Minutes 07-10-06 (2)
Mark Bobich, Chair
Chuck Magazine, Vice Chair
Catherine Cherry-Guberman
Leslie Rogers
Mike Rumpf
Tim Calhoun
Hoyt Johnson
Eric Falstad
Maibet Rosado
Carlos Aiken
Jeffrey Katz
John Bebensee
Risk Management
City Clerk
Planning and Development
Public Works
Golf Course
Human Resources
Police/Code Compliance
Recreation and Parks
Regenia Scott
Mike Landress
Craig Clark
City Manager
Fire Rescue
1. Call to Order
Chair Bobich called the meeting to order at 10:17 A.M.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of 06-12-06 Regular Meeting
A motion was made by Mr. Bebensee to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Calhoun
seconded the motion that unanimously carried.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
Chair Bobich announced the Fire Department wanted to make a presentation, but was not able
to be present. The presentation would be deferred.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 13, 2006
V. Unfinished Business
A. Fire Drills
Mr. MacIntyre was not able to be present. Chair Bobich indicated they would make their report
at the next meeting.
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Award
There were no Safe Worker awards. Members were asked to bring recommendations to the
next meeting.
C. Departmental Inspections and Safety Meetings
Vice Chair Magazine requested the departments continue to send in their reports.
D. Defensive Driver Course
Vice Chair Magazine announced they have been having difficulty scheduling the dates for the
classroom. He anticipated new dates would be sent out later in the week.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
Vice Chair Magazine was not aware of any incidents.
F. Lightning Detection Policy - TABLED
There was consensus to remove and discuss the item. Mr. Bebensee reported he completed
evaluating a handheld unit that is used in conjunction with the 30/30 Rule. The rule specified if
you heard thunder within 30 seconds of a lightning flash, the storm was estimated as being
roughly six miles away. The area is evacuated and reopened 30 minutes after the last thunder.
He explained this was a National Weather Service Standard. This policy is consistent with many
of the beaches. Vice Chair Magazine recommended formalizing the policy. Chair Bobich asked
how this would affect the Golf Course or other facilities such as Little League Park.
Mr. Falstad explained the Golf Course uses the 30/30 Rule. He elaborated with junior golfers, if
there was lightning, they were pulled in unless they had parental supervision. In those
instances, if the parent wanted to continue to play with the junior, they were allowed to
continue. Generally, the Golf Course uses the, "if in doubt, do not go out" Rule. If the golfers
were already out, he indicated they do not have a policy to address that. It was more of an
honor system. Their issue, however, was liability. If there were anything that indicated
golfers would be protected from lightning and they wound up being hit, the Golf Course would
be sued. Vice Chair Magazine explained it was not so much a warning as it was an advisory.
There was agreement the issue needed further discussion. He explained he was aware that
some Golf Courses tell golfers to come in. Mr. Falstad noted private Golf Courses where the
members own the Golf Course are the facilities that have the alarm siren and pull the golfers in.
He clarified the municipal Golf Courses are the ones that use the 30/30 rule. He pointed out
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 13, 2006
with private Golf Courses, the golfers own the course and the responsibility to absorb any
liability costs rests with them, so that matter was strictly safety. Vice Chair Magazine asked if a
meeting could be set with Golf Course personnel on the matter. This matter will remain on the
agenda. Vice Chair Magazine would also advise the committee members when the meeting was
set so the issue could be finalized.
G. Safety Shoes
Chair Bobich reported, Sharyn Goebelt, HR Director, requested this item be discussed. The
essence of the issue was there was an allowance for the full time blue collar and white collar
employees covered by the contract and the City should be paying the allowance. For part time
employees, they would be treated like other Personnel Policy Manual (PPM) employees where
they had to wear the shoes and would purchase them and submit for reimbursement. A
supervisor would sign off on the designated form that the shoes were acceptable and met the
standard, and they would receive reimbursement via check from Form 121. He asked for
discussion on the item. Vice Chair Magazine clarified it would be up to the department to
determine whether the shoes were required, per the job. The union contract allowed for up to
$190 per year for the shoes.
Vice Chair Magazine moved to approve up to $75 for reimbursement for the shoes. Mr.
Johnson seconded the motion.
The item was clarified the reimbursement for the part-time employees needed to be determined
by the department as needed as was previously discussed.
A vote was taken and the motion unanimously passed.
VI. New Business
A. Safety Manual Review
Vice Chair Magazine announced he would be assigning sections to each committee member to
perform a review and make sure it was up to date. He explained what was contained in the
policy is what the City was doing. Vice Chair Magazine would try to assign sections to
appropriate departments. Departments often have their own safety procedures.
B. Departmental Safety Issues
Vice Chair Magazine announced the Safety Newsletter was published and would be distributed
quarterly. The current newsletter contained information on hurricanes. The next newsletter is
to be determined. He invited the members, should they come across any short articles of
interest, to submit them to his attention.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 13, 2006
Mr. Falstad asked whether the City was still holding AED and CPR classes. Chair Bobich
responded the Courses could be taken through Organizational Development.
VII. Announcements
Vice Chair Magazine announced the Recreation and Parks Department was going through an
accreditation process, which encompasses safety issues. Mr. Bebensee reported the
accreditation committee visit would take place next week and would encompass every aspect of
parks, from safety to programming to revenue, etc. The National Accreditation would be a
prestigious designation, there being only 15 designations in the state.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, August 14, 2006 10:00 A.M.
IX. Adjournment
Vice Chair Magazine moved to adjourn. Mr. Aiken seconded the motion that unanimously
carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:32 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine erry-Guberman
Recording Secretary