O88-17ORDINANCE NO. 88-/7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES APPENDIX A - ZONING, BY AMENDING SECTION 1 TO CREATE NEW DEFINITIONS; AMENDING SECTION 3 REGULATIONS AND MAP. SUB-SUBSECTION A. OFFICIAL ZONING MAP, SUBSECTION 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS, BY INCLUDING NEW ZONING DISTRICTS THEREIN D CREATING A NEW SUB-SUBSECTION 7. LINEATiNG THE APPLICATION OF ZONING REGULATIONS TO ADOPTED PLANS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES AND CREATING A NEW SUB-SUBSECTiON 8. DELINEATING THE APPLICATION OF ZONING REGULATIONS TO OTHER DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS WHICH ARE MORE RESTRICTIVE; AMENDING SECTION 4. SUBSECTION N. GENERAL PROVISIONS. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS BY CREATING A NEW SUB-SUBSECTION 11. RELATING TO PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR HAZARDOUS SECTION~- RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS AND USE PROVISIONS SUB-SUBSECTION H. AG. AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT BY CREATING A NEW ,UBSECT] lA. REQUIRING REVIEW PERMITS FOR CERTAIN CULTURAL USES; AMENDING 5. RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND USE PROVISIONS SUBSECTION I. REC. RECREATION DISTRICT BY A NEW SUB-SUBSECTION 1.B. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERMITS FOR RECREATIONAL DISTRICT USES; iON 5. RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND USE- PROVISIONS J. PU PUBLIC USAGE DISTRICTS NEW SUB-SUBSECtION lA. BY A REVIEW PERMITS USES WITHIN THE PUBLIC USAGE AMENDING SECTION 5. RE~ AL DISTRICT ~SE BY CREATING A K. PLANNED DIS~ TO CONSIDER ED UNIT AS A ZONING ON THE MAP AND TO SUBJECT ALL PUD PROVISIONS OF THESE ; BY AMENDING SECTION 6. IIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS AND USE IONS SU. BSECTION A. C-1 OFFICE AND COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, BY CERTAIN PERMITTED USES, BY ADDITIONAL CRITERIA FOR TUT NURSERY SCHOOLS, DAY CARE OTHER PRE-SCHOOL-FACILITIES, BY 2NG FOR MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE', AND PROVIDING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERMIT REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING 6. COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AND USE PROVISIONS B. C-2 NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT, BY PROVIDING ~ES WITHIN THE C-2 ZONE, BY RE, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERMITS, BY CREATING PROHIBITED USES, BY PROVIDING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SALE OF USED MERCHANDISE; BY AMENDING SECTION 6.SUBSECTION C. C-3. COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. BY PROVIDING ADDITIONAL USES, BY ELIMINATING CERTAIN USES, BY REQUIRING THAT CERTAIN USES OBTAIN ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERMITS, BY DEFINING CERTAIN PROHIBITED USES, BY PROVIDING NEW CRITERIA FOR THE REPAIR AND SERVICE OF MERCHANDISE, BY PROVIDING NEW CRITERIA FOR THE EXTERIOR DISPLAY AND STORAGE OF MERCHANDISE; BY AMENDING SECTION 6.SUBSECTION D. C-4 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT BY AMENDING VARIOUS PERMITTED USES, BY REQUIRING ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERMITS FOR CERTAIN USES, BY PROHIBITING CERTAIN SPECIFIC USES WITHIN THE C-4 DISTRICT; BY AMENDING SECTION 6. SUBSECTION E. CBD CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTt BY REQUIRING ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERMITS FOR CERTAIN USES; BY AMENDING SECTION 6 SUBSECTION F. PLANNED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, BY REQUIRING ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERMITS AND ALLOWING ADDITIONAL USES AND PROHIBITING OTHERS; BY AMENDING SECTION 7. PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO PROVIDE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW; BY AMENDING SECTION 8, SUBSECTION A.M-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO REQUIRE ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT REVIEW; BY AMENDING SECTION 9. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT SUBSECTION C. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDINGS REZONINGS, BY ESTABLISHING A NEW CRITERIA FOR THE AMENDMENT PROCESS TO THE ZONING REGULATIONS AND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN, BY ESTABLISHING NEW CRITERIA FOR THE MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATIONS, BY PROVIDING LIMITATIONS ON FURTHER CONSIDERATION WHICH ARE MORE RESTRICTIVE THAN PRIOR CONSIDERATIONS; BY AMENDING SECTION 10. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBSECTION B. POWERS AND DUTIES, TO ESTABLISH NEW' ~E~' VARIANCES TO MINIMUM LOT AREAS AND MAXIMUM DENSITIES; BY AMENDING SECTION 11.1 NONCONFORMING USES AND STRUCTURES BY REPEALING SUB-SUBSECTION C. NONCONFORMING LOTS CREATING A NEW SUBSECTION C. BY PROVIDING NEW CRITERIA FOR THE ERECTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE NOTWITHSTANDING CERTAIN LIMITATION IMPOSED BY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THESE REGULATIONS; BY AMENDING SECTION 11.2 CONDITIONAL USES SUBSECTION D. STANDARDS FOR EVALUATING CONDITIONAL USES BY CREATING NEW SUB-SUBSECTIONS 11 AND 12, BY CREATING NEW STANDARDS; AMENDING SECTION 11.2 CONDITIONAL USES SUBSECTION F. CONTENTS OF THE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION SUB-SUBSECTION 5. SITE PLAN DRAWN TO AN APPROPRIATE SCALE, SHOWING THE FOLLOWING: O. BY PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMITTAL OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION; PROVIDING THAT ALL OTHER DEFINITIONS, 2 SECTIONS OR SUBSECTIONS NOT SPECIFICALLY REPEALED OR AMENDED BY THIS ORDINANCE SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS ORIGINALLY ENACTED; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A CODIFICATION CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION 'OF THE CITYOFrBOYNTONBEACH, FLORIDA, 'AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 1. Definition of Terms. is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures shown in struck-through type as follows: ANTIQUE STORE or AUCTION HOUSE. The use of a building for the retail sale or auction of objects of value such as quality ~es~e~ antiques, art objects, jewelry, and the like, but not used merchandise generally. No outside storage or display shall be permitted in connection with such uses. AUTOMOBILE. An automobile or motorcycle, as defined by the rules of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE STATIONS. The use of a building or other structure, on a lot or parcel of land which includes any retail sale of gasoline or other motor fuels, er and accessory uses such as the sale of lubricants, accessories, or supplies, the lubrication of motor vehicles, or the minor adjustment or repair of motor vehicles (see definition: "minor repairs"). No vehicles shall be stored nor major repairs done on the premises. A public parking lot or public parking garage shall not be a permitted accessory use to an automotive service station. BAR OR COCKTAIL LOUNGE. An establishment which serves or includes the serving of beer, wine, or liquor to patrons other~than, in. con~-unction with the serving of meals. CHILD. An unmarried person under the age of eighteen (18) years. COM~RRCIAL TRUCK. A truck defined as such by the rule of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. COM~F. RCIAL ZONING DISTRICT. PCD zoning districts. All C-l, C-2, Ct3, C-4 and CONVENTIONAL ZONING DISTRICT. Ail zoning districts which are not planned zoning districts. DEPARTWRNT STORE. A retail establishment offering a wide variety of merchandise, and organized into departments, according to the type of merchandise sold. EXTERIOR DISPLAY. Display of merchandise, as an accessory use in a lawful principal use, outside of the walls of the building or within any area which is not fully enclosed by building walls, in such a manner so as to allow for viewing or inspection of mercb~qndise by customers. EXTERIOR STORAGE. The keeping of merchandise, materials, equipment, or supplies, and the like, outside of the walls of a building or within any area which is not fully enclosed bybuilding walls, which is generally not for the purpose of allowing inspection or viewing by customers. FAMILY DAY CARE. A residence providing day care services for a number of children which is limited in accordance with Florida law, andwhich shall be construed to be an accessory use .to any dwelling unit located in a residential or PU district, or in any coamnercial zoning district, excluding C-4 districts. FOSTER CHILD. A child in foster care who has been placed in a foster home by the State of Florida. FOSTER HOME OR FOSTER CARE, FOR CHILDREN. A family foster home as defined by Section 409.175, Florida Statutes, and which conforms_to the definition of "Family". LUMBER STORES, BUILDING MATERIALS STORE, AND LUMBER YARDS. Sale of lumber and other building materials, including cutting of finished lumber products to length or size for sale on premises. NURSING HOME OR CONVALRSCENT HOME. A residential faci~tywhich is included under the definition of "nursing home facility", "facility", or "related health care facility home" as set forth in Chapter 400, Part I, Florida Statutes, except that this definition shall apply to facilities or any capacity. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE. A license to operate a business,. profession, occupation, or other operation within the City limits, which is issued in accordance with Chapter 13 of the City of BoMnton Beach Code of Ordinances." OFF-PREMISES STORAGE. Storage which is not located on the same parcel as the principal use to which such storage is an accessory use. PAWN SHOP. A shop where money is lent in exchange for personal property left as security. PLANNED~ZONING DISTRICT. A zoning_district in which the zoninq of the property to same ~ ~. by and conditioned upon a approved master plan for the use and/or development of the property. RECREATION VEHICLE. A travel trailer, camp trailer, chassis mount camper, or motor home, as defined by the rules of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT. Ail R-1AAA, R-1AAB, R-1AA, R-lA, R-l, R-2 and R-3 zoning districts, and those Planned Unit Developments where the predominant land use on the approved master plan is residential. RETAIL. The sale of goods ~ to household consumers= ,or office or professional equipment and supplies, for use in offices, or any other sale in the form of personal property. ~-~he-p~p~ses-~-~hese-~e~a~s~-a-~e~a~ es~aB~shmea~-sha~-Be-~e~ne~-as-aa-es~aB~shme~-~-whe~e-ae~ ~ess-~ha~-~y-%~8}-pe~ee~-e~-%he-~a~e-~9-gee~s-se~-e~ e~-~em-ehe-prem&ses-a~e-se~-ee-he~sehe~-e~s~mers= SPECIAL MOBILE EQUIPMENT. Vehicles defined as such by section 316.003, Florida Statutes. STORAGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. The storage of goods by individual households of their household possessions, and excluding storage of inflammable, explosive, toxic, or hazardous materials. USED MERCHANDISE. Merchandise which has been previously owned b~ another consumer or other end-user prior' to being stocked or sold on the premises. UTILITY TRAILER. A trailer or co~m.ercial truck which is rented, leased, or sold primaril~ for use by household users for movinghousehold goods, and specifically excluding truck-tractors or semi'trailers. WHOLESALE. Sale e~ -make~&~s -ko -e~s~me~s -e~ -users -~%he~ -~ha~ -h~seh~ e~s~me~s?---P~--~he--pu~p~ses--~--ehese--~e§~a~s?--a wh~esa~e-es~aB~shme~-sha~-be-~e~me~-as-a~-es~a~shmem~ whe~e-me~e-~ha~i-~y-~Dg~-pe~ee~-e~-%he -~a~e-~-§eeds s~d-~n-~-~m-~he-p~em~ses-a~e-s~4-a~-wh~esa~e-p~ees-e~ e~s~me~s-~-~se~s-~he~-eha~-ho~seh~-ee~s~me~s= of goods to consumers or to business and s for use in such offices. WRECKED MOTOR VEHICLE. A motor vehicle defined as such by sectiOn 10-50 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Section 2. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 3. Regulations and map. Subsection A. Official Zoning Map, is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures shown in struck-through type as follows: 3. Establishment of zoning districts: 1. The City of Boynton Beach is hereby divided into zoning districts as follows and as delineated on the official zoning map which, together with all explanatory matter thereon, is hereby declared a part of the official zoning regulations: R-I-AAA R - 1 - AAB R-l-AA R-1-A R-1 R-2 R-3 C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 CBD Single-family residential district Single-family residential district Single-family residential district Single-family Single-family Single-and two-family residential district Multiple-family residential district Office and professional district Neighborhood commercial district Community commercial district General commercial district Central business district PUD PCD PID M-A PU REC AG S&ey-~wne~-p~e~ey Planned unit development district Planned con~ercial development district Planned industrial development district Light industrial district Public usage district- Recreation Agriculture 3. Application of zoning regulations and adopted plans or design guidelines. 5 Where the adopted Comprehensive plan for the city,.. adopted plans for the development or redevelopment of particular areas of the city, adopted design guidelines, or a com~unit~ design plan adopted pursuant to section 19-42 include policies which impose limitations or requirements on the use or development of property generally or for specific. properties, which are more restrictive than those set forth in these zoning re~ulations, including district regulations and use provisions, including policie~ which limit the type or intensity of use of property, residential densities, or the height, setbacks, bulk, or design of structures, or site restrictive 1.imitations or requirements set forth in such adopted guidelines or plans shall supersede the previsions of these zoning regulations. 8. Application regulations. of zoning regulations and other Where other use or development regulations are more restrictive than those set forth in these zoning regulations, or in the case of conflict between spocific provisions contained in these zoning regulations, includinq regulations which limit the t~pe or intensity of use of densities, the height, setbacks, bulk, or site design, the more restrictive regulations shall apply. Furthermore, this paragraph shall be include consideration of the factors and forth in section 19-21, section 19-43 and section 19'65 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. section 3. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 4. General ProvisiOns. SUBSECTION N. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures shown in struck-through type as follows: 11. Hazardous materials and hazardous waste. a. Prior to the issuance of an occupational license in the City, the operator of any use that uses,handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials or that generates hazardous waste, as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 261, and requires a permit for same from a state or federal agency-, or requires periodic reporting to a state or federal ~genc¥.~ shall be required to obtain' ? review permit in accordance with section 11.3. b. The operator of any such use shall be required to design and construct, prior to occupancy, an appropriate separate spill containment system to hold spilled hazardous materials for cleanup, independent from the storm water drainage system, along with an appropriate early warning monitoring program. The containment system and monitoring programshall be a type which is generally acceptable to the Florida iDepartment of Environmental Regulation and the South Florida Water Management District, and shall serve all structures or areas where hazardous materials are used, handled, stored, or displayed, or where hazardous wastes are generated. c. Depressed truck wells which are utilized by users of hazardous materials and generators of hazardous waste shall provide a drainage system which shall be 'designed and maintained to-include oil and grease receptors, and open bottom sedimentation pumps as pollutant retardant structures. Such systems shall be designed so as to prevent pollutants from entering surface waters and groundwater. Parking areas and driveways adjacent to truck wells shall be 6 designed to divert runoff to storage and exfiltration systems on-site, prior to discharge into surface waters or storm sewers. d. Users of hazardous materials and generators of hazardous waste shall develoD hazardous materials response plans priOr to the operation of such uses, which shall require the approval of the Environmental Review Committee. This plan shall identify appropriate measures for contamination response, including but not limited to: (1) Provisionof equipment and trained personnel on-site or a contract with a contamination response firm meeting Florida Department of Environmental Regulation standards, where aDproDriate; (2) Specification monitoring programs ito contamination; of follow-up water quality be implemented in the event of (3) Specification of design and operational measures to contain and direct contaminated surface runoff away from lakes, ponds, canalS, drainage structures connections to the surficial aquifer; and/or other (4) Specifications for the development and implementation of an early warning monitoring program; (5) Proof of financial responsibility which assure that cleanup costs can be provided. will (6) A copy of the permit issued by or application for permit to the governmental agency or agencies responsible for permitting the handling, storage, disDla¥, or generation of the particular hazardous materials or hazardous wastes. Where only Deriedic reDorts are required to be supDlied to such agencies, copies of these reports shall be provided to the Environmental Review C~,~,ittee. (7) Where the information required under (1) through (6) above is required as Dart of the inf6rmation required for permitting by or reporting to governmental agencies responsible for regulating hazardous materials or hazardous wastes, this information shall be considered sufficient for the purpose of this section. Section 4. Appendix A - zOning~ Section 5. Residential district regulations and use provisions. Subsection H. AG AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT. is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures in struck-through type as follows: lA. Uses requiring environmental review permit. Any use listed under 5.H.1. above which uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials, or which generates hazardous waste, as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 261, shall require an Environmental Review Permit in accordance with section 11.3. Section 5. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 5. Residential district regulations and use provisions. SUBSECTION I. REC RECREATION DISTRICT. is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures in struck-through type as follows: lB. Uses requiring environmental review permit. 7 Any use listed under 5.I.1. which uses, handles,. stores, or displays hazardous materials, or which generates hazardous waste, as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 261, shall require an Environmental Review Permit an accordance With section 11.3. Section 6. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 5. Residential district regulations and use provisions. J. PU PUBLIC USAGE DISTRICT~ is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures in struck-through type as follows: lA. Uses requiring environmental review permit. Any use listed under 5.J.1. above which uses, handles,. stores, or displays hazardous materials or which generates hazardous waste, as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 261, shall require an Environmental Review Permit in accordance with section 11.3. Section 7. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 5. Residential district regulations and use provisions, is amended by creating a new subsection K. PUD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. K. PUD PLANNED UNIT DEVRT.OP~ DISTRICTS. Appendix B of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances is hereby incorporated by reference into these zoning regulations, and all planned unit developments shall be considered zoning districts on the Official Zoning Map. Appendix B, and all planned unit developments approved in accordance with Appendix B, shall be subject to all applicable provisions of these zoning regulations, except as otherwise provided for in Appendix B. Section 8. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 6. Commercial district regulations and use provisions. Subsection A. C-1. OFFICE AND PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures in struck-through type as follows: 1. Uses permitted. Within any C-1 office and professional e~mme~e&a~ zoning district~--no building, structure, land, or water, sha~-~e-~e~i~-~e~-e~e-~ me~e-e~-%he-~e~ew~-uses or any part-thereof, shall be erected altered, or used, in whole or in part, except for one or more of the following specified uses (single-family occupancy when incidental and necessary to main use is permitted). Those uses, however, which are listed in IA. below shall require conditional use approval, and those uses which are indicated under lB. below shall require an environmental review permit, prior to the establishment of these uses. a. Churches and other places of worship and attendant accessory uses. N~se~y-sehs~sTDay care centers, primary and secondary schools, seminaries, and colleges and universities a~e shall not be construed to be an accessory use to a place of worship, however. By-khese-~e~a~s= b. Financial institutions= , including drive-through facilities. c. Funeral Homes. e=~ d Funeral home with crematorium.* ~ e: Government-~w~e~-~--~pe~a~e~-B~~§s-am~-~ses= facilities, including public co~-unity centers, excluding uses which have extensive storage or maintenance facilities, or storage or maintenance as their principal use. 8 e f. Hospitals. ~ 9~ Medical and dental offices and clinics. ~ h.. Nursing and convalescent homes. h 1. Pharmacies, medical and surgical supplies; orthopedic, invalid and convalescent supplies; eyeglasses and hearinq aids. a~-s~ea~-su~e~s~ ~ ~. Professional and business offices. 9 k. Veterinary ~-ex%e~-~e~ne~-use~= offices and clinics outdoor of animals .lud~ng on-sit~ ~ 1. N~se~ -sehee~s? -~a~ -ea~.e-eenke~s -a~ -e~he~ p~eseh~e~-~ae~k~esm-~see-see~e.~-~-S~? Reserved. ~? m.__ P~ma~--a~--seeen~a~y--sehee~s?--sem~na~es? ee~e§es--an~--~e~s~esr Nursery schools,~ da~ care centers, and other preschool facilities* (See sectio~ ll.C.). n. or a gross floor area of less limited to instrUCtion for tutor%ng,. and trade, or and industrial floor area feet or more,: ]~m~ted to academic tutoring, trade or of floor area, schools, seminaries, Print be allowed ~'Review Pez~dt ~n ,with 11.3. lB. Environmental review permit required. Any use listed~ under 6.A.1. or 6.A. 1A. above which uses, handles, stores,, or displays hazardous materials, or which generates hazardous waste, as defined .by 40 Code of Federal an Environmental Review Permit in 11.3. 3. Building and site regulations. M~&m~mMaximum lot coverage (building) 40 percent Section 9. Appendix A - ZO~ing;!SeCtion 6. Commercial district regulations and use provisions. Subsection B. C-2 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures in struck-through type as follows: 1. Uses permitted. Within any C-2 neighborhood commercial zo-~-~ district, no building, structure, land or water sha~--~e--use~--w~h~--~e--~--m~e--m~~p~se ~ses= ,or any part thereof~ shall be erecte~ altered, or. used, in whole or in part, except for one or more of tb~ following specified uses. Those uses, however, which are indicated in iA. below shall require conditional us~ approval, and those uses which are listed under lB. below shall require an environmental review permit, prior to the establishment of these uses. Ail stores and shops in the C-2 district shall be l~m~ted to retail sales. a. Any use permitted in C-1 district. b. Bake~-shepsv Any use which is a conditional use in the C-1 zoning district.* dv---Same~a-sa~es-am~-se~v~ee= ev---Sa~e~n~-se~v~eev 9v---Ha~ware-s~erev mv---Pe~sema~-se~&ee-es~aB~&s-~hmem~sv Dv---Res~a~am~s -~e~e~m~ -~&ve-&m -res%a~ram~s -amd e~-D~em&sesv ~v---Se~&ee--s~a~&ems--w~%he~%--ma~e~--~eDa~rs?--ama exe~d&m~-ear-wash-~see-def&m&~&emsv-ama~e~-~epa&~sa~7-w&~h ae-~ease -ene -~rem~a~e -em -a -~e~-~ame -ar~er&a~ -read? -amd e~eeeed-&m-:aeee~damee-w&~h-s~pp~emem~a~-~e§~ae&emsT-see~&em The following uses, provided that the gross floor area of such use does not exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet: c. Automobile parts and marine hardware stores, excluding any installation on premises, and excluding machine shop service. d. Camera and audio-visual equipment and supply stores. e. Furniture stores and home furnishings; antique stores, excluding auction houses, shall be a permitted use if limited to selling only objects of value such as qualitas. antiques, art objects, jewelr~ and the like, but not used merchandise generally. f. Flower shops and sale of hous~. . ~ g. Bicycle shops. h. Luggage stores. i. Music stores. j. Art and ceramic stores. k. Jewelry and cosmetic stores. 1. Locksmith shops.. m. Sporting goods, excluding sale of ammunition or firearms; game, and toy stores; bait and tackle shops. n. paint, wallpaper, tile, carpet, draperies, blinds and shades, and interior decorator shops.. o. Office supplies, equipment, and furniture. p. Art, craft, trophy, hobby, and costume shops, and sewing supplies; art galleries and artists'; studios. q. Book stores, religious goodm, card shops, tobacco shops, and news stores. r. Pet shops, excluding kennels or boarding of animals, of keeping animals in outdoor kennels. s. Repair or service shops, excluding rebuilding or refinishing, for retail goods that are typically sold in the stores which are permitted uses in the C-2 district. All outdoor diSpla~ or storage in conjunction with such uses shall be prohibited, however. 10 t. Televisions~ radio, video, and stereo equipment and supplies. u. Household appliances and parts for same. v. Curio, souvenir, and gift shops, excluding sale of used merchandise. w. Beer and wine sales, limited to consumption off promises. x. The following personal and household services: Barber shops, beauty salons, manicurists, tanning salons,.. pet grooming, off-promises car~et and upholstery cleaning, maid service, tailors and dressmakers. y. · Laundromats and retail laundering services, provided that the floor area for such uses is entirely enclosed. ~z Retail photographic studios and photofinishing service. aa. Fabrication and installation of furniture slipCovers. bb. Taxicab offices and parking, excluding service or repairs on the promises. ~:. ~cc. Automotive service stations, without major repairs (seedefinitions "major repairs"), and including car washes as .an accessory use, provided that at least one frontaqe.~ lies a four-lane collector or arterial road, and the in accordance with section ll.L. In the C,2 and service of vehicles, other than shall to automobiles, motorcycles, and with a rated capacity of not more than one repair and service of vehicles shall be done within an enclosed building.* dd. Print shops. ~ee. Drycleaning service, limited to handling goods the promises by retail customers. ff. clubs, ledges, and fraternal org~izations.* '. Drive'up, drive-through, or drive-in service for or services listed under 1.c.i through I. ff. above.* Drive-up and drive-through ~ac~lities for financial institutions shall be a permitted use, however. hh. Art or recreational instruction. following uses, provided that the gross floor area does not exceed ten thousand (10,000) square ii. Grocery, food, ice cream', and lth food stores delicatessens, butcher.shops and seafood and !ruit stores, convenience food stores,~ catering service. '' General hardware stores. kk. Restaurants, including serving of alcoholic. only in connection with the serving of meals. 11. Drive-through, drive-up, or drive-in restaurants.* mm. Sundries, notions, and variety stores. nn. Drug stores. oo. Clothing, clothing accessory, and shoe stores. Lawn and supply stores. Drive-up, drive-through or drive-in service for of the retail uses or personal services listed under 1.fi. through 1.pp. above.* Drive-up and drive-through facilities for financial institutions shall be a permitted the gross floor license: Each under the uses listed under 1.c. through 1.qq. above shall specify area on the application for an occupational retail store and adjacent stores or bays same ownership or control that are of a similar or 11 related use shall be considered to be a single store for the purpose of computing floor area. lA. Conditional uses allowed: Those uses specified above which are followed by an asterisk (*) shall be deemed to be conditional uses, which may be considered and granted in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 11.2 of Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. lB. Uses requiring an environmental review permit. Within any C-2 neighborhood commercial zoning district, no building, structure, land or water, or any part thereof, shall be erected altered, or used, in whole or in part, for any of the following specified uses, unless an environmental review permit is secured in accordance with the standards and procedures set forth in section ll.3L: a. Automotive service stations, subject to the provision of 1.cc. above, b. Print shops. c. Drycleaning on premises, limited to handling goods that are brought to the premises by retail customers. ! d. Any use listed under 6.B.1. or 6.B.1A, which uses handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials, or which gemerates hazardous waste as, defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 261. av---Any-Bus&mess-er-a-whe~esa~e-ma~u~ev Bv---Rese~ve~v 2. Prohibited uses. Within any C-2 neighborhood commercial zoning district, no building, structure, land or water, or any part thereof, shall be erected altered, or used, in whole or in part, for any of the following uses: a. Any use not specifically allowed in accordance with the list of uses under 1., lA., and lB., above. b. Any use which is either specifically allowed or prOhibited in another zoning district, which is not specifically allowed in accordance with the 'list of uses and lB. above. c. Outdoor storage or display of any type. d. Sale of firearms or ~nition. e. Sale of fireworks. f. cente~;~ ed on a basis. wholesale establishments, storage as a use or off-premises storage, or distribution. h. Sale of alcoholic beverages, other than beer or i. Serving of alcoholic beverages, except for on premises within a duly licensed restaurant in con~unction with the serving of regular meals. or building materials stores. k. Sales bazaars, farmer's markets, flea or thieves' and trading posts. 3. Building and site regulations. No building or tion thereof shall be erected, constructed, converted, ablished, altered, enlarged or used unless the premises buildings shall comply with the following regulations: Minimum lot frontage Minimum lot depth Minimum lot area Maximum lot coverage Minimum front yard 50 feet 100 feet 5,000 square feet 40 percent 30 feet 12 Minimum side yard (interior lots) 15 feet* Minimum side yard 20 feet on side street (corner lots) Minimum rear yard 20 feet* Maximum structure height 25 feet, not to exceed 2 stories *when abutting residential districts, side and/or rear yards shall be thirty (30) feet. 4. 8~-s~ee~-pa~k~§r-As-se~-ge~%h-~-see~en-~-H he~e~e~ Re~air ~ service of merchandise: The repair and service of merchandise for household customers shall be permitted as either an accessory or principal use, for a~y merchandise which is typically sold in the C-2 district, excluding rebuilding or refinishing of any type.. 5. Exterior storage or display. Exterior storage of display of merchandise or materials shall be prohibited, with the exception of growing plants which are stored or displayed as an accessory use to a lawful principal use. 6. Sale of used merchandise: The sale of used merchandise shall be permitted as an accessory use to the sale of new merchandise, meaning that used merchandise shall be of the same type as the new merchandise sold on the premises, and shall be permitted as an accessory use to a repair shop which is permitted in the district, provided that, in all cases, the floor area occupied by used merchandise shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross floor area. Stores which deal primarily in used merchandise, shall be limited to retail merchandise of the t1~pe that is permitted in the list of permitted uses above. Pawnshops and auction houses shall be prohibited, however, in the C-2 district. Used merchandise stores shall be located not less than twenty four hundred (2,400) feet apart, as measured by direct distance between property lines, and shall have a gross floor area of not more than five-thousand (5,000) square feet. Where these stores are currently located at less than this minimum distance, such stores shall not be expanded. All new applications for occupational licenses to operate such uses or applications for building permits to expand such uses shall be accompanied?.~,a~.~affidavit which certifies that the provisions of id be complied with. Exterior storage and display in connection with suchuses shall be prohibited. 6=---8~~-~sp~ays-~-me~ehan~se=--As-se~-~h-~n see~-6~6-he~e~a~e~= 7. Off-street parking. hereinafter. As set forth in section ll-H Section 10. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 6. Subsection C. C-3 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures in struck-through type as follows: 1. Uses permitted. Within any C-3 community commercial district, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: a. Any use permitted in C-1 or C-2 districts, without specific limitation on floor area. b. A~e-a~-ee~am~e-s~es= 13 Any conditional use in the C-2 district, except as provided for otherwise under the C-3 district regulations, without specific limitation on floor area.* c. Antique stores and auction houses, selling only objects of value such as qualit~ antiques, art objects, jewelry and the like, but not used merchandise generally. d. Bars, cocktail to the of of the Beach Code of use (*) if {600) feet of property lying within a as measured by direct e. Liquor stores, subject to the provisions of Chapter3 of the,City of Boynton Beach Cede of Ordinances. ~= Be~ea~essen= f. Greenhouses, nurseries, and other horticultural uses. g. Department stores. h=---P~ses?---~ee~h~uses7 .... ~se~es .... h~eu~a~-~ses~ h. i Hotel, motels, apartment hotels, and apartment motels, including timesharing units, provided that sleeping rooms~ therein, and exterior portions of the site be used for the display, lease, or sale of merchandise. ~---HO~e~s7 -mo%e~s~ -apa~mem~ -ho~e~s? -amd -apa~mem~ mo~e~s7-p~ded -~ha~-s~eep~n~ -~ooms-amd-apa~mem~ me~eha~d&sev i. Lumber yards and building materials stores, including sale to contractors.* j. Multifamily . and duplex residential dwellings, including timesharing apartments, which shall comply with the R-3 district regulations for such uses. k. Rooming and boarding houses.* e~-~h&s-Se( 1. vate clubs, lodges, and fraternal organizations. mv---P~a~e-e~u~sT-~odges-.a~-~~ m facilities, including bowling lanes, . health clubs, 9ymnasiums, tennis clubs, golf )lf courses shOoting ranges (indoor rinks and amusement halls. Recreation facilities than those which are listed above shall be conditionali uses (*). Racetracks, go-cart tracks, and water slides shaIi~ be prohibited. nv ..... ~~es --~ --ade~a~e~y---se~ee~ed --~e ke of ammunition and firearms. ~ymmas~ua~ auditoriums excluding drive-in pv---Res~au~am~s?-%exe~ud&n~ -d~ve-~m-~es~aa~am~s-and d~&ve-eh~a-,!~es~au~am~s~v p~ Automotive service stations, without major repairs (see definitions: "major repairs"), and including car washes as an accessor~use, provided that the site is developed in section ll.L. The repair and service of vehicles in the C-3 district shall include all motor vehicles, in addition to those tI~pes of motor vehicles for 14 which repair and service is allowed in the C-2 district, but shall exclude farm tractors and implements, cement mixers,. shovels or cranes, and special mobile equipment as defined bM section 316.003, Florida Statutes. All repair and service of vehicles shall be done within an enclosed building. g=---Se~v&ee--s~e~ems--w~%ho~t --ma~e~--~eDa~s?--B~e Bus terminals. r. Ambulance service. s, sales, excluding repair or service on premises.* t. Marinas and yacht clubs, which may include the following as accessor~ uses, if approved as such: An¥~ accessor~ uses to marinas which are allowed in the CBD district, as well as boat dealers, service, repair, installation, rebuilding, or customizing of boats, engines, or marine of or marine equipment.* u. boats at marinas.* v. Yachtels, boatels, and other use of boats at marinas fOr;residences.' w. equipment and tool rental, for homeowners or Er--. ~esw x. Governmental, utilities, and c~muunications facilities, excluding uses which have extensive storage or maintenance~facilities,i or storage or maintenance as their principal use. Utilities shall be adequatel~ screened from exterior view. yv---Ma~masv labor such uses shall be (*) if operated on a walk-in basis. z. Automobile wash establishments.* aa. Wholesaling of goods listed under section 8.A.l.c. .c.(4), 8.A.1.c.(6), 8.A.1.c.(7),. 8.A.l.c. [16) of these and for exterior of the (300) feet of a railroad direct access to the property from a road is not available at the effective date this ordinance.* The conditional use application shall tM2es of goods which are to be sold, , from the premises, and uses of the to those specified on this list, as Commission. 'pmea~-aa~ -eee~-~ea~a~-aCeae&es~ -me-eu~Meer-,s~e~a~e-e~-~sp~ay~ -res%a~.~a~s=· iA. Conditional uses allowed. Those uses specified above which are followed by an asterisk (*) shall be deemed to be conditional uses, which may be considered and granted 15 in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 11.2 of Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. lB. Uses requiring environmental review permit. Within any C-3 'community co~,ercial zoning district, no building, structure, land, or water, or any part thereof, shall be erected altered, or used, i~ whole or in part, for any of the following specified uses, unless an environm~-ta] review permit is secured in accordance with the staDdar~ and procedures set forth in section 11.3: a. Any use which would require an environmental review permit in the C-2 district. b. Sign painting an lettering shops. c. Automobile wash establishments._ d. Any use listed under 6.C.1. or 6.C.IA. which uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials, or which generates hazardous waste, as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 261. ~v---~ses--p~eh&B&~e~v---~m--a~&~&~m--e~--~h~se--uses ~e~ew&m§-~ses-are-.exD~ess~y-Dreh&b&~e~-&m-~he-~-~-eemm~.m&~y ay Amy--res&~em~&a~--~se--exeep~--as --prev&~e~--&m am~-~er-emDhas&s~-~he-~erms-U~eDar~mem~-s~erea-am~-ashepp&m~ epera~&ems -er -uses? -wh&eh -are -spee&~&ea~y -p~eh~B~e~ -&m ~h&s -~&s~r~e~v -Sa~es -Bazaar? -~armer~s -mar~eks? -~ea mereham~&sev 2. Prohibited uses. Within any C-3 community commercial zoning district, no building, structure, land or water, or any part thereof, shall be erected altered, or used, in whole or in part, for any of the following uses: a. Any use not specifically allowed in accordance with the list of uses under 1., lA., and lB., above. b. Any use' Which 'is either allowed or prohibited ~n another zoning is not specifically allowed in accordance with the list of uses under 1., lA., and lB. above. c. Any wholesale establishments, storage as a principaluse, off-premises storage, or distribution, except in accordance with 1.aa. and iA. above. d. Single family detached dwellings, except where used as a group home. e. Sales bazaars, farmer's markets, flea or thieves' markets, swap shops, and trading posts. f. Bingo halls. 3. Buildings and site regulations. M~m&m~m Maximum lot coverage (building) 40 percent 5. Reserve~v Repair and service of merchandise: The repair and service of merchandise for household customers shall be permitted as either an accessory or principal use, for any merchandise which is t~ically sold in the C-3 district, excluding rebuilding or refinishin~ of any t~pe. 16 ent¥-~-eempte~e~y-een~a~me~-w~h~n-preper~y me-eame-sha~t-watkwaym-be-bteeked?-mer-sha~-merehan~me-be 8~spta~e~ -~m -m~eh -a -manner -am -~e -e~ea~e -a -hama~ -~e -the ~abt~e~--Pa~k~m~-areas-shatt-me~-be-ase~-~e~-d~s~a~s-am~ess merchandise. be permitted, provided that such merchandise is owned by the operator of the business occupying the building, and is the same type of sold within the building. Exterior shall be for a~ length of time which, on a daily basis, shall not ) hours. Exterior ~ehicles and motor vehicles, shall, also be permitted to the extent that same is integral to the operation of a and wi areas shall not be of his display of~merchandise. The exterior display or storage of growing plants shall connection with a lawful principal use,. without limJ lengthlof time. 7. Sidewalk sales. Sidewalk sales in rights-of-way shallrequire approval by the City Manager or such person as may be ~the e~ -spee~al.-ma~a~e ~e~e -a~ -~§ -b~a~ -~ app~eva~-By-e~y-e~me~v 8. Sale of used merchandise: The sale of used merchandise shall be permitted as an accessory use to the sale of new merchandise, meaning that used merchandise shall be of the same type as the new merchandise sold on the premises, and shall be permitted as an accessory use to a repair shop which is permitted in the district, provided that in all cases, the floor area occupied by used merchandise Shall not exceed (25%) of the gross floor area. Stores (including pawnshops) which deal primarily in used merchandise, other than antique shops or auction houses (see 1.c. above), shall be limited to sale of retail merchandise of the type that is allowed in accordance with the list of uses under 6.C.1. and 6.C.1A. above. Such stores shallnot exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet in gross floor area and shall be located not less than twenty four hundred (2,400) feet apart, as measured by direct distance between property lines. Where these stores are currently located at less than this minimum distance, such stores shall not be expanded. All new applications for occupational:licenses to operate such uses or applications for building permits to expand such uses shall be accompanied 'by an affidavit which certifies that the provisions of this paragraph would be complied with. Exterior storage or display mn connection with such uses shall be ted. prohibi Section 11. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 6. Subsection D. C-4 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by 17 deleting the words and figures in struck-through type as follows: 1. Uses permitted. Withir any C-4 general commercial district, no building, structure, land or water, shall be used, except for one or more of the following uses: av---A~-~h~se-pe~m&~ke~-&m-S-~;-S-~-am~-S-~-~s~&e~sv ~---A~a~-em~e~a&mmem~-es~a~&shmem~v· ~v---A~em~h&~e-wash-es~a~&shmem~sv repa&~s-~see-~ef&m&~&emsT-ama~e~-~eDa&~sa~v ~?---Ba~e~2 -am~ -%&re -sa~es -am~ -ser~ee -w~%h~m -am ene~ese~-ha&~n~v uDhe~s~erM-an~-i~ee~&n~.suDp~esv &v---Pa&m~-am~-~epa&r-shepsT-&me~ud&mg-a~emeh&~e-~e~M ~v---Reerea~&em-veh&e~e-sa~es-~mew-am~-~se~v· Rv---Serv~ee -s%a%~ems -~whem -&me~mg -mage~ ~v---Whe~esa~e-es~ab~&shmem~sv mv---FaBr&ea~&em -am~ -assem]~y -e~ -e~s~em -eab&me~s ~eer-area-mee-mere-~ham-s&x-~he~sam~-%67888~-s~aare-~ee~v mv---Res~a~ram~s -~e~e~mg -~r~ve-&m -res%a~ram%s -am~ Dv---B~&ve-~h~a-res~a~ram~s?· a. Any use which is a permitted use in the C-i, C-2, or C-3 zoning district. b. Any use which is a conditional use in the C-3 zoning district, except as provided for otherwise in the C-4 district regulations.* c. Adult entertainment establishments, in accordance with section ll.M.* d. Sale or rental of new or used automobiles, boats, recreation vehicles, utility trailers, and commercial trucks. e. Automobile wash establishments. f. Wholesale or retail sale of goods listed under sections 8.A.l.c.(2), 8.A.l.c.(3), 8.A.l.c.(4), 8.A.l.c.(6), 8.A.l.c.(7), 8.A.l.c.(9), 8.A.l.c.(10), 8.A.l.c.(ll), 8.-A.t~?.[14)i~,-and 8.A.l.c.(16)~of.~these ~oning regulations. Electrical, plumbing, heat , roofing, and upholstery supplies. h. Fabrication and assembly of custom cabinets and furniture,, sign painting and lettering shops, or furniture refinishing, within a fully enclosed building, with a gross floorarea of less than two thousand (2,000) square feet. iA. Conditional uses allowed. The uses specified above which are followed by an asterisk (*) shall be deemed to be conditional uses, which may be considered and granted in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 11.2 of Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. lB. Uses requiring an environmental review permit. a. Any use which would require an environmental review permit in the C-3 district. b. Service or repair of automobiles, recreation vehicles, utility trailers, boats, and commercial trucks, and motor vehicles for which service and repair is permitted 18 in the C-3 district as either a principal or an accessory usew and major repairs, customizing, paint and body shops, and battery and tire sales and service, and sailmaking. Service and repair work shall take place entirely within an enclosed building. c. Fabrication and assembly of custom cabinets and furniture, sign painting and lettering shops, of furniture refinishing, within a fully enclosed building, with gross floor area of two thousand (2,000) square feet or more but not to exceed six thousand (6,000) square feet. d. Machine shops, and rebuilding of equipment or ~ that are · sold to for ~ndustrial remanufacture e. Any use listed hand waste, RegulatiOns Part 261. in the C-4 district, limited customers, and excluding parts. D.1A. which or which by 40 Code of Federal ~s~a~f&e~-~m~e~-~he-~ev&s&ems-ef-s~bsee~em-~-a~e~e ~-~he ~e~ew~m~-~ses -a~e -expressly av - - -Amy- ~pera~&ems -.~ ,~ses mereham~msev 2. Uses prohibited. Within any C-4 general commercial zoning district, no building, structure, land, or water, or any part thereof, shall be erected altered, or used, in whole or in part, for any of the following uses: a. Any use not specifically allowed in ~accordance with the list of-uses under 1., lA., and lB. above. b. Any use which is or prohibited in another zoning district, which is not specifically allowed in accordance with the list of uses under 1., 1A.~ and lB. above. c. Any residential use, including group homes and residential institutions. Hotels and motels, and apartment hotels and motels shall be a permitted use, however. d. Exterior storage, unless adequately screened. e. Sales bazaars, farmer's markets, flea or thieves' markets, swap shops, and trading posts. f. Warehouses or storage buildings, except when utilized as anaccessoryto a principal use which is allowed in accordance with 6.D.l., 6.D.1A., or 6.D.1B., above, and located on the same parcel as the principal use. g. Contractors' storage and shops. 3. Building and site regulations. No building or portions hereof shall be erected, constructed, converted, established, altered, enlarged or used unless the premises and buildings shall comply with the following regulations: Minimum lot frontage Minimum lot depth 50 feet 100 feet 19 Minimum lot area Maximum lot coverage Minimum front yard Minimum side yard (interior lots) Minimum side yard (corner lots) Minimum rear yard Maximum structure height 4. Off-street parking. hereinafter. 5,000 square feet 40 percent 25 feet 15 feet one side* 15 feet on street side* 20 feet* 45 feet not to exceed 4 stores As set forth in section ll-H 5. Repair and service of merchandise: The repair and service of merchandise shall be permitted as either an accessory or principal use, for any merchandise which is typically sold in the C-4 district. 6. Exterior display of storage. Exterior display of merchandise shall comply with all provisions that aDDi¥ to the exterior display of merchandise in the C-3 district. Exterior storage of merchandise, materials, or equipment shall be allowed only as an accessory use to a lawful principal use which occupies a building, and shall be adequately screened. Exterior storage or display of motor vehicles and boats, shall also be permitted to the extent that same is integral to the operation of a conforming use or a legal nonconforming use, and without limitation on length of time, and without the requirement for screening. 7. Sale of used merchandise. Sale of used merchandise shall comply with all provisions that aDpl¥ to the sale of used merchandise in the C-3 district. Section 12. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 6 Subsection. E. CBD CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. is amended by adding the words an figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures in struck-through type as follows: lA. Uses requiring environmental review permits. .An~. use listed _under 6.E.1. 'which uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous hazardous waste, as defined by Federal Regulations Part 261, shall require an Environmental Review Permit in accordance with section 11.3 of these zoning regulations. Section 13. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 6.Subsection F. PLA/{NED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. is amended by adding the words an figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures in struck-through type as follows: 5. Uses permitted= , conditional uses, uses requiring environmental review permit. a. Ail uses listed in Section 6C1 of these zoning regulations provided however, that uses listed as conditional will not be required to secure conditional use approval if shown n the master plan required as a part of this submission; Uses which would require an environmental review permit in the C-3 district shall also require such a permit in accordance with section 11.3, prior to being established in a PCD district. Furthermore, the Planning 20 and Zoning Board may require that any other use obtain an environmental review permit, prior to beinq established in a particular PCD. Any use which uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardousmaterials, or which generates hazardous waste, as defined by40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 261, shall require an environmental review permit in accordance with section 11.3. b. Uses ancillary to permitted uses; and c. Commercial uses not listed in Section 6C1 approved by the planning and zoning board. but Section 14. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 7. Planned industrial development district. Subsection E. Uses Permitted. is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures shown in struck-through type as follows: E. USES PERMITTED. in the PID, a building and its customary ancillary structures and land uses may be erected, altered and occupied for any office, professional, business (wholesale or retail) or industrial use provided that such use or uses is(are) approved by the planning and zoning board. In approving uses in the PID, the planning and zoning board shall make findings that the use or uses proposed will not be in conflict with the performance standards listed in section 4-N of these zoning regulations, and that the use or uses proposed is(are) consistent with the intent and purpose of this section. In addition, uses permitted are subject to limitations as follows: 1. Outdoor storage of materials may be permitted based on a finding of the Planning and Zoning Board that such storage does not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the total square footage of the building site and that such storage is screened and fenced to preclude exposure to the public; and 2. Ail uses proposed which are listed in Section 8-A-3 shall require the issuance of an environmental review permit as set forth in Section 11.3 of these zoning regulations. Furthermore, the Planning and Zoning Board may require that any other use obtain an environmental review permit, prior to being establishedln~ .... ............ ~'~ . r PID. Any use approved by the Planning and Zoninq Board for a particular PID which uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials, or which generates hazardous waste, as defined by 40 Code of Federal Requlations Part 261, shall also require an environmental review permit in accordance with section 11.3 of these zoning regulations. Section 15. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 8. Planned industrial development district. Subsection A.M-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. is amended by adding a the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures shown in struck-through type as follows: A. M-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. 3. Uses requiring environmental review permit. Miscellaneous uses, as follows: (1) Any use which uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials, or which generates hazardous 21 waste, as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 261. 5. Prohibited uses. b. Storage, distributions, wholesale, retail, and services, as follows: (13.) Any open storage or display, unless adequately screened= ~ except that growing pla-ts which are stored or displayed shall not require screening. Any exterior storage of motor vehicles or boats in a wrecked condition shall be permitted only in connection with a lawful principal use allowed elsewhere in this section, and shall be adequately screened. Furthermore, the open storage of farm tractors and implements, shovels or cranes, and special mobile equipment as defined by section 316.003, Florida Statutes shall be adequatelM screened. Section 16. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 9 Administration and enforcement. Subsection C. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS; REZONINGS. is amended by adding the words an figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures in struck-through type as follows: 3. Initiation of amendments. Amendments to the zoning regulations aN the future land use plan shall be initiated only by the city ee~e~ co,~,aission, the planning and zoning board, or by the petition of the owners of not less than fifty-one (51) percent e~-me~e of the area involved in the p~p~se~ amendment. For amendments which are initiated by the city co~.ission or planning and zoning board, the documents, letters of consent, and information specified in paragraphs 4.b., 4.c., 4.d., 4.h.(2), and 4.h.(3). below Shall not be required. For amendments which are initiated by less than one-hundred (100) percent of the property owners of the area involved in the amendment, such documents and letters of consent shall be required only for property owners who have signed the petition for the amendment. 4. Materials to be submitted with applications. h. A comparison of the impacts that would be created by development under the proposed zoning, with the impacts that w~Uld be created- ~y-~e~e -ex~s~ z~m~m~7-wh~eh-sha~-~me~e~ under The maximum number of dwellings, square footage, or intensity allowed by the proposed zoning district shall be used to estimate impacts, unless specific limitations on the number of dwellings, density, or intensity are proposed by the applicant. This comparison shall include the following: 11. Limitation on further consideration. Within one (1) year after the date of final action by the city co~ission or withdrawal of the application by the applicant, no application for like or similar zoning may be submitted= ,with the exception of applications which are initiated by the City Conm~ission. ~-a~-a~a~e~-wh~eh A -~ess -~n~e~s~e -~n~ -~sk~e%w -e~ -a -eham~e -~ -~ess ~ee~s&~e-~ses~-~ A-~ee~ease-~-ehe-ma~m~m-he~h~-e~-p~epese~-s~e~res-by n~-~ess-~ha~-~e-%~-s~YT-whe~e-%he-p~pese~-he~§h~-~ 22 structure-was-~oun~-~o-be-~nappropr~a~e-By-ehe-e~y-eoune~7 A-~ee~ease-~a-~he-a~ea-ef-~he-paree~-~e-Be-~e~eae~7-By-ne~ A-~eerease-~n-~he-num~e~-e~-~we~&n~-~m~s-By-me~-~ess-~han ~wenty-f~e -+R~ -pe~een~ -for -Drepese~ -res~ene~e~ -~en~n§ ~s~ets?-er A-~ee~ease-~a-f~eer-area-ef-aet-~ess-%haa-%wea%y-f~e-%~ De~eea~-f~r-preDese~-a~a~es~ea~a~-~s~e~s~-~r A-~eerease-~-~aff~e-~eae~ate~-ef-aet-~ess-~haa-~wea%y-f~e A-~ee~ease-~-we~e~-eeas~me~-e~-sewa~e-ee~ee~e~-ef-~ek-~ess ~han-~wen~y-~e-~R~-~e~ee~ ~he-e~y-eeame~-may-~mpese-me~e-s%~a~em~-~e~emea~s-~haa ~h~se -~s%e~ -aB~e-~ -~mp~se -a~%~a~ -~e~eme~s7 -~ rese~ss~n-~f-a-~e~~-app~ea~-w~h~-%he-~me-pe~ sDee~f~e~-aB~e~ 14. Modifications to master plans of planned zoning districts and modifications to conditions of zoningr for conventional zonin~ districts. Section 17. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 10, Board of Adjustment. Subsection B. POWERS AND DUTIES: is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures in struck-through type as follows: 3. go For variances to minimum lot area or lot frontage requirements, that property is not available from adjacent properties in order to meet these requirements, or that the acquisition of such property would cause the adjacent property or structures thereon to become nonconforming. The applicant for such variances shall provide an affidavit, with the application for variance, statin~ that the above mentioned conditions exist with respect to the acquisition of additional property. 4. d Variances to lot area and maximum densities specified~n comprehensive plan. Where variances to lot area requested, and such a variance, if ~ranted, would cause the densit~ to exceed the density shown on the future land use map of the city's comprehensive plan, the densit~ created shall be construed to be in conformance with the comprehensive plan, if the Board of Adjustment finds that the variance meets the conditions set forth iht his section for ~ranting same, and the variance Would only allow for the construction of a sin~le-famil~detached dwelling. Section 18. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 11.1 Nonconforming uses and structures. Subsection C. NONCONFORMING LOTS., is repealed in its entirety by creating a new subsection C. in underlined type as follows: C. NONCONFORMING LOTS. 1. A detached single family dwelling may be constructed on any parcel located in an R-I, R-iA, R-2 or R-3 district, provided that it meets all of the followin~ requirements: a. The parcel contains at least one (1) whole platted lot; 23 b. The parcel has a frontage of not less than fifty (50) feet, and a lot area of not less than five-thousand (5,000) square feet in area; c. Property cannotbe acquired from adjacent parcels so as to make the subject parcel conforming, without causing the adjacent parcels or structures thereon to become nonconforming or more nonconforming. For any parcel or lot, or combination of lots under the same the total frontage and the total area is than that which is required by the building shall not be in accordance with the minimum lot area required in the particular zoning frontage district. Not more than one (1) parcel or lot, or combination or lots under the same ownership, that is nonconforming but which meets the requirements ~mder b.. above maybe developed for a single family house. Ownership of parcels shall be determined by the property tax rolls on file in the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office as of the effective date of this ordinance. 2. Within R-2 districts, in subdivisions platted prior to the effective date of this ordinance, where the platted lots have a frontage of at least forty (40) feet but less than fifty (50) feet, the following rules shall a. A detached single family dwelling may be constructed on any sUch parcel, provided that it meets all of the following requirements: (1) The parcel contains at least one (1) whole platted lot. (2) Property cannot be acquired from adjacent parcels so as to make the subject parcel conforming, without causing the adjacent parcels or structures thereon to become nonconforming or more nonconforming. b. A duplex dwelling may be constructed on any parcel, provided that it meets the following requirements: (1) The parcel contains at least two (2) whole platted (2) Property cannot be acquired from adjacent parcels so as to make the subject parcel conforming, without causing the adjacent parcels to become nonconforming or more nonconforming. c. For any parcel, lot, or combination of lots, where the total frontage is equal or greater than one-hundred twenty (120) feet, and the total area is greater than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet, said property shall not be developed except in accordance with the minimum frontage and lot area required in the R-2 zoning district. d. Ownership of parcels shall be determined by the property tax rolls on file in the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office as of the effective date of this ordinance. 3. A detached single family dwelling may be constructed on any parcel located in an R-1AAdistrict, without requiring a variance, provided that it meets the following requirements: a. The parcel contains at least one (1) whole platted lot. 24 b. The parcel has a frontage of not less than sixty (60). feet, and a lot area of not less than six-thousand seven hundred and fifty (6,750) square.feet in area. c. It would not be possible to acquire property from adjacent parcels so as to make the subject parcel conforming, without causing the adjacent parcels or structures thereon to become nonconforming or more nonconforming. For any parcel or lot, or combination of lots under the same ownership, where the total frontage and the total area is equal to or greater than that which isrequired by the R-1AA districtlbui~ding and site regulations, ~aid property shall not be developed except in accordance with the minimum frontage and lot area required in the particular zoning district. Not more than one (1) parcel or lot, or combination of lots under the same ownership, that is nonconforming but which meets the requirements under b. above may be developed for a single family house. Ownership of parcels shall be determined by the property tax rolls on file in the Pall Beach. County Property Appraiser's Office as of the effective date of this ordinance. 4. In the R-1AAB district, any parcel which includes, at a minimum, one (1)whole platted lot may be developed, without requiring a variance, if it would not be possible to acquire property from adjacent parcels so as to make the subject parcel conforming, without causing the adjacent parcels or structures thereon to become nonconforming or more nonconforming. Not more than one (1) lot parcel or lot, or combination of lots under the same ownership, that is nonconforming but which meets the requirements of this paragraph may be developed for a single famil~ house. 5. In the R-1AAA zoning district, all nonconforming lots shall require variance in order to be developed. 6. The densities created by the rules set forth above shall be construed to be in conformance with the densities shown on the Future Land Use Map contained in the City's. Comprehensive Plan. 7. Nonconforming lots which may be developed without requiring a variance, and which lie in residential districts, shall meet the minimum property development regulations that are generally applicable in the district; except, however, that the minimum setbacks shall be as follows: Minimum yard setback requirements Front yard Side yard (corner) Side yard (interior) Rear yard 25% of depth 20% of depth 15% of width 25% of depth provided, however, that the setbacks specified above shall,~ in no instance, be construed to be greater that the setbacks that are generally applicable in the district in which the lot is located. The minimum living area on such lots shall be permitted to be reduced below the minimum living area required by the 25 district building and site regulations, to the extent that this reduction is necessary in order to maintain the abovementioned setbacks. Furthermore, the maximum lot coverage on such lots shall be ~ermitted to be increased above the maximum lot area allowed by the district building and site requlations, to the extent that this increase is necessary to obtain the minimum living area required by the district building and site regulatiOns. 8. Nonconforming lots in nonresidential districts. a. Innon=residentialzoning districts, if the value of shown on the latest Palm less than sixty thousand the lot area and lot frontage are not less than (85% of that required for the structures and floor area · be changed from a residential to a without lot area or lot frontage. If or parCel is less than .if either the lot area or lot (85%) percent of that for district, then a variance shall be required in order to add structures or add floor area to existing buildings or change the use from a residential, to a nonresidential use. Improvements which do not add ~ or floor area or of the of the value of size or frontaqe. FOr nonconforming or are proposed to structures or establishment The value of buildings shall be determined from the on file at the Palm Beach County Property i ice o Section 19. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 11.2 Conditional Uses. Subsection D. STANDARDS FOR EVALUATING CONDITIONAL USES. ils amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type land by deleting the words and figures in struck-through ~pe: as follows: 11. Conformance to the and requirements which apply to site plans, as set'" in Chapter 19, Article II of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. 12. Compliance with, and abatement of nuisances and hazards in accordance With the performance standards section 4 of the zoning regulations; also, conformance to the City of BoyntonBeach NOise Control Ordinance. Section 20. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 11.2 Conditional Uses. Subsection F. CONTENTS OF THE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION. is amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type and by deleting the words and figures in struck-through type as follows: 5. Site plan drawn to an appropriate scale, showing the following: o. Any other information necessary to establish compliance with the section. Any other information necessary. to establish compliance with this section. Furthermore, any information required for site plans in accordance with Chapter 19, Article II of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances shall also ~e required. 26 I ~ All other subsections of ~ amended R ...... PPendix a - ~_ _ ~ L~iS 0~_ ''' ~0~ =~ect as ori~i__.~u~nance Shall ~ "~Y enacted. ~ Tha in conflict h=~wlt~ ....... bet allandOrdinances or Parts of ordinances ~ection 23: Sh the same are hereby repealed ordinance O~~o-rtlonO . invalid,w°rd be declaredsuch decisionbY a Court ofanYcompetentParagraph,jurisdictionSentenCeto, be°r this ordinance.' . .- shall not affect the remainder of Section 24: ordin~ AUthority is hereby granted to codify said ~e~tion 25:I immedia~ This ordinance ='3 Upon Passage. Shall become effective 1988'FIRST READING this /-~__~day of~, SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this ~ day of -~, 1988. definitions, sections or Specifically repealed or remain in full force and CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA / / ATTEST: ( Corporate Seal C( 27