anyone needing assistance
can contact Risk Management, or Ms. Webb.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday July 10, 2006 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Falstad to adjourn. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Bebensee. A vote was taken and unanimously carried. Meeting
adjourned at 10:44 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Catherine dherry-Guberman
Recording Secretary