O88-12ORDINANCE NO. 88-/~,.~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 5, ELECTRICAL CODE, SECTION 5-16 ADOPTION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE BY ADOPTING THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1987 EDITION, TOGETHER WITH UNIFORM MINIMUM PALM BEACH COUNTYWIDE AMENDMENTS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE BUILDING CODE ADVISORY BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING PROVISIONS; AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach is mandated by Palm'Beach Count~ to adopt the~same basic electrical code as all municipalities in Palm Beach)) County; and~ WHEREAS, the Building Code Advisory Board of Palm Beach County has recommended the adoption of the 1987 amendments to the National Electrical Code with uniform minimum countywide amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSIO OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Chapter 5 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Electrical Code, Section 5-16 Amendment to Electrical Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 5-16 National Electrical Code Adopted The National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition, toegther with uniform minimum Palm Beach Countywide amendments, copies of which are now on file in the office of the Building Official of the City, is hereby adopted and established as the Uniform National Electrical Code of the City, except that electrical permit fees shall be as provided in Section 5-4 of this Code of Ordinances. Section 2. That the amendments listed as Appendix A is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. Should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion hereof be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this ordinance. Section 5. Authority is hereby granted to codify this Ordinance. Section 6. i ts passage. First readingthis__~day of ~ Second, final reading and passage, this /~"(~ day of This Ordinance shall' become effective immediately upon , 1988. (Corporate Seal ) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Council Member Coun/~ Member MEMORANDUM Peter Cheney ,~ City Manager ~VHRU: E. E. Howell Building Offi Med Kopczynski Deputy Building Official February 9, 1988 ELECTRICAL CODE We have reviewed the proposed and adopted changes to the Uniform, Minimum Countywide Amendments to the 1987 National Electrical Code and would recommend that the City of Boynton Beach adopt these amendmenns and the 1987 National Electrical Code. MK:bh At t a chmen n s Med K~pc~f~ns ki December 28, 1987 Building Code Advisory Board of Palm Beach County Hc, nc,'rable Ca'roi A. Roberts, Chair and members of Board of County Commissior~ ,:,f Palm Beach County Dear Commissior~er Roberts: 3400 Belvedere Rd. West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 ":-:,,, , ·, .~.ff?' ~.*'.~' , :.,,. ~.- i.'""'""1 ~:5 ,~'" --'.'.t;'"'.,~' .,,.'r, It -I ol--'htO~Zem b er 18, The Building Code Advisory Board, at the meeting 1987~ did make and unanimously approve a motion recommending the Board of Cour, ty Comrnissioners adopt the 1987 edit ions of the National Electrical Code. This actior~, pursuant, to Chapter 74-565, Laws of Florida, as amended, will update the minimum construction standards for the incorporated and ur, incorporated areas of Palm Beach County. The Building Code Advisory Board has reviewed these standards through numerous public meetings, ar, d with various representatives of the construction industry. The Board respectfully requests 'the Board of 'County Commissioners direct the staff of the County's Building Division, in conjunction with the County Attorneys office, to prepare a County-wide ordinance for this purpose. Amendments, to provide for local conditions, will be recommended to each municipality and the County, once the above referenced Code has been adopted. Should the Board require address questions in this regard, convert i ence. any additional information or wish to please contact the Board at your Your considerat ior, appreciated. of this most important matter wi 1 1 be Sincerely, Edwir~ Winch, Pres i dent EW: bw cc: Gary Brandenburg, County Attorney Sam Shanr~on, Assistant County Administratc, r John A. Lehner, Executive Director Pl.ar~ning Zoning and Building Department Robert W. Palchanis, Director, Building Division Thom Baird, Assistant County Attorney Dominic Sims, Assistant Deputy Director Building Division '~Building Officials c,f' Palm Beach County David Hinsa, Palm Beach County Municipal L. eague cab 3400 Belvedere Rd. West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 UNIFORM, MINIMUM COUNTYWIDE AMENDMENT8 TO THE 1987 EDITION NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE RECOMMENDED BY THE BUILDING CODE ADVISORY' BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY November~ 18, 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, 1987 ED I T I ON, HAVE BEEN AMENDED; ARTICLE 80 - ADHINISTRATION CHAPTER 1 - DEFINITIONS CHAPTER 2 - WIRING DESION AND PROTECTION CHAPTER 3 - WIRING METHODS AND MATERIALS CHAPTER 4 - EQUIPMENT FOR GENERAL USE .. CHAPTER 6 - SPECIAL EQUI PHENT ATTACHHENT NO.1 - FLORIDA STATUTES REGARDING ELECTRICAL DESION ATTACHHENT NO.2 - ALTERNATE HATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCT I ON ATTACHHENT NO.3 - FLORIDA STATUTE 553.19, ADOPTION OF ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 2 ARTICLE 80 - ADMINISTRATION CREATE TO READ 80-1 TITLE Provisions in the following chapters and secti~ons shall constitute and be known and may be cited as 'The National Electric Code"', hereinafter referred to as 'this Code'. 80-2 CODE REMEDIAL 80-2.1 GENERAL. This Code is hereby declared to be remedial, and shall ~be construed to secure the beneficial interests and purposes thereof - by regulating the installation and maintenance of all electrical work. 80-2.2 QUALITY CONTROL. Quality control of materials and workmanship is not within the purview of this Code except as specifically set forth herein. 80-2~3 PERMITTING P~ID-INSPECTION. The inspection or permitting of any building or plan by any jurisdiction, under the requirements of this Code'shall not be construed in any court or manner what so ever as a warranty of the physical condition of such building or the adequacy of such plan. No jurisdiction nor any employee thereof shall be liable in tort or otherwise for damages for such building or plan, nor for any failure of any component of such building, which may occur subsequent to such inspection or permitting. 80-3 8COPE 80-3.1 APPLICABILITY. The provisions of this Code shall apply to the installation of electrical systems, including alterations, repairs, replacement, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and/or appurtenances, thereto. By nothing contained in this section or elsewhere in this Code is it to be construed that a permit shall be required under this Code for any work involved in the erection, installation, repairing, remodeling and maintenance of elevators, dumbwaiters and moving stairways. Such exception shall not, however, extend to work on conductors and equipment and motors for supplying power to the con~trol panels of each elevator, dumbwaiter elevators or movi~ng stairway. 80-3.2 FEDERAL AND STATE AUTHORITY. The provisions of this Code shall not be held to deprive any Federal. or state agency, or any applicable governing body having jurisdiction, of any power or authority which it had on the effective date of the adoption of this COde or of any remedy then existing° for the enforcement of its orders, nor shall it deprive any individual or corporation of its legal rights as provided by law. 80-3.3 ~INTE~NCE. All electrical systems, both existing and new, and all parts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe condition. All devices or safeguards which are required by this Code shall be maintained in good working order. The maintenance of electrical systems shall be the responsibility of the owner or their designated agent. 80-3.4 SERVICE EQUIPMENT. It shall be unlawful for any person to disconnect, alter or tamper with any service equipment; such as service drop, conductors, meter, s or protective devices owned by a municipal, county or state agency or a company or c a franchise for electrical current for Ii r exc authorize~d agents,~ f;such a , company~or~.corporation, 80-4 ELECTRICAL DIVISION There is hereby established a division to be called the Electrical Division, within the Building Department, and the person ini cha.rge shall be known as 'the Bui~lding Official. 80-4.1 INSPECTOR QUALIFICATIONS. The Building Official, with the approval of the app~licable governi~ng body, may appoint such nUmber' of 'officers, inspectors, assistants and other employees as shall be authorized from time to time. A person shall not be appointed as inspector of electrical systems who has not had at least 10 years experi, ence as an electrical inspector, master electrician, electrical contractor, journeyman~electrician, engineer, or as superintenden~t or foreman in charge of electrical construct i on. The inspector appointed shall be, within 1~2 months of appointmen~t, certified by the Building Officials ASsociation of Florida, Southern Building Code Con.gres~s Int., Council of American Building Officials, Florida State Board of Codes and Standards, Intenational Association of Electrical inspectors or be an Inspector-Trainee who must be certified by either of the above within 5 years. Electrical Inspector-Trainee is defined as a person working under the direct supervision of-t-he Building Official and whose duties are as follows: Maintains a variety of office files and records pertaining to the building and zoning division and general inspection services and performs a variety of clerical services. Assists the general public, architects, engineers, contractors, builders, etc., in applying for permits and obtaini~ng information relative to codes and building and zoning procedures. Aids inspectors in checking building plans and specifications; assists in the issuance of permits. Performs minor field inspections under close supervision and review by certified inspectors. Obtains information from the tax assessor and other agency departments regarding legal descriptions and ownership of properties. Photographs properties, buildings, and other structures relative to inspections, installation, and condemnation proceedings, and additionally performs related work as required. 80-4.2 RESTRICTIONS ON EMPLOYEES. An officer or employee connected with the division, except one whose only connection is as a member of the board established by this Code, shall not be financially interested in the furnish, lng of labor, material, or appliances for the construction, alteration, or maintenance of a building system, or in the making of plans or of specifications thereof, unless he is the owner of such building. Such officer or employee shall not engage in any other work which is inconsistent with his duties or conflicts with the interests of the agency. 80-4.3 RECORDS. The Building Official shall Keep, or cause to be Kept, a record of the business of the division. The records of the division shall be open to public inspection. 4 80-4.4 LIABILITY. Any officer or employee, or member of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals, charged wi th the enforcement of this Code, acting for the applicable governing body in the discharge of his duties, shall not thereby be held personally liability, for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his duties. Any suit brought of any pr of this Code shall be by the Department of until the final terminatl t~he proceedings. 80-4.4.1 Any sui~ agency for actio~ discharge of hi~ defended by the! brought against any former employee of an salad employee may have taken in the lawful les while employed by said agency will be B0-4.5 REPORTS. The Building Official shall annually submit a report coverilng the work of the electrical division during the preceding year. 80-5 - EXISTING BUILDINGS 80-5.1 GENERAL. Alterations, repairs or rehabilitation work may be made to ~any existing electrical installation without requiring the i~nstallation to comply with all the requirements ofi this Code provided that the alteration, repair or rehabilitation work conforms to the requirements of this Code for n~ew construction. The Building Official shall determine the eixtent to which the existing electrical installation shiall be made to conform to the requirements of this Code for n~ew construction. 80-5.2 CHANGE OF OCCUPP~4CY. If the occupancy classification of an existing building is changed, the electrical installation shall be made to conform to the intent of this Code as required by the Building Official. 80-6 - SPECIAL HISTORIC BUILDINGS The provisions of this Code relating to the installation, alteration, repair, enlargement, restoration, relocation or replacement of electrical installations shall not be mandatory for existing buildings or structures identified and classified by the state or local jurisdiction as HistOric Buildings when such buildings or structures are judged by the Building Official to be safe and in the public interest of health, safety and welfare regarding any proposed installation, alteration, repair, enlargement, restoration, relocation or replacement. 5 80-7 POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL 80.7.1 RIGHT OF ENTRY 80 ) ect i on lng in violat dangerous building or premises a~ same or Official Credent i is unoccupied, he shall first make a r 1 ocate the b buildings control cannot be located after reasona entered without a warrant. If such Building Official shall have recour provided by law to fy, t°, the remedy set m~ ti roes to ng rol of or be the mited 933.20. 80-7.1.2 When ng;Offici obtained a proper on wart by law to secureen persons shal~l fail as herein pr°vided, Building Official )urp examination pursuant to this ~ode. shal 1 have ec t i .or i ded ~ade n by the 80-7.1.3 In requesting entry, or exercising a warrant, the Building Official shall, prior to entry, Knock and announce his desire to inspect, and the reason therefor. 80-7.2 STOP WORK ORDERS Upon notice from the Building Official, work on any system that is being done contrary to the provisions of this Code or ~n a dangerous or unsafe manner, shall immediately cease. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property, or to his agent, or to the person doing the work, and~Shall state the conditions under which work may be resumed. Where an emergency exists involving an imminent threat to human life or health, or property of others, the Building Official shall not be required to give a written notice prior to stopping the work. 80-7.3 REVOCATION OF PERMITS 80-7.3.1 MISREPRESENTATION OF APPLICATION. The Building Official may revoke a permit or approval, issued under the provisions of this Code, in case there has been any false statement or misrepresentation as to the material fact in the application or plans on which the permit or apptoval was based. 80-7.3.2 VIOLATION OF CODE PROVISIONS. The Building Official may revoke a permit upon determination by the Building Official that the installation, erection, alteration or repair of the electrical installation for which the permit was issued is in v~olation of, or not in conformity with, the provisions of this Code. 80-7.4 UNSAFE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS All electrical installations, regardless of type, which are unsafe or which constitute a hazard to human life, health or welfare, are hereby declared illegal and shall be aba. ted by the following procedure: 80-7.4.1 Whenever the Building Official shall f~ind any electrical instal:lation or portion thereof to be unsafe, as set forth in thi~ Code, he shall in accordance with established procedure for legal notices, give the owner, agent, or in control of such electrical installation written n, ating the defects, thereof. This notice shall require the: owner within a stated time either to complete specified repairs or improvements, or to demolish and remove the electrical installation or portion thereof. 80-7.4.2 If necessary, such notice shall also require the building or structure that contains the electrical installation to be vacated forthwith and not reoccupied until the specified repairs and improvements are completed, inspected and approved by the Building Official. The Building Official shall cause to be posted at each entrance to such building a ce stating: THIS BUILDING~I$ UNSAFE AND ITS USE OR OC~ HAS BEEN PROHIBITED BY THE BUILDINO OFFICIAL. Such notice shall remain posted until the required repairs are made or demolition is completed. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation or their officers agents, or other servants, to remove such notice without written permission of the Building Official, or for any person to enter the building except for the purpose of making the required repairs or of demolishing same. 80-7.4.3 The owner, agent Or person in control shall have the right, to appeal from the decision of the Building Official, as provided hereinafter, and to appear~before the Bull, ding Board of Adjustments and Appeals at a specified time and place to show cause why he should not comply with said notice. 80-7.4.4 In case the owner., agent, or person in control cannot be found within the stated time limit, or, if such owner, agent, or person in control shall fail, neglect, or refuse to comply with notice to repair, rehabilitate, or to demolish, and remove said electrical installation or portion thereof, the Building Official, after having ascertained the cost, shall cause such electrical installation or portion thereof, to be demolished, secured,-or required to remain unused. 80-7.4.5 The decision of the Building Official shall be final in cases of emergency which, in h~s opinion, involve imminent danger to human life, health or the property of others. He shall promptly cause such electrical installation or portion thereof to be made safe or cause its removal. For this purpose he may at once enter such structure or land on which it stands, or abutting land or structures, with such assistance and at such cost as he may deem necessary. He may order the vacation of adjacent structures and may require the protection of the public by appropl-iate fence or such other means as may be necessary, and'for this purpose may close a public or private way.. 7 80-7.4.6 Costs incurr, ed under: 80-7.4.4 and 80,7.4.5 shalt be.. charged to the owner of the premises involved. If the charges are not ~ a six.ty~ day peri. od~fo]lowing the billi~ng notifica t cert~ified mai'l, the~owner of the premises will be manner: The Building Official s governing body the governing, body sh~ vacation, demo upon which suclh include but not be postal expenses, a lien upon such pir¢ taxes. ~batement to the al of such: ~cept and ute The Agency Clerk shall file such lien in the County's Official Record Book amount thereof and an a property, includi effective from the persons notified bear interest from of 10 percent per annum corpora.ts.owners and~ after the expirationit notice of such lien,~as governing agency. nature of :such lien, the ~al description of the which lien~shall be recite the names of all s. ~ Such lien shall i:sance at the rate 15 percent for Sfied af of filing ii:ens'may be .enforced by the 80-7.5 REQUIREMENTS NO]' !. COVERED BY CODE Any requirements necessary for the strength, stability or proper functioning of any existing or proposed electrical installation, or for the ,ublic safety, health and general welfare, not specificali this Code, shall be determined by the Buildi'ir 80-7.6 ALTERNATE MATERIiALS.AND METHODS (See Attachment #2) The provisions of this Code are not intended to prevent the use of any material or method of construction not specifically prescribed alternate has been apr Building Official shall he finds that the leas.t the equivalent of quality, strength, effec and safety. The Buildin sufficient evidence or this Code, provided any such by the Building Official. The .ore any such alternate, provided the purpose~ intended is at prescribed in this Code in ness, fire resistance, durability ficial shall require that be submitted to substantiate any claim made regarding the.alternate. 80-8 PERMITS Any individual, partnership, firm, corporation or other business organization thta is the owner or lessee of property, who desires that work as described below be performed on said owned or lezsed property, shall make provisions for an applicant, properly qualified under the laws and ordinances regulating 'the certification 'and licensing of contractors and owner builders, to file an application for obtain the required permit from the Building Official prior to commencing work for the following: Install, enlarge, alter, repair, improve, remove, convert or replace any electrical work or'~cause the same to be done. 8 80-$.1 WORK AUTHORIZED. A permit shall carry with it the right to install in the permitted building or structure, or part thereof, electrical systems, provided th.e same are shown on the drawings and set forth in the specifications filed with the application for permit.. 80-8.2 HI:NOR REPAIRS. Ordinar with the approval of the Build provided that such repairs sha provisions of thais Code. 80-8.3 tNFORHATION REQUIRED. with the required fee, shall Official on a form furnished.f contain a general description location. The application sba his authorized agent. $0-B.4 TIME LiIMITATIONS. An a proposed work shall be deemed after the date of filing for t perm.it is issued. One or more of not more than 90 days each Official for the application, requested in writing and justi 80-8.5 DRAWINO$ AND SPECIFICA' minor repairs may be made ng Official wi thout a permit, I not violate any of the ~ach application for a permit, · ~ fi led wi th the Building )r that purpose, and shall )f the proposed work and its 1 be sm gned by the owner, or ~plication for a permit for any :o have been abandoned 6 months e permit, unless before then a extensions of time for periods lay be allo,.,J~d by the Building ,rovided the extension is :iable cause is demonstrated. IONS BO-B.5.! REQUIREHENTS. When ~quired by the Building Official, two or more copies ot specifications, and of drawings drawn to scale with s~ ficient clarity and detail to indicate the nature and charac~ r of the work, shall accompany the application for permit. Such drawings and specifications shall contain Formation, in the form of notes or otherwise, as to the Jality of materials, where quality is essential to confor] with this Code. Such information shall be specific, this Code shall not be cited as a whole or in part, n shall the term "legal" or its equivalent be used, as a s bstitute for specific information. The plans shall c~note calculations for total connected load, the total floor building under consideration, connection is to be made, the wires, the location of service distribution and, with the exce dwellings, the arrangement of c outlets connected thereto. 80-8.5.2 ADDITIONAL DATA. The details, computations, and othe the installation and basis of' c bear the signature of the perso 80-8.5.3 DESIGNER (See also At additional requirements and exc 80- All drawings, spec~ data shall bear the name, signa designer. 80-8.~.$.2 Pursuant to Chapter said designer shall be either a a state registered engineer (or shall perform only those servic law to perform. area, the square feet of the le point to which the service ize of service and the subfeed switches and center of ption of one and two family ircuits showing th~number of Building Official may require r data necessary to describe alculations and they shall n responsible for the design. tachment Number I for ept ions) fications, and accompanying ture, and address of the 471F.S. and Chapter 481F.S. state registered architect or to be exempt therefrom) and ~s which he is authorized by 80-8,5.3.$ Provided further that this Code shall not be construed to. prevent, any ~ of an architect or engineer from acting in any capaci h instruction, control~ or supervision of the arc~ t any per~. des 80'8.5.4 STRUCTURAL AND FIRE for all buildings shall indica fire resistive integrity wil penetration of a ~req~ patti ll 'INTEGRITY, ~Plans uired structural and where a wall ~ flOor pes and syst 80-8.6 cause to be examined each app accompanying contrac specifications, comp ascertains, by such exami, na' indicated and desCri requiceme.nts of this ordinances. PLAN REVIEW. The Building Offi~ciai shall examine or ion for a permi~t and the ng~, and Shalll ~uction i in ~ w~ the ~nd all pertinent laws or 80-8.6.! AFFIDAVITS. cial may accept a sworn affidavit from a regis tect or engineer stating that the plans Submi -!m to this COde, and he may without any examination or inspe ti!on accept such affidavit~ provided the architec affidavit agrees to submit to the of inspection reports as i specti completion of the electr 1 inst~ that the structupe has been erecte¢ requirements of the Code. Where upon such affidavit, the its full responsibility for the this Code ~nd other pertinent laws or 80-8.7 ISSUING PERMITS en!gineer who made such l~ing Official, copies ~ performed and upon tiOn, a certification accordance with the Iulilding Official relies e.ngineer shall assume~ with all provisions of inances. 80-8.7.1 ACTION ON PERMITS. The Building Official shall act upon an application for a Permi.t withou.t unreasonable or unnecessary delay. If the Building Official is satisfied that the work described in'an application for a permit and the contract documents filed ~therewith conform to the requirements of this Code and other pertinent laws and ordinances~ he shall issue 'a permit to the applicant. 80-8.7.2 REFUSAL TO ISSUE PERMIT. If the apPlication for a permit and the accompanying contract documents describing the work do not conform to the requirements'of this Code or other pertinent laws or ordinances, the Building Official shall not ~ssue a permit, but shall return the contract documents to the applicant with his refusal to issue such permit. Such refusal shall, when requested, be in writing and shall contain the reason for refusal. 80-8.8 QUALIFICATION OF APPLICANT Application for permits will be accepted only from contractors currently licensed in their respective field and for whom no revocation or suspension of license is existing except that a sole owner may make application for permit and supervise and perform the work in connection with the construction, maintenance, alterations, or repair of an electrical installation ~'n a single family residence or two family residence for his own use and occupancy and not intended for sale. Such licensed contractor or sole owner shall be held responsible to the Building Official for the proper supervision and performance of all work covered thereby. 80-8.8.1 ANNUAL INDUSTRIAL PERMITS. Upon written request to the Building Official, any industrial plant shall be issued an annual permit for electrical work, but only to the extent of permitting reasonable alterations, additions or extensions to existing installations of wiring apparatus or equipment installed, contained, or used upon premises or in buildings owned or occupied, by the person to whom such an annual industrial permi~t is issued. Such alterations, additions or extensions must be of a minor character and shal~l be confined to 'any existing branch circuits and fixtures, apipar~atus or equipment connected thereto, but shall not ~include the installation~or rep~lacement of service cond~Uctor!s, service equipment or subfeeld circuits up to the final center of distributio~n. No alterations, additions or extensions shall be made which would place an overload upon the service conductors, subfee or branchfeed service conduc~tors, or overload the prote, ve devices through which electrical energy is applied. The permit is to be issued subject to the following conditions: 1. The payment of an annual fee of one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each calendar year, and permit fees computed monthly. 2. The regular employment of one or more full time electricians competent in the safe installation, extens'ion, maintenance and repair of industrial electrical systems and equipment. (See Definitions) 3. The unrestricted right of the Building Official to check the premises of the permit holder at a reasonable time, unless prohibited by government regulations. 4. The performance of all work shall comply with the applicable provisions of this Code. 5. The annual industrial permit shall cover the original connection and any rearrangement of machine and all other industrial equipment including extension of electrical systems required therefor and inspection fees therefdr. 80-8.9 CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT 80-8.9.1 PERMIT INTENT. A permit issued shall be construed to be a license to proceed with the work and shall not be construed as authority to violate, cancel, alternator set aside any of the provisions of this Code, nor shall such issuance of a permit prevent the Building Official from thereafter requiring~a correction of errors in plans or in construction, or of violations of this Code. Every permit issued shall become inval id unless the work authorized by such permit is commenced within 6 months after its issuance, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 6 months after the time the work is commenced. One or more extensions of time, for periods not more than 90 days each, may be allowed for the permit, provided the extension is requested in writing and justifiable cause is demonstrated, and such extensions shall be in writing by the Building Official. 11 80-8.9~2 f icial issue other se to rep shall actively' supervise or or hi d open ~r master electr~ici~an electrical work,' 80-8.10 FEES 80-8.10.I PRESCRIBED FEES. A permit shall not be Issued until the fees prescribed in this section haVe been paid, An amendment to a permit shall not be issued until ~th.e additional fee, if any, due to an Increase In the est~lmated cost of the building or structure, has been paid. B0-$.10,2 WORK COMMENCING BEFORE PERMIT ISSUP~xlCE, If any person commences any work on a building or structure before obtaining the necessary permit, he shall be'subject to a penalty of double tbs..permit fee. B0-$.10.3 ACCOUNTING. The Building~ Official shall Keep a permanent and accurate accounting of~ all permit:fees'and other monies collected, the names of all persons upon whose account the same was paid, along with the date and amount thereof. B0-$.10.4 SCHEDULE OF PERJglT FEES. On all buildings, structures, or alterations requiring an electrical permit as set forth in Section 80-8.1, a~fee shall be paid as required at the time of filing application, in accordance with the fee schedule established by the governing authority. A reinspection fee of $25.00 may be charged for each reinspection made due to the rejection of work, or due to. the fact that work was not ready a~ the time specified in the request for InSpection, or failure to call for .inspection. Payment of such fee must be made prior to the'reinspection. 80-8,11 INSPECTIONS 80-8.11.1 EXISTING BUI-I-DING. Before issuing a permit the Building Official may examine or cause to be examined any building for which an application has been received for a permit to enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish~ or change the electrical Installation. He shall inspect all electrical installations, from time to time~ during and upon completion of the work for which a permit was issued. He shall make a record of every such examination and inspection and of all violations of this Code. 80-8.11.2 MANUFACTURERS AND FABRICATORS. When deemed necessary by the Building Official, he shall make an inspection of mater~ials or assemblies at the point of manufacture or fabrication. He shall make a record or'every such examination and inspection and of all violations of this Code. 80-8.11.3 INSPECTION SERVICE. The Building Official may make, or cause to be made, the inspections required by this section. He may accept reports of inspectors of recognized inspection services provided that after investigation he is satisfied as to their qualifications and~reliability. A certificate called for by any provision of this Code shall not be based on such reports unless the same are i'n writing and certified by a responsible officer of such service. 80-8.11.4 INSPECTIONS PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE. The Building Official shall inspect or cause to be inspected at various intervals all construction or work for which a permit is required, and a final inspection shall be made of every elec~trical installat~ion upon completion, prior to the issuance of the Cert~ificate of Occupancy. 80-8.11.5 POSTING OF PERMIT. Work requiring an electrical permit shall not commence until the permit holder or his agent posts the perm!it card in a conspicuous place on the premises. The permit shall be protected from the weather and located in such posilion as to permit the Building Official to conveniently make the required entries thereon. This permit card shall be~maintained in such position by the permit holder until the Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Building Official. 80-8.11.6 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. The Building Official upon notification from the permit holder or his agent shall make the following inspections of electrical installations and such other inspections as may be necessary, and shall either approve that portion of the construction as completed or shall notify the permit holder or his agent of any violations to comply with this Code. 80- FIRST INSPECTION. After all the wiring has been run and the panel has been installed and made up, or wire and circuits properly tagged with the number of outlets, before it has been covered, other than to provide required mechanical protection, the inspector shall examine same. He shall make such observations and measurements, together with tests, as may be required to determine whether the work complies with the Code. Where wiring or circuits have been tagged, in lieu of panel make-up, the tags shall remain until the panel has been finally made up and inspected and approved by the inspector. Inspector may waive~the test requirements, provided the electrical contractor shows proof to the inspector that installation will comply with Code. 80- The Building Official shall make, or cause to be made a final inspection of all electrical work in buildings upon completion thereof, prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. 80- No owner or agent shall allow any new building to be occupied by any person until after the electrical work in said building shall have been approved by the Building Official. No equipment regulated by this Code shall be connected to the power 'supply and placed in normal operation until it complies with all applicable requirements of this Cod~ and a final inspection approval has been issued. The servicing utility company shall not connect the power supply until notified by the Building Official. 80-9 TESTS The Building Official may require tests or test reports as proof of compliance. Required are to be made at the expense of the own. er~ or his agent an approved testing laboratory~or other approved agency.. 80-10 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS 80-10,1 APPOINTMENT , There is hereby established a board~to be called the'Board of Adjustments and Appeals, Chl shall Consist of at least five members.. The said BOated ~ppointed by the applicable governing body. 80-10 · 2 APPEALS 80-10.2.~1 GENERAL. Whenever the Building Official shall reject or refuse to approve the mode or manner of construction~ proposed to be followed or materials to be used in the installation or ~alteration of an electrical installation, or when it is claimed that the provisions of this Code do not apply~ or that any~equally~good or more desirable form of installation can be employed in any specific case, or when it is claimed that the true intent and meaning of this Code or any of the regulations thereunder have been misconstrued or' incorrectlY interpreted, the owner of such building or structure, or.his duly authorized agent, may appeal from the decision of the Building Official to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals~ Notice of appeal shall be in writing and filed within 90 days after the decision is rendered by the Building Official. Appeals shall be on forms provided by the Building Official. 80-10.2.2 UNSAFE OR DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. In case of an electrical installation which, in the opinion of the Building Official, is unsafe or dangerous, the 8uitding Official may, in his order, li. mit~ the time for such appeal to a shorter period. Such limitation shall be in writing to either the owner, applicant, agent or representative as the case may be. 80-10.3 DECISIONS 80-10.3.1 VARIANCES. The Board of Adjustments and Appeals, when so appealed to and after a hearing, may vary the application of any provision of this Code to any particular case when, in its opinion, the enforcement thereof would do manifest injustice, and would be con~trary to the spirit and purpose of this Code or public interest, or when, in its opinion the interpretation of the Building Official should be modified or reversed. 80-10.3.2 ACTION. The Board of Adjustments and Appeals, shall, in every case, reach a decision without unreasonable and unnecessary delay. Each decision of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall also include the reasons for the decision. If a decision of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals reverses or modifies a refusal, order, or disallowance of the Building Official , or varies the application of any provision of this Code, the Building Official shall immediately take action in accordance with such decisi°n. 80-10.3.3 DECISIONS ARE FINAL. Every decision of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall be final. Appeals from the decisions of the Board may be taken by a petition for writ of certiorari to a court of competent jurisdiction. 14 C 80-10.4 BOARD MEMBERS AND PROCEDURES 80-10.4.1 SECRETARY OF BOARD. The Building Official shall act as Secretary of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals and shall make a detailed record of all its proceedings, which shall set forth the reasons for its decisions, the vote of each member, the absence of a member, and any failure of a member to vote. 80-10.4.2 PROCEDURE. The Boar~ shall establish rules and regulations for its own procedure not inconsistent with the provisions of this Code. 80-11 VALIDITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase or this Code is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Code. 80-12 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES Any contractor, person, firm, corporation or agent who shall violate a provision of this Code, or fall to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Code is committed or continued, and upon conviction of any such violation, such person shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty (50) dollars nor more than five hundred (500) dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 15 CHAPTER 1. General ARTICLE 100 - DEFINITIONS Scope. Add to this paragraph the following: All the definitions as listed in the latest edition of the Standard Building Code shall be a part of this code. 100 Add definitions as follows: And/Or - ~n a choice of two code provisions, signifies that use of both provisions will satisfy the code requirement and use of either provision is acceptable also.. Industrial Plant Electrical Maintenance Supervisor: A person regularly employed in an industrial plant to perform electrical work solely on behalf of an employer and only upon the premises of the employer's industrial plant. Shall be qualified by training and technical knowledge and experience to plan, layout and supervise electrical work .permitted to be done under annual industrial permits. Must be certif~ied as an Master Electrician or as an Electrical Contractor. Industrial Plant Maintenance Electrician: A person regularly employed in an industria~l plant to perform electrical work solely on the behalf of an employer and~u,pon the premises of the employer's industrial plant and under the supervision of an industrial plant electrical maintenance supervisor. Must be a journeyman electrician. E1 ectr i c i an: · Is a person who is engaged in the electrical trade or business and who ~s qualified under the terms and provisions of th~s code. Electrician Apprentice: Is a person who is engaged in learning the electrical trade by working wi th and under the supervision of a journeyman electrician who holds a val id certificate of competency and who shall be held responsible for the work of such an appren t i ce. Journeyman Electrician: Is a person qualified by experience and/or education to perform work in the electrical trade. Shall be certified by the Construction Industry Licensing Board of Palm Beach County. Maintenance Electrician: A person who possesses the qualifications prescribed in,this section for a "journeyman electricianH, but who must be regularly employed to maintain and make minor repairs to the electrical wiring, apparatus and equipment which is installed, contained and used upon the premises or in the buildings owned, occupied or controlled by the person by whom the maintenance electrician is employed. 16 Master Electrician: A person who possesses the necessary qualifications, training l~nd technical knowledge to plan, layout and supervise the Installation of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for ight, heat or power as covered by the terms and provisions of this section. CHAPTER 2. WIRING DESIGN AND PROTECTION ARTICLE 210 -- BRANCH CIRCUITS 210 - I Scope. Delete and substitute the following: he provisions of this article apply to branch circuits upplying lighting or appliance loads or combinations of oth. Where motors or motor-operated appliances are connected to any branch circuit that also supplies lighting or other appliance loads, the provisions of both this article and article 430 shall apply. Article 430 applies where a branch circuit applies motor loads only. Branch circuits shall be plainly marked at the overcurrent protective device so that they can be quickly and positively identified. C. Required Outlets 210-50 General. Add new paragraphs (d) and (e) as fOllows: (d) Any building to be used for other than office ccupancies, warehouses used for storage only or dwelling nits, shall have receptacles installed each twenty (20) feet ~f unencumbered wall space. All receptacles shall be installed at accessible locations and this accessibility shall be maintained regardless of wall fixtures or other odifications. Office occupancies shall have receptacles nstalled each twelve (12) feet of unemcumbered wall space.  ceptacles are not required in warehouses used for storage ly. (e) A disconnecting means and a 115 volt outlet shall be installed within sight and easy reach on the ungrounded leads of each power circuit to electrically operated heating and air conditioning components. The disconnecting means shall in no case be installed further than six (6) feet from the service side of the equipment. 210-52. Dwelling Unit Receptacle Outlets. (a) General Provisions. Add exception to read as follows: Sliding panels that create a twelve (12) foot opening an outside wall shall have a receptacle outlet installed thin 18 in of each side of the opening. g) Add new paragraph as follows: g) In each branch circuit panel board of any one and two :amily dwelling, there shall be a minimum of two (2) extra ~paces for fuse holders or breakers for future use. An empty .aceway terminating in an accessible attic space or an empty · aceway terminating in an acessible place either under the :loot or to the exterior Of the building above finish grade ~hall be installed. Ail empty raceways installed to the exterior of the building shall terminate above finish grade. I0-63. Rooftop Heating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration quipment Outlet. Delete the exception. 17 210-64. Attic Installation of Heating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment Outlet. Add a new section to read: A 125 volt, single phase, 15 or 20 outlet ~ si re rated rece ~ the acle oad 210-70. Lighting Outlets Required. read: Aniend this section to Lighting outlets shall be installed where specified in (a) and ~b) below. · (a) Dwelling unit(s). At least one wall switch-controlled lighting outlet shall be installed in every habitable room; in bathroons, hallways, stairways, attached garages, and detached garages with electric powerl and at outdoor entrances or exits. (FPN~: A vehicle door in an attached garage is not considered as an outdoor entrance. At least one lighting outlet shall be installed in an attic located at the required ipa$$ageway opening and in underfloorspaces, utility room and basement only where these spaces are used for storage or contain equipoment requiring servicing. The outlet shall be located on the service side of the equipment and controlled by a ~witch located at the required passageway opening. Exception No. I: In habitable rooms, other than I<itchens and bathrooms, one or more receptacles control led by a wall switch shall be permitted i~n li'eu'of lighting outlets. Exception No. 2: In hallways, stairways, and at outdoor entrances or exits, a remote, central or automatic control lighting shall be permitted. (b) Guest Rooms. At least one wall switch-controlled lighting outlet or wall switch-controlled receptacle shall be installed in guest rooms in hotel$~ motels, or similiar occupancies. 18 ARTICLE 215 --FEEDERS 215 - 8. Delete and substitute the following: 215 - 8. Identification of Feeder Conductors. Feeder conductors in NEW BUILDINGS shall be identified by color or tagging or by other effective methods at each point a c~nnection is made if the neutra~ conductor is also present. E~CEPTION: The existing system of coding may be maintained in n.~w buildings or additions to existing bUildings at i ~dustrial and commercial insta!latio~ns. (a) 120/240 volt, single phase, three wire system. Phase "A" - Black Phase "B" - Red Neutral - White (b) 208Y?120 volt, three phase, four wire system. Phase "A' - Black Phase "B" - Red Phase "C" - Blue Neutral - White (c) 480Y7277 vol t, three phase, four wire system. Phase 'A" - Brown Phase "B' - Purple Phase "C' - Yellow Neutral - Gray (d) 240 delta/120 volt, three phase, four wire system (open delta) Phase 'A" - Black Phase "B" - Orange (higher voltage to ground or high leg) Phase "C' - Red Neutral - White Note: A cabinet or enclosure shall be identified by the words 'OPEN DELTA" where internal Phase "B" and neutral conductors are connected. 215 - 10. Feeder Conductors. Add new paragraph to read: All feeder conductors to panels shall be installed in an approved raceway. ARTICLE 220 -- BRANCH-CIRCUIT AND FEEDER CALCULATI ONS 220 - 4 (b)(1). Amend section to read: (b) Small Appliance Branch Circuits - Dwelling Unit. de ~,m th ro wh el th (1) In addition to the number of branch circuits ermined in accordance with (a) above, two or more 20- ere small appliance branch circuits shall be provided for receptacle outlets specified by Section 210-52 for small appliance loads, in the kitchen, pantry, breakfast ~m, and dining room of a dwelling unit. Such circuits. ther two or more are used, shall have no other outlets. Exception No. 1 A receptacle installed soley for the ~ctric supply to and support of an electric clock in any of rooms specified above. 19 Exception No. 2: Outdoor receptacles. Exception No. 3: In addition to the required receptacles specified by Section 210- switched receptacles supplied from a 9eneral-purp c'rcuit defined in Section 210-70(a), Exception No~ I 220-4 (e) Add new paragraph (e) General Lighting units, a 15 :lrcu outlets an lighting outlets. lets- 220-4 (f). Add new paragraph as follOWs: Unit. In dwell:lng general l:ighting lye (12> general (f) Appliance Branch CirCuits"- Dwelling Unit. Air conditioners, refrigerators, dishwashers, garbage disposals, microwave ovens and appliances rated at or above 750 watts or i/4 horsepower must have a separate circuit. ARTICLE 225 -- OUTSIDE BRANCH CIRCUITS AND FEEDERS 225-26. Live Vegetation. Amend section to read as follows: Live vegetation, such as trees, shall not be used for support of overhead conductor spans or other electric equipment. Exception No. 1. For temporary wiring in accordance with Section 305. Exception No. 2. Outdoor lighting fixtures and associated equipment installed on trees where supplied by an underground wiring system with the branch circuit conductors extended up the trees by an approved wiring method. NOTE: See Section 300-4(d) - Wiring Methods ARTICLE 230 -- SERVICES D. SERVICE-ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS 230-40. Number of Service Entrance Conductor Sets. Amend Exceptions No.1 to read as follows: Exception No. I: A two family dwelling shall be permitted to have one set of service-entrance conductors run to each dwel 1 lng. 230-43. Wiring Methods for 600 Volts or Less. Amend to read as follows: Service entrance conductors shall be installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of this code. All service entrance conductors shall be .installed in an approved raceway such as rigid conduit, aluminum conduit, intermediate metal conduit, E.H.T. and rigid non-metallic conduit, busway, cable bus, auxiliary gutters and wireways, cable tray or mineral i.nsulated cable. An electrical mast must be rigid or intermediate metal conduit and shall be a minimum two inch trade size or more in diameter when used as a support mast for service drops. F. Service Equipment - Disconnecting Means 2O F. Service Equipment - Disconnecting Means 230-70. General. Amend paragraph (a) to read as follows: (a) Location. The service disconnecting means shall be installed either inside or outside of a building or other structure at a readily accessible location nearest the poi'nt of entrance of the service conductors. If eight (8) feet or more of service entrance conductors are located inside of the building as determined by Section 230-6, a disconnect must be installed at the meter. Chapter 3. Wiring Methods 'and Materials ARTICLE 300 - WIRING METHODS 300-4. Protection Against Physical Damage. Add new paragraph (d) as follows: (d), Encasement of Conductors. Approved rigid conduit, rigid non-metallic conduit, surface metal raceway, electrical metallic tubing~ intermediate metal conduit or electrical non-metallic tubing shall be required to encase conductors for light~ heat or power in the wiring of all buildings, structures and surrounding areas except one and two family dwellings. EXCEPTION: All buildings and structures in the Fire District shall be wired in metal raceways. 300-5. Underground Installations. Table 300-5 Table 300-5. Exception No. 9 as follows: Exception No.9. All service lateral conductors shall be instal led in an approved raceway and shall have a 24 inch minimum cover. ARTICLE 310 - CONDUCTORS FOR GENERAL WIRING 310-2. Conductors. Add new paragraph (c) as follows: (c) Restrictions. 1. Aluminum conductors smaller than No. 2 A.W.G. shall not be installed. 2. All aluminum conductors shall terminate in approved hypress lugs and/or connectors conforming to the m~nufacturers specifications and/or the Aluminum Association's installation manual and design guide. 3. Aluminum conductors shall not be used for grounding or bonding. 3/0-8. Wet Locations. Add new paragraph (c) as follows: (c) Outdoor Equipment. Conductors to equipment installed out of doors shall be protected from the disconnect to the equipment by liquid tight flexi01e metallic conduit not over six (6) feet in length. ARTICLE 324 - CONCEALED KNOB AND TUBE WIRING Delete 'Article 324 in its entirety. 21 ARTICLE 333 - ARMORED CABLE Type AC Cable 333.4. Construction. Amend to read as Type AC cabl th acceptable metal' c in shall°conform with Section Type AC cables are branch-circuits with armor of flexible metal tape. Type AC cable conductors shall include a separate copper grounding conductor. ARTICLE 336 - NONMETALLIC SHEATHED CABLE Types NM and NMC 336-3. Uses Permitted. Amend first paragraph to read as follows: Type NM and Type NMC cables shall be permitted to be used in one and two family dwellings.except as prohibited in Section 356-4~ (FPN): See Section 310-10 for temperature limitation of conductors. ARTICLE 348 - ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING 348-1. Use. Add to the existing paragraph the following: E.M.T. may be used in concrete except for slabs on grade. ARTICLE 370 - OUTLET, DEVICE, PULL AND JUNCTION BOXES, CONDUIT BODIES AND FITTINGS B. Installation 370-19.Junction, Pull and Outlet Boxes to be Accessible. Amend section to read as follows: (a). Junction, pull and outlet boxes shall be so installed that the wiring contained in them can be rendered 'accessible without removing any part of the building or in underground circuits without excavating sidewalks, paving~ earth, or other substance that is to be used to establish the finish grade. (b). Suspended Ceiling. Junction, pull and outlet boxes shall be installed not more than four (4) feet above a suspended ceiling. Chapter 4. Equipment for General Use ARTICLE 400 - FLEXIBLE CORDS AND CABLES A. General 400-7. Uses Permitted. Amend paragraph (b) to read as follovvs: (b) Attachment Plugs. Where used as permitted in sub s~ctions (a)(3), (a)(6) and (a)(8) of this section, each f~exible cord shall be equipped with an attaChment plug and s~all be energized from an approved receptacle outlet. The cords shall be a maximum six (6) feet in length. 400-8. Uses Not permitted. Add proviso (6) as follows: (6) when connecting equipment out of doors. ARTICLE 410 - LIGHTING FIXTURES, LAMPHOLDERS, LAMPS, RECEPTACLES AND ROSETTES L. Receptacles, Cord Connectors, and Attachments Plugs (Caps) 410-57. Receptacles in Damp Locations. Add new paragraph (f) as follows: ~ (f) Receptacles installed out of doors must have raintight co,vets and are to be installed only for portable tools or other portable equipment not usually left connected to the outlet permanently. CHAPTER & - Special Equ,ipment ARTICLE &80 - SWIMMING POOLS, FOUNTAINS, AND SIM1LIAR INSTALLATION A.' General 680-7. Cord and Plug Connected Equipment.Amend section to read as follows: All electrical equipment i~nstalled out of doors or exposed to the weather shall be connected to the disconnecting means by liquid tight flexible metal conduit. A rain tight disconnect with switches or circuit breakers shall break all ungrounded conductors. Exception No. 1. Storable pools, 680-8. Overhead Conductor Clearances. and No. 2 of this section, Delete Exceptions No.I B. Permanently Instal led Pools 680-25. Methods of Grounding. Amend paragraph (a) to read as fol 1 ows: (a) General. The following provisions shall apply to the grounding of underwater lighting fixtures, metal junction boxes, metal transformers enclosures and all metallic electrical equipment associated with a pool or a fountain. All must be grounded by a grounded conductor originating at the service entrance equipment. finis ~ 24 ATTACHMENT NUMBER REV. 8/25/S6 This attachment is intended to provide a reference to certair, sections of Florida Statutes which outlines specific requir~ner, ts that pertain to this Code. F. 8. CHAPTER 471, (~) The following persons are not required to register under the provisions of ss. 471.001 - 471.0~9 as a registered ~ng~n~er: ¢i~ Any~ elect fica 1, plun~bing, air-conditioning, or n~echanica 1 contractor Whose practic~ includes the design and fabricatior~ ~1 ect~ical, pl u~bing, air-condtt ionl~g~ or nlechanica I ~y~t e~,~, respectively, which he installs by virtue of a under chapter 489, under part I of chapter 553~ or ur, d~r ar, y special act op ordinance when working on any cor, structic, r, project which: 1. Requires an electrical or plun~bing or air-conditior~ir~g and refrigeration syste~ with a value of $50,000 or les~. and a. Requires an aggregate service capacity of 600 a~peres (240 volt~) or le~s on a ~esidential el~ctr~al ~y~tem or 800 amperes (~40 volts) om le~s on a con~,~'~ i a I or industrial electrical systemI o~ b. Requires a plumbing mystem with fewer than ~50 fixture units; c. Requires a heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning syste~ not to exceed a 15-ton-per-syste~ capacity, or if the project is deslgr~ed to acco~n~odat~ 100 2. Is less than 5,000 square feet ir, area and is d~sigr, ed public assembly. F. 8. CHAPTER 481, in pa~tm ~I) No person shall be required to qualify as an archit~.ct c0rd~r to ~nake plan~ and ~pecifications for~ or supervise ~rection~ enlargement, or alteration (a) Any building upon any farm fop th~ use of any far~a~r, eegardless of the cost of the building~ or (b) Any one-~a~ni ly or two-farni ly re~id~r,c~ bui ldi r,g, ownhouse, or dor~estic outbuilding appurtenant to any on~-fa~nily .r two-fa~,~ily r~id~nce, ~eoardl~s~ of co~; c',r (c) Any other type of building costing les~ than $25,000, ,xcept a school, auditorium, op other buildir, g intended for ~ublic use. .S. CHAPTER 553, in partm 6) No permit may be issued for any build r,g construct ior,, rect ion, alteration, repairs, or additior~ ur, les~ th~ appl icar, t or such peri, it provides to th~ enforcing agency which issues he permit ar, y of the following docu~er~ts which apply to the or, struction for which the per,nit is to b~ issued: (a) Electrical documents fop any new building or addition hich requires ar, aggr~gat~ service capacxty of 600 amp(~re~ (240 olts) or r~or~ or, a r~sidential electrical ~yste~,~ or 800 a~n~)ore~ 240 volts) or ~nor~ on a co;~ePcial or industrial electrical yste~ and which cost n~o~e than $50,000. (b) Plu~nbing documents fop any r,~w buildir, g or additlor, which requires a plu~bing system with more than 250 fixture unit~ or which cost ~lope than $50,000. (~) Fire sprinkler docu~nent s for any n~w building or addition which includes a fire sprinkler system which contains 50 or more sprinkler hoads. bc4. att 1 id) Heatin§, ventilation, and aid-conditioning: docur~ents f~or any ?,ew buildi?,g ow addition which requi~es mo~e than a 15-ton- pe~-syster~ capacity, ~hlch im de~l ned to a~co~odate lO0 o~ more peesons op fo~ which the :~y~te~ 000. This paragraph' doe~ ~ot inolude a~y ,nt o~ pepaip of an e~istin~ system in ~hi~h pequipe alte~in~ a ~t~uctupal pa a ~esident iai one-family, y struct upe. (el .Any special~ g document fop ~ any ne~ a medical ~as, oNygen, halon, op Ftpe detec than $5,000. No such docurner, t shall who possesses a valid certil dated, arid sta~ped such docu ppOvid. 471.~ bc4. at t 1 ATTACHMENT NUMBER REV. 8/25/86 ALTERNATE MATERIAL8 AND METHOD8 OF CONSTRUCTION 1. ADMINISTRATIONI This Section provtdee fop the use of certain types of construction materials and design not specifically Mentioned therein. The COde further stat~s that it is r~ot the ir, tent to prevent the use of these alternate materials or types of construction.~ Also Upon acceptance by the Building Official, they May be used wherever this code is enforced. Chapter 74-567, Laws of Florida as ~Mended, created the Building Code Advisory Board of Palm Beach County Ch~reinafter r~f~rred to as the Code Advisgry Board or the Board). The Board ~ay advise local government units concerning products that are acceptable for use in construction. By adoption of this addendum each local government unit has the option to direct all inquiries concerning new product approval to the Board. The Board will act as a clearinghouse for new product approval applications in Palm Beach County. ~. STANDARDSI The types of construction or Material or Method' of design referred to in this Code shall be considered as standards o~ quality and strength. New typem of construction, ~naterial~ or methods of design shall be at least equal to these standards for the corresponding u~e intended. For the purposes intended the products' quality~ strength, effectiveness, fire-resistance, durability, safety and control of installation shall be guides for consideration. 3. APPLICATION PROCEDURE~ Application for approval of any alternate type of construction, Material or device shall be Made to the Board through its chairman or his designated representative. The application will be made on a form provided by the Board and will state the purpose, and advantages of the product. If the application is fop a type of structure! the application will be accompanied with plans signed, dated, and sealed by a Flortda registered er, ginger or architect together with supporting engineering calculations, signed, dated and sealed by a Florida registered engineer-, supporting the .design. If the application is .for Material or device, the application will be accompanied by such tests, calculations or other proof of the product o~fered fo~~ approval~. The Board May appoint one or MOre consultants to examlr~e the product. In the case of a ~aster plan of an'alternate type of ' construction, the consultant, shall be a professional engineer, ~'egistered in the State of Florida whose principal occupation is structural engineering. In the case of alternate materials or device the consultant will be a recognized authority in his field. The Board ~ay elect to examine the product through the staff, or request an examination and opinion by a consultant, or a nationally recognized testing lab. The data shall be analyzed and evaluated for Meeting the perfor~ance standards of the Standard Codes, as a~ended, After receiving an evaluation repc. rt, the Board will issue a written recommendation ¢,n the appropriateness of any product for use in Pal~ Beach County. All decisions shall be forwarded to~ 1. Product control file 2. Applicant 3. All building departments bcS. att 4. FEES~ A $200.00 fninimum initial filing fee for products system plan shall p~ tim icatton~ Res an additional intt applic~ but L fees report. the examination of leant at the part fee imated cost eview. equire .y the pay any to each 5. REJECTIONa Applications for p~oduct approval rejected the t~vestigation procedure shaI'l, be re statt ~he rea req has been so reJe~ set forth in the St as amended. any phase of ;he application ~nts. whose' to appeal as 6. REVOCATION~ At any time during the valid term of a notice of acceptance the approval may be revoked and become null and void for'any of the following reasons~ 1. Non,conformance with the standard codes due to amend~aents adopted subsequent to the date of notice o~f acceptance. ~. Deviation f~om the design of record due to'change, omission or substitution. 3. Use of the producte system, or method not- within the scope of the notice of acceptance. ' 4. Unsatisfactory performance where subjected to actual conditions. 5. :Appearance of intolerable effects such as~ but not limited to~ toxicity when associated with other materials. Notification of revocation shall be provtded having received the notice of acceptance. to all persons 7. REVISIONS= ApproVal revoked for reason 1 or ~ above~ shall be considered for re-instatement where the o~,iglnal applicant Submits revised drawings~ calculations~ 'test reports and all pertinent information to the Product Control Section alon~ with an application r~questing revision and the $~5.00 revision fee. Submittals for revision shall bear the reVision date and the impressed seal of Florida registered engineer or architect and shall be processed as a new application. When approved a new notice of acceptance with a new nu~nber will be issued with no charge in expiration date. 8. RENEWAL~ Two years from the initial approval date and every two years thereafter or unttll such time as the Standard Codes are a~neded, the Board shall request fro~ the original applicant if the product approval is to be renewed without change. ~ailure of applicant to respond within 30 calendar days shall cause the product approval to be automatically revoked. bcS. att ii ATTACHMENT NO. 3 553.19 Adoption of electrical standards. - For the purpose of establishing minimum electrical standards in'thts~state, the'following standards are adopted: (1) "National Electrical Code 198~,'~ NFPA No. 70-198,7. ~ (2) Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., "Standards for Safety, Electrical Lighting Fixtures, and Portable Lamps," UL 57-1982 and UL 153-1983. (3) Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., "Standard for Electric Signs," UL 48-1982. (4)- The provisions of the following which prescribe minimum electrical standards: (a) NFPA No. 56A-1978, "Inhalation Anesthetics 1978." (b) NFPA No. 56B-1982, "Respiratory Therapy 1982." (c) NFPA No. 56C-1980, "Laboratories in Health-related Insti- tutions 1980." (d) NFPA No. 56D-1982, "Hyperbaric Facilities." (e) NFPA No. 56F-1983, "Nonflamnable Medical Gas' Systems 1983". (f) NFPA No. 76A-1984, "Essential Electrical Systems for Health Care Facilities 1984." · , . . (g) NFPA No 20-1983, ,Centrifu.al r~.__ . ,, - · s r re rum (5) Chapter 10D-29 of the rules and regulations ~Sthe Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, entitled "Nursing Homes and Related Facilities Licensure." (6) The minimum standards for grounding of portable electric equipment, Chapter 8C-27 as recommended by the Industrial Standard$-~.Sectton, Division of Workers' Compensation, Department of Labor and Employment Security.