Gerald Broening, Mayor
Ronald Weiland, Vice Mayor
Bruce Black, Commissioner
Mike Ferguson, Commissioner
Charlie Fisher, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Janet Prainito, City Clerk
Call to Order - Mayor Gerald Broening
Tnvocation - Evangelist Lucille Grubbs - First Born Church
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Charlie Fisher
Mayor Broening called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Evangelist Lucille Grubbs gave
the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner
Charlie Fisher.
E. Agenda Approval:
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
2. Adoption
Commissioner Black moved to approve the agenda. Commissioner Ferguson seconded
the motion that carried unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
Hr. Herb Suss thanked the City Manager for promoting Janet Prainito from Interim
City Clerk to City Clerk. This shows other departments that if an employee has the
requirements for the job, they have an opportunity to move up within the department.
Mr. Suss also pointed out that participants in the City's C.O.P.s program have been
giving out summonses and he has determined that this program has issued
approximately $350,000 in fines. Assuming that 60% of these fines are collected, he
would like to see the funds used to hire new police officers.
r4s. Dee Zibelli said that the water conversation packets handed out at the last
Commission meeting were excellent and very helpful.
Also, Ms. Zibelli said that for a long time she has been advocating promoting people
from within City departments if they have the qualifications and said she is very happy
to see that Ms. Prainito was promoted to City Clerk.
Reverend Robert Walker, 216 NW 13th Avenue, Boynton Beach complained about a
condemned and abandoned house located at 210 NW 13th Avenue, which is right next
to his property. He said the roof was taken off and tarp placed on the roof. The City
temporarily nailed plywood on the house yesterday. He is concerned that if there is a
severe wind or hurricane he and his family are in danger because the plywood could be
blown off into his house. Also, he said that when it rains, the rain would get into the
house and give off an offensive odor. The house is also infested with roaches and rats
and drug addicts are utilizing the house. Reverend Walker would like to know when the
house would either be repaired or demolished. He said they are afraid to leave their
property because there are always people hanging around.
Mayor Broening said that someone would speak to him tonight. Mr. Bressner indicated
that Ms. Octavia Sherrod would speak with him and that there would be follow up on
his complaint.
A. Appointments to be made:
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
To Be Made
Length of Term
Expiration Date
Children & Youth Advisory Bd Reg
Children & Youth Advisory Bd Reg
Children & Youth Advisory Bd Reg
Children & Youth Advisory Bd Reg
Children & Youth Advisory Bd Alt
Children & Youth Advisory Bd Alt
Children & Youth Advisory Bd Stu/Reg/Voting
Children & Youth Advisory Bd Stu/Voting
Children & Youth Advisory 8d Stu/Reg/NonVoting
Bldg. Bd of Adj & Appeals Reg
Bldg. Bd of Adj & Appeals Reg
Bldg, Bd of Adj & Appeals Reg
Bldg, Bd of Adj & Appeals Alt
Bldg. Bd of Adj & Appeals Alt
Cemetery Board Reg
Cemetery Board Alt
Code Compliance Board
Code Compliance Board
Code Compliance Board
Code Compliance Board
Community Relations Board Reg
Community Relations Board Reg
Community Relations Board Reg
Community Relations Board Alt
Community Relations Board Alt
Education Advisory Board Reg
Education Advisory Board Reg
Education Advisory Board Reg
Education Advisory Board Alt
Education Advisory Board Alt
Education Advisory Board Stu
Education Advisory Board Stu
2 yr term to 4/03
2 yr term to 4/03
2 yr term to 4/03
2 yr term to 4/03
:L yr term to 4/02
1 yr term to 4/02
1 yr term to 4/02
1 yr term to 4/02
1 yr term to 4/02
3 yr term to 4/04
3 yr term to 4/04
3 yr term to 4/04
1 yr term to 4/02
1 yr term to 4/02
3 yr term to 4/04
1 yr term to 4/02
3 yr term to 4/04
3 yr term to 4/04
1 yr term to 4/02
1 yr term to 4/02
3 yr term to 4/04
3 yr term to 4/04
3 yr term to 4/04
1 yr term to 4/02
1 yr term to 4/02
2 yr term to 4/03
2 yr term to 4/03
2 yr term to 4/03
1 yr term to 4/02
1 yr term to 4/02
I yr term to 4/02
i yr term to 4/02
Library Board Reg 3 yr term to 4/04
Library Board Reg 3 yr term to 4/04
Library Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/02
Library Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/02
Nuisance Abatement Board Reg
Nuisance Abatement Board Reg
Nuisance Abatement Board Reg
Nuisance Abatement Board Alt
2 yr term to 4/03
2 yr term to 4/03
2 yr term to 4/03
I yr term to 4/02
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
I Weiland Planning & Development Bd Reg
II Black Planning & Development Bd Reg
III Ferguson Planning & Development Bd Reg
iV Fisher Planning & Development Bd Alt
Mayor Broening Planning & Development Bd Alt
Mayor Bmening Recreation & Parks Board Reg
! Weiland Recreation & Parks Board Reg
II Black Recreation & Parks Board Reg
1IT Ferguson Recreation & Parks Board Reg
IV Fisher Recreation & Parks Board Alt
Hayor Broening Recreation & Parks Board Alt
2 yr term to 4/03
2 yr term to 4/03
2 yr term to 4/03
I yr term to 4/02
I yr term to 4/02
3 yr term to 4/03
3 yr term to 4/04
3 yr term to 4/04
3 yr term to 4/04
I yr term to 4/02
1 yr term to 4/02
~V Fisher Senior Advisory Board Reg
Mayor Broening Senior Advisory Board Reg
T Weiland Senior Advisory Board Reg
1I Black Senior Advisory Board Reg
][[! Ferguson Senior Advisory Board Alt
IV Fisher Senior Advisory Board Alt
2 yr term to 4/03
2 yr term to 4/03
2 yr term to 4/03
2 yr term to 4/03
1 yr term to 4/02
I yr term to 4/02
Mayor Broening Employees' Pension Board Reg
3 yr term to 4/04
Weiland Firefighters' Pension Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/03
Black Firefighters' Pension Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/03
Mayor Broening Police Officers' Pension Bd Reg 2 yr term to 4/03
[! Weiland Police Officers' Pension Bd Reg 2 yr term to 4/03
Commissioner Ferguson made the following appointments:
1. Lori Wilkinson as a regular member to the Children and Youth Advisory
2. Dorothy Davis as an alternate member to the Children and Youth Advisory
3. Richard Kurtz as a regular member to the Building Board of Adjustment
and Appeals
4. Hack IvlcCray as an alternate member to the Cemetery Board
5. Tom Walsh as an alternate member to the Code Compliance Board
6. Juanita Summers as a regular member to the Community Relations Board
7. Judith Braswell* as a regular member to the Education Advisory Board
8. Donna Harmening as an alternate member to the Library Board
9. Lee Wische as a regular member to the Planning and Development Board
10. Chuck Frederick as a regular member to the Recreation & Parks Board
11. Lillian Bruzzese as an alternate member to the Senior Advisory Board
Commissioner Ferguson tabled his student appointment to the Education Advisory
]Et was later determined that Ms. Braswell could only serve in the alternate position, since she is
not a City resident, but has a child who attends Boynton Beach Schools.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17~ 2001
Commissioner Fisher made the following appointments:
Hattie Miller as a regular member to the Children and Youth Advisory
Robert Mulroy as a regular member to the Building Board of Adjustment
and Appeals
Dee Zibelli as an alternate member to the Code Compliance Board
Ron Washam as a regular member to the Community Relations Board
Diana Tedtmann as a regular member to the Education Advisory Board
Judith Sanders as an alternate member to the Library Board
James Barretta as an alternate member to the Planning and Development
Margaret Murphy as an alternate member to the Recreation and Parks
Commissioner Fisher tabled his regular voting student appointment to the Children and
Youth Advisory Board and his alternate appointments to the Nuisance Abatement Board
and Senior Advisory Board.
Vice Mayor Weiland made the following appointments:
Moved Dee Zibelli from an alternate member to a regular member to the
Code Compliance Board
Stewart Heyer as an alternate member to the Community Relations Board
Alice Otis as a regular member to the Library Board
Tom Warnke as a regular member to the Nuisance Abatement Board
Wayne Cwynar as a regular member to the Planning & Development
James McMahon as a regular member to the Recreation and Parks Board
Bernice Joyce as a regular member to the Senior Advisory Board
Larry Schone as a regular member to the Fireflghters' Pension Board
Roger Cash as a regular member to the Police Officers' Pension Board
Vice Mayor Weiland tabled his regular appointment and student regular/non-voting
appointment to the Advisory Board on Children and Youth and his alternate
appointments to the Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals and the Education
Advisory Board.
Commissioner Black made the following appointments:
Moved Mack McCray from an alternate member to a regular member to
the Cemetery Board
James Miriana as a regular member to the Code Compliance Board
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
Hansome Jones as an alternate member to the Community Relations
Aly Gore as a student alternate member to the Education Advisory Board
Mike Fitzpatrick as a regular member to the Planning and Development
Dan Winters as a regular member to the Recreation and Parks Board
Robert Taylor to the Firefighters' Pension Board
Commissioner Black tabled the following appointments:
Alternate appointment to the Children and Youth Advisory Board
Regular appointment to the Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals
Regular appointment to the Education Advisory Board
Regular appointment to the Library Board
Regular appointment to the Nuisance Abatement Board
Regular appointment to the Senior Advisory Board
Mayor Broening made the following appointments:
1. Mary Morera as a regular member to the Children and Youth Advisory
2. Spencer Calder as a regular voting/student to the Children and Youth
Advisory Board
3. Brita Peterson as an alternate member to the Building Board of
Adjustment and Appeals
4. Brenda Lee Williams as a regular member to the Community Relations
5. Peter Kelly as a regular member to the Nuisance Abatement Board
6. Edward Currier as an alternate member to the Planning &, Development
7. Betty Pierce as a regular member to the Recreation and Parks Board
8. Betty Collins as a regular member to the Senior Advisory Board
9. Sue Kruse as a regular member to the Employees' Pension Board
10. Ralph Diaz as a regular member to the Police Officers' Pension Board
Mayor Broening tabled his alternate appointments to the Education Advisory Board and
the Recreation and Parks Board.
Vice Mayor Weiland said that he objected to two of the appointments and had a
question on one appointment, which dealt with Ron Washam's Board Application, which
he did not have in his packet. Mr. Bressner said that it had been received.
Vice Mayor Weiland said he objected to the appointments of Lee Wische and Michael
Fitzpatrick to the Planning and Development Board.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
Mr. Bressner stated that with regard to Ms. Alice Otis' appointment to the Library Board,
she had indicated that she did not want to serve on the Library Board and would like to
serve on another Board. Her application states that she only wished to serve on the
Planning and Development Board.
Ms. Otis' appointment to the Library Board was withdrawn by Vice Mayor Weiland.
Commissioner Ferguson stated he objected to the appointment of Mr. Dan Winters to
the Recreation and Parks Board.
Commissioner Fisher questioned if Mr. Lambert has now been excluded from becoming
a member of the Code Compliance Board? Commissioner Fisher noted he
recommended Ms. Zibelli as an alternate and she was moved up to a regular member.
Commissioner Black noted in the back-up material provided by staff, an applicant must
prove that he is a registered voter and a City resident. Mr. Barretta has not met those
requirements. Mr. Bressner stated that staff has not received the requested
information to qualify him for appointment to the Planning and Development Board.
Commissioner Fisher said he would remove his appointment of Mr. Barretta to the
Planning and Development Board.
Attorney Cherof reported that Commissioner Fisher still has two alternate positions to
fill since his alternates have been moved up by subsequent nominations. Commissioner
Fisher said he would like to discuss this first.
Mayor Broening called for a motion to approve the amended list of nominations.
Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve the amended list of nominations. Notion
seconded by Commissioner Fisher and unanimously carried.
Mayor Broening said that each objection would be dealt with individually.
With regard to moving Ms. Zibelli from an alternate to a regular member of the Code
Board, Commissioner Fisher pointed out that Mr. Lambert has been serving as a regular
on this Board and does not feel he should be moved from a regular to alternate. Vice
Chair Weiland said he agreed with Commissioner Fisher, but also felt that Ms. Zibelli
would do a good job as well as a regular member. Commissioner Fisher did not feel
that this justified not reappointing Mr. Lambert as a regular member and noted that he
appointed Ms. Zibelli as an alternate so that Mr. Lambert could be reappointed as a
regular member. Mayor Broening called for a motion.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
Commissioner Black moved to approve the appointment of Dee Zibelli as a regular
member to the Code Compliance Board. Motion seconded by Vice Mayor Weiland.
Motion carried 4-1 (Commissioner Fisher d/'s$~nt/ngJ.
Commissioner Fisher tabled his alternate appointment to the Code Compliance Board.
Vice Mayor Weiland felt that a monopoly has been created on the Planning and
Development Board and there have been many people over the years who have wanted
to become members of this Board, but there are never enough openings. Further, Vice
Mayor Weiland said that during the past year he has noted derogatory newspaper
articles towards staff and the City, which were attributable to Mr. Wische. Vice Mayor
Weiland felt this was improper conduct for the Chairman of a City Advisory Board and
he feels there is time for a change on this Board for new people to serve.
IVlr. Ferguson noted that there were two new appointments tonight to the Planning and
Development Board. Mr. Ferguson stated that Mr. Wische has done an excellent job of
chairing the Board for the past four years and feels he should be retained on the Board.
Mr. Ferguson moved that Lee Wische be appointed to the Planning and Development
Board. Motion seconded by Commissioner Black. Mayor Broening requested that the
City Clerk call the roll. The motion carried 3-2 (/¥ayo/' B~'oen/ng and Y/£e Playor ~'e//and
Vice IVlayor Weiland stated with regard to Mr. Mike Fitzpatrick, Mr. Fitzpatrick has for a
long time been a member of the Recreation and Parks Board. A few months ago, he
was appointed an alternate to the Planning and Development Board and Mr. Fitzpatrick
is a strong advocate for greenways. Vice Chair Weiland assumed the main reason that
Mr. Fitzpatrick wished to serve on the Planning and Development Board was to oversee
how projects address greenways in the City. Vice Mayor Weiland felt that the Planning
and Development Board was not the proper venue for Mr. Fitzpatrick's issues and that
he is not totally focused on planning and development issues.
Commissioner Black stated Boards need to be diversified and that Mr. Fitzpatrick would
bring a different view to the Board. Commissioner Black felt that greenways are an
important issue to the City and nominated IVlr. Fitzpatrick because he does present a
different point of view to the meetings.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
Mayor Broening also felt that the Planning and Development Board needs to develop a
sensitivity toward environmental issues, which Mr. Fitzpatrick can do. Mayor Broening
also felt that Boards need to be diversified in their membership.
Commissioner Fisher also felt that when issues come before the Planning and
Development Board, a greenways point of view should be looked at whenever the
opportunity arises, which Mr. Fitzpatrick can offer.
Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve the appointment of Mike Fitzpatrick as a
regular member to the Planning and Development Board. Motion seconded by
Commissioner Fisher and carried 5-0.
Commissioner Black said that he had spoken to Mr. Charlie Frederick and informed him
that his name was on the list for nomination to the Recreation and Parks Board. Mr.
Frederick informed him that he did not wish to serve on that Board. Commissioner
Black said he could speak for Mr. Frederick and asked Commissioner Ferguson to
remove his nomination of Mr. Frederick to the Recreation and Parks Board.
Mr. Ferguson withdrew his nomination of Mr. Frederick from the Recreation and Parks
Board and tabled his appointment.
Commissioner Fisher requested that after all the appointments are made that they be
furnished with a summary of the appointments.
Commissioner Ferguson said he has a moral issue with Mr. Winters and would like to
have a voice vote not to appoint him to the Recreation and Parks Board. Mayor
Broening said he could accommodate the request for a voice vote, but that
Commissioner Ferguson has not presented enough facts upon which they could make a
decision. Commissioner Ferguson said that he wanted to go on record to opposing Mr.
Winters' appointment. Mayor Broening called for a motion.
Commissioner Black moved to approve the appointment of Mr. Dan Winters to the
Recreation and Parks Board. Notion seconded by Vice Mayor Weiland. Notion carried
4-1 (Comrnis~ioner Fergu~on ~'~sen~'ng).
Commissioner Fisher said he would like to appoint Mr. Mike Friedland as an alternate
member to the Planning and Development Board since Mr. Barretta does not qualify.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach~ Florida
April 17~ 2001
Commissioner Fisher moved to appoint Mike Friedland as an alternate member to the
Planning and Development Board, Motion seconded by Commissioner Ferguson and
carried 5-0.
A. Announcements:
B. Presentations:
1. Proclamations:
a. Recall Round-Up Day - April 17, 2001
Mayor Broening read the proclamation declaring April 17, 2001 as Recall Round-Up Day
and presented the proclamation to Deputy Fire Chief Jim Ness. Deputy Fire Chief Ness
urged anyone who has outdated hazardous items to bring them by Fire Station 3 to be
disposed of. Mr. Bressner requested Deputy Fire Chief Ness to inform the audience
about the radio station grant.
Deputy Fire Chief Ness reported that the Fire Department received a grant from the
Department of Community Affairs to acquire an AM radio station to be used to provide
emergency notification during times of emergencies, such as hurricanes. The City will
be able to provide evacuation notices, routing information and all other necessary
emergency information to residents by merely tuning in to their AM radio. It is
anticipated that this will be operational by the beginning of the summer.
Certificate of Accomplishment for Sarah Beans - Presented by
Mayor .]erry Broening
Mayor Broening requested that Sarah Beans take the podium. Mayor Broening read and
presented Ms. Beans with a Certificate of Accomplishment.
Presentation of plaque to Vice Mayor Ron Weiland and
Commissioner Bruce Black in recognition of their support and
contributions to HeadStart - Joy Currier
Ms. Currier presented a plaque to Vice Mayor Ron Weiland and Commissioner Bruce
Black on behalf of the children of HeadStart for supplying pizza to the children on
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
special occasions. Commissioner Black also thanked all the various pizza vendors in the
City who have donated pi77a.
A. Minutes:
1. Regular City Commission Meeting of April 3, 2001
Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 2000-
2001 Adopted Budget
EQUIPMENT", BID #060-1412-01/KR, for one additional year to the
vendors listed below for an annual estimated expenditure of
Ritz Safety Equipment, Inc.
Safety Equipment Company
Magid Glove & Safety Mfg.
ACCESSORIES", BID #065-1412-00/CJD, to Ferguson Underground,
Inc. with an estimated annual expenditure of $200,000
FUEL", BID #011-1411-00/C]D, to various vendors as indicated
with the City of Boynton Beach's anticipated expenditure of
Approve the piggyback of the U. S. Communities, Government
Purchasing Alliance Contract #RQ00-341360-16C to Micron
Electronics Inc. for the purchase of computer equipment up to
$25,800 for the completion of the Wastewater Telemetry System
Project and to facilitate the software upgrade to Windows 2000
Approve the purchase of one CT3300/633 75hp 3ph 460v Flygt
Submersible Pump with 40' of motor cable from Ellis K. Phelphs &
Company of Riviera Beach, Florida, as a replacement pump for Lift
Station #317, by piggybacking a City of Boca Raton Bid #99-025
C. Resolutions:
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17f 2001
Proposed Resolution No. R01- 164 Re: Approving the
execution of a Financial Assistance Agreement with Palm Beach
County for landscaping improvements along Congress Avenue from
Old Boynton Beach Road to Quantum Boulevard
Proposed Resolution No. R01-165 Re: Authorizing
and directing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a statewide
mutual aid agreement between the Department of Community
Affairs and local governments
Proposed Resolution No. R01-166 Re: Approving an
[nterlocal Agreement between Palm Beach County and the City of
Boynton Beach regarding the acceptance of grant funding in the
amount of $325,000 as reimbursement for the
construction/retrofitting of 20 existing stormwater outfalls to the
Lake Worth Lagoon (Intracoastal Waterway)
Proposed Resolution No. R01-167 Re: Approving
the designation of Voting Delegates to Palm Beach County League
of Cities as follows: Delegate: Commissioner Charlie
Alternates: Mayor Gerald Broening
Vice Mayor Ron Weiland
Commissioner Bruce Black
Commissioner Mike Ferguson
City Manager Kurt Bressner
Proposed Resolution No, R01-168 Re: Approving
the submittal of a Palm Beach County Development Regions Grant
Round V (Year 2001) Core and Competitive Grant Application,
allowing for the reservation of these funds to use as incentive to
potential businesses in the Redevelopment area
Proposed Resolution No. R01-169 Re: Approving
the designation a Representative and Alternate to the Metropolitan
Planning Organization
Proposed Resolution No. R01-170 Re: Approving
the appointment of Vice Mayor Ron Weiland as Representative and
Commissioner Charlie Fisher as Alternate to the Coalition of
Boynton West Residential Association (COBWRA)
Proposed Resolution No. R01-171 Re: Approving
the appointment of Commissioner Mike Ferguson as Representative
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
and Commissioner Charlie Fisher as Alternate to the Multi-
Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum
Proposed Resolution No. R01-172 Re: Authorizing a
reduction in the cash surety for the project known as the Hampton
Inn (Addition) from $35,750 to $1,800
Proposed Resolution No. R01-173
revision of the Fire Rescue Advanced
transport fees
Re: Approving a
Life Support ambulance
Proposed Resolution No. R01-174 Re: Authorizing
the reappointment of Group ]Insurance Solutions, ]~nc. as the City's
group health insurance consultant
Ratification of Planning & Development Board Action:
Outpatient Clinic - 2401 S. Seacrest Boulevard - Request for
approval of a site plan modification to construct a 2,900 square
foot medical office building on a 0.72-acre lot (7',4B/.£D ON
~ARCH 6~)
Approve Change Order #9 (final change order) in the amount of
$28,898.10 for demobilization and remobilization for the site wall
construction to secure the East Water Treatment Plant site.
Approve the purchase of software, license and support for LaserFiche
Document Imaging project from R&S 1Integrated Products in the amount
of $66,602 for the Police Department
Approve the purchase of computer equipment for Document Imaging
project from Southern Computer Supplies in the amount of $19,041.33 for
the Police Department
Approve the purchase of an enterprise-wide geographic information
system to include software, data, and asset inventory collection services
from Geospan Corporation in the amount of $96,100 from Accounts 001-
1511-513-54-30 ($1,500) and 001-5000-590-02-53 ($94,600) by
piggybacking the City of Boca Raton's RFP #2000-111
Review of Proposed Change Order to construct 100 Block of Ocean
Avenue (Seacrest to 1st Avenue) - Recommendation to not proceed at this
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17~ 2001
Approval of Payments for SHIP Grants totaling $31,359 to 424 SW 10th
Avenue ($15,000) and 1629 NE 3rd Street ($16,359)
K. Ratification of Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) items:
Lot 14 & Portion of 15, Block 1, Happy Homes Heights -
(Willie Ward) - Request relief from the LDR, Chapter 2, Zoning,
Section 5.f.2.a. to allow a single-family home on a substandard lot
zoned R-2 including variances for lot frontage, lot area and rear
Lot 15 (Portion) & 16, Block 1, Happy Homes Heights -
(Willie Ward) - Request relief from the LDR, Chapter 2, Zoning,
Section 5.f. 2.a. to allow a single-family home on a substandard lot
zoned R-2 including variances for lot frontage, lot area and rear
Mayor Broening removed Item K since a card had been submitted. The person that
submitted the card requested that the card be removed.
Commissioner Black moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion seconded by
Commissioner Ferguson and unanimously carried.
A. Process for Artwork in City
Mr. Bressner stated this is a request that staff develop a procedure for the provision of
art in the CRA. A staff team is addressing this project with the possibility of establishing
an Art's Commission. The team is also being asked to develop a process to include art
on public and private property in the CRA that would encompass murals and other
works of art and would also involve the development of standards and criteria to
distinguish between what is art and what is marketing. Mr. Bressner requested that the
Commission request that staff continue with this work via a motion.
Commissioner Fisher moved that staff continue in the direction it is going with regard to
artwork in the City. Motion seconded by Vice Mayor Weiland and unanimously carried.
B. Status Report on Possible Improvements to Girl Scout Park
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach~ Florida
April 17, 2001
Mr. Bressner reported that Girl Scout Park is a 9-acre parcel and was originally used
during the 1960's as a campground for the Girl Scouts. In 1983, the County gave the
property to the City. IVlr. Bressner referred to the report that was prepared by the Parks
Department included in the agenda packet which sets forth some interim improvements
that could be made to the site. The park has been used over the years for fishing and
picnicking and now it is being proposed that more permanent improvements be made
to the site.
Staff is recommending that the issue be referred to the Recreation and Parks Board to
gather public comment and come up with an action plan for possible development
options for the property.
Commissioner Black moved to approve. Motion seconded by Commissioner Ferguson
and unanimously carried.
Mr. Bressner asked .John Wildner, Parks Director, if it were possible to have a report
back within 30 to 45 days? Mr. Wildner stated that the Recreation and Parks Board
would have to set a special meeting to hold a public hearing and IVlr. Bressner said that
a special meeting is warranted in this case. Vice Mayor Weiland inquired if staff would
be able to work in unison to obtain permits while the public input is being gathered?
Vice Chairman Weiland would like to be able to move forward after the 45 days once
the public input has been gathered. Mr. Wildner stated that he would coordinate the
project with the Engineering Department regarding permitting.
Refunding of 1992 Utilities Bonds - Appoint Banc of America Securities
LLC as sole underwriter for the proposed refunding of a portion of 1992
Utility Bonds and direct staff to work with the underwriter to finalize the
bond issue and present it to the City Commission
Mr. Bressner reported that staff is recommending that the Commission appoint Banc
America Securities LLC as the sole underwriter for the proposed refunding of the 1992
utility bond issue and to direct staff to work with the underwriter to finalize the bond
issue. It will then come back to the Commission for approval. Mr. Raymond, the City's
Bond Counsel, is present tonight to answer any questions.
Mr. Bressner stated due to the change in the interest rates and the difference between
the interest rates on taxable and tax-exempt securities, there is an opportunity for the
City, through refinancing, to realize a real savings of $1.5 million. This would also
release an additional $1.2 million that was set aside as a reserve against future debt
service. Mr. Bressner said this was being presented tonight because of the uncertainty
of future interest rates. Mr. Bressner thanked IVlr. Guidry, Ms. Diane Reese and Mr.
Raymond for their work on the project.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
Commissioner Fisher inquired if interest rates changed during the process could the
process be stopped? Mr. Mark Raymond, of Moyle, Flanigan, Katz, Raymond &
Sheehan took the podium and said that the refinancing cannot proceed without coming
back to the Commission. Commissioner Fisher inquired if it would take more than two
weeks before the paperwork would be ready and Mr. Raymond stated that it would, due
to the fact that the Commission only meets twice monthly. Mr. Bressner stated if
necessary, a special meeting could always be called.
Commissioner Black moved to approve. Motion seconded by Mr. Fisher and
unanimously carried.
Review staff report on renovation vs. demolition of old high school
building next to Children's Museum and consider conducting "town hall"
meeting moderated by CRA or other advisory board to take comment on
the proposed removal or renovation of the structure
Mr. Bressner stated that staff is recommending that this item be referred to the CRA for
that Board to conduct a Town Hall Meeting of interested parties to gather input
regarding removal or renovation of the structure. Mr. Bressner reported that the
structure is in extremely poor condition and would require a significant amount of
money to be refurbished. The cost for refurbishing would range between $3 million to
$5 million, exclusive of any internal remodeling. The cost of demolition and removal
would be approximately $250,000. Mr. Bressner acknowledged that many people have
a sentimental attachment to the building because it had once been the City's high
school. However, Boynton Beach now has a new high school.
Ms. Marie Shepard, One Ridge Pointe Drive, Boynton Beach, stated she is a native of
Boynton Beach and that her father settled in Boynton Beach in 1912 and her mother
came in 1913. Ms. Shepard noted that the City's new retention pond was built on
property that their family had previously owned. Ms. Shepard said that she and her
siblings all graduated from the Boynton High School. Ms. Shepard requested that every
effort be made to preserve and renovate the old high school and stated that persons
who had attended the school have very fond memories of the school. Ms. Shepard was
of the opinion that the school could serve the City in many positive ways and could be a
focal point for the City as it continues to grow.
Wayne Owens, Chairman and co-founder of the Charter School of Boynton Beach said
he was present tonight to show that there is a use for the old high school and that he
would like to put their Charter School into the building because there is no price you
can put on education. Mr. Owens would like to see education continued in the school
and that Boynton Beach is one of the last municipalities in the County to get a charter
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
school. Mr. Owens said their school would focus on computer technology and foreign
languages beginning in Kindergarten. Their curriculum is taken from the A.D.
Henderson School in Boca Raton, which is one of the top four elementary schools in the
State of Florida. Mr. Owens felt that his school could accommodate between 350 to 400
students in the old high school, which would help to eliminate school overcrowding in
Boynton Beach. The school would also be open in the evening to the parents.
Ms. Pamela Owens distributed an informational packet to the Commissioners
regarding the Charter School. Ms. Owens stated that she is the principal and co-
founder of the Charter School of Boynton Beach. The packet contained a preliminary
proposal for the space and the justification of the need for the space, as well as other
pertinent information. They intend to include community programs, social services,
senior services and other educational services.
With regard to financing, Ms. Owens would like to have a special meeting to discuss
this. Ms. Owens stated there are funds available from the Florida Department of
Education through the Palm Beach County School District. Also, hurricane shelter funds
could be utilized, as well as application for historic site preservation. Iris. Owens would
like to rename the school Mangrove Park Academy. IVls. Owens stated that they are
ready to move forward by August 1St and all that is remaining is finding a site.
Commissioner Fisher asked if the Commission was being asked to approve staff's
recommendation or to table the item? Mayor Broening stated that the Commission was
being asked to approve staff's recommendation that the CRA conduct public hearings to
discuss the possibility of demolition of the old high school. IVlayor Broening agreed that
the CRA was the proper agency to address the issue before it comes back to the
Commission for a decision.
Vice Mayor Weiland said he would also like to determine what the cost would be to
move the building and to look for a piece of land to place the building on, and then look
to a foundation to raise money to renovate the building.
Commissioner Black said that it is time to move forward on this, to make a decision and
he would like the public forums to begin as soon as possible.
Commissioner Fisher requested that if it is eventually recommended to demolish the
building, he would like to be able to salvage as much as possible of the building.
Commissioner Black moved to support staff's decision to refer the issue of the old high
school to the CRA to conduct a series of Town Hall IVleetings and bring the item back to
the Commission. Motion seconded by Vice Mayor Weiland and unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach~ Florida
April 17, 2001
Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance on Adoption on Federal
Highway Corridor Redevelopment Plan and Implementation Plan
(~RO~O$£D ORD~NANC£ NO. 0~-20)
Mr. Bressner stated that a presentation will be made tonight regarding the Federal
Highway Corridor Redevelopment Plan prepared by Michele Mellgren & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Bressner noted that the report had been presented to the CRA last week and
received a very good review. The CRA is recommending that the Plan move forward.
Mr. Bressner stated he viewed this report as the second rung on the great ladder of
opportunity, the first rung being the establishment of the CRA. Mr. Bressner viewed the
report as an action plan to allow the CRA and City to move forward. (A cop? of the
report/s attached to the or/g/nal of these m/nutes.) Mr. Bressner felt that there is a
four-step process that the CRA, staff and Commission may want to consider in
implementing the plan.
The first step is that the Comprehensive Plan will have to be amended. This is a
lengthy process and that the application could be ready for the reviewing agencies by
.luly. The final recommendations concerning the modifications to the Comprehensive
Plan cannot be done until February 2002.
The second step is addressing the zoning revisions that have been identified. Staff can
move forward with the revisions because they are not tied to the Comprehensive Plan.
The third step deals with amenity and/or design items that have been identified that
can also be worked on while the Comprehensive Plan process is proceeding.
The fourth and final element would be addressing any zoning amendments that may be
required after the Comprehensive Plan revisions have been completed. By following
this four-step process, by February or March, some of the necessary zoning items would
already be in place. Ms. Mellgren took the stand and stated that she prepared the
report in conjunction with the firm of Hughes Hall, Inc. and Ms. Molly Hughes, the
principal of that firm is also present tonight. Ms. Hughes also addressed the
Commission and mentioned the importance of revising the City's land development
regulations and that she would be available to assist with this aspect of the planning.
Ms. Hughes said she would be glad to answer any transportation questions that may
arise after the presentation.
Ms. Mellgren stated she has identified five planning areas and will point out some of the
major issues and opportunities. After that she will review the recommended programs
and projects that the CRA needs to undertake in order to initiate redevelopment. Ms.
Mellgren pointed out that the CRA is starting from scratch and the Federal Highway
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
Corridor is a string of uncoordinated land use and development. There are no historic
districts or roads or downtown buildings to rehabilitate, which puts the City behind the
market competition. However, by starting from scratch the CRA can create a vision for
the downtown and the supporting surrounding communities.
Ms. Mellgren said she would continually stress the primary importance of establishing
sufficient density and intensity of residential uses in order for the population to grow to
support the mixed-use development and the neighborhood-serving retail being
recommended. The City needs to invite redevelopment into the City and has had a
redevelopment plan in place since 1984 and not much has taken place.
Ms. Mellgren said that she has identified five planning areas within the redevelopment
area while Mr. Mike Rumpf pointed out the areas on the map.
Area i on the northernmost area of the Corridor and Area 5 on the southernmost
area of the Corridor are the entrances to the City.
Areas 2 and 4 are the gateways to downtown.
The final area, which is Area 3 is the downtown area.
For Planning Area 1, which begins at the northern City limit to the C-16 Canal, Ms.
Mellgren pointed out that the area is open and residential in character. Gateway
Boulevard is the major point of activity and is in the middle of this area. Next
reviewed was the zoning and land use. The area is zoned for 10.8 dwelling units to
the acre and there is density of 38.3 units to the acre. There are a number of
parcels that are underutilized or vacant and includes mobile home sites. There is
inadequate parking, landscaping and buffering with strip mall commercial. There are
older single family uses throughout and there are some stable communities to the
south, which are on lots with very large front, rear and side setbacks. The overall
area is mixed with multi-family development in good condition.
Planning Area 2 begins at the C-16 Canal to NE 6th Avenue, and MLK Boulevard is
centrally located in the middle of this planning area. There is only one zoning
designation which is C-4 and includes uses that are incompatible with a residential
neighborhood. Uses in this area include vehicle-related uses, car washes, auto
parts, U-Haul with outdoor storage, and adult entertainment. The density around
the southern edge of this area ranges from 40, 18.1 and 17.9 units to the acre.
Overall, the residential area is designated mixed-use, but the actual land use is not
Planning Area 3 is the core downtown area that extends from the north edge of the
Mangrove Nature Park to SE 2nd Avenue on the south. Its land use is mixed use
and is zoned CBD. There are nine (9) lots that are contiguous to the railroad that
are C-4 zoning. There has been no mixed-use development here, which is what is
needed. Back in 1984 the original CRA plan called for mixed-use development to
include a waterfront park, a hotel project and a marina retail-mixed use project.
Planning Area 4 extends from SE 2nd Avenue to 13th Avenue. Densities are much
greater than what is allowed and there are densities that have 30, 20.3, 18.6 and 18
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17~ 2OO1
units to the acre. Again the maximum allowable would be 10.8 dwelling units to the
acre. The west side is predominately commercial and the uses are uncoordinated
and unrelated.
Planning Area 5 extends to the southern City limits. Woolbright Avenue and SE 23rd
are two major intersections with traffic lights. In this area there are densities of
27.7, 25.4, 32.2, and 21 units to the acre, which has the 10.8 dwelling units per
acre zoning. There is also a fifth development that has 5.3 units to the acre, which
is allowed. Area 5 is a mix of land uses with no logical order of development.
Some are in a state of decline and there is a great deal of outdoor storage and
display. Even though these parcels are not within the City limits, they appear to be
in the City limits and it detracts from the corridor.
Ms. IVlellgren said she would next focus on the downtown core area. The following are
issues and opportunities that the City should address:
1. An opportunity exists to establish a focal point in downtown to generate activity.
2. Encourage mixed-use development.
3. Create some pedestrian activity in a vibrant atmosphere and residential uses are
essential to support the non-residential uses.
4. Require urban form and create development standards that address density,
intensity and building mass.
5. Encourage public activity in all of downtown.
6. Public parking will be crucial in the downtown area and it is important that parking
only be provided on the west side of Federal Highway.
7. Define pedestrian spaces through building placement and development standards.
8. Create a safe pedestrian environment.
9. Establish an aesthetically pleasing identity to create visual enrichment through street
furniture, lighting fixtures, architectural and color treatments and signage.
The issues and opportunities for the gateway areas are similar to those that are present
at the entrances to the City, which Iris. Mellgren highlighted as follows:
· Establish a sense of community to provide for mixed used development with a non-
residential component that would be neighborhood serving.
· Protect community character.
· Require a transition to urban form and establish development standards to form a
logical transition to the downtown.
· Provide for adequate housing opportunities and set standards that would encourage
a variety of housing styles to increase the population to support the downtown.
· Require compatibility between uses to protect the neighborhoods which can be
accomplished through the Land Development Code.
· Enhance the visual appearance of the community by providing adequate safeguards.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Ftorida
April 17~ 2001
The following strategies are recommended for the entire Federal Highway Corridor
Community Redevelopment Area:
· Provide consistency between existing uses and the zoning and land use map.
· Emphasize major activity nodes.
· Improve visual appearance with coordinated signage program.
· Consider a public presence, such as a fire station, police station or public library in
area 2, which should be located west of the railroad tracks, because it has no public
presence whatsoever.
Ms. Mellgren stated she is recommending ten programs and six specific projects to
initiate redevelopment within the Federal Highway Corridor and they are contained on
Page 82 of her report as follows:
Amend the Comprehensive Plan to create a mixed use-high for the core
downtown area and a mixed use-low that would apply to the gateways to the
downtown. The mixed use-low should be residentially oriented with supporting
neighborhood commercial.
Once the mixed use high and Iow is created, implement it by implementing a
land use plan amendment.
Create new development standards for the mixed use-high to eliminate
restrictions on density, but maintain control over the visual appearance.
increase the maximum conditional height in the core area from 100' to 150' in
order to invite redevelopment and create incentives to get developers into the
downtown area. Finally, encourage tourist-oriented uses with a water theme.
Eliminate the restrictions on density, but control the visual appearance. The
maximum height should be increased to 75' and eliminate the vehicle-oriented
Create new zoning districts for the R1A and RiAA located east of Federal
Highway. These are water oriented, single family detached homes. Consider
reducing the minimum yard requirements so that the lots could be redeveloped
with larger houses, which would increase the value of these properties.
Protect neighborhood communities and establish distance separation between
residential uses and uses that serve alcoholic beverages (excluding restaurants),
including adult entertainment facilities. These non-conforming uses should be
amortized out over a certain period of time.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17~ 2001
Develop a signage program to address height, placement, size, lettering, color,
etc. and define what signage is.
Develop a design program for structures, signage and street furniture to include
colors and architectural themes and create Land Development Regulations for
areas 2, 3 and 4 to address building placement, parking, parking location, mixed
uses and pedestrian chanalization and incorporate the guidelines stated on page
Ms. Mellgren identified six projects that the CRA and the City should undertake to begin
redevelopment as follows:
Project 1:
Addressed in the 1984 downtown redevelopment plan was to include a
convention style hotel and this is still a viable project. Assemble three to
five acres in the core downtown area to market it for this purpose.
Project 2:
Assemble land for public surface parking to be located west of Federal
Highway. Be sure that as demand for parking grows, the parcel could be
converted to a parking garage.
Project 3: Address the City entrance signage.
Project 4: Establish a public presence to provide community stability.
Project 5:
Address the outdoor storage located on the south end of the corridor,
which is a blighted condition and coordinate this with the County to
eliminate those uses within the County pockets.
Project 6: Provide pedestrian crossings at major nodes of activity.
Ms. Mellgren concluded her report by stating the City needs to take some bold steps to
create a population base to support the redevelopment and to invite redevelopment.
The City should take innovative steps, rather than utilizing programs that other
redevelopment areas have used.
Commissioner Fisher referred to Ms. Mellgren's report that states on Page 83 that there
be no drive-thru facilities as opposed to making drive-thrus a conditional use and Ms.
Mellgren stated this was correct. Commissioner Fisher had concerns about this.
Commissioner Fisher asked about the difference between hotels and motels. IVls.
Mellgren replied that entrances to individual motel units are on the outside and their
entrance is from the outside, whereas with a hotel you would enter a lobby in order to
enter the individual units. Commissioner Fisher would also like timeshares and bed and
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17~ 2001
breakfasts defined. Also, Commissioner Fisher questioned how serious the City wants to
get with outside display for retail purposes and felt this also needed further redefining.
Commissioner Fisher also questioned why a private developer would not be allowed to
build a parking garage and Mr. Bressner pointed out that the CRA is positioning
themselves to be the Parking Authority and this will be a policy decision that the
Commission would review the recommendations of the CRA. Commissioner Fisher also
questioned why auction houses would not be a permitted use and he had concerns
regarding this. Also, he would like wholesaling better defined.
Mayor Broening inquired by increasing the heights of the buildings, would underground
parking be permitted? Ms. Mellgren said she would have to refer to staff on this for
clarification. She stated that the zoning code that provides for shared parking needs to
be clarified. However, if someone builds, they have to meet their parking requirements.
Mr. Mike Fitzpatrick, 101 SW 4th Avenue, Boynton Beach said that he read the report
and agrees with all the recommendations, but he would like to know what is being done
to provide for greenspace. Mr. Fitzpatrick estimates there are approximately 35 acres of
public park in the CRA area. Mr. Fitzpatrick pointed out that the City Code calls for six
acres per 1,000 residents. Mr. Fitzpatrick is proposing that a 200' wide corridor run the
full length along the FEC railroad tracks which is approximately 3.5 and comes to 92
acres. Combining these 92 acres with the 35 acres, would give the City 1,095 acres,
which comes to 12% for greenspace and 88% for concrete and asphalt. By placing
greenspace along the railroad tracks this would provide additional noise buffers, help
define boundaries, and provide a safe pedestrian bikeway.
Commissioner Black moved to approve 01-20. Motion seconded by Mr. Ferguson.
Attorney Cherof read the title of the Ordinance. Attorney Cherof pointed out that when
the Ordinance is passed, it represents an amendment to the existing CRA Plan and will
be the vehicle by which staff would bring forward Land Development Regulations to
implement the concepts and recommendations being proposed.
Quintus Greene, Development and CRA Director, took the podium and pointed out
when the CRA Board approved the Federal Highway Corridor Plan, it was approved with
three conditions as follows:
On Page 85 of the Report, it states "grocery or food stores with a
minimum size of 27,000 square feet", members felt this was
excessive and members felt that :~5,000 square feet would be more
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
Mayor Broening asked how the CRA members came up with 15,000 square feet? Ms.
Mellgren replied that Publix Grocery Stores has the smallest infill, full-service grocery
store among the major grocery store chains and they have a prototype of a little over
27,000 square feet for their smallest store called "the urban gorilla". If this were
limited to 15,000 square feet, this would eliminate a major food chain coming in that
could help stabilize the neighborhood.
On Page 87, recommendation 9, members had some concern that
a design theme was already being established in the downtown
area. Members questioned if they wanted to create their own
theme or go with the one in place. The members recommendation
was to reword this as follows: "Develop a design program for
structures, signage and street furniture that includes
implementation of a color palate and architectural themes in the
context of the downtown gateway community".
On Page 99, the last paragraph of the page, the CRA Board
recommended that this paragraph be deleted.
Attorney Cherof pointed out that the Statute provides capping the build-out of
development in the CRA to 30 years. However, those provisions of the Statute have no
application to Boynton Beach's CRA because this City's CRA was adopted before the
effective date of the Statute.
Ms. Mellgren suggested that if the Commission wanted to stay with the 27,000 square
foot figure, it be increased to 28,000 to allow enough leeway in design. Mayor Broening
suggested changing the language without stating a figure. Mr. Greene suggested
putting in a range between 15,000 to 28,000 square feet. Mr. Bressner said it is
important to include the range, otherwise people could come in with some small
detrimental uses. Also, Ms. Mellgren pointed out that if a range was not put in,
someone might come in and want to build a huge grocery store, which is what the Plan
is trying to prevent. Commissioner Ferguson suggested the square footage be between
15,000 to 30,000 square feet.
Commissioner Black amended his motion to include the deletion of the last paragraph
on Page 99, that the "grocery or food stores have a minimum range of 15,000 to
28,000 square feet and implementation of a color scheme. Commissioner Ferguson
requested that the range be between 15,000 to 30,000 square feet and Commissioner
Black amended his motion further to change 28,000 square feet to 30,000 square feet.
Commissioner Ferguson seconded the amended motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
Reconsideration of Purchase of 3.5 acre site (Commissioner Ferguson)
(Suggest Table Until May 2001)
Proposed Resolution No. R01- Re: Selection of
consultant for Martin Luther King 3r. Blvd. study (May 1, 2001)
Discuss adoption of an Emergency Water Conservation Rate for all water
customers of the City of Boynton Beach Utilities ('T,4~'ZED
Presentation by .loe McCann - Smith, Ballard, Logan, P.A. (May 1, 2001)
Future Annexation Areas (May 2001)
Status report on new meeting schedule for advisory boards (May 2001)
Application for funding from County DIP and RAP funds for a footbridge
for Girl Scout Park (RAP), 17th & Seacrest Boulevard Traffic Control and
Hester area traffic calming (DIP) and Seacrest Landscape Island
Tmprovements (DIP)
H. Motions to Reconsider (May 2001)
Consider changing date of Municipal Election from March to November
(May 2001)
_3. Update on Senior Citizen Center Programs and Usage
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING
Ordinances- 1~ Reading
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 17, 2001
1. Proposed Ordinance No. 01-18 Re: Abandonment
for Boynton Commerce Center
Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. O1-18 by title only.
Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O1-18. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Black. City Clerk Prainito polled the vote, The vote was
2. Proposed Ordinance No. 01-19 Re: Amending
Section 13-20. Special Events; providing for clarification of
regulations and streamlining of the application process
Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. O1-19 by title only,
Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O1-19. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Ferguson. City Clerk Prainito polled the vote. The vote was
C. Resolutions:
D, Other:
A. Informational Items by members of the City Commission
Commissioner Black stated that today he provided the City Manager, City Attorney, the
Mayor and Commissioners with his letter of resignation, effective April 30, 2001. The
reasons for his resignation were very personal and he had too many obligations to meet
that included his family and employment.
Meeting Minutes
Regular Cib/Commission
Boynton -neath, Florida
April 17, 2001
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
,~'~ CleFk .
Recording Secretary
(3 tapes)
Prepared For:
The City of Boynton Beach
Prepared by:
Michele Mellgren & Associates, Inc.
in association with
Hughes Hall Inc.
April 3, 2001
The Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan was prepared to
serve two purposes. First, the Plan will update the existing Community Redevelopment Plan
consistent with Ch. 163, Part III, F.S. in order to include the recently expanded boundaries of
the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) proximate to Federal Highway, north and south
of the original CRA area. Second, the Plan provides recommendations for projects and
programs, including amendments to the adopted future land use plan and zoning code, to be
undertaken by the City to create a catalyst for desired development and redevelopment in the
corridor generally, and in the downtown core specifically.
Existing conditions within the Corridor were thoroughly examined and evaluated.
They indicate that there are a variety of challenges and oppommities for development and
redevelopment. The core downtown area that lies between a line extended across the north
edge of Mangrove Nature Park on the north and S.E. 2na Street on the south continues to be
the central focus of the corridor that should feature the highest level of development to
establish its importance. The areas on the north of downtown, up to the C- 16 canal, and on the
south down to an extension of S.E. 13th Avenue provide the gateways to downtown. The
gateways should provide a transition to the downtown urban form, thereby framing the
downtown, while providing sufficient housing opportunities to support downtown activities
and businesses. The two remaining areas outside of the gateways to downtown, extending to
the city limits, are the entrances to the city. The entrances must present an aesthetically
pleasing appearance while preserving the predominantly residential character. Each of these
five areas presents unique issues. Collectively, these five planning areas will form a hierarchy
of development that will result in economic growth and a pedestrian oriented vibrant
downtown, while creating individual community identities. Specific recommendations to
guide the City toward realization of orderly and aesthetically pleasing development and --
redevelopment in the Federal Highway Corridor are detailed in Section VI of this Plan, and
summarized as follows:
Amend the Comprehensive Plan text to create two subcategories of land use within the
land use plan designation of Mixed Use. There should be a Mixed Use-High (MU-H) for
the Mixed Use-Low (MU-L) for the gateway communities.
The residential with neighborhood serving retail.
2. Amend the FUture Land Use Plan Map to redesignate the downtown as MU-H and to
redesignate the gateway communities as MU-L.
Create development standards for the MU-H district, which is the core downtown area,
that address an increase in the maximum allowable height; elimination of restrictions on
density but maintaining control of the visual appearance of development; elimination of
automobile or thoroughfare oriented uses; and, allowing residential uses by right if the
first floor of development is dedicated to commercial, retail or office uses.
Create development standards for the MU-L district that include an increase in the
maximum allowable height; elimination of restrictions on density but maintaining
control of the visual appearance of development; elimination of commercial uses that are
either thorOUghfare oriented orare not neighborhood serving uses; allowing drive
through uses only as a conditional use; and, increasing the allowable size of grocery or
food stores.
5. Create new zoning districts for the R1A and R1AA communities east of Federal
Highway, proximate to the Intracoastal Waterway, that would allow for redevelopment
of lots with greater lot coverag~ and a reduced size of required yards.
6. Provide regulations that would allow for appropriate locations of houses of worship,
schools and similar institutions so that there is a balanced distribution of these various
types of land uses.
7. Protect residential neighborhoods by creating distance separation requirements between
residentially planned or zoned land and facilities which sell or serve alcoholic beverages.
Provide for the amortization of such existing facilities.
Develop detailed signage standards to improve the aesthetic appearance of the Corridor.
The standards should define the advertising on commercial vehicles as signage and
prohibit the parking of such vehicles in a manner that constitutes placement of signs.
Develop a design program for structures, signage and street furniture, to include a color
palate and architectural themes.
Create land development regulations to address building placement, amount of parking,
parking location, mixed uses and pedestrian chanalization.
Overview of Corridor
Planning Area I
Planning Area II
Planning Area III
Planning Area IV
Planning Area V
Comprehensive Plan Amendments
New Development Standards
Zoning Code Amendments
Design Criteria
Specific Projects
Convention Hotel
Public Parking
Public Presence
Outdoor Storage
Pedestrian Crossings
Traffic Circulation
Community Facilities
Effect on School Population
Environmental Quality
Relationship to City's Comprehensive Plan
Safeguards to Ensure Redevelopment Activities
Follow the Redevelopment Plan
Safeguards to Ensure Financial Accountability
Providing for a Time Certain and Severability
Existing Corridor Land Use Designations
Existing Corridor Zoning Districts
Area I Existing Zoning Designations
Area I Existing Land Use Designations
Area II Existing Zoning Designations
Area II Existing Land Use Designations
Area III Existing Zoning Designations
Area III Existing Land Use Designations
Area IV Existing Zoning Designations
Area IV Existing Land Use Designations
Area V Existing Land Use Designations
Area V Existing Land Use Designations
Comparison of Hotels and Hotel Units
Retail and Office Supply and Demand in the
Reduced Regional Market, 2015
Retail and Office Supply and Demand in the
Expanded Regional Market, 2015
School Capacity and Enrollment, 2000-2001
Boundary'of Corridor Study Area
Planning Areas
Street Layout
Water Main ~,~ayout
Open Space
Area I Boundary
Area I Land Use
Area I Zoning
Area II Boundary
Area II Land Use
Area II Zoning
Area III Boundary
Area III Land Use
Area III Zoning
Area IV Boundary
Area IV Land Use
Area IV Zoning
Area V Boundary
Area V Land Use
Area V Zoning
Redevelopment efforts in the City of Boynton Beach commenced in August 1981
when the City established the Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (cRA) in
accordance with Chapter 163, Part 3, F.S. On May 4, 1982, the City of Boynton Beach
declared a portion of the downtown area to be suffering from slum and blighted conditions, as
evidenced in Resolution 82-KK, and established a Community Redevelopment Area (also
referred to as CRA) that initially contained 180 acres. The original boundary of the CRA
included a core portion of the Federal Highway corridor from the Boynton Canal on the north
to SE 6th Avenue on the south.
In April of 1983, pursuant to its finding of necessity, the City commenced preparation
of the Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Plan comprising a redevelopment program
pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Act of 1969 as amended from time to time. The
plan was subsequently adopted on August 21, 1984. The Redevelopment Plan examined the
current conditions at that time, the market oppommities, and made some key
recommendations for redevelopment that focused on the downtown area, which centered on
Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway. Broadly, the plan recommended the creation
of a unique identity for downtown that should be pedestrian friendly, marine focused and
oriented toward the water. To achieve this broad goal, the plan made three key
recommendations. First, the plan recommended construction of a mixed use developmer~
consisting of a public waterfront park, specialty retail and residential uses. Next, the plan
recommended construction of a hotel with convention space in order to recapture the City's
share of the tourism industry. The third broad recommendation was the creation of a marina
and marine related uses east of Federal Highway along the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW).
At the time that the original Community Redevelopment Plan was prepared and those
recommendations were made, the Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) was planning
roadway improvements in the area. The DOT had previously made improvements to Boynton
Beach Boulevard. The next phase of planned work was to construct a bridge at Boynton
Beach Boulevard that spanned the ICW, and then remove the existing bridge at Ocean
Avenue. The redevelopment plan contained recommendations that were based upon the DOT
roadway work being completed. The plan was specific in stating that the success of the
recommended redevelopment concepts would hinge upon the construction of the Boynton
Beach Boulevard bridge, and removal of the Ocean Avenue bridge to the south. The planned
bridge, however, was never constructed because of neighborhood preservation issues raised
by residents, and the Ocean Avenue bridge continues to provide access to the east in this
immediate area.
The Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency subsequently expanded the
boundary of the original CRA. The expanded area included an additional 518.76 acres of land
lying west of the Florida East Coast Railroad to Interstate 95, between the Boynton Canal on
the north and Ocean Avenue on the south. The redevelopment plan text was updated to
provide recommendations for the expanded area, that included focusing on Boynton Beach
Boulevard as a gateway to Boynton Beach and preservation of the residential character of the
expanded CRA area, which was composed mainly of residential land uses.
In September 1996, the City of Boynton Beach conducted a citywide visioning
session: More than 100 community representatives participated in the American Assembly
process, which resulted ina policy statement that addressed seven key issues of concern.
Among these were commercial revitalization and economic development. The City utilized
this policy statement to commence the process of specific planning efforts for the
redevelopment of downtown and the marina areas, as well as for major roadway corridors.
These efforts resulted in the Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan (20/20 Plan)
that was completed in September 1998. The 20/20 Plan addressed the seven key issues
identified during the American Assembly Process and restated them in terms of specific goals
and objectives. A number of these goals and objectives will be addressed in part or in whole
through the preparation of the Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Plan.
Generally, these focus on uses and needed development .standards within the Federal Highway
Corridor, and are summarized as follows:
Goal 2: Commercial Revitalization
Objective 2.1 - Expand the CRA boundary to increase financial resources during
redevelopment plan implementation.
Objective 2.4 - Prepare overall design standards for the entire length of Federal Highway
within the City.
Goal 3: Downtown Redevelopment
Objective 3.1 - Create specific areas in the downtown that are pedestrian and bicycle
friendly, and where mixed uses and infill deVelopment are encouraged.
Objective 3.2 - Prepare conceptual area plans and design criteria for the cultural
center/marina area district that addresses such issues as mixed uses, signage and
Through the documented conditions of slum and blight contained in the 20/20 Plan,
the CRA board evidenced the need to expand the CRA to include those portions of the
Federal Highway Corridor to both the north and south City limits, consistent with Objective
2.1 of the 20/20 Plan. These are referred to as the North Subarea and the South Subarea.
While the boundaries were expanded, the redevelopment plan text was not updated to include
this additional land area. This plan, therefore, will serve two proposes. First, it is a
redevelopment plan for the Federal Highway Corridor that focuses on uses and development
standards along Federal Highway. Second, it is of sufficient scope and format to meet the
requirements of Chapter 163.362 to allow for the Community Redevelopment Plan text
update for the expanded CRA area.
The boundaries of this expanded area, on which this redevelopment plan is focused,
are the city limits on the north, the ICW on the east, the municipal boundary on the south, and
the Florida East Coast Railroad and Palm Boulevard on the west. The entire Federal Highway
Corridor area now contains approximately 1,094.98 acres. The legal description for the North
and South Subareas is contained in the Appendix. Exhibit 1.1, which is contained on page 6,
depicts the boundaries of the Federal Highway Corridor, including the North and South
Subareas of the CRA that were added.
The boundaries of the expanded Community Redevelopment Area were drawn to take
into account the need for physicaI redevelopment as well as the need to protect neighborhood
areas from the presence of blighting influences. Properties located within the redevelopment
area that are not presently in need of redevelopment assistance, are threatened by the nearby
presence of blighting conditions and, therefore, are included to preserve their long term
viability. As a general standard, the boundary of a proposed redevelopment area includes
areas which clearly meet the slum or blight criteria, as well as areas that may not be
considered individually, but which are otherwise necessary to achieve the objective of
eliminating blight and preventing its spread. Additionally, some physically sound areas were
included in the expanded redevelopment area based on the their functional relationship to the
Federal Highway Corridor and the uses contiguous to it.
Federal HighWay
Corridor Redevelopment StUdy
BOundary of Corridor Study Area
0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Miles
Date: March 30, 2001
The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) of the :City of Boynton Beach was
1982 pursuant to Resolution 82-KK. As authorized by the Community
the City of Boynton Beach has delegated powers to the Boynton Beach
Florida Statutes that are necessary and convenient to undertake
efforts. The powers of the CRA are contained in Section 163.3701 FlOrida
These include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following activities:
deemed necessary for community redevelopment, except that the use
shall require specific approval from the iCity Commission;
Hold, improve, clear, or prepare any acquired property for redevelopment;
ispose of property acquired within the Community Redevelopment Area for uses in
accordance with the adopted community redevelopment plan;
Carry out programs of repair and rehabilitation;
Plan for and assist in the relocation of persons displaced by redevelopment activities;
Receive and utilize tax increment revenues to fund redevelopment activities;
such funds and make such expenditures as are necessary to carry out the
: Community Redevelopment Act of 1969; and
vacate; plan, or replan streets, roads, sidewalks, ways or other places.
CRA may undertake any additional action not specifically mentioned above if
is necessary to undertake redevelopment efforts, except that the following powers
remain under the control of the Boynton Beach City Commission, pursuant to Section
163.358, Florida Statutes:
The power to determine an area to be a slum or blighted area, or combination thereof;
to designate such area as appropriate for communitY redevelopment; and to hold any
public hearings required with respect thereto;
The power to grant final approval to community redevelopment plans and
modifications thereof;
The power to authorize the issuance of revenue bonds as set forth in Section 163.385,
Florida Statutes;
The power to approve the acquisition, demolition, removal, or disposal of property as
provided in Section 163.370(3), Florida Statutes, and the power to assume the
responsibilitY to bear loss as provided in Section 163.370(3), Florida Statutes; and,
The power to approve the development of community policing innovations.
General Description
The Federal Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Area, including the North
and South Subareas of the CRA, is comprised of approximately 1,095 acres. The Corridor
contains a variety of uses broadly described as including various intensities of residential and
commercial uses; light industrial uses; office uses; recreational areas; and, seve?al
conservation overlay sites. There are also vacant tracts within the area, as well as instances of
non-residential developed parcels that are under utilized or developed but abandoned; victims
of economic difficulties.
The redevelopment area can be divided into smaller planning subareas. These smaller
planning areas are defined by general development characteristics. Exhibit 3.1, which is
shown on the following page, depicts the five small planning areas within the corridor. Area I
extends from the C-16 Canal to the north City limits and is coincidental with the North
Subarea of the expanded CRA. Area II lies between the C-16 canal and just south of a line
extended from NE 6th Avenue across Federal Highway to the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW).
Martin Luther King Avenue is centrally located in this planning area. Area III extends from
the southern edge of the second planning area southward to a line extended from SE 2na
Avenue across Federal Highway to the ICW. Area Ill includes both Boynton Beach
Boulevard and Ocean Avenue. Area IV extends from the southern edge of the third planning
area south to a line extended from approximately SW 13th Avenue to the ICW.
Federal Highway Corridor Redevelopment Study
Boundary of Study Area
0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.'5 Miles
Date: March 30, 2001
north side of the lumberyard that is located on the west side of Federal Highway and the
the east side mark the southern edge of planning Area IV. The last planning
southern edge of the fourth planning area and the municipal
some planning areas share a few similar characteristics, such as Areas
contain multifamily uses on the east side, there are sufficient
various areas to warrant individualized attention to each one.
example, uses, densities, intensities and proximity to the core
Each of these small planning areas plays an important role in the
Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Area as a
designations within the entire Federal Highway Corridor are
discussions of each planning area that follo'~- this overview each
icts the Future Land Use Plan Map designations that exist within
designations information is displayed in Table 3.1, which is on
3.1 demonstrates, there are a variety of land use designations within the
the central portion of the Federal Highway Corridor centered on the
largely designated Mixed Use, the other areas feature a mix of designations
without any apparent order or hierarchy of land uses.
Table 3.1.Existing Corridor Land Use Designations
Land Use Designation
Density Allowed
Low Density Residential
Moderate Density Residential
Medium Density Residential
High Density Residential
Special High Density Residential
LOcal Retail
General Commercial(2)
Mixed Use0)
4.84 du/ac
7.26 du/ac
9,68 du/ac
10.80 du/ac°)
20.00 du/ac
(1)This land use category also exists with a conservation overlay designation
(2)Also designated mixed use if use and development meet specified requirements
Source: City of Boynton Beach, FL, "Comprehensive Plan Future Land
Use Map", updated June 18, 2000.
Signage for commercial uses throughout the Federal Highway Corridor lacks any
continuity or coordination. Sign designs have no unifying theme with regard to architectural
details, landscaping, color, size or placement. Additionally, some signs are in need of
maintenance or repair. Overall, commercial signage detracts from the appearance of the
corridor. It was also noted that there are two signs in different places on the north end of the
corridor that purport to mark the municipal boundaries. Conversely, the city limits on the
south end are not clearly marked.
Zoning & Housing Units - Z6ning districts and parcels for residential uses are
depicted in the exhibits included in the detailed discussions of the planning areas that follow
this overview. There are an estimated __ residential units within the redevelopment area.
Table 3.2, which is on page 15, presents the zoning districts identified in the area.
Table 3.2--Existing Corridor Zoning Districts
Abbreviation Zoning District
Source: City of Boynton
5.80 du/ac
7.26 {
10.80 du/ac
Map", updated Jan. 2000.
Street Layout and Circulation- The street layout within the Federal Highway Corridor
can be broadly described as predominantly a modified grid pattern, with streets on the east
side of the corridor terminating in cul-de-sacs or deadends because of the Intracoastal
Waterway. Federal Highway itself is a major north-south merial connecting the eastern
seaboard of the United States. It runs through the eastern, mainland portion of Florida.
Through the City of Boynton Beach, it is currently a four-lane divided highway with bike
lanes in both directions and sidewalks along both sides. The speed limit within the city limits
varies between 35 MPH and 40 MPH. Exhibit 3.4, which is on the following page, depicts the
street pattern within the area.
The Florida East Coast (FEC) Railroad also runs along the eastern portion of Florida
and, in the City of Boynton Beach, just west of Federal Highway, forming the western
boundary of the Corridor study area from the C-16 canal southward. Since the railroad tracks
run along the west side of Federal Highway throughout the'City, it tends to separate the more
Exhibit 3.2 - Street layout
commercial Federal Highway area from the more residential western areas. The locations at
which the tracks can be crossed are important for access and traffic circulation between the
west side and the east side. Each of the cross streets at the signalized intersections on Federal
Highway provides access to the west including FEC railroad crossings. The majority of other
streets, however, do not cross the tracks.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has developed a system for access
management for roadways such aS Federal Highway. Access management is a comprehensive
approach to the control and regulation .of all aspects of highway access. This is done by
assigning a specific classification to roadways. These classifications contain separation
standards for access features such as driveways, medians and signals. The portion of Federal
Highway located within the City of Boynton Beach is classified by FDOT as an "urban minor
medal" with an Access Classification of "5, Restrictive." Restrictive means the opposing
lanes are separated by a median. For a Classification 5, the desirable driveway connection
spacing is 245 feet, the desirable median opening spacing for a directional opening (limited
turning movements allowed) is 660 feet and for a full opening (all turning movements
allowed) is 1,320 feet. Desirable spacing between traffic signals is 1,320 feet.
Traffic volumes were obtained from FDOT's Transportation Statistics Office. Within
the City of Boynton Beach, FDOT maintains three permanent, monitored traffic counting sites
along Federal Highway. One is located just north of Ocean Avenue, one is just north of
Woolbright Road and the other is south of Woolbright Road. The 1999 Average Annual
Daily Traffic (AADT) north of Ocean Avenue is 21,000 vehicles. North of Woolbright Road
the AADT is 20,500 vehicles, and south of Woolbright Road the AADT is 26,500. FDOT also
records the AADT for previous years to provide a historical record. Over the previous three
years there has been a growth rate of just less than one percent per year.
Traffic accidents cause personal and/or physical damage, increase traffic congestion
and, in the worst case, result in loss of life. A review of accident data can help identify
accident prone locations and help determine why accidents occur. These data may also aid in
determining what measures should be implemented in order to help reduce the number of
accidents at problem locations. The accident summary for Federal Highway in Boynton Beach
during the year 2000 shows a total of 302 incidents. North of Ocean Boulevard there were
115 incidents, with almost 15 percent occurring in the 200 and 300 blocks. South of Ocean
Boulevard there was a total of 187 incidents, with almost 30 percent occurring in the 1500 and
1600 blocks; proximate to Woolbright Road.
Infrastructure - The City of Boynton Beach 1996 Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and
Appraisal Report indicates that the entire Federal Highway Corridor Community
Redevelopment Area is served by public water and sewer lines provided by the City. Exhibit
3.5, contained on the following page, shows the layout of public water lines. Exhibit 3.6
which follows Exhibit 3.5 and is on page 20,-shows the layout of sewer lines within the study
Open Space Areas - The Federal Highway Corridor features a number of public park
and recreational areas. All but one of these, Pence Park, has an orientation toward the
Intracoastal Waterway. In addition to the public parks, there are approximately twelve points
of access to the water by way of public streets. Exhibit 3.7, shown on page 21, shows the
location and type of open space and recreational areas.
Exhibit 3.3 - water lines
Exhibit 3.4 - sewer lines
Federal Highway Co~idor Redevelopment Study
· Open Space
/~ ~/' Roads
0.5 0 0.5 I 1.5
Date: March 30, 2001
Federal Highway
Corridor Redevelopment Study
Planning Area I
$~/Planning Area I A
~ City Bo..dary
/ Railroad
Parcels 1000 0
Federal Highway CorridOr Redevelopment Study
Plan Area I
Future Land Use
/,~/Planning Area I
City Bo~nda~j
~ Roads
0.2 0.4 ~les
Date: March 30, 2001
Federal Highway Corridor Redeveloprmnt Study
Plannir~l Area I
Planning Area I
City BoUndary
0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Miles
Date: March 30, 2001
Planning Area I
Planning Area I extends from the northern city limits to the C-16 canal, which forms a
physical and psychological boundary from the adjacent planning area to the south. Within this
portion of the corridor, the FEC railroad right of way is contiguous to Federal Highway on the
west side, while the western boundary of the corridor study area extends west of that, lying
along 4th Street, which is also Palm Boulevard. The eastern side of this planning area extends
to the Boynton Beach municipal limits that is roughly the centerline of the ICW in this area.
Street Layout and Circulation
The FEC rail line, which is contiguous to and elevated above Federal Highway in this
area, serves to sever the continuity of this portion of the corridor and directly affects the
development appearance of it. Land lying west of the tracks in the study area is not readily
noticeable or highly visible. Additionally, the railway severely limits access from the west
onto Federal Highway. Planning Area I has only two access points from the west onto Federal
Highway. The first is at Gateway Boulevard, which is a signalized intersection with full
median openings. Because Gateway Boulevard provides direct access to and from Interstate-
95, this intersection is a major node. The second access is from NE 15th Avenue, which is
roughly 700 feet north of the C-16 Canal; the southern edge of this planning area. The
intersection of NE 15th Avenue provides a full median opening, but it is not a signalized
intersection. Additionally, NE 15th Avenue is a local street that provides access to the
surrounding single family residential neighborhood that lies to the west of Federal Highway.
In addition to limiting access, :the rail line, in conjunction with the Federal Highway
right of way, defines the appearance of the corridor. The expanse of the two rights of way
convey an appearance of very low density or open area, which is underscored by the
landscaping enhancements completed by the FDOT. As a result, a sense of community exists
largely only on the eastern side of Federal Highway in planning Area I.
Land within the eastern portion of Planning Area I is constrained by Federal Highway
on the west and the Intracoastal Waterway on the east. Parcels tend to be narrow and extend
the full width between Federal Highway and the ICW. As a result, there are numerous direct
street and driveway access points on the east side of the planning area. The driveway
separation in this area, however, is-generally close to the 245-foot separation that is
considered desirable by the FDOT for this portion of Federal Highway.
The zoning districts in planning Area I and the existing uses are not inconsistent. The
Coastal Management Element of the Comprehensive Plan, however, noted that one multi-
family development, which is located on the ICW in roughly the middle of the planning area,
has an existing density of 38.3, which exceeds the land use plan and zoning designation of
10.8 dwelling units per acre. There are a number of residential parcels or lots inthe central
and northern portion of Area I east of Federal Highway that are either under utilized or
vacant. Similarly, there are commercially zoned parcels that are either vacant or developed
but not to the level of development permitted under the zoning regulations.
The commercial zoning districts on the east side of Federal Highway are long and
narrow, paralleling the roadway. Commercial lands in this location were likely to .have been
established many decades ago to benefit from the railroad. At that time, the train was
important to and .served the community, and Federal Highway was a small, two lane road.
Over the years, however, the importance of the railroad to the community has diminished. At
the same time, Federal Highway has been widened and medians added to address the shift in
modes of transportation. The necessary right of way to accomplish the roadway improvements
was taken from the east side of Federal Highway since the west side bordered the FEC. The
end result is commercial parcels of land of marginal depth that invite strip development or
isolated free standing uses that lack landscaping; a desirable transition to the adjacent
residential properties; and, often, feature inadequate parking. Table 3.3 depicts the zoning
districts that exist in Area I.
Table 3.3.--Area I Existing Zoning Designations
Abbreviation Zoning District Density
Residential, Single Family
Residential, Single Family
Residential, Multi-fatally
Planned Unit Development
Commercial, Neighborhood
' Commercial, Community
5.80 du/ac
5.40 du/ac net
10.80 du/ac
Source: City of Boynton Beach, FL, "Official. Zoning Map", updated Jan. 2000.
Land Use
Land use in Area I is predominantly residential, with a mix of single-family, multi-
family and mobile homes. The east side Federal Highway has a variety of housing and
housing conditions that range in allowable zoning density from 5.4 to 10.8 units per acre. Two
recreational areas are located on the east side that provide access to the Intracoastal
Waterway. The west side of Federal Highway, beyond the FEC railroad, contains less varied
housing, and Conditions are not as varied. Table 3.4 shows the land use districts that exist in
planning Area I.
Density Allowed
LRC Local Retail
R ReCreational
°)AlsO designated mixed use if use and development meet specified requirements
4.84 du/ac
10.80 du/ac°)
Source: City of Boynton Beach, FL, "Comprehensive Plan Future Land
Use Map", updated June 18, 2000.
Residenti..~ - On the east side of Federal Highway, there are a few lower density
communities. The ones on the southernmost end of the planning area are in stabile condition,
and showing signs of upward transition. This neighborhood appears to have been constructed
around the 1950s as a first wave of retirement homes. It was noted that redevelopment in
these lower density communities has started to occur, beginning particularly with those lots
that front on the Intracoastal Waterway. Modest homes in these areas are giving way to large,
two story residential units. The lower density community on the northern end of Area. I
appears older than. its southern counterpart, and consists largely of moderate to marginal
homing with an overall appearance of a neighborhood in decline. Numerous newer multi-
family communities exist throughout this planning area that range from attractive to exclusive
in appearance. Interspersed are two main pockets of mobile homes that are can be described
as in a state of deterioration. Note that there are three areas of residential land use that have
alternative designations to go from low density residential to high density in two areas, and
from high density to local retail in a third area.
The west side of Federal Highway within the corridor study area, north of Gateway
Boulevard, contains a planned unit development that is separated and insulated from Federal
Highway. The development is elevated well above the grade level of Federal Highway, and
has berming and fencing on its perimeter, with no direct access onto the highway. South of
Gateway Boulevard, is a commercial node and then a large area of modest residential units in
need of rehabilitation, as well as pockets of mobile home parks that are in a state of
Commercial - Some commercial uses flank portions of Federal Highway. On the east
side of Federal Highway, commercial land uses include vacant lands; several one-story
shopping plazas; a motel; a topless bar; restaurants; and, both an active and an abandoned gas
station. As noted above, parcel depth has been diminished over the years due to improvements
to Federal Highway.
On the west side there are only two commercial nodeS. The northern node is centered
on and oriented toward Gateway Boulevard more than Federal Highway. It contains marginal,
one story neighborhood strip mall retail uses. The location, orientation and nature of these
retail facilities, in conjunction with the barrier created by the railroad right of way, indicate
that they are not likely to serve either Federal Highway users or the preponderance of
residential uses in this planning area, which are located on the east side of Federal Highway.
The southern node is centered around NE 15th Avenue. Commercial uses include a funeral
home as well as several vacant tracts of land.
The intersection of Gateway Boulevard and Federal Highway, which should be
considered a major node, contains residential on the northwest comer and commercial uses on
the three remaining comers. The northeast comer features a gas station and the southeast
comer is a restaurant with a large setback from the comer. The southwest comer features the
marginal retail discussed above, and is set far back from the intersection due to the FEC right
of way.
Recreation - Area I features two recreational sites on the east side of Federal
Highway, proximate to the Intracoastal Waterway. The southern recreational area is a
functioning boat ramp park. Because of the facility's proximity to the inlet, the park serves
much of the South County area. As a result, there has been an increase in noise, traffic and
parking that has presented issues for the surrounding community. The City of Boynton Beach
has undertaken a project to increase parking at the facility.
Just north of the boat launch area is open space that will be developed with
approximately $1.725 million in funding provided by Palm Beach County. The site will be
developed with active and passive recreational facilities and will mitigate the open space in
the boat launch facility that will be replaced with the additional parking that will be provided.
Federal Highway
Corridor Redevelopment Study
Planning Area II
d~/Planning Area II
City Boundary
/ '~,/P~ilroad
I Parcels
i:~ ," ,~---~ Water
500 0 500 1000 Feet
Federal Highway Corridor Redevelopment Study
Planning Area II
Future Land Use
0.06 0 0,06 0.12 Miles
, I
Date: March 30, 2001
Federal Highway Corddor Redevelopment Study
Planning Area II
/~ Planning Area I
City Boundary
0.2 0 0.2 0.4 lViles
Date: March 30, 2001
Planning Area Il
Planning Area II extends from the C-16 canal on the north to just south of an
extension of NE 6th Avenue on the south. The FEC railroad right of way is the western
boundary of the planning area. The centerline of the Intracoastal WaterWay is the eastern edge
of Area II. The FEC is roughly 75 feet west of Federal Highway on the north end of the area.
On the southern end of Area II, however, the railroad right of way is roughly 200 feet west of
Federal Highway. Martin Luther King Avenue, which is NE 10th .avenue, is the center of this
planning area:
Street Layout and Circulation
The FEC railway has a direct impact on circulation and land use patterns in Area II.
Access to Federal Highway from land to the west of the FEC is limited to only two points.
Martin Luther King Avenue is the first access point. This intersection is signalized and has
full median openings. Martin Luther King Avenue contains some commercial uses and is a
focal street for the residential community that surround it. Further, this street is the only one
in Area II that provides citizens with northbound access on Federal Highway. As a result, this
intersection should be considered a major node. The second FEC crossing is at NE 6th
Avenue, which provides southbound access to Federal Highway for the residential community
to. the west. NE 6th Avenue is not signalized and provides no median break.
On the east side of Federal Highway, streets are predominantly a grid pattern. Access
to Federal Highway is provided by each of the east-west avenues at intervals that range from
approximately 280 feet and more. From the north boundary of Area II to Martin Luther King
Avenue, driveway separations are generally close to the 245-foot DOT guideline. South of
there, however, driveway spacing varies. On street parking is available in this portion of
Federal Highway.
There are four zoning districts present in planning Area H. These are shown in Table
3.5. The zoning districts and existing uses are not inconsistent with one another. The Coastal
Management Element of the .Comprehensive Plan, however, noted that three developments on
southern edge of the planning area have densities of 40, 18.1 and 17.9 units per acre, which
exceed the existing land use plan and zoning designations.
Table 3.5.--Area II Existing Zoning Designations
Abbreviation . Zoning District
R1A Residential, Single Family 5.80 du/ac
R1AA Residential, Single Family 5.40 du/ac net
R3 Residential, Multi-family 10.80 du/ac
C4 Commercial, General
City of Boynton Beach, FL, "Official Zoning Map", updated Jan. 2000.
There is only one commercial zoning district in Area II, which is the C4, General
Commercial district. This is the most intense commercial district available within the City of
Boynton Beach, and is intended to facilitate development along major trafficways. According
to the Code, the intent of C4 zoning is to preserve the design integrity of major highways by
grouping "highway uses," which include local serving commercial uses as well as uses that
lean more toward industrial in their nature. Federal Highway in this vicinity, however, is
surrounded by residential uses with no transition in land use from residential to the heavy
commercial and, as in planning Area I, the commercially zoned land is of marginal depth on
both sides of Federal Highway. As a result, the C4 zoning district category allows for some
uses that are traditionally considered incompatible when contiguous to, or a part of, residential
Land Use
There are only two land use designations in Area II, which are shown in Table 3.6.
Existing land use in Area II is commercial along the entire length of Federal Highway: East of
the commercial strip is residential land. These properties have a land use designation of mixed
use, but are zoned residentially at densities of 5.8, 7.26 and 10.8 dwelling units per acre.
Some residential lots appear to be non-conforming with regard to minimum size and width.
Many of the houses are in need of maintenance. Overall, the land appears to be underutilized,
and the neighborhood in need of cod~ enforcement.
Table 3.6.--Area II Existing Land Use Designations
Abbreviation Land Use Designation
Density Allowed
MX Mixed Use 40 du/ac
GC General Commercial(1)
°)Also designated mixed use if use and development meet specified requirements
Source: City of Boynton Beach, FL, "Comprehensive Plan Future Land
Use Map", updated June 18, 2000.
The commercial land uses include .vacant lots and auto related facilities such as car ~
rental, car Wash, auto parts and repair; an adult entertainment establishment; a U-Haul rental .......
with outdoor storage and display; outdoor boat sales; offices; restaurants; and, retail. The more
intense commercial useS that exist in Area II, such as the ~auto related facilities, outdoor
storage and display, and adult entertainment are incompatible with the surrounding residential
neighborhoods. Additionally, the marginal depth and overall size of many of the parcels,
particularly on the west side of Federal Highway, do not allow for adequate landscaping,
parking and buffering. Additionally, many structures are situated on or near the Federal
Highway fight of way line.
In addition to the commercial and residential uses, there is an Elks club located on the
east side of Federal Highway. Beyond this, however, no other similar types of uses,
community uses, public facilities, or open spaces were noted in Area II. - ~
Land uses at the intersection of Martin Luther King Avenue and Federal Highway are ....
very low scale retail uses. These include a vacant structure, vertical blinds shop, seafood
market and a barbeque.
Federal Highway
Corridor Redevelopment Study
Planning Area !11
NPlanning Area III
City Boundary
1000 Feet
Federal Highway Corridor Redevelopment Study
Plan Area !11
Future Land Use
.,~/Planning Area Ill ~
/ 2 city Boundary
:.,.,~./~m,-oad. o,os o o. os
,_.>.,./' Roads
,--- Parcels
~ Water Date: March 30. 2001
0.12 IWles
Federal Highway ~rfidor Redevelo~~ ~udy
Planning Area III
~ Planning Area I
'-~--' Ci~ Boundary
~ ,~s
0.2 0 0.2 0.4 ~les
Date: March 30, 2001
Planning Area III
Planning Area IH contains the heart of downtown Boynton Beach, and includes the
original Community Redevelopment Area. A line extended from the north edge of Mangrove
Nature Park forms the north boundary of the planning area. The eastern city limits, which is
roughly in the centerline of the lntracoastal Waterway channel forms the east edge. The south
edge of Area III is formed by SE 2nd Avenue. The western boundary is the FEC railway.
Street Layout and Circulation
The street pattern in Area III is a downtown grid with access to Federal Highway from
both the east and west sides of the roadway. This planning, area has two signalized
intersections on Federal Highway, which are at Boynton Beach Boulevard and' Ocean
Avenue. These two intersections are 1,056 feet apart, which is 20 percent short of the spacing
desired by FDOT. Typically, FDOT desires a minimum of 1,320 feet between intersections.
These two intersections provide full median openings. The balance of the median openings
are directional, meaning that only limited mining movements are allowed, and vary in
separation. Driveway access in this area varies in distance separation. Accident reports for the
year 2000 show that 115 incidents, or 15 percent of all accidents on Federal Highway, were
concentrated in this planning area, specifically in the 200 and 300 blocks just north of
Boynton Beach Boulevard.
Boynton Beach Boulevard provides direct access to Interstate 95 from Federal
Highway and, as such, should be considered a node of activity. Boynton Beach Boulevard, as
a major fight of way, terminates at Federal Highway. Ocean Avenue, which is just to the
south, carries traffic across the Intracoastal Waterway to the Atlantic Ocean beaches and,
therefore, should also be considered a major node of activity. The Ocean Avenue bridge has
recently been rebuilt with enhanced architectural features.
The FEC railway does not have a significant impact in this planning area as it does in
the two planning areas to the north. On the northernmost end of Area III, land between the
railway and Federal Highway is approximately 200 feet deep. Land between the FEC and
Federal Highway continues to gain depth throughout the balance of the corridor. On the
southern edge of Area III, there is more than an estimated 400 feet between the two
transportation corridors. FEC crossings are frequent in Area HI, which provide ready access to
the Federal Highway Corridor for land to the west.
Approximately nine lots spanning across NE 4* Avenue contiguous to the railway are
zoned for heavy commercial uses. Beyond that, however, the balance of land within Area III
is zoned Central Business District. Table 3.7 shows the zoning districts that exist in Area III.
Table 3.7.--Area RI Existing Zoning Designations
Abbreviation Zoning District
Central Business District
Commercial, General
Source: City of Boynton Beach, FL, "Official Zoning Map", updated Jan. 2000.
The CBD zoning district is intended to provide a focal point in the community that
integrates a variety of office, retail and residential uses. The district standards, densities and
intensities are designed to create a synergy between permitted uses and to create a critical
mass ofupscale development that establishes a pedestrian environment and promotes the local
Land Use
The land use designation in Area III is depicted in Table '3.8. The land use
designations and the existing uses are not inconsistent. The northeast portion of this planning
area has a special conservation overlay district. This is the Mangrove Nature Park that is a
natural preserve containing scenic boardwalks that lead out to the Intracoastal Waterway.
Table 3.8.--Area Ill Existing Land Use Designations
Abbreviation Land Use Designation
Density Allowed
MX Mixed UseO)
GC General Commercial(e)
portion also designated conservation overlay
(2)Also designated mixed use if use and development meet specified requirements
Some: City of Boynton Beach, FL, "Comprehensive Plan Future Land
Use Map", updated June 18, 2000.
The northernmost portion of Area III contains a propane gas outlet and a large
Goodyear facility on the west side between Federal Highway the FEC right of way; uses
similar to those in Area II as they are suggestive of heavy commercial uses. Other uses on the
north end, however, include low scale community serving retail and businesses.
The intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway contains
commercial uses. An Eckerd drugstore is under construction on the northwest comer. The
southwest comer features a gas station. The nOrtheast comer contains Boynton Plaza, which is
small scale strip shopping plaza in moderate condition with front-field parking. Construction
of a stormwater retention pond has recently been completed. The pond is located between the
mangrove park and the existing shopping center. Immediately north is St. Marks Church and
school facility. The southeast comer of the intersection contains a very low scale motel.
Land along Federal Highway and Ocean Avenue is in a variety of uses and appears to
be under utilized, particularly when considered in conjunction with the Central Business
District zoning that is in place. Along the west side of Federal Highway, between the gas
station at the comer of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Ocean Avenue, there is a large vacant
lot that is designated for parking for the church that is immediately to the south. Veteran's
'Park is also located in this area. The church, in addition to the parking lot, also has extensive
parking behind the building. Across .Federal Highway is the remote drive in facility for Bank
of America and, to the south of that, the main building for the bank, Other uses south of this
area include retail and office.
Along Ocean Avenue on the east side of Federal Highway, there is a marginal, one
story strip retail development. The north side of Ocean Avenue in this area is contiguous to
the Intracoastal Waterway and the uses are marine oriented that include charter fishing and
diving businesses, and two successful waterfront restaurants. A mixed use development
project with a marina has been approved and is scheduled to begin construction in the near
furore. The marina portion is nearing completion. Construction of the mixed use portion,
which will feature restaurants and retail on the ground floor with residential units above, has
been delayed several times because of various issues, but is anticipated to commence in the
near future. The west side of Ocean Avenue has been newly renovated and enhanced with
streetscape elements. This block-long area features small scale retail and restaurants in a
pedestrian environment.
The intersection of Ocean Avenue and Federal Highway, which is another major node,
is low scale development, which is emphasized by the width of Federal Highway. The
intersection contains retail and office uses, except for the northeast comer which has a bank
building. Note that the drive in for the bank building is located between the main building and
the motel that is in the southeast comer of Boynton Beach BOulevard and Federal Highway.
Recommendations for planing Area m were included in the original CRA plan, and
then subsequently contained in the Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan that
was f'malized in September 1998. The original CRA plan envisioned further development
specifically of the area between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Ocean Avenue. The CRA plan
suggested the following in this area:-
A waterfront public 'park/specialty retail/residential project that occupies the northeast
comer of the Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway intersection, replacing the
existing strip shopping center;
A hotel project that would overlook the waterfront amenities; both the marina and the
mangrove park; and,
ca A marina project that would include specialty retail shops and more restaurants.
The waterfront projects would bring population into the downtown area to support the
desired retail and restaurants. The hotel project woUld serve a similar purpose, as well as
capture the City's share of the tourism industry. Note that the CRA plan Conducted a market
study and concluded that the area would support a hotel. The marina project would not only
bring population to the downtown, but would also enhance the water orientation of this area,
which is a valuable asset. Parking for-these suggested' developments was not directly
addressed, other than to note that it would have to be carefully coordinated. The CRA plan
also envisioned a pedestrian environment along the west side of Federal Highway, as well as
along Boynton Beach Boulevard and Ocean Avenue. All of these recommendations were
made, however, predicated on the completion of the Boynton Beach Boulevard Bridge that
FDOT had planned to construct across the ICW. The bridge was not constructed, and the
existing Ocean Avenue bridge will remain in place.
The Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Plan that was completed in 1998 also
contained recommendations for this immediate portion of planning Area m. The 20/20 Plan,
like the CRA plan, envisioned a waterfront plaza and overall redevelopment of the northeast
comer of the Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal Highway intersection. It also called for a
pedestrian environment along Federal Highway, recommending building placement near the
property line. Retail uses were envisioned along both sides of Federal Highway, with
pedestrian access placed mid-block. The 20/20 Plan did not discuss a specific mixed-use
marina project, and did not consider the hotel concept recommended in the CRA plan, but did
address parking. The 20/20 Plan noted that parking to serve the proposed retail uses would be
critical in attracting people downtown, particularly during the initial phases of operation. As a
result, the 20/20 Plan proposed parking in the northeast comer of Federal Highway and Ocean
Avenue, behind the buildings that have street frontage. This parking was proposed to serve
the commercial uses that would be located on both the east and west sides of Federal
Federal Highway
Corridor Redevelopment Study
Planning Area IV
/~/Planning Area IV
City Boundary
1000 0 1000 2000 Feet
Federal Highway Corridor Redevelopment Study
Plan Area IV
Future Land Use
0 A 0.1
Date: March 30. 2001
0.2 IViles
Federal Highway Corridor Redeveloprmnt Study
Planning Area IV
R Zoning
~ Planning Area I
~/ Roads
'-~-~., Parcels
0.2 0
0.2 0.4 Miles
Date:. lVlarch 30, 2001
Planning Area IV
The north boundary of Planning Area IV is S.E 2nd Avenue. The eastern edge is the
municipal boundary, which is roughly the centerline of the Intracoastal Waterway. The
southern edge of Area IV is approximately an extension of SE 13th Avenue. The western edge
of the corridor in this area is the FEC railway. In this portion of the corridor, Federal Highway
is in the middle of the study area.
Street Layout and Circulation
The street system and circulation on the west side of Federal Highway is a traditional
grid pattern In contrast, land on the east side of Federal Highway is representative of newer
development. Streets are curvilinear and serve only the development in which they are
located, providing no interparcel access.
Planning Area IV contains no signalized intersections. There are only two streets that
intersect with Federal Highway that also provide crossing to the west at the FEC railway.
These two streets are SE 5th Avenue and SE 12th Avenue. While these two streets intersect
with Federal Highway, there are no median openings at these intersections. There is, however,
a median opening at SE 10th Avenue.
The zoning districts in Area IV are varied, and accommodate single family and
multifamily development, as well as office, commercial and recreational uses. The zoning
districts that are present are shown in Table 3.9.
Table 3.9.--Area IV Existing Zoning Designations
Abbreviation Zoning District
5.40 du/ac net
9,60 du/ac
10.80 du/ac
SOurce: City of Boynton Beach, FL, "Official Zoning Map", updated Jan. 2000.
The existing uses are not inconsistent with the uses permitted in the various zoning
categories. The Coastal Management Element of the Comprehensive Plan, however, noted
that there were four development's that had densities that exceed those allowed by zoning.
These are the Sterling Village condominiums and three other contiguous developments. The
first was noted as having a density of 30 units per acre; the next of 18 units per acre; the third
of 20.3 units per acre; and 18.6 units per acre at Sterling Village. The maximum allowable
density under the existing zoning is 10.8 dwelling units per acre.
Land Use
The land use designations present in Area IV are shown in Table 3.10, which is
included on the following page. Existing uses and land use plan uses are not inconsistent,
although several developments have densities greater than otherwise permitted.
Existing land uses in Area IV are mixed. The northeast quadrant of this planning area
is occupied predominantly by Sterling Village, which is a garden-style multifamily
condominium development. Field inspection of Sterling Village indicated that many of the
units are seasonally occupied, and occupants are largely age 55 and older. South of this is
Boynton Isles. This development is single family detached community that has a water
orientation. Contiguous to the east side of Federal Highway on the southern end of the
planning area is a pocket of commercial development that includes the Women's Club, office
uses of which one or more is vacant, and a restaurant.
Table 3.10.--Area IV Existing Land Use Designations
Abbreyiation Land Use Designation Density Allowed
Low Density Residential.
Medium Density Residential
High Density Residential
Local Retail
4.84 du/ac
9.68 du/ac
10.80 du/ac
Source: City of Boynton Beach, FL, "Comprehensive Plan Future Land
Use Map", updated June 18, 2000.
The west side of the Federal Highway in Area IV is commercial. Uses are
uncoordinated and unrelated. These include several banks; a restaurant; several fast food
establishments; a church located in a defunct shopping center; personal services; and, several
vacant parcels. The overall impression of this portion of the planning area is marginal and in a
state of decline.
The aforementioned commercial uses on the west side of Federal Highway wrap
around an area of residential duplex development. This small community is surrounded on the
east, south and a portion of the west by commercially zoned land. The balance of the west
side of the residential area is contiguous to the FEC railway. Pence Park, which is a public
recreational facility, is to the north of this community.
Federal Highway
Corridor Redevelopment Study
Planning Area V
Planning Area V
City Boundary
1000 0
Federal Highway Corridor Redevelopment Study
0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Mile
Date: IVlarch 30, 2001
Federal Hig
Area V
~, Planning Area I
~,' City Boundary
~ R6ads
0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Miles
Date: rvlarch 30, 2001
Planning Area V
Corridor from the southern edge
the western boundary. The
of the east side
Area V, occupies the balance of the Federal Highway
limits. ~The centerline of
significant part
With the exception of.
Federal Highway around SE 21
planning area can be described
immediate development in
side of
has ~d pattern, the street layout in this
Streets were designed to serve only the
Planning Area V has two signalized~ intersections on Federal Highway, which are at
Woolbright Road and at SE 23~d Street. ~ese two interSeCtions provide full median openings.
Additionally, these are the only two east-west streets that provide access to the west across the
year 2000 show that 187 incidents, or 30 percent of all accidents on Federal Highway, were
concentrated in this planning area, specifically in the 1500 and 1600 blocks, which is the
intersection of Woolbright Road. This intersection features large shopping centers on the
south corners and a signalized pedestrian crossing just south of the intersection.
The intersections of Woolbright Road and SE 23rd Street with Federal Highway are
important because of their size and the fact that they provide western access. As a result, these
should be considered major nodes.
A broad range of zoning categories exist in Area V, which are shown in Table 3.11.
Table 3.11--Area V Existing Zoning Designations
Abbreviation Zoning District
Residential, Single Family
Residential, Single Family
Residential, Multi-family
Commercial, Neighborhood
Commercial, Community
Commercial, General
5.40 du/ac net
7.26 du/ac
10.80 du/ac
Source: City of Boynton Beach, FL, "Official Zoning Map", updated Jan. 2000.
The existing uses are not inconsistent with the uses permitted under the applicable
zoning districts. The Coastal Management Element of the Comprehensive Plan, however,
noted that there were five developments that had densities that exceed those allowed by
zoning. These existing densities were 27.7, 25.4, 32.2, 21 and 5.3 units per acre. The
maximum density permitted by the zoning district for the first four developments is 10.8 units
per acre. The fifth development has zoning that allows a maximum of 5.3 units per acre. As a
result, these residential communities are non-conforming uses.
Land Use
Land use designations in Area V are extremely varied. Table 3.12 depicts the existing
furore land use designations.
Table 3.12--Area V Existing Land Use Designations
Land Use Designation
Density Allowed
Low Density Residential
Moderate Density Residential
Medium Density Residential
High Density Residential.
Special High Density Residential
Local Retail
General Commercial
4.84 du/ac
7.26 du/ac
9.68 du/ac
10.80 du/ac°)
20.00: du/ac(2)
°)This land use category also existS with Recreational designation
(2)Also designated conservation overlay district
Source: City of Boynton Beach, FL, "Comprehensive Plan Future Land
Use Map", updated June 18, 2000.
Area V contains not only a mix of land uses, but these uses are arranged with no
apparent logical order. Commencing on the northwest comer of Woolbright Road and Federal
Highway and then traveling south, uses include a lumberyard, which is a permitted use at this
site; a Publix shopping center; medical offices; assisted living facility; residential; gas station;
motels; and, miscellaneous free standing retail uses. In the southern portion, these uses appear
marginal, uncoordinated and in a state of decline.
The east side of Federal Highway at the southern end of Area V is not within the City
of Boynton Beach. Uses in this area, however, include outdoor storage and display of various
items such as statues, bird baths and similar ornamental items. The poor appearance of these
retail facilities detracts from the area. Continuing north on Federal Highway to the southern
city limits, uses include multifamily units and Jaycee Park, which is a public, passive
recreation area with ICW orientation. North of that, there are more multifamily units, and then
a number of commercial sites that are either vacant, or developed but abandoned. Continuing
north, there is more multifamily and then various commercial uses that include fast food and a
Winn-Dixie shopping cemer that has a bank on the outparcel located at the comer of
Woolbright Road and Federal Highway. The northeast comer of Federal Highway has a gas
station, with residential units contiguous to the north side of the gas station parcel.
The Community Redevelopment Agency redevelopment plan that was adopted in
August 1984 recommended the development of a convention style hotel within the
Central Business District, which is also planning Area III in this analysis. Additionally,
both the CRA redevelopment plan and the Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Master
Plan suggested mixed use developments, to include retail, in the core downtown area.
Approximately 17 years has passed since the initial recommendation for a hotel,
additional retail space and office uses that was contained in the CRA plan. This section of
the Federal Highway Corridor Study, therefore, will review the hotel market at this time
as well as the market for mixed use retail to determine if prior recommendations are still
Hotel Market Analysis
The CRA plan adopted in 1984 examined conditions in what was identified as the
competing markets; the Lake Worth and Delray Beach downtown districts. The plan
noted that Boynton Beach's location between these two areas indicated that the City
could expect to share in some of the advantages and disadvantages experienced by the
surrounding areas. The CRA redevelopment plan found that in 1984, the "least favorable
market indicator" was the number of hotel and motel units available. At that time,
Boynton Beach had 239 hotel and motel units combined, compared to 598 total units in
Delray Beach and 828 units in Lake Worth. While a breakdown of the number of units by
hotel or motel was not provided, the CRA plan stated that the units within Boynton Beach
were not only smaller in number, but provided in comparatively smaller facilities that
could not accommodate meetings or conferences. As a result, the plan indicated that
Boynton Beach was likely not capturing the full economic benefits of the convention and
tourism industry.
Almost 17 years has transpired since the recommendation to take advantage of
this market segment through siting of a convention type hotel in the core downtown area.
As a result, a review of current market conditions is warranted to determine if the
recommendation for placement of a hotel is still a valid land use consideration.
The data contained in Table 4.1 on the following page provide information
concerning hotel and hotel units within both the County and the regional market area,
which includes not only Delray Beach and Lake Worth as included in the original CRA
plan, but also Manalapan that is just north of Boynton Beach. A convention style Ritz-
Carlton hotel has been constructed in Manalapan since completion of the CRA plan and,
therefore, must be included in the regional market area. Note that only hotels are
examined is this analysis, and not motels since they do not provide convention or banquet
facilities, or other "full service" amenities found in hotels. The classification to determine
whether a facility is a hotel or motel has been taken from the Florida Department of
Business and Professional Regulation Division of Hotels and Restaurants Master Listing
of Accounts prepared January 8, 2001. The State determines whether a facility is a hotel,
which is classified as 02, or is a motel, which is classified as 03.
The first half of Table 4.1 compares the number of hotel facilities in the City of
Boynton Beach to those in all of Palm Beach County. Boynton Beach has approximately
6.2 percent of all hotels' in the County, compared to neighboring Delray Beach and Lake
Worth, each of which have 4.6 percent of all hotels in the County. The Ritz-Carlton in
Manalapan constitutes 1.5 percent of all hotels in Palm Beach. Similarly, Boynton Beach
has 4 hotels that constitute 36.4 percent of all hotels in the market region, compared to
27.3 percent each for Delray Beach and Lake Worth, which each have 3 of the 11 hotels
in the market region. Manalapan's hotel represents 9.1 percent of the hotels in the market
The data were then examined to compare hotels that had 100 rooms or more,
since that would be the very minimum number desired to support banquet or conference
facilities. These data show that Boynton Beach has 3 hotels with 100 or more rooms,
compared to the County that has a total of 43 hotels with 100 or more rooms, which
equates to Boynton Beach having 7 percent of all hotels with 100 or more rooms in Palm
Beach County. This compares to Delray Beach that has 4.7 percent of the hotels with an
excess of 100 rooms. Lake Worth and Manalapan each have only 2.3 percent of the
hotels with more than 100 rooms. Similarly, Boynton Beach has a greater percentage of
the market region's hotels with 100 rooms or more. The City has three such hotels which
represents almost 43 percent of the hotels in the market region. It should be noted,
however, that one of these is a Holiday Inn Express located proximate to Interstate 95.
Although the hotel does provide meeting rooms, it is of minimal size featuring only 100
rooms, and is not representative of typical conference resort hotels. A second hotel in
Boynton Beach is the Holiday Inn - Catalina on North Congress Avenue, which has been
reported to Boynton Beach Planning staff as maintaining a high occupancy rate due to
flight crews fi.om Palm Beach International Airport. As a result, the higher percentage of
hotels with greater than 100 rooms in Boynton Beach may be diminished because of
these two unique circumstances. Further, a review of the number hotels with 100 rooms
or more in the regional market shows that each of the competing areas --- Delray Beach,
Lake Worth and Manalapan --- have one water oriented hotel facility with conference or
meeting room space. The City of Boynton Beach, however, has no such facility.
The second portion of Table 4.1 examines the number of units available, rather
than the number of hotel facilities. Palm Beach County has a total of 10,063 hotel units.
The data in Table 4.1 show that Boynton Beach is competitive with Delray Beach.
Boynton Beach has 740 hotel units for 7.4 percent of all units in Palm Beach County,
while Dekay Beach has 790 hotel units for a total of just under 8 percent of all units
countywide. Lake Worth has a total of 255 units and Manalapan 270 units, which is equal
to 2.5 percent and '2.7 percent of all hotel units in the County, respectively. Similarly,
Boynton Beach and Delray Beach are competitive with each other on a regional level,
with Boynton Beach maintaining 36 percent of all hotel units within the region, while
Delray Beach has 38.4 percent. Boynton Beach and Delray Beach each have slightly
more than 4 percent of the units countywide that are located in hotels that have 100 units
or more, as well as roughly the same percentage of similar Units compared on a regional
basis. Once again, however, Boynton Beach has no units in a conference sized hotel with
a water orientation, while Delray Beach enjoys almost 41 percent of such units; Lake
Worth 16.7 percent of similar units; and, Manalapan more than 42 percent of the region's
units in conference sized hotel facilities. The hotel in Delray Beach with a water
orientation is the Marriott Delray Beach located on North Ocean Boulevard with 260
units. The similar hotel in Lake Worth is the Gulfstream Hotel located on the west side of
the Intracoastal Waterway. This hotel features only 106 rooms and is a minimal
conference hotel. It has a total of 2 meeting rooms that seat only 5 to 12 people, and a
total of 2 banquet rooms that accommodate a maximum of 50 to 100 people. The third
regional hotel is the Ritz-Carlton in Manalapan that has full meeting and conferencing
facilities, and features 270 rooms with a water orientation.
This analysis examined existing market conditions in the County, as well as in the
competitive market regiOn as initially examined in the original CRA plan and expanded
to account for the newer development in Manalapan. The results indicate that there is still
a market niche for a conference-sized hotel with a water orientation within the City of
Boynton Beach. While the CRA plan suggested a hotel with 100 to 200 rooms, it is
recommended that the City of Boynton Beach consider a hotel that approaches or slightly
exceeds the upper end of this size to be competitive with the Marriott in Delray Beach
that has 260 rooms and the Ritz-Carlton in Manalapan that has 270 rooms.
According to the Palm Beach Property Appraiser's office, the Delray Beach hotel
is situated on approximately 4.5 acres, which equates to an estimated 754 square feet per
hotel room. The Manalapan resort site is approximately 6.8 acres includ~g its extensive
pool, patio and deck areas, which equate to 1,097 square feet per hotel room. These data
indicate that the City of Boynton Beach should consider a redevelopment site for a hotel
that ranges between 3.5 acres and 5 acres to accommodate a convention type hotel that
has 200 rooms.
Retail Market Analysis
In addition to recommending a convention type hotel, the original CRA plan
suggested mixed uses to include retail and office. Specifically, the CRA plan suggested
an additional 50,000 square feet of r.~:::,zail, including restaurants, and an additional 20,000
to 30,000 square feet of office use. The Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Plan
provided similar recommendations with regard to uses, although it did not specify a target
square footage of additional uses.
In recommending additional non,residential uses in the downtown area, the CRA
plan considered population distribution in the regional market that includes Boynton
Beach, Delray Beach and Lake Worth, as well as income and homeownership as an
indicator of market stability. Si~.~e the CRA plan was prepared almost 17 years ago,
however, a reexamination of market projections is warranted. The Planning Division of
Palm Beach County completed a "Commercial Needs Assessment Report", revised
through December 1999, that examined office and retail demand projected in .the year
2015. The study focused on portions of Palm Beach that are west of the subject study
area, but considered supply and demand for retail and office throughout all of Palm
Beach County. The Needs Assessment utilized smaller planning sectors that are used by
the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). While the focus of the analysis was on
areas west of the Federal Highway Corridor, the Needs Assessment considered all of
Palm Beach County to take into account mobility, travel patterns and relationships
between the various smaller planning sectors that were utilized.
The Federal Highway Corridor is not isolated within a singular smaller planning
sector. Further, issues such as future population distribution and mobility greatly affect
the demand and specific location for retail and office. As a result, the data contained in
the Needs Assessment study were examined at several different levels to determine future
supply and demand for office and retail.
A reduced regional market area was considered, which extended from Interstate
95 east to the Atlantic Ocean, .north to a line south of Forest Hill Boulevard, and south to
a line that is north of Clint Moore Road. This is a narrowly defined area that encompasses
MPO planning sectors 43 and 53, and is referred to as the reduced regional market. The
second area that was examined included the first area, but extended more westerly to
Florida's Turnpike. This second area includes MPO planning sectors 42 and 43, which
are north of Boynton Beach Boulevard, as well as 52 and 53 that are roughly south of
Boynton Beach Boulevard. As a result, the core downtown of Boynton Beach lies
approximately halfway between these northern and southern planning areas. Referred to
as the expanded regional market, this area takes into account personal mobility within the
general vicinity. The data for the third planning area that were considered included all of
Palm Beach County, which provides for regional mobility.
The supply and demand data for offices uses in the year 2015 for these three areas
was taken from the "Commercial Needs Assessment Report". This information is
summarized in Table 4.2, which is on the following page.
These data for the reduced regional market indicate that in the year 2015, there
will be a surplus of retail space totaling approximately 317,700 square feet. At the same
time, however, these data indicate that there will be a deficit of office space in this area
that totals more than 1.9 million square feet.
The retail demand that was calculated throughout the Needs Assessment analysis
is based upon population within a give sector. A predetermined square footage of retail
per capita was used for neighborhood, community and regional retail facilities within a
given MPO planning sector to determine the amount of total square footage that would be
Table 4.2.-- Retail and Office Supply and Demand in the Reduced
Regional Market, 2015
Use Supply Demand
Total Retail 7,427,470 sq. ft. 7,109,743 sq. ft.
Total Office 3,545,999 sq. ft. 5,534~773 sq. ft.
317,727 sq. ft.
Sector 43 2,531,334 sq. ft. 3,807,506 sq. ft. (1,276,172) sq. ft.
Sector 53 4,896,136 sq. ft. 3,302,237 sq. ft. 1,593,899 sq. ft
Sector 43 883,133 sq. ft. 2,960,181 sq. ft. (2,077,048) sq. ft.
Sector 53 2,662,866 sq. ft. 2,574,592 sq. ft. 88,274 sq. ft.
Note: Parenthetical numbers indicate future deficit or need for the stated use
Source: Palm .Beach County, FL, Planning Division, Commercial Needs Assessment
Report, revised December 1999.
needed. The projected population within a planning sector, therefore, determined the
amount of retail that the given sector could support. The methodology, however, does not
take into account mobility and transportation routes. As a result, it would not be
appropriate to consider the data contained in Table 4.2 as a definitive analysis of need
within a specific sector.
Similarly, office space demand was calculated with a formula that also involved
planning sector population. The methodology utilized was predicated on a predetermined
ratio of 253 employees for each 1,000 people. The sector population was, therefore,
divided by 1,000 and then multiplied by 253 to determine the number of employees
within a sector. That result was then multiplied by 200 square feet of office, which is,
according the study, the amount of office space per employee in an average, new
suburban office. The resulting number was the estimate of the amount of square feet of
office space required for the population within a given sector. As with retail uses,
however, this methodolOgy does not take into account issues such as mobility and
transportation routes.
The second analysis of the data included a review of the expanded regional
market. This analysis assumes that there is the potential for mobility of population within
the larger region, but not necessarily throughout the entire county. Table 4.3 shows the
results of the supply and demand in the year 2015 in the expanded region.
Table 4.3.-- Retail and Office Supply and Demand in the Expanded
Regional Market, 2015
Use Supply Demand Difference
Total Retail
Total Office
23,723,756 sq. ft.
14,409,857 sq. ft.
29,009,181 sq. ft.
22,751,140 sq. ft.
Sector 42 8,115,938 sq. ft. 12,250,989 sq. ft.
Sector 43 2,531,334 sq. ft. 3,807,506 sq. ft.
Sector 52 8,180,348 sq. ft. 9,648,449 sq. ft.
Sector 53 4,896,136 sq. ft. 3,302,237 sq. ft.
Sector 42 6,285,127 sq. ft. 9,634,393 sq. ft.
Sector 43 883,133 sq. ft. 2,960,181 sq. ft.
Sector 52 4,578,731 sq. ft. 7,581,974 sq. ft.
Sector 53 2,662,866 sq. ft. 2,574,592 sq. ft.
(5,285,425) sq. ft.
(8,341,283) sq. ft.
(4,135,051) sq. ft.
(1,276,172) sq. ft.
'(1,468,101) sq. ft.
1,593,899 sq. ft.
(3,349,266) sq. ft.
(2,077,048) sq. ft.
(3,003,243) sq. ft.
88,274 sq. ft.
Note: Parenthetical numbers indicate future deficit or need for the stated use
Source: Palm Beach County, FL, Planning Division, Commercial Needs Assessment
Report, revised December 1999.
The data in Table 4.3 examine the expanded regional market, and indicate a
deficit or need for both additional retail and office space in the year 2015. The data for
the expanded area indicates a need for almost 5.3 million square feet of additional retail
space, and more than 8.3 million square feet of office space.
In comparing the data contained in Table 4.2 and Table 4.3, it becomes apparent
that the difference in the projected deficit is a result of a projection of greater population,
bearing in mind that demand for both types of uses is predicated on the population within
a given MPO planning sector. The additional population is projected west of Interstate 95
and results in a very dramatic increase in both retail and office demand within .the
expanded regional market. Note that these numbers do not take into account any increase
in population east of Interstate 95 that could occur as a result of redevelopment but not
anticipated at the time that the population projections were prepared.
The third area analyzed was the entire area of Palm Beach County. Overall, the
Needs Assessment found that there would be a deficit of retail totaling approximately
1.35 million square feet in the year 2015. At the same time, however, the analysis
determined that there would be a surplus of office space of approximately 14.7 million
square feet. This gross number assumes, however, an ability and willingness to traverse
all of Palm Beach County for both retail and office needs. This includes retail needs that
would otherwise be met on a reduced regional level. As a result, these data suggest that
there may be a need to examine the distribution of these non-residential uses, but they do
not necessarily suggest an adjustment to the square footage of either retail or office uses.
The Commercial Needs Assessment merits consideration as an important tool for
analyzing the demand of non-residential land uses in Palm Beach in order to determine if
there will be a reasonable balance of competing land uses in the furore. This can assist
county planners in assessing requests for land use amendments as well as determining if
the general distribution of land use designations will meet future needs. On a more area
specific basis, however, the study may not be the appropriate tool to determine the exact
square footage of retail and office uses. The analysis is a useful guide, however, in that it
provides an indication of need by region. Note that the report stated that other
considerations such as reduced density in the far west and a movement toward infill
development in the east will play an important role in determining where non-residential
uses will ultimately locate.
In summary, the expanded regional analysis of market demand for retail and
office space in the year 2015 appears to be the most balanced approach to determining
future need. This approach allows for some mobility of population but does not make an
assumption that the entire population will traverse the County. In effect, examining the
expanded regional market assumes that individuals will travel some distance outside of
their immediate community, but not necessarily travel long distances for retail and
employment on a regular basis.
The result of the data analysis for future retail and office demand indicates that
the population growth and employment in the general region of the core downtown area
of Boynton Beach will support additional retail and office uses in the downtown area.
While the data from the Needs Assessment analysis indicates a def'mitive square footage
of retail and office uses, it is recommended that these numbers be viewed as indicators of
deficit or surplus and not be relied upon as a definitive area of development because of
variables that cannot be expressly quantified. These would include, for example,
variations in population growth and population mobility. Nevertheless, the Needs
Assessment analysis shows that a demand for commercial and office will exist. The exact
square footage of commercial and office space that is constructed will be determined by
land availability and market demand.
General Description
Current development patterns and land uses within the entire Federal Highway
Corridor present challenges and oppommities for development and redevelopment that
provide the framework for an overall approach to redevelopment strategies. The original
CRA plan adopted in 1984 and the Boynton Beach 20/20 Redevelopment Plan that was
finalized in 1998 both identified the Central Business District, which is planning Area III,
as the primary focus of activity, although each of those plans recommended somewhat
differing approaches to development or redevelopment.
Existing and planned development, and current or recently completed
improvements in Area III continue to emphasize the importance of this planning area as
the focus of activity, with the four. remaining planning areas serving to create a functional
and orderly hierarchy of development that will enhance the success of the core
downtown. Broadly, Areas II and IV, which are contiguous to the north and south edges
of the downtown, respectively, are the gateways to downtown. These planning areas
should contain mixed use residential and non-residential developments of lesser intensity
than the downtown, with commercial uses that serve the surrounding neighborhoods.
Areas I and V, which are the northernmost and southernmost areas, are the entrances to
the City of Boynton Beach. These areas should invite residential uses at intensities that
will provide additional population base to assist in sustaining the Central Business
District. Land uses, development intensities and standards should emphasize this gradual
transition into the core downtown.
To undertake this approach to development and redevelopment within the Federal
Highway Corridor Community Redevelopment Area, the issues and opportunities
identified through the analysis of existing conditions are evaluated to formulate general
redevelopment strategies. Because Area III is the focal point within the Federal Highway
COrridor, it will be addressed first, followed by consideration of Areas II and IV that
flank the downtown, and then by the outer edges of the Corridor that are defmed by Area
I and Area V.
The Downtown: Area III
Both the original CRA Plan and the 20/20 Redevelopment Plan provide elements
that merit consideration and implementation in one, unified approach. Both plans called
for a mixed use project to be located within the downtown redevelopment area. Similarly,
both plans recognized the need for such development to provide a node of activity in the
downtown; the importance of a pedestrian orientation; and, the importance of adequate
public parking. The 1984 CRA Plan also identified an oppommity to capture a share of
the tourism market by providing for a convention style hotel.
The water orientation of the downtown provides a unique opportunity for
pedestrian oriented, mixed use activity that could include residential uses as well as
destination office, retail and restaurants. The downtown is not only privileged to have the
Intracoastal Waterway on its east, but also to have the unique 500 block on Ocean
Avenue on the west side of Federal Highway, as well as potential points of
redevelopment and, hence, pedestrian interest, immediately to the west of the geographic
limits of the Corridor. At the same time however, Federal Highway that forms the spine
of the Corridor is an arterial roadway that has the main purpose of moving vehicular
traffic north and south; not catering to pedestrian traffic moving east and west. Because
of these: issues and opportunities, redevelopment approaches within Area III should focus
on several key elements to' ensure success. Overall, these will establish a compacmess
and Critical mass of development and population to establish the downto~wn as a
destination area, and to ensure its success and long term viability. The general goal in
Area III is to create a pedestrian oriented destination. These following strategies will
assist in achieving this broad goal:
Establish a focal point. Attract a stabilizing focus of development, such as the
convention style hotel recommended in the 1984 CRA Plan, to locate east of Federal
Highway to take advantage of the water orientation. The analysis indicates that there
is a market opportunity for this use. The hotel will provide a focal node of activity;
an initial residential component to establish a population in the downtown; and, an
injection of economic activity for the CRA.
Encourage mixed use development. Continue to promote and encourage the mixed
use, marine oriented project to be located north of Ocean Avenue proximate to the
Intracoastal Waterway. The mixed use project, similar to a hotel, will provide
pedestrian activity in the downtown area and contribute toward a vibrant
atmosphere. Additionally, encourage residential components in development
projects to build a population base in the downtown.
Create a destination atmosphere. Permitted uses should be only those that are
destination types of uses, and not those that typically rely upon the capture of drive-
by traffic. Destination types of uses include, for example, personal services,
specialty retail, offices, full service restaurants and residential uses. Conversely,
vehicular oriented uses include, by way of example, vehicular related uses, fast food
restaurants and "drive-thru" facilities.
Require urban form. Create development standards in the downtown that require
intensity, bulk and building massing to establish the downtown area as a focal point.
Building height at heights greater than that allowed in the surrounding areas should
be encouraged.
Encourage public activity in all of downtown. Provide public parking in a
centralized area within the downtown. It is very important that the parking is located
on the west side of Federal Highway to allow pedestrians the opportunity to explore
points of interest west of the parking, as well as to cross Federal Highway to explore
areas of activity on the east side proximate to the ICW. Because Federal Highway
serves as a physical and psychological barrier, pedestrians that initiate their visit to
downtown by parking on the east side of the highway will:not cross it to explore
areas of interest to the west.
Define pedestrian spaceS.; Require reduced building setbacks to better define
pedestrian spaces. Specifically, parking lots located between the use and the public
rights of way should be discouraged or prohibited.
Create a safe pedestrian environment. Require development that fronts along
Federal Highway to be designed in a manner that discourages mid-block crossings
by Pedestriansi ~d emphasis, es the comers as important nodes of activity.
Establish an aesthetically pleasing identity. Create an~ aesthetic identity for the
downtown use and rhyt~ic placement of public street
other types of enrichments, as well as creation and
design criteria that address architecture, colors and
signage in addition to general: development standards.
The Gateways to Downtown: Areas II and IV
These two planning areas are the front doors to the downtown core area; the
gateway neighborhoods. As such, they will serve two broad functions. First, their
appearance must convey their important role as gateways to downtown. Currently,
however, many of' the existing uses, and the appearance and placement of development
features do not create the desired appearance of gateway neighborhoods. Additionally,
many of the existing types of commercial uses do not promote a sense of neighborhood.
Rather, they cater to drive-by traffic on Federal Highway. Second, these planning areas
must provide sufficient housing opportunities to build the critical mass of population
necessary for a successful downtown area. The general goal is to create identifiable
communities that provide the gateways to downtown. As a result, the following strategies
to accomplish this are as follows:
Establish a sense of community. Provide for mixed use development that is
predominantly residential, with non-residential components that serve the
immediate community. Non-residential uses should be neighborhood serving in
nature, as opposed to those uses that are heavy commercial uses, those that are
automobile oriented, or those that are generally not considered to be neighborhood
Protect community character. Establish standards to protect the character of the
residential community that could be affected by the develOpment of multiple,
[] Req
[] Provide for a variety of
for a of housing
; that allow
Enhance 1 ~' visual
appearance of thc
:uses or land
protect the visual
The Entrances to the City_: Planning Areas I and V
Planning Areas I and V have the pivotal role of being the entrances to the City of
Boynton Beach. As such, it is important that these two planning areas provide an
aesthetically pleasing appearance; a good first impression. Additionally, while Areas I
and V contain commercial uses, the impression is one of residential character. The
overall goal, therefore, for these two planning areas is to provide a strong residential base
that is aesthetically inviting. Many of the strategies for these two areas are similar to
those of adjacent planning areas, with a notable exception concerning a lesser intensity of
use. The following strategies will further the overall redevelopment goal:
Encourage a ~variety of housing. Develop intensity standards that allow for a
variety of housing styles and types at intensities that will assist in supporting the
downtown area and general economic expansion.
Protect community character. Establish standards to protect the character of the
residential community that could be affected by the development of multiple,
similar types of uses. This will encourage a diversity of nonresidential, uses.
Additionally, non-residential uses should be community serving in nature, as
opposed to those uses that are heavy commercial uses, those that are automobile
oriented, or those that are generally not considered to be neighborhood oriented.
Require a transition to the adjacent gateway neighborhoods. Create
development standards in the city entrance communities that establish a logical
transition to the gatewaY communities. Building scale, massing and placement
should be less intense than that of the adjacent planning areas, but substantial
enough: to announce an arrival in the City.
Require compatibility between rises. Create development standards that provide
for adequate setbacks and buffering between residential and non-residential uses to
protect the residential neighborhoods.
Enhance the visual appearance of the community Ensure that uses or land
development regulations provide adequate safeguards to protect the visual
appearance .of the community.
In addition to these strategies that are specific to the defined planning areas, the
following strategies are recommended for the entire Federal Highway Corridor
Community Redevelopment Area:
Provide consistency between existing uses and the zoning and land use map.
There are instances within the planning areas where zoning is not consistent with
land use, or where existing uses are not consistent with zoning requirements.
Regulations should be created and implemented to provide conformity.
Emphasize major activity nodes. Nodes of activity or transitions to other
neighborhoods, such as the major signalized intersections, should be emphasized
through mechanisms such as building placement, orientation and architectural
Improve visual appearance with coordinated signage. Signs throughout the entire
corridor lack aesthetic appeal and continuity of style. Regulations can address these
Consider a public presence. The entire Federal Highway Corridor is devoid of any
public presence. EstablisbAng a public building such as a library, fire station or
similar usc could contribute to community stability by providing a landmark or
The programs and projects listed below will implement the redevelopment
strategies discussed in Section V. These programs and projects should be. implemented to
eliminate or decrease the blighting influences found in the Federal Highway Corridor
Redevelopment Area, as well as enhance the corridor's long term viability.
Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Recommendation 1: Amend the Comprehensive Plan text to create two
subcategories of land use within the land use plan designation of Mixed Use, amending
the current language as appropriate. The first category should be a Mixed Use-High (MU-
H) and the other a Mixed Use-Low (MU-L). The MU-H would apply to the core
downtown area, which is Planning Area III. The MU-L would apply to the gateway
communities, which are Planning Areas II and IV. The MU-L designation would be less
intense than the MU-H, with an emphasis on residential with neighborhood serving retail.
Purpose: This will establish the requisite legal basis for land use plan and code
Recommendation 2: Amend the Future Land Use Plan Map to redesignate the
downtown, Area III, as Mixed Use-High, and to redesignate the gateway communities,
Areas II and IV, as Mixed Use-Low.
Purpose: This will establish the desired hierarchy of land uses leading into the
downtown area.
New Development Standards
Recommendation 3: Create development standards for the MU-H district.
Specifically consider eliminating restrictions on density, but maintaining control of the
visual appearance of development. Creative, well planned development will be able to
provide additional residential units that will contribute positively to a vibrant and
successful downtown while meeting height limitations imposed by the City.
According to the current provisions in the zoning code, height is restricted
throughout Boynton Beach to 45 feet with a maximum Central Business District density
of 40 units per acre and a conditional maximum height of 100 feet. Because of the very
compact area of the downtown in combination with the desire to make the downtown a
clear focal point in the community, this intensity of development is not sufficient to
achieve the desired goals for downtown development and redevelopment.
As a result, the City should not include a density maximum in the future MU-H,
which is the recommended designation for Area III, and increase the maximum height in
Area III from 100 feet to 150 feet. This will create a more prominent visual focal point
and establish the desirable level of activity in the downtown area. Additionally, consider
eliminating the following uses that may otherwise be permitted or conditionally permitted
in the current CBD zoning category:
[] Auction houses
[] Bus terminals
Drive-thru facilities
[] Funeral homes
Motels (not hotels)
[] Outdoor storage or display
ca Private parking garages (allow public parking garages) --
ca Vehicle related uses, such as: gas stations; auto parts, storage, rental, display, repair [
facilities; detailing or car washes .......
Consider allowing the following that are otherwise conditionally permitted or not
addressed in the current CBD zoning category:
r~ Allow multi-family residential uses as a permitted rather than conditional use if the entire first floor is dedicated to commercial, retail or office uses
ca Specifically encourage tourist oriented uses that have a water orientation
Purpose: This will encourage development and redevelopment that is pedestrian
and not automobile oriented, as well provide an attractive development environment for a
conference style hotel.
Recommendation 4: Create development standards for the MU-L district.
Specifically, as with the MU-H district, consider eliminating restrictions on density, but --
maintaining control of the visual appearance of development through height limitations. _ ~l
Increase the maximum height in these two areas only to 75 feet and eliminate density
requirements. This height is half of that which is recommended for the downtown area
and will provide an appropriate transition from the gateway communities to the central
business area.
In addition, consider eliminating the following types of vehicle oriented, non-
neighborhood serving uses that may be otherwise permitted in the current gateway
Adult entertainment establishments
Auction houses
Bus terminals
Lumber yards and building material stores, including sales to contractors
Rooming and boarding houses ......
Sale of ammUnition and firearms
n Taxicab parking
Trade or business labor pools
[] Outdoor storage and display
Vehicle and boat service related uses, such as: gas stations; auto parts, storage,
rental, display, repair facilities; detailing or vehicle washes
[] Wholesaling
Consider allowing regulations that provide for the following:
[] Grocery or food stores with a minimum size of at least 27,000 square feet
ca' Drive-thru facilities only as a conditional use
Purpose: This will establish an aesthetically pleasing, logical transition into the
downtown area; provide for neighborhood serving uses rather than those that are lxansient
or vehicle oriented; and, provide additional population to support the downtown.
Recommendation 5: Create new zoning districts for the R1A and R1AA
communities east of Federal Highway, proximate to the Intracoastal Waterway that
would allow for redevelopment of lots with greater lot coverage and reduced front, side
and rear yards.
Purpose: This would encourage redevelopment of water oriented lots with
residential units that would provide a substantial increase in ad valorem revenues:
Zoning Code Amendments
Recommendation 6: Provide for appropriate locations of houses of worship,
schools and similar institutions to ensure that they have a balanced distribution
throughout the community.
Purpose: Such regulations will ensure a balance of these community serving land
uses throughout the City.
Recommendation 7: Protect residential neighborhoods. It has been generally
recognized that there are some uses which, because of their very nature, are identified as
having serious objectionable characteristics. Specifically, there are studies that exist that
demonstrate that adult uses result in an adverse secondary effect on adjacent properties.
Further, it is recognized that local governments have powers to regulate establishments
that serve alcoholic beverages. As a result, the City should consider developing
regulations for the placement of facilities that serve alcoholic beverages, particularly
adult entertainment facilities that serve alcohol because the deleterious effect on
surrounding areas that have already been declared to be in a blighted condition. Distance
separations between land that is land use planned or zoned to allow residential uses and
facilities that provide for the sales of alcohol should be established in the range of 750
feet to 1,500 feet, consistent with requirements in other municipalities. The ability of
adult facilities that serve alcohol that do not meet the distance separation requirement
should be amortized.
Recommendation 8: Develop signage standards that address in detail issues such
as sign height; .width; style; lettering; color; placement; landscaping; and, content. Define
signage, including a definition concerning advertising on commercial vehicles and
prohibition of parking such vehicles in a manner that constitutes signage proximate to the
right of way. Require new signs or substantial repairs to existing signs to comply with the
Purpose: Detailed sign regulations will greatly enhance the appearance of the
Recommendation 9: Develop a design program for structures, signage and street
furniture, that includes color palate and architectural themes, to be implemented in the
downtown and gateway communities.
Purpose: The program will create a sense of identity and visual appeal for the
redevelopment area.
Recommendation 10: Create land development regulations for Areas II, III and
IV that address building placement, parking, parking location, mixed uses, and pedestrian
chanalization. Incorporate the following guidelines:
o Landscape programs and standards shoult~ be developed
Parking for uses should not be located contiguous to Federal Highway
Shared parking standards should be reviewed
Standards for payment in lieu of providing parking should be developed for Area III
[] Buildings on Federal Highway should have the appearance of multi-story structures
Incentives should be provided for developing mixed use projects
[]Pedestrian unloading or drop-off areas should be considered as a requirement
Standards to identify nodes of activity, such as signalized intersections, should be
developed within the corridor
[] Structures should be designed to discourage mid-block crossings on Federal
Highway by providing pedestrian access at the comers of intersections
Purpose: Development standards will create a sense of place, reduce the blighted
appearance, and enhance the aesthetic appeal of the Federal Highway Corridor.
Specific Projects to Implement Redevelopment
Project 1 - Convention I-Iotel: Assemble a three to five acre size parcel of land
in the downtown, which is Area III, and market it for a convention style hotel. The
market analysis contained in Section IV of this study indicates that there is a market
niche in Boynton Beach for a water oriented convention type hotel recommended in the
1984 CRA plan ......
While acquisition of land for use as a hotel site may eliminate some of the retail
uses from the tax base, the net result would be a significant increase in the tax base. The
increase would result from new construction designed for better utilization of land. For
example, in the year 2000, the Lake Worth water oriented hotel, which is of minimal
convention size, had a taxable value of more than $2.5 million that resulted in ad valorem
revenues of $69.6 thousand. Similarly, the Delray hotel property had a total taxable value
of more than $19.9 million for total ad valorem revenues of almost $524.8 thousand,
while the Manalapan property was valued at $64.4 million for a total of $1.22 million in
ad valorem revenues.
Project 2 - Public Parking: Assemble property in the downtown area, which is
Area m, on the west side of Federal Highway for use. as surface parking. As demand
increases, the property could be developed as a parking garage to serve the downtown
area. The garage could contain mixed uses at grade level and on upper stories to enhance
activity in the downtown.
Project 3 - City Entrance Signage: Clearly mark the arrival and departure
points to the City of Federal Highway by installing visible, attractive, signs at the
appropriate locations. Remove any existing signs that are no longer at the entrance to the
city due to municipal expansion. Consider identifying the downtown and gateway
communities as well.
Project 4 - Establish a Public Presence: All planning areas except planning
Area II have some type of public presence. Establish a highly visible public use in Area
II. A library, fire station or police substation would be an ideal use in this area to provide
service to the northern portion of the city. Location on the west side of Federal Highway
wOuld be preferable for fire or police facilities to reduce noise impacts on adjacent
residential uses. If a public facility is located on the west side, the CRA should work with
the Department of Transportation to obtain a median opening for emergency vehicles.
Project 5 - Address Outdoor Storage: Outdoor storage and display presents
visual blight at both the south end of the corridor and in Area II. At the south end of the
corridor, where outdoor display is located largely in the unincorporated areas of Palm
Beach County. The City should initiate efforts to work with Palm Beach to discontinue
this practice. In the remaining areas that are within the City of Boynton Beach, the City
should amortize out the outdoor storage and display within the Federal Highway
Project 6 - Provide Pedestrian Crossings: At major nodes of activity such as
signalized intersections, implement a program for unique materials and designs for
pedestrian crossings. In addition, work with :the Department of Transportation to "bulb
out" the sidewalks at these intersections. This will afford pedestrians slightly more non-
vehicular area, and tends to have the effect of slowing traffic somewhat because of the
visual perception of small travel lanes.
The redevelopment area contains a number of residential units. The following section
describes the potential impacts of redevelopment efforts on the residential neighborhoods of
the redevelopment area and surrounding areas. While the potential impacts of the
recommended programs and projects have been identified, it is possible that impacts resulting
from implementation of redevelopment actions may be undetermined. As a result, the
potential neighborhood impacts of site specific projects will be evaluated as each is presented
for consideration by the Community Redevelopment Agency.
Traffic Circulation
The redevelopment area contains an existing roadway network that services the entire
area, with Federal Highway serving as the main' transportation artery of the corridor. Because
Federal Highway serves the surrounding neighborhoods and major redevelopment is
anticipated to occur proximate to it, redevelopment activities are not anticipated to effect
traffic circulation within the residential areas.
The major effects of redevelopment efforts on the existing roadway system will occur
through efforts to revitalize and redevelop the core downtown area; Planning Area HI. The
development and redevelopment of a compact downtown core should have a positive effect
by encouraging alternate means of transportation, particularly where employment,
entertainment and housing are within walking distance of each other. A recommended
component of redevelopment in Area III, along with the gateway communities of Area II and
IV, is sufficient housing to support the downtown. This will afford residents the opportunity
to walk or utilize alternative modes of transportation for work, shopping or dining.
Although implementation of individual redevelopment projects may require
improvements or modifications to the existing roadway network, these localized impacts will
be reviewed when specific project design is undertaken. Architectural design should minimize
pedestrian and vehicular conflicts, while signage programs and design guidelines will enhance
the general appearance of the corridor.
Cornmuni _ty Facilities and Services
Redevelopment activity within the Federal Highway corridor redevelopment area is
expected to have a positive impact on community facilities and services. The plan proposes 4o
add a public presence in Planning Area II, where such a presence does not currently exist. In
addition, the plan proposes residential development and redevelopment of areas around the
core downtown that will provide a variety of housing for all individuals, and commercial
development and redevelopment that will be neighborhood serving.
Effect on School Population
There are no existing public schools within the redevelopment area. There are
however, a number of schools located proximate to the redevelopment area that accommodate
residents of school age. Table 7.1 shows the design capacity of permanent structures for these
schools and the 2000 - 2001 student enrollment.
Table 7.1. - School Capacity and Enrollment, 2000-2001
School Design Capacity
Forest Park Elementary
Galaxy Elementary'
Poinciana Elementary
Note: Poinciana Elementary is a magnet school
Source: Palm Beach County School District Planning & Real Estate Division
As these data indicate, school overcrowding is prevalent at virtually all standard public
schools that serve the redevelopment area, just as it is throughout South Florida. One of the
recommended components of this redevelopment plan includes the provision of additional
housing units to strengthen the viability of the core downtown area. The additional housing
units anticipated, however, will likely be apartment units located proximate to the downtown.
Because of the unit style and location, it is likely that the resident population of these units
will be predominantly single or two person households~ As a result, the impact on the school
population should be minimal. The .effects of specific redevelopment projects with a
residential component that creates a net increase in housing should be considered on an
individual basis as they are proposed.
Relocation Impacts
As a result of redevelopment activities, relocation activities are anticipated to occur. It
is not the intent of this redevelopment plan for the CRA to undertake activities that would
cause large scale dislocation of existing residents. Rather, it is anticipated that residential
redevelopment projects undertaken by the private sector may initially result in the need for
relocation on a temporary basis, but will ultimately result in additional housing units available
in the redevelopment area.
Environmental Quality
The redevelopment programs and projects suggested by this plan are intended to
improve the overall environmental qualiW. The architectural guidelines, improved signage
and zoning changes for will have a positive impact on surrounding residential areas.
The underlying concept behind the goals and objectives contained in the original
Community Redevelopment Plan for the downtown core are still applicable, with minor
revisions to address changing circumstances. The concept of those goals and objectives are
included within this section. Additional goals, objectives and policies have been added to
address the entire Federal Highway corridor.
GOAL 1: The Community Redevelopment Agency will undertake programs and projects to
establish a unique identity for the Federal Highway Corridor Redevelopment Area.
Objective 1.1: Community planning areas shall be identifiable
Policy 1.lA: Develop a coordinated signage program that effectively identifies the entrances
to each of the planning communities.
Policy 1.lB: Develop a strategy to promote these community planning areas to citizens and
the general public.
Policy 1. lC: Ensure that each planning community has a public presence
Policy i. 1D: Utilize the waterfront orientation as a unique feature in the redevelopment of the
Policy 1.1E: Create an environment that encourages a variety of full time activity in the
Objective 1.2: Community planning areas shall form a hierarchy that lead to the core
Policy 1.2A: Creme zov~:~'~g and land development regulations that allow for the greatest
building height and diver~ry of mixed uses in the downtown.
Policy 1.2B: Create zoning and land development regulations for communities adjacent to the
downtown that allow for a height and mix of uses that provides a transition into the downtown
Policy 1.2C: Maintain existing height regulations for the two planning communities that are
the entrances to the city.
Objective 1.3: Community planning areas shall include a balance of sustainable, functional
land uses.
Policy 1.3A: Land uses within the downtown area shall be mixed uses that include residential,
destination commercial, retail and restaurants with a marine orientation.
Policy l:3B: Permitted land uses within the downtown area shall be destination uses and not
those with a vehicular orientation.
Policy 1.3C: Land development regulations for the downtown community shall discourage
single user commercial uses with front field parking.
Policy 1.3D: Land uses within the communities that form the gateways to downtown shall be
mixed uses that include residential and neighborhood serving retail.
Policy 1.3E: Within the communities that form the gateways to downtown, general
commercial uses that have a vehicle orientation shall be discouraged.
Policy 1.3F: A range of residential styles and intensities shall be encouraged within the
communities that form the gateways to downtown.
Policy 1.3G: A range of residential styles and intensities shall be encouraged within the
communities that are the entrances to the city.
Policy 1.3H: Land development regulations shall address buffering and setbacks between
residential uses and non-residential uses to protect the community.
GOAL 2: The Community 'Redevelopment Agency shall foster economic growth and
redevelopment within the Redevelopment Area.
Objective 2,1: Provide incentives for development and redevelopment.
Policy 2. lA: Land use plan designations to allow for mixed use development, as
recommended by the redevelopment plan, shall be initiated by the CRA.
Policy 2. lB: Land development regulations shall provide alternatives to parking requirements
in the downtown area.
Policy 2.1C: Land development regulations shall encourage maximum site utilization for ......
Policy 2.1D: The Community RedevelOpment Agency shall pursue the construction of
area. Its be
of parking
Objective 2.2: Maximize economic value of development and redevelopment
Policy 2.2A: Development and redevelopment projects that provide for increased employment
opportunities for residents shall be encouraged.
Policy 2.2B: When possible, CRA funding for projects shall be structured to encourage
investment in redevelopment and rehabilitation, in either the same project or adjacent areas.
Policy 2.3C: The Community Redevelopment Agency shall initiate programs and projects that
focus on business development and act as catalysts to leverage additional investment by
private enterprise.
Objective 2.3: Encourage public activity in the downtown community
Policy 2.3A: The Community Redevelopment Agency shall develop a program to market the
Policy 2.3B: The CRA shall develop a strategy to provide for regularly scheduled special
events in the downtown area
GOAL 3: The Community Redevelopment Agency will pursue activities and projects that
will create an aesthetically pleasing environment.
Objective 3.1: Provide for appropriate land uses in the Federal Highway Corridor.
Policy 3.lA: Uses that have a vehicular on'entation shall not be permitted in the downtown
community, or in the communities that are the gateways to the downtown.
Policy 3.1 B: Adult entertainment and similar thoroughfare uses, such as tattoo parlors, fortune
tellers, body piercing shops, head shops and other similar uses, shall not be permitted to locate
within the redevelopment area.
Policy 3. lC: Land uses that incorporate outdoor storage or display shall not be permitted.
Objective 3.2: Provide for appropriate land development regulations.
Policy 3.2A: Land development regulations shall provide a coordinated signage program for
the redevelopment area.
Policy 3.2B: The CRA shall develop an architectural theme and color palate for the
redevelopment area.
Policy 3.2C: The CRA shall develop and implement a streetscape program that may include
street furniture, special signage, u~que crosswalk treatments and landscaping.
Relationship to City's Comprehensive Plan
It is the intent of the Community Redevelopment Agency to conform all of its
proposed programs, projects and activities to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan and the
adopted code of ordinances. In this regard, portions of the comprehensive plan, future land
use plan map and the land development regulations will need to be amended to allow for
redevelopment activities as recommended.
Safeguards to Ensure Redevelopment Activities
Follow the Redevelopment Plan
The following activities will ensure that redevelopment actions will be consistent with
the adopted redevelopment plan:
The CRA shall file an annual report with the State's Attorney General Office and the
City of Boynton Beach. The report shall contain an overview of the activities of the
CRA as allowed by the redevelopment plan.
c~ The CRA shall be fully subject to the Florida Sunshine Law and will meet at least on a
monthly basis in a public forum.
The CRA shall provide adequate safeguards to ensure that all leases, deeds, contracts,
agreements and declaration of restrictions relative to any real property conveyed shall
contain restrictions or covenants to mn with the land and its uses, or contain other
provisions necessary to carry out the goals and objectives of this plan.
Safe~jards to F. nsure Financial Accountabili _ty
The CRA shall maintain adequate records to provide fro an annual audit that shall be
conducted by an independent auditor. The findings of the audit shall be presented at a meeting
of the CRA and such f'mdings shall be forwarded to the State Auditor General's Office by
March 31s~ of each year for the preceding year that shall mn from October 1st through
September 30th.
The annual audit report shall be accompanied by the CRA's annual report and shall be
provided to the Town for public review and availability. Legal notice in a newspaper of
general circulation shall be provided to inform the public of the availability for review of the
annual audit and annual report.
Providing for a Time Certain and Severabili _ty
All redevelopment activities of a contractual, financial and programmatic nature shall
have a maximum duration, or commitment of up to, but not exceeding, thirty years from the
date of adoption by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach. The start date for the
thirty year period for the redevelopment area shall be from the adoption and approval date of
the Federal Highway Corridor Redevelopment Plan by the City Commission of the City of
Boynton Beach.
This section provides a general review of potential sources of funding for
redevelopment programs, and a description of the funding sources applicable to each of the
improvements or projects identified in the plan. In general, a variety of financing options are
presently available to the Community Redevelopment Agency, which include the following:
Tax Increment Revenues
Tax increment is typically the major source of funding for redevelopment projects
under the State of Florida Community Redevelopment Act. This increment, which is
deterrm'ned annually, is equal to 95 percent of the difference between the mount of ad
valorem taxes levied each year by each applicable taxing authority on all taxable lands and
buildings; property within the redevelopment area; and, the amount of ad valorem taxes that
would have been produced by the current millage rates prior to establishment of the
Redevelopment Trust Fund. Both of these amounts are exclusive of debt service millage of
the taxing authorities.
The ability of the Community Redevelopment Agency to utilize this funding method
requires two key actions. The first is the establishment of a redevelopment trust fund as
required by F.S. 163.387 as the repository for increment tax funds. The second is the
provision, by adopted ordinance of the City, for the funding of the redevelopment trust fund
for the duration of the redevelopment plan.
Redevelopment Revenue Bonds
The provisions of F.S. 163.385 allow the City of Boynton Beach or the Boynton
Beach CRA to issue revenue bonds to finance redevelopment actions, with the security for
such bonds being based on the "anticipated assessed valuation of the completed community
redevelopment." In this way, additional annual incremental increases in taxes generated
within the CRA is used to fmance the long term bond debt. Prior to the issuance of long term
revenue bonds, the City or the CRA may issue bond anticipation notes to provide initial
funding for redevelopment actions until sufficient tax increment funds are available to
amortize a bond issue.
General Revenue Bonds
For the purposes of financing redevelopment action, the City of Boynton Beach may
also issue general obligation bonds. These bonds are secured by debt service millage on the
real property within the City and must receive voter approval.
Community_ Development Block Grants (CDBG)
The City of Boynton Beach is a recipient of CDBG funding from the U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development. These CDBG monies may be able to be used for a
variety of direct benefit programs in portions of the redevelopment area. Additionally,
portions of the redevelopment area may be eligible for area-wide improvements, which
includes capital improvement projects.
Land Sales/Leases
Acquisition of property, and it preparation for development, are powers available to
the Community Redevelopment Agency6 under the provisions of Chapter 163, Florida
Statutes. The resale or leasing of Such' land to. private~ developers can provide another source
of income within the CRA, as well assist: in "jump starting" redevelopment efforts.
Direct Borrowing From Lenders
The CRA is also authorized to fund redevelopment projects and programs through
direct borrowing of funds. Depending on the particular project funding requirements, the
CRA may utilize both short and long term borrowing. Although terms and conditions may
have a direct bearing on the use of a particular commercial lending institution, the CRA may
be able to obtain a very competitive interest rate and terms.
Boynton Beach Intracoastal Group. "Study of Federal Highway in Boynton Beach."
December 1997.
City of Boynton Beach. "Chapter 2: Zoning." no date.
City of Boynton Beach. "City of Boynton Beach Future Land Use Map." June 2000.
City of Boynton Beach. EAR-Based Amendments to Ci_ty of Boynton Beach
Comprehensive Plan. 1999.
City of Boynton Beach. Land Development Regulations. no date.
City of Boynton Beach. 1996 Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report.
February 1997.
City of Boynton Beach. "Official Zoning Map." 18 July 2000.
Duncan Associates, Inc. Boynton Beach Vision 20/20 Redevelopment Master Plan.
September 1998.
Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Hotels and
Restaurants, Bureau of Licensure. "Master Listing of Accounts Sorted by County,
Class and File Number." 08 January 2001.
Florida. Florida Statutes, Sec. 163, Part III. 2000 supplement.
Hunter/RS&H, Inc. Community Redevelopment Plan. no date. Jacksonville, FL.
Palm Beach County. "Commercial Needs Assessment Report." August 1999.
Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System. http://www.co.palm-
beach.fi.us. February 2001.
Urban Design Studio. Boynton Beach Community_ Redevelopment Plan. November 1983.
Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. City of Bowtton Beach Comprehensive Plan: Coastal
Management Element. December 1988. Coral Springs, FL.
Beginning at a point of intersection of the West right-of-way line of the lntmcoaslaI Waterway with the
Nor~_ ..~e ,of.g~ South half iS ½) of the North half(N ½) of Section 15, l~nge 43, Towmhip 45, said
ut o ~ o~mc r~ ~ oroecnon 1:~ to a poItlI 011 tile W~St [in~ or,aid Section
thence southerly along the West lineofsaid Section 15 mr[he SW comer of Section 15, being also the
NW corner °fSection 22, Range 43,: ToWnshiP 45;
thence continuing South along thc West line of Section 22. Range 43. Township 45. to a point o~ the
North right-of-way line otrthe Boynton Canal (C-I6);
ormeny extensmn orme ~.est line of Parcel A ~ Estates, a subdlv~sion recorded in Plat Book
2I. Page 98. Palm Beach County Public Records;
d~nce soa~herly along said extension and the said East line ofParcei A to the SE comer thereo~
Ihence westerly along the South line of said Pnrcel A to the Nort~cest comer oflot 12 Wiims Way a
subdivision that is recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 110 in sam Public Records;
thence southerly, along the East line of said lot 12 and its southerly extension, and muthedy along the
East line of lot 15 in said Wiirns Way to the Southeast corner thereof;
thence southerly, westerly and easterly along the ensterty boundary lines of two parcels of land
~ in ORB 1006. Page 97. and ORB 1709 Page 430' to a point on the North line ofthe Lake
Addition subdivision in Plat Book 1 !. Page 71 in said Public R~:ords;
thence sontherly a distance of 7 feet more or less to a point on the North line of lot 17 Block 2 in said
Lake Addition;
thence westerly along the North line of said lot 17 and the North line of lot ! 8 and 19 to a point 25 feet
wesmrly of the Northeast comer of said lot 19;
thence south ~e~ly along a line parallel to the East line of said lot t9 to a point on the Noah right-of-way
line of NE l0n Ave.;
thence continue on the previous course to a point on the South tight-of-way line of said NE 10e Ave.
said point also being a point on thc North line oflot 19, Block 3 in said Lake Addition;
thence westerly along the North line ofsaid lot I9 Block 3 to the Northwest corner thereof;
then~ southerly along the West line of said lot 19 Block 3 and continuing southerly along the West
line of lot 26 in said Block 3 and southerly along the extension of said W~a't line to the Northwest
corner of lot 20 Block 4 in said Lake Addition;
thence ~asterly along the North line of said lot 20 Block 4 a distance of 25.g2 feet more or less to a
thence southerly along a line parallel to the East line of said lot 20 Block 4 to a point on the South line
of said int20 Block 4;
thence w~'tefly along the South line of said lot 20 Block 4 to the Southwest comer thereof;
them:o southerly along the extension of the West line ofsaid lot 20 Block 4 to the Northwest comer of
lot 22 Block 5 in said Lak~ Addition;
thence continue southerly along the West line of said lot 22 Block ~ to the Northwest comer of lot 22
Block 1 Boynton Place as rocordedin Plat Book 1 ! Page 40in said County Records;
recorded in Plat Book I I
in Palm
thence northerly along the East llne of said lot 9 to the Not. east corner thereof~ and alsobeing a point
on the South right-of-way line ofNorthenst 7~ Avenue;
thence ~ along said South right-of-way line ~o the Northwest corner of lot 1, Block 2 in said
Boynton piaco;
thence southerly along the West line of said lot I to the Southwest comer thereo2
~amce eastc~'ly along the South line of said lot I to the Southeast corner thereo2
thence continue easterly nn the easterly ~ion of said South line of said lot 1 to a point on the East
right-of-way line of N.E. 7* Street;
thence northerly along said East right-of-way m the Northwest comer of lot 18, Block 7 Lake Addition
n subdivision ns recorded in Plat Book i I, Page 71 in said Public Records;
thence easily along the North line of said lot lgto apoint on the West right-of-way line of the
Inffao0a.qal Wat~way;
thenm northerly a~t meandering along the West right-of-way line of the lntmcoasml Waterway to the
Point of Beginning.
Be~innin~ at a point of intersection of the center lin~ of East Ocean Avenue with the West right.of-C.0nY
iin~ of th~ lnu-aconstal Wateo~y, nm westmty along said centre- lin~ of East Ocean Avenue to the
cenm' ~ of SE 6~ Stre~
thence southerly along the center line of SE 6* Street to the cen~r line of SE 2~ Avenue;
thence westerly along center line of SE 2"~ Avenue to the center line ofU. S. Federal H~hway No. 1;
thence southerly along the cettt~ line ofU. S. Federal Highway No. I to the center line of SE 6*'
thence westerly along the center line of SE 6* Avenue to the East right-of-way line of Florida East
~ Rail Road (l~C RR);
thence sontheriy along said East right-of-way line of PEC RR to a point st the intewsecti~ with the
wemmty extra.on of the South line of lot 20 Delray Beach'Estates as recorded in Palm Beach County
Public Records in Plat BOOk 21, Page 13, and located in Section 4, Range 43, Township 46;
thence S. 72d 45' 15" E along said westerly extension and along the South line of said lot 20, and along
its easterly extension a distance of 680.2 i feet to a point at the intersection with the East fight-of-way
line of Federal Highway (U.S. 1), said South line being the South boundary line for the City of
thence northerly along the East right-of-way line ofU. S. Federal Highway No. i to a point of
inters~n ~ith ~e..S~. th line of the South 50 feet of the North East qUarter (NE%) ofthe South West
quarter (SW ~) of the North East quarter (IrE t,4) of Section 4, Range 43, Township 46;
l.-wst Addmon, a subdivision recorded tn Plat Book 22, Page 44, Palm Beach County Pub/ic Records;
thence northerly along said West line of Tradewinds Estates First Addition a distance of 50 f~t;
thence westerly on a line parallel to the South tine of the South 50 feet of the North East auarter
:f. the ~ W?t. qua~ er (~.W tA) or the North East quarter ('NE sA)of' Section 4, Range 43, Township
o, I~ lhe East right-of-way line ofU. S. Federal Highway No. I
_al thL l?: flu. s. t point on th,
m_e ?.t. lot !~, ~gs.=ubdiv~s~on, a subdlv~sum recorded in Plat Book 20, Page 47, Palm Beach
oLmty PubLic Rec~;
liamce east~dy, northerly, and v,~st~ly along South, East, and Norlh lin~ of said lot 9, ~
Subdivision, to a point on the East right-of-way line ofU. S. Fc~Tal Highway No. I;
thence easterly and along said North right-of-way line of Bamlmo Lane to a point that is 300 feet west
of the West right-of-way line of the lnuacoastnl Waterway;,
thence nom~erly a distance of 94.5 feet to a point on the South right-of-way line of a finger canal;
thence easterly and along said South tight-of-way line of the finger canal to the West right-of-way line
of the lntmc~_~l Waterway;
thence northerly and along the West right-of-way line of the Intrncoasml Waterway to the center line of
East Ocean Avenue and Point of Beginning.
Less and exeJu~ting the following areas:
A parcel or'land situated in Section 4, Range 43, Township 46, more particularly ~d as all
of lots 59, 66, 67, 68, 72 through 76, 78 through 112, Tradewinds ~ Amended Plat, a
subdivision recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 73, Palm Beach County Public Records; and all the
lots and a private road known as Miller Road in Killian's Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in
Plat Book 23, Page 195, Palm Beach County Public Records.
A parcel of land situated in Section 4, Range 43, Township 46, mom particularly dascn'bed as all
of lots 40, 43, 44, 46, 52, 53, 56, 57, lots 54 and 55 less the west 231 feet, m~l Tra~ A less the
West 150 feet of the East 167.83 feet of the South 200 feet of saki Tract A (as measured parallel
with the South and the East lines of said Tract A), ali in the Tradewinds l:_,t-.e~__ Amended Plat,
a subdivision recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 73, Palm Beach County Public Records.
Beginning at a point of intersection
~:~ right-of-way line of thcr C~X R~: said
Township 45;
~and the
thence S 12d 29'00" W along said East right-of-way line a distance of 1341
line of Wells ~
thence S 89d 28'47" E alOng said center line a distance of,~
extension ofthe west line of lot 23 block I of said Woodland
on thc nm'therly
thence S Id 26'17' W along said extended line and west line of lot 23 a distance of 126.2 feet m the
Somhwest comer+hereof, nnd the Northeast comer of lot 5;
thence N 89d 28:47' W along the north line of said lot $ a distance of 50 feet ~o the Northwest ~omm'
thence $ id 26'I7" W along the West line of said lot 5 and along the We~tlines of lot 24 nmi $ block 2,
nnd lot 3 block 3' all in said Woodland Hills adis~ance of 505.81' feet to fl~e Somhwest comer of said lot
3 block 3;
thence N 89d 28'47" W along the South line oflot 2 block 3of said Woodland Hills a distance of 25
f~tm a poim:;
thence S I d 36'31' E ~ntinuing along the:said railroad East right-of-way ~ a distance of 1847 feet
to the intersection point with the North right-of-way line of State Road 804 (Boynton Beach'Blvd,);
thence S 8gd 06'29" W along the North right-of-way line of said State Road 804 a di.~mce of 106.75
f~-t m a point and continuing through the n~xt ~trses along said North right-of-way line;
thence N 33d 25'49" W a distance of78.11 feet;
thence S 87d 52'I2" W a distance of 230.63 ~et to West right-of-way line oflndnsuial Avenm~ as
shown on Boynm~ Industrial Park a subdiv~s' ion ~cerded in said official records in Plat Book 25, Page
thence N Id 53'31" along said West ri~t-of-way line a distance of ~4.10 ~
thence S g~d 06'29" W a distance of 2'/9.06 feet to a point on the West ri~-of-wa~y kine of West
~ Avenue,
thence norther~ ami alon__g said .West right-of-way line of West Indusu~ Avenue ~o a point on the
North right-of-way line of Boynm~ Canal (C-16);
thence W~st along said North right, of-way line of Boynton Canal to the Point of Be~_'p_~ing.
J.-'~U}A?A - - -" - - - -'- - ~E~s~DOC
Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of~th~City
Commission Meeting.
A~ddress ~~
Telephone # ~--'J~[ ~- '(~g'~',-"~(~(' -'~
summary of Matter to be ~ddresSe~~
If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at thi~ meeting, he/she
will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. {F.S. 286.0105)
The City shah furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual With a disability an equal
opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. PleaSe contact Joyce
Costello, {561) 742~6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city t° reasonably accommodate
your request. ~
Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Cler~rior to the start of the City
Commission Meeting. ~ ~
Address ] /
Telephone ~ / ~' . .~
ma~ Of Matter to be A~~~' - ~ ~~~
If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she
will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim r. ecord of the proceedin§s is
made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. {F.S. 286.0105)
The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal
opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce
Costello, {561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate
your request. ~
· Effective April 24~,~'2001, there is a vacancy on the City Commission of the City of
Boynton B~ach,~Florida, for the Commission seat for District !!. Pursuant to city
Charter Sectioi~ 51, the City Commission has the power, by majority vote, to fill the
vacancy until the next municipal election, with a qualified individual. The qualified
individual must be a resident of District !T, and must have resided in District 1! for a
period of not less than one (1) year.
All interested qualified individuals should file a request for consideration with the City
Clerk. Request for consideration forms are: available at the City Clerk's Office.
deadline for submission of applications is 5:00 p.m. - April 30, 2001 at the
i i # -
Ct¥ Clerk s Office.
Bounded on the north by the south boundary of District IV. Bounded at the east by a
line beginning at F.E.C. Railroad and N.E. 22nd Avenue; thence running south along the
F.E.C. Railroad to the center line of the Boynton Canal C-16; also by a line beginning at
the center line of the Intracoastal Waterway and the Boynton Canal C-16; thence
running south along the center line of the Intracoastal Waterway to the center line of
Ocean Avenue; also by a line beginning at the F.E.C. Railroad and Ocean Avenue;
thence running south to the center line of S.E. 2nd Avenue. Bounded on the south by
the north boundary of District III. Bounded on the west by the City's corporate limits.
Thank you for your interest in serving on the City Commission of the City of Boynton
Beach, and for taking the time to complete the form below. Please print or type all
answers clearly.
Deadline for submission:
S:00 p.m. - April 30, 2001
! am requesting that the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida consider
me for appointment to the vacant commission seat for District_II.
hereby certify that I am a registered voter and a resident of District Il', and have been
resident of District I! for a period of not less than one (:[) year.
Are you currently serving on a City board? !f yes, please list board.
Have you served on an advisory board in this, or any other city, in the past? !f yes,
pleas~ list boards and dates of service:
What personal qualifications do you posses which you feel would make; you a good
candidate for this appointment?
Feel free to attach a resume or additional sheet. Return the completed form to the City
Clerk's Office, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, City Hall. Mailing address: P. O. Box
310, Boynton Beach, FL 33424-0310.
Deadline for submission is 5:00 p.m. - April 30, 2001
Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to th~tart of the City
Commission Meeting.
Su'~a~ of Matter tlbe Ad, ~ressed
If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she
will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105)
The City shah furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal
opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce
Costello, (561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate
your request.
PROJECT NAME: Lots 15 (Portion) & 16, Block 1, Happy Home Heights
APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: PO BOX 337, Boynton Beach, FL 33425
TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Lot area, lot frontage, rear yard setback.
X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida
appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the
findings and recommendation of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board, which Board found
as follows:
THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton
Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the
relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative
staff and the public finds as follows:
Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with
the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations.
The Applicant
established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested.
The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or
suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set
forth on Exhibit "E" with notation "Included".
The Applicant's application for relief is hereby
X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof.
5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk.
6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this order.
7. Other
DATED: ~-lS-oI · ~, 'L'""'2 ~o~.~
Conditions of Approval
Project name: Lots 15 (Portion) & 16, Happy Home Heights
File number: ZNCV 01-005 (Lot area, lot frontage, rear setback)
Reference: Zonin Code Variance Application dated March ] 2001
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: To be determined.
CDC Properties
0 ~
;A;--:, ,,z,;;
'AZ ~' ?° 5"7 '
O0 gONE "C",
). l'/u 196-0004-C
A~ The Boyaton Beach Faith Based Co~,~,,unity Development Corporation (CDC) is
proposing the construction of two single-family homes on a parcel of land located in the
Martin Luther King Blvd North Neighborhood as defined in the City of Boyaton Beach's
Vision 20/20 planning document. The total parcel of land consists of 2 lots and a portion
ora 3ra lot. Two of the lots are 40 feet wide and the remaining piece is approximately 32
feet wide for a total width of 112 feet. The CDC is proposing the construction of two
single-family homes on the three lots. Each new home will sit on a piece of land
approximately 56 feet wide by 95 feet deep (5296 sq fi). The neighborhood is zoned
entirely R2. This zoning designation requires 60-foot lots and 6000 square feet of area;
However, Eighty-five percent of the developed single-family homes in this comrmmity
are built on lots of fifty (50) feet or less in width. This means that eighty five percent of
the existing homes would not conform with the current zoning requirements. Therefore
the R-2 zoning regulations for this corarnunlty are clearly not consistent with the vast
majority of the property in this commtlnit~. This creates a situation that is exact opposite
of the typical situation. The CDC is applying for a variance to build homes consistent
with the rest of the cornm~lllity, not deviating from the rest of the coiiiii~anity.
This zoning designation creates a tremendous barrier to the development of this
cooling,unity. There are 15 scattered lots in this co~,~,tmity that are less than 50 feet in
width. All of these tots would be not be developable under these regulations, and would
sit vacant. This would only propetuate the slum and blight conditions in the
The CDC wishes to work with the City on an on going basis to revise these burdensome
regulations and begin the development of the ¢omm~mity. Each vacant lot in this
community provides an opportunity for a homebuyer to fi~lfill their dream of
homeownership and an opportunity to add value to the community. The CDC is
committed to working with the City to make that a reality.
B. The platting, zoning and construction of the other homes in the community occurred well
before the CDC was even in existence. The actions of the CDC in no way created these
C. The CDC is not receiving any particular benefit over other individuals or developers; the
CDC only requests that it be permitted to construct homes that are consistent with 85
percent of the homes in this coin~mJty, which are under the same zoning designation.
D. The City of Boyaton Beach funded the CDC in order to provide housing opportunities to
low and moderate-income first time homebuyers and to develop and increase the value of
this comm~lnlty. The CDC currently has two qualified homebuyers that have overcome
many obsticules to qualify for a loan. These two f~milies are ready and waiting to move
into the proposed homes. By only pe, mltting the construction of one home, a family
would be denied a rare oppommity to occupy a brand new residence. Additionally, if the
CDC were to only build one home, the cost of the home would increase due to the
increased land cost. This increase would, in turn, eliminate both buyers.
The CDC wishes to increase the tax base and property value of the community. Building
two homes instead of one would double the tax output. Two homes would also reduce
vacant land in the community, thereby increasing home values. Additionally, if the CDC
built only one home on the 2 lots, that home would look very out ofcharactcr. Since the
CDC's homes are only 35 feet wide, there would be a yard space of 38 feet on each side
of the house. This would give the appearance of a vacant lot on each side of the home.
Maintaining this large lot would place a higher financial burden on the property owner.
This could potentially result in a poorly maintained lawn, always a con~n~unity eyesore.
Small lawns are much easier for an owner to maintain, less costly, and consistent with the
concept of building affordable housing.
E. There are 110 single family homes in the community that sit on lots that are fi~y (50) feet
or less, including the home right next to the CDC's proposed site. In fact, immediately to
the north of the CDC's proposed site on NE 13t~ Ave there are four homes that were
constructed four years ago that look nearly identical to the homes the CDC is proposing.
Ail four homes were built on fffiy (50) foot lots. The CDC is only requesting the
minimal amount needed to construct two affordable homes that will be compat~le with
eight-five percent of the other homes in the community.
F. The intent of the ordinance is to prevent building on smaller lots located in communities
where the majority of the homes are set on larger lots. Those squeezed in homes would
certa/nly be out of character in the neighborhood. This is clearly not the case in this
coi~i~unity. The CDC's proposed homes will appear quite compat~le with the other
homes in the comm~mity. The CDC's homes will eliminate vacant land in the
coi~}anity, make affordable housing opportunities available to low income first time
home buyers, and make a positive impact on the value of the surrounding residences.
PROJECT NAME: Lots 14 & 15 (Portion), Block 1, Happy Home Heights
APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: PO BOX 337, Boynton Beach, FL 33425
TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Lot area, lot frontage, rear yard setback.
X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida
appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the
findings and recommendation of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board, which Board found
as follows:
THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton
Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the
relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative
staff and the public finds as follows:
Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with
the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations.
The Applicant
established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested.
The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or
suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set
forth on Exhibit "E" with notation "Included".
The Applicant's application for relief is hereby
X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof.
5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk.
6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this order.
,. ~ ,__ ~ ~ ~
Conditions of Avvroval
Project name: Lots 14 & 15 (Portion), Happy Home Heights
File number: ZNCV 01-004 (Lot area, lot frontage, rear setback)
Reference: Zoning Code Variance Application dated March L 2001
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE
Comments: NONE X
Comments: NONE X
Comments: To be determined.
CDC Properties
'0 1/8
'o 400 '80n
0 x
NO. 120196-0004-C
A. The Boynton Beach Faith Based Cornrmmity Development Corporation (CDC) is
proposing the'construction of two single-family homes on a parcel of land located in the
Martin Luther King Blvd North Neighborhood as defined in the City of Boynton Beach's
Vision 20/20 planning document. The total parcel of land consists of 2 lots and a portion
ora 3~a lot. Two of the lots are 40 feet wide and the remaining piece is approximately 32
feet wide for a total width ofl12 feet. The CDC is proposing the construction of two
single-family homes on the three lots. Each new home will sit on a piece of land
approximately 56 feet wide by 95 feet deep (5296 sq fo). The neighborhood is zoned
entirely R2. This zoning designation requires 60-foot lots and 6000 square feet of area;
However, Eighty-five percent of the developed single-family homes in this comrmmity
are built on lots of fifty (50) feet or less in width. This means that eighty five percent of
the existing homes would not conform with the current zoning requirements. Therefore
the R-2 ZOning regulations for this commultlty are clearly not consistent with the vast
majority, bfthe property in this community. This creates a situation that is exact opposite
of the typical situation. The CDC is applying for a variance to build homes consistent
with the rest of the commnnity, not deviating fi:om the rest of the co ...... tmity.
This zoning designation creates a tremendous barrier to the development of this
co~m~maity. There are 15 scattered lots in this co~mity that are less than 50 feet in
width. All of these lots would be not be developable under these regulations, and would
sit vacant. This would only propetuate the slum and blight conditions in the
The CDC wishes to work with the City on an on going basis to revise these burdensome
regulations and begin the development of the comrmmity. Each vacant lot in this
community provides an opportunity for a homebuyer to lq~lfill their dream of
homeownership and an oppommity to add value to the COmmunity. The CDC is
committed to working with the City to make that a reality.
B. The platting, zoning and construction of the other homes in the community occurred well
before the CDC was even in existence. The actions of the CDC in no xvay created these
C. The CDC is not receiving any particular benefit over other individuals or developers; the
CDC only requests that it be pel'mltted to construct homes that are consistent with 85
percent of the homes in this co~unity, which are under the same zoning designation.
D. The City of Boynton Beach funded the CDC in order to provide housing opportunities to
low and moderate-income first time homebuyers and to develop and increase the value of
this COmmmaity. The CDC CUlTelltly has two qualified homebuyers that have overcome
many obsticules to qualify for a loan. These two families are ready and waiting to move
into the proposed homes. By only permitting the construction of one home, a family
would be dcnfied a rare opportunity to occupy a brand new residence. Additionally, il'the
CDC were to only build one home, the cost of the home would increase due to the
increased land cost. This increase would, in mm, ellm~nate both buyers.
The CDC widaes to increase the tax base and property value of the commUllity. Building
two homes instead of one would double the tax output. Two homes would also reduce
vacant ld~td in the COmmullity, thereby increasing home values. Additionally, if the CDC
built only one home on the 2 lots, that home would look very out of character. Since the
CDC's homes are only 35 feet wide, there would be a yard space of 38 feet on each side
of the house. This would give the appearance of a vacant lot on each side of the home.
Mainta~g this large lot would place a higher financial burden un the property owner.
This could potentially resuk in a poorly maintained lawn, always a com,-unity eyesore.
Small lawns are much easier for an owner to maintain, less costly, and consistent with the
concept of building affordable housing.
E. There are 110 single rarely homes in the COmmm~ that sit on lots that are tL~ (50) feet
or less, including the home right next to the CDC's proposed site. In fact, immediately to
the north of the CDC's proposed site on NE 13'~ Ave there are four homes that were
constructed four years ago that look nearly identical to the homes the CDC is proposing.
All four homes were built on ~ (50) foot lots. The CDC is only requesting the
mln~mal amount needed to construct two affordable homes that w/il be compatible with
eight-five percent of the other homes ia the commmllty.
F. The intent of the ordinance is to prevent building on smaller lots located in communities
where the majority of the homes are set on larger lots. Those squeezed in homes would
certainly be out of character in the neighborhood. This is clearly not the case in this
co~,~,mity. The CDC's proposed homes will appear quite compatible with the other
homes in the community. The CDC's homes will el~,~ate vacant land in the
co,n,~.mity, make affordable housing opportunities available to low income first time
home buyers, and make a positive impact on the value of the surrounding residences.