Cheryl K. Arflin (arra. 7:30 p.m.)
Richard Beau Lieu, Vice Chair
Barbara Lentz
Suzette Urs
Barbara Ready, Alternate
Angela Budano
Nubia Richman
I. Call to Order
Karen Abramson, City Liaison
Vice Chair Beau Lieu served as Acting Chairman for this meeting. He called the meeting to order
at 6:45 p.m. and welcomed the former Chair, Debbie -Coles Dobay, to the meeting.
II. Roll Call
The members introduced themselves to each other and the Recording Secretary took note of
III. Agenda Approval
The board agreed by consensus to the agenda as presented.
IV. Approval of Minutes
The board agreed by consensus to the minutes as presented.
V. Business Items
A. Announcements
Ms. Abramson declared Mr. Hawkins asked the board to review the Avenue on the Arts
document for content and timeframe. She distributed the document that was discussed later in
the meeting.
Ms. Abramson also announced there would be a program called The Art Explosion at the Hester
Center on July 14 through 16 sponsored by the City of Boynton Beach. There would be a group
of artists including authors, visual artists, engineers, and others, representing diverse means of
creative expression. A Meet and Greet reception was to be held on July 14 in the evening. The
cost of a ticket was $10.00. She did not have the time, but asked people to contact her if
interested. It was being hosted by the Recreation Department under Wally Majors and in the
future, would be co-sponsored by the Library. The program was meant to encompass all ages.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida June 27, 2006
B. Official vote for Chair and Vice Chair positions
The board agreed to wait for a full board before proceeding with this item.
C. Recruiting new members/changing ordinance by expanding residence
requirement to include Greater Boynton Beach
A discussion ensued. The board was in agreement that changing the residence requirements in
the ordinance to include Greater Boynton Beach would be desirable. Anyone with a Boynton
Beach address could be on the board and members did not have to be artists.
Acting Chair Beau Lieu moved to request the ordinance be amended to allow anyone who lived
at a Boynton Beach address to be on the board. Ms. Urs seconded the motion that passed 4-0.
Ms. Ready suggested advertising in the City newspaper. A notice asking residents to apply for
board membership could be put on the water bill, the Web site, and in the Chamber of
Commerce newsletter.
D. Discussion about guidelines for new board members
A discussion ensued about the commitment and dedication that was desirable in a board
member. It was felt active participation was a must on this board. One opinion was that if
someone were interested in serving on the board and were serious about art, they would have
no problem with reading the enabling ordinance and associated 20 -page guidelines and
recommendations, as displayed on the Web site. On the other hand, forcing people to read it
and asking them to sign that they had done so was not a palatable idea to all board members.
Some felt if no one read the ordinance or associated guidelines, they still might have
contributions to make. Ms. Ready suggested having an entry on the Web site outlining the
kind of candidates the board wanted to attract. The board generated this:
"We are looking for you if you:
• care about art
• are able to dedicate the time to work on committees and attend meetings
• are willing to lead and
• are willing to read the Arts Commission's ordinance and summary of its
guidelines and recommendations on the Web site."
An additional "blurb" could be added indicating:
"All are welcome to apply. Being an artist is not a prerequisite for the position. The board is
looking for candidates from all walks of life."
Ms. Abramson would see that this list was delivered to Mr. Hawkins, along with the request to
amend the ordinance to broaden the area in which potential members could reside. It was
hoped Mr. Hawkins would generate an agenda memo request to get these items before the City
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida lune 27, 2006
E. Announcement of members to interview Public Arts Administrator
Acting Chair Beau Lieu declared that he and Ms. Urs would be on this committee along with
three other people from the City. There were four applicants, including the former Arts
Commission Chair, Debbie Coles-Dobay. The interviews would be held on July 10, 2006 from
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the small Library conference room.
F. Projects
1) Review projects in the City subject to Public Art
Acting Chair Beau Lieu was not aware of any new projects.
G. Meeting Times and Dates
1) Final decision on date time and place
This was not addressed.
H. Eternal Flame Project Update
There was no update on this item.
I. Hemingway Project Update
Ms. Abramson reported Mr. Hawkins had spoken to Mr. Rumpf, who reported the Hemingway
Square project was back on track in the approval process and was on the City Commission
agenda for July 5. If it passed, it would again appear on the City Commission agenda for July
18 on final approval.
J. Avenue of the Arts
1) Update
The board reviewed and discussed the two-page summary of the program originally generated
by Acting Chair Beau Lieu.
Acting Chair Beau Lieu commented that on page two, the board had changed the 10% to the
Boynton Beach Children's Museum would instead be placed in a Public Art Fund.
Ms. Ready thought it was important to allow public comment on the art via the Web site. The
comment could be, "The Web site will be designed to allow for public comment." The board felt
all the information contained in the two-page summary/invitation to the artists should be put on
the Web site eventually.
Ms. Cheryl Arflin arrived at the meeting at 7.•30 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida June 27, 2006
Installation was targeted for mid-October with an opening the first week of November. Artists
would send photos to the Arts Commission, who would decide which pieces of art to put in the
program. The deadline for photos would be August 15. It was agreed the photos would not be
returned and this should be stipulated in the invitation. They would ask for regular photos and
digital images. A decision would be made at the board's August 22 meeting and the board
would supply a positive or negative response to the artists during the first week of September.
An open issue was whether the $1K for transportation, installation and basing should go to the
artist along with the acceptance letter or in some other fashion. An unanswered question was
how the chosen artists would receive the $11K. Another unanswered question was whether the
board had any money with which to work. They believed several development projects had
made application and been subject to the public arts fee.
The board agreed the letter of invitation and accompanying guidelines/timeline should be issued
under Mr. Hawkins' signature. After discussion, it was agreed that Ms. Arflin would finalize the
invitation and guidelines and E-mail them to Acting Chair Beau Lieu, who would send them on
to the board members for comment.
Acting Chair Beau Lieu asked the members to come to the next meeting prepared with a list of
preferred sites for art along the Avenue of the Arts.
2) Art Commission members submit artists contact information for call to artists
The board submitted additions to the List of Artists published with the previous minutes. The
updated list will be sent out with these minutes. Acting Chair Beau Lieu encouraged the board
members to submit more names for this.
K. Marina Fall Festival
L. Jazz and Arts Event
Items K & L were discussed briefly. Acting Chair Beau Lieu mentioned inviting the Southern
Hand Craft Society to these events. Ms. Lentz will contact them and will also contact the CRA to
determine whether they want tents with art exhibits at these events.
M. Carolyn Sims Project Update
This project was on hold for lack of funds, with a budget of $60K. They had applied for a grant
from the Council of the Arts, but had been turned down. Originally, the grant was for $30K and
the City was going to try to match that. Mr. Majors thought a private donor might come forward
with the $30K. Ms. Arflin recalled Mr. Majors did not believe there would be a problem about
raising the money.
Ms. Arflin believed Mr. Majors would have contacted the board if there were sufficient
information to impart to them. As she understood it, the problem was with the building plans
for the Center, with the start date slipping from June of 2006 to September of 2006. Ms. Arflin
commented they had actually applied for two grants and did not receive either one of them. It
was mentioned that the family of Carolyn Sims might be interested in contributing to the
project. Ms. Arflin believed the board should just go ahead and plan a couple of fund raising
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida June 27, 2006
events, preferably in conjunction with the Avenue of the Arts project. The board determined to
invite Mr. Majors to the next Arts Commission meeting to discuss this. Ms. Arflin thought the
next meeting should be designated as a workshop to plan some fund raising events to benefit
the Carolyn Sims Memorial project.
VI. New Business Items
The board briefly discussed its Web site and how it would refine, add to, and maintain it. It was
agreed that when hired, the new Public Arts Administrator would handle this.
VII. Adjournment
The July and August meetings will be held in the Library Program room.
Since there was no further business before the board, the meeting was duly adjourned at 8:30
Respectfully submitted,
�w �
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
Genevieve Steel
990 Old Dixie Highway
TSE #5
Lake Park, FL 33402
Tom Brewitz
Cornermark Fine Art
PO Box 466
Stillwater, MN 55082
Claudia Jane Klein
426 North O St
Lake Worth, FL 33460
Colbert C. Collins
879 E. Rambling Dr
Wellington FL 33414
Penny Collins
879 E. Rambling Dr
Wellington FL 33414
Steve DiLeonardo
4038 Floral Dr
Boynton Beach FL 33436
Dexter Dyer
422 West Industrial Ave
Boynton Beach FL 33426
Sharon Sexton
788037 1h St
Vero Beach, FL 32966
Norm Gitzen Sculpture Studio
8355 Rodeo Drive
Lake Worth, FL 33467
Art on the Avenue
List of Artists
Boynton Beach, Florida
Glen Mayo
1300 Sterling Road
Dania Beach, FL 33004
Beth Ravitz
11831 Highland Place
Coral Springs, FL 33071
Debbie Coles-Dobay
1062 N.W. 6th Avenue
Boynton Beach, FI 33426
Robert St. Croix
Louis Montoya
Ray Karpuska
June 27, 2006