ON MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2005 AT 6:30 P.M.
Cheryl Arflin
Richard Beaulieu
Angela Budano
Debby Coles-Dobay
Kim McGow
Suzette Urs
Arleen Dennison, Board Liaison
Also in attendance: Jody Rivers, Chris Francois, Dan DeCarlo, Jeanne Heavilin, Angela
Budano, Matt Urich, Jennifer Fall, Judi Marsh, Jim Williams, Betty Thomas, Glenda Hall,
Virginia Farace, Mike Rumpf, Doug Hutchinson, Oakley Ogg, Diana Johnson and Annette
I. Welcome and Introductions
II. Workshop
• Breakout tables were setup. The group spent approximately 20 minutes at
each table addressing the following four questions:
1. How do you see Public Art fitting into your program?
- Improve visual aesthetics in public areas on City owned property. While
addressing maintenance issues — hopefully aiding in improving maintenance of
- Incorporate groups/children - create interest to improve
- City has 11 very large concrete pots, which could be used to enhance the Art
Center programs. Help others know what Boynton has to offer.
- Improve image of town. Attract tourism. Educate general public regarding Art.
- Serve as landmark for places. Give the town identity.
- Percent of building cost should go to City Art.
- Marketing/Economic Development
- Using "Public Art" program as a city asset and tool to market and promote
Boynton Beach as a quality community. Having Cultural Arts incorporated into
Public Policy.
- City appreciates value of art in well being of residents.
- Being connected to a cohesive Public Art Program gives each site "legitimacy."
This importance brings more visitors to our site.
- BODA and restaurant development in CRA.
- Make people aware of the beauty of art. Raise their level of consciousness to
color and form.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Board Regular Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL May 3, 2004
- Each business should incorporate design and art and go through arts
commission before site plan approval.
- We should look at murals and include city history as much as possible.
- Art can be provided through a lot of green space and ease of parking, walking,
- Flowers can also be a great source of beauty that can continually change.
- Individual/Personalize parks — give an identity to create themes in parks.
- "Usable" interactive parks through art.
- Improve aesthetic value of parks.
- Replace traditional park furniture with unique pieces.
- Provide destination points for parks.
- We have an art center with no art around it.
- Encourage development.
- Be visual — distractions from required but negative necessities, such as power
poles, overhead lines, etc.
- Fountains are calming elements and Public Art shows a sense of pride.
- Each business should incorporate an art — flowers.
- To identify individual projects and site plans.
- To implement the individual redevelopment plans. For example, Visions 20/20,
Ocean District plan, etc., regarding streetscape/pedestrian enhancements.
- As part of an incentive program — give and take. Requirements for blank walls,
projects along selected roadways.
- Through site plan approval process and through CRA incentive plans for
eligible projects.
Encouraging people to spend more time in areas with art.
- Creating an interactive experience.
- Stimulating conversation — converting strangers into acquaintances.
- Creating pedestrian friendly atmosphere — a place people want to be.
- Creating a destination.
- Reflecting image of Boynton Beach.
- Creating a citywide theme, character.
- In CRA — being incorporated into all new development
- In existing neighborhood, use of public art can unify/identify specific "districts."
- Fun — whimsical yet functional.
- Want to see public art on the Library Plaza and in the Library.
- We have spaces made available in the new design for incorporating various
- See outside of schools made more appealing through signage/colors/outside
- Art on school campuses to encourage/expose children to various media.
- Students could be involved through art competitions or simply selecting their
2. How can Public Art benefit Boynton Beach?
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Board Regular Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL May 3, 2004
- Pride and increase real estate value.
- By creating character where it is so uninteresting.
- Create areas of interest so public space gets utilized.
- Create civil pride.
- A public art plan with clear directives will be inviting to developers/an incentive
to developers will create a more inviting place to citizens and visitors/more people
come — more people have a sense of ownership.
- Bring revenue and tourism.
- Less crime.
- Stimulate people to think about different ideas, visual of otherwise.
- Bring jobs — someone could do mime or pose as statue — performance art or
other performances.
- Merchandise art for revenue.
- Tourism equals business.
- Bring people together.
- Create an identity for the city. Encourage job creation.
- Create interest centers.
- Reproductions for sale — flat artwork, statues, flags.
- Civic Pride — create jobs, educate students and adults.
- Display of art a JC Park — juvenile /history.
- Economic development.
- Reduce crime.
- Improve aesthetics.
- Create identity.
- Sense of place.
- Create a destination.
- Increase awareness — programs and goals.
- Raise interest thru interaction of community leads to care/pride of individual
- Improve city image!
- Identify city areas differently.
- Bring people to Boynton Beach.
- Improve quality of life.
- Instill community pride which hopefully leads to citizens taking better
care of their own property and public spaces.
- Culture — Investment — Tourism — Pride — Beautification — Identity
- Image is a place to live or be — drives economy
- Energize public spaces.
- Gives a reason to be outside — go for a walk, have lunch in the park.
- Generate pride in community.
- Excite school children — field trips, etc.
- Visual appeal.
- Change the demographics of the people that visit.
- Create a positive image — diversity and culture.
- Tells people they've arrived someplace "special."
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Board Regular Meeting May 3, 2004
Boynton Beach, FL
- Display and promote individual artists.
-Establish and strengthen Boynton Beach as a recognized "place" nationwide.
- To acknowledge historic and current character.
- To identify its boundaries.
- To identify/promote meeting places, parks, civic buildings, activity centers.
- To identify typically unsightly areas.
- To facilitate public involvement — children, adults, special interest groups.
- To enhance/optimize appearance of individual projects/site plans.
- Boynton Beach is starved for art. Boynton is about fast food and malls. Art
would bring character. Reference points for a town lacking a downtown area.
Provide enthusiasm for local artists. Give life to community.
- Visual pleasing Image. Provide direction, ex., Hester Center Mural of sports
image. Children's Museum image like Keith Harring/Jim Rizzi Art Center
Picasso scope.
- Interactive sculpture at parks. Demonstrate existing diversity.
3. How can Public Art solve a problem in your community?
- Support of community
- Public art encourages pride, creativity and provides guidance for creative
- To promote establishment of vision and identity.
- To further implementation of redevelopment plans; and,
- To support project/site plan enhancements to raise aesthetic quality and
- Decrease maintenance issues. For example, small areas inappropriate for
landscape; noses of parking lots, chase areas.
- Draw interest to programs/Art Center in Boynton
- Pride, Care of Boynton Beach Property Owners
- Wide cultural variety — awareness — pride.
- Mask/Improve/Correct Ugliness — in an area
- Create a focal point — brings pride
- Provides outlet to channel negative energy
- Attract tourism dollars to support economy
- Enhance efforts for "traffic calming" to alleviate road rage
- Help with crime and economic impact
- Make streets interesting
- Identity of our SITE : Visual tie-in with other city buildings, parks, etc.
- Identity of the Historic significance of building and...
- Create a cohesive approach to whole city.
- Draw people to a city center creating a safe place to congregate downtown.
- Art could connect one site to another in the city.
- CRA needs a real list of what's art!
- Get credit for being artful
- Landscape & Architecture is included in the 1 % for Art and for the CRA
- Commission reviews the project and returns to CRA to say do this and this...
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Board Regular Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL May 3, 2004
- Approach through grass roots.
- Create a mural to bring participants - look more like art center.
- Educate — Art Center involvement in creative process of art in public places can
- Youth involvement (give kids something to do.)
- Helps the developer to ease it's entrance into a challenging market place and
change the perception of being a bad neighbor.
- Colors have an effect on people — so can art. Fun, colorful, functional process
in youth department — make it an area where children feel happy. Nurtured and
- Teenagers need ability for self-expression.
- Adults want quiet for research but stimulating art can increase concentration.
- Public spaces encourage communication — lobby — program soon
- Entrance — let everyone know what to expect when entering — fun & knowledge.
4. Where do you see Public Art in Boynton Beach?
- All Public Properties:
Parking Lots, Boardwalks (Mangrove Park & Marina), ROW's, Medians,
Parks, Courtyards, Bus Stops, Art Center — Outside, Scrub Areas, and Art in
Park — Walking Tour.
- Entrances to City, Parks, Civic Projects (City Hall, Library), key intersections,
Meeting places, along Ocean Avenue, at Marina, corners of BB Blvd. And US
1, vacant lots (temporarily and long term).
- In sidewalk — children's walk; walls of community center; noses in parking
lots and art walking paths.
- All parks; all public buildings; City Hall; Chamber of Commerce; Civic
Center; Art "theme" throughout City (E -W -N -S); tasteful murals on buildings;
pathway to artworks for downtown; Public Art Centers/Plazas in large mix -use
projects; banners on street posts changing;
- Entrance to City; Neighborhoods creating focal points.
- Exterior walls of all community centers.
- Everywhere — downtown, green spaces, entrance walks into the city, in all
mixed-use developments.
- At the beach, library, Civic Center, new downtown developments, parks
(neighborhood), entries into the City.
- No boundaries — smallest details to large scale.
- The bridge light posts; the turtle at city hall; in front of the museum; Industrial
- Across the bridges; along Federal and Center Isle; on Ocean Avenue; Ocean
- Parks, Greenways, Sidewalks.
- Little League Park; Boundless Playground; Beach; Promenade; Garbage Cans
(dumpsters); Statue of Mr. Boynton — Town Square, Roadway Sidewalks and
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Board Regular Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL May 3, 2004
green Spaces; combining streets with old street names; pond in downtown —
retention area.
- Major intersections; Beach; Bridges; Entrance to neighborhoods — districts;
Public Areas: buildings, parks, centers, fire stations, police stations, library.
Streets — names note #'s.
- Parks; City Units; Roadways; Beaches; Buildings; Statue of Mr. Boynton;
Industrial Avenue; Bridges (names & symbols); Schools.
- Positive Identity and Positive Image. Old Street Names & Lights on buildings.
- Downtown area
- At inter -faces between large private developments and public spaces
- Along the waterfront
- Everywhere!
- Start with Downtown/Ocean Avenue/City Square/Promenade/Marina
- Major arteries —1-95 exits
- Identifiable areas/Districts/ MLK/ Congress/Quantum District
- Shopping Malls
- Schools
a. Destination
b. Functional Art
c. Identity Making
d. Add Excitement
e. Art Center with No Art?
a. 11 Concrete Pots from Ocean Avenue — opportunity for signature program
b. Art in high maintenance areas as substitution hard to irrigate
- Cost savings
- Aesthetic improvement value
c. Cohesive Image — Unifying Elements
- Signage
- Lighting
- Consistent
- Identity for City Of Boynton Beach
d. Be mindful of maintenance issues and prepare a manual w/ guidelines
a. Art in plaza area — opportunities for interior and exterior
- Various media
- Functional art
- Historical, whimsy
b. Outside and Inside Schools — Campus
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Board Regular Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL May 3, 2004
- Part of community
- Blend of community
c. Civic Pride
d. Student Involvement
- Competitions
- Programs that rotate
- Share common theme
4. P & Z
a. To optimize individual projects and site plans - incentive program or code
requirements. For example, requirements for blank walls, projects along
selected roadways.
b. Implement redevelopment plans, for example, 20/20 plan.
a. Businesses should be required to include art
b. Murals
c. Landscaping as art - potted plants a living sculpture
6. CRA
a. Incorporated into all next development beyond incentive programs
b. Existing neighborhood - identifying districts
c. Encourage people to spend more time downtown
d. Creating interactive experiences
e. Stimulating conversations - converting strangers to acquaintances
f. Create a destination
g. City wide theme
h. Project review
i. Provide venue for events
a. Generating income
b. Landmarks - improve image
c. Can make projects more successful and viable
d. Help create a live, work and play environment to reduce migration
e. Performing arts
A. Art Center
a. Raise profile and awareness
b. Spreading art into community
c. Help see value of art education
d. Environment provided to experience/discuss art
B. Schoolhouse Museum
a. Genetic traffic
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Board Regular Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL May 3, 2004
b. Consider elements for identification
c. Belong to fabric of town
d. Greater awareness of Museum
e. Promote existing artwork and provide new opportunities
f. Identifying signage needed - present/existing ineffective
g. Strengthen destination issues - cluster, reason to go/be
h. Include after school youths program
C. Chamber/Economic Marketing
a. Using public art program as city asset and tool to market and promote
Boynton Beach as a quality community
b. Having cultural arts incorporated into public policy
c. City appreciate value of art in well being of residents
D. Sister Cities
5. Adjournment - Next Meeting: Monday, May 2, 2005 6:30 PM at the
Schoolhouse Children's Museum
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arleen Dennison
Staff Liaison