Minutes 08-22-06
Richard Beau Lieu, Chair
Suzette Urs, Vice Chair
Angela Budano
Cheryl Arflin
Barbara Ready, Alt.
Wilfred Hawkins, City Representative &
Assistant City Manager
Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator
Wally Majors, Director Recreation & Parks
Jean Kashan
Barbara Lentz
Nubia Richman
Christine Moeller, Alt.
I. Call to Order
Chair Beau Lieu called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
II. Roll Call of Members
The board introduced themselves to each other and the Recording Secretary took note of
III. Agenda Approval
Ms. Coles-Dobay asked to add an item to the agenda about a new meeting place and date for
the Arts Commission.
Ms. Arflin moved to accept the agenda as amended. Vice Chair Urs seconded the motion that
passed 5-0.
IV. Approval of Minutes
Ms. Arflin moved to accept the minutes of Juiy 25, 2006 as presented. Ms. Ready seconded the
motion that passed 5-0.
V. Business Items
A. Announcements
1. Public Arts Position
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 22, 2006
Ms. Debby Coles-Dobay, former Chair of the Arts Commission, announced she had officially
been hired as the Public Art Administrator. Her office is in the first floor of the West Wing, City
Hall, and she is in the Community Improvement Department. Her email address at the City is
colesdobavd(1i)ci.bovnton-beach.fI.us and her telephone is 561-742-6026. She will also provide
some business cards for the use of the members when she receives them. Congratulations were
proffered to Ms. Coles-Dobay.
Ms. Coles-Dobay remarked she had received an initial, preliminary budget from the Finance
Director for the fiscal year 2006-07, based on the projects that were in process and subject to
the Public Arts fee. She did not know if there was any actual money in the budget yet.
Ms. Coles-Dobay mentioned the 1% Public Arts fee, projected for a 5-year period, would be
about $3M. The amount that would come into the Public Art Fund to run their programs would
be $915K. They were projecting they might receive back about 20% of the developer's 70%
commitment for public art on the completion of certain projects. However, the Arts
Commission's mission was to have the developer put as much art as possible in their projects,
and not to collect fees. Ms. Coles-Dobay will provide a copy of the estimated budget to the
Mr. Hawkins indicated the estimated budget represented their "best guess." There would be
some discussion at the City Commission meeting on September 6 about the arts fee: when it
was collected and what it was used for. A Commissioner had asked for a side-by-side
comparison of existing and proposed art fee payments for the Art in Public Places program.
Ms. Coles-Dobay enumerated some of the things the 30% of the Art in Public Places program
fee would be used to cover:
.:. Administration of the program (personnel and equipment), management, record
keeping, insurance, legal, and memberships
.:. Marketing & Advertising the program (Web site development)
.:. Purchase, placement, commission of Public Art in other areas of the City outside the
required developments and City projects
.:. Maintenance, decommissioning and relocation of Public Art
.:. Public Art (visual art) events, exhibits and shows
.:. Public Art Education
Ms. Coles-Dobay reminded the board that while the monies expected were very large, that was
because the City was in a high development and redevelopment growth stage. The funds they
collected now would have to last throughout the entire existence of the Public Art program. At
some point, development and redevelopment would slow down and they still had to have funds
to manage the program for its life. They had spoken before of creating an endowment, a
reserve from which they could draw at a later date to keep the program going.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 22, 2006
Ms. Coles-Dobay had put together a list of the uses for public art fees. She had explained it all
to Mayor Taylor, who was more satisfied after hearing all the background information she
provided. Ms. Coles-Dobay would continue to meet with the Commissioners individually to
explain the program to them in the same way. The members' understanding was the City
Commission had granted them a year to let the program run before re-evaluating it. It was
hoped this personal approach to educating the Commissioners about the program would help to
reinforce the support they had given to the program when they originally approved it.
Ms. Coles-Do bay mentioned the topic of putting a cap on the fee. The cap was not on the 1%,
but on the totai art fee that would be assessed, regardless of the value of the project. The
prevailing sentiment was to retain the fee as it was, with no cap, and as it was outlined in the
The stressed housing market was mentioned as one reason some developers seemed to be
resistant to this arts fee. It seemed developers had not been required to spend very much in
recent years on marketing and advertising, and due to the housing slowdown, were now having
to do so. It was felt having public art was actually an incentive to purchase. Mention was made
of the cyclical nature of the housing market and how in two or three years it would probably
turn around. Some thought it might be better to wait it out and resume development when that
turnaround occurred.
In speaking of the estimated budget, Chair Beau Lieu indicated if the money for the various
projects had been put in their "account," there would be no question of the Carolyn Sims
Memorial project going forward right away. Ms. Budano commented that type of thing gave the
citizens a sense of place, a sense of community. She recalled how the ball field project had
pulled the community together.
The members asked Ms. Coles-Dobay to keep them informed about this topic and to ask them if
she needed their assistance in talking to the Commissioners.
B. Proiects
1. Review projects in the City subject to Public Art
a. Carolyn Sims Project Update
Ms. Coles-Dobay introduced and welcomed Recreation & Park Director Wally Majors. They had
expected to have Carolyn Sims' sons and daughter present, but a schedule misunderstanding
had taken place and they would be invited to a subsequent meeting.
Mr. Majors reported a bid opening for this project was scheduled for October 11 and they were
hoping for a good result. He had participated in a bid opening today and the prices came in
much higher than they projected. Things were costing more today. If all went well, they could
award it and move forward. A consulting engineering firm was still saying this could be done in
one year. If all went well, and bids came in the reasonable level, they could award it and move
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 22, 2006
Mr. Majors informed the board staff had found a grant from Palm Beach County that seemed
eminently suitable for this project. The various stipulations in the grant and associated point
levels were read, and it seemed there would be no problem in meeting the requirements. It
was, however, a matching grant and the board discussed various ways and means of raising
the match. It was felt the 1% Public Arts fee for the Wilson Center could be used towards the
A key item in the grant requirements was collaboration with the community and this would be
an important item to satisfy. The board recalled the chosen artist had agreed to collaborate
with the community already.
The board's unanimous consensus was to pursue the County grant and initiate an application.
The board discussed ways and means of raising the money for matching funds. Some of the
money could come from in-kind donations. The City was also obligated to provide its 1% Public
Art fee, which would be a real boost. All agreed it was important to discuss this with Ms. Sims'
family members in order to obtain their permission for fund raising and hear their ideas about
how they could help raise money for the project. Their connections in the churches and in the
community would be invaluable in doing this. Eliciting their help would probably assure 100%
community participation. Mr. Hawkins felt community participation was important from the
standpoint of "buying in," but also for the awareness they were creating a legacy for an
individual who played an important role in the community. This was about more than just a
piece of art.
Vice Chair Urs felt Publix would be a potential donor since they were interested in projects that
had to do with kids and/or education. Ms. Budano felt it would be important in terms of the
"fostering art in the community" requirement to include the information that this would be the
"flagship" project for the Arts Commission.
Establishing an endowment was one idea. Selling bricks was another idea. Using the fundraising
powers of the Recreation & Parks Board was also mentioned and Mr. Majors was going to look
at their ordinance and find out if that would be a possibility. The City could offer venues and
resources for fund raiser tournaments. The annual Art Explosion at Hester Center, HeritageFest ,
Season of Peace, Holiday Parade, and Carolyn Sims Day were other events where funds could
potentially be raised. Chair Beau Lieu envisioned gathering a list of the people whose lives had
been touched by Carolyn Sims and doing a direct mailing to those people, soliciting tax-
deductibie contributions through a trust or endowment. The family could provide assistance in
developing the mailing list. Information could also be put in the City's newsletter. They also
discussed advertising on the side of the City's bus.
Ms. Arflin favored finding someone to write a story about Carolyn Sims, a story that could be
read in the schools and at the Children's Museum to generate interest and awareness. Someone
could also produce a play about the history of Boynton Beach, including a segment on Carolyn
Sims. They could sell the book and use it as a source of funds. Mr. Hawkins added that many
adults and young professionals considered Ms. Sims a mentor and could lend testimonials about
her influence on their lives. Channel 12 television had also recognized Ms. Sims. Mr. Majors
would be looking into Ms. Sims's accolades and so forth.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 22, 2006
Vice Chair Urs moved to give Debby Coles-Dobay approval to initiate an application for a County
grant for the Carolyn Sims Memorial project. Ms. Budano seconded the motion that passed
Ms. Coles-Dobay was to contact the selected artist, Frank Varga, to give him a status update.
b. Eternal Flame Update
a. Review letter to City Commission and Veterans Commission
Cheryl Arflin read a draft of letter to City Commission and CRA from Ms. Coles-Dobay on the
Eternal Flame Memorial project and the changing of the site from Veterans Park to Bicentennial
Park. In the letter, the position of the Arts Commission was that while they concurred with the
Bicentennial site over the Veterans Park site, delay could jeopardize the chosen artist's schedule
and reflect unfavorably on the Arts Commission. The Arts Commission asked the redevelopment
of Bicentennial Park be done in phases, so Phase 1 could contain the Eternal Flame Memorial
project on the land the City already had in its possession.
Mr. Hawkins declared Mr. Majors had met with the CRA Director, who agreed to move forward
with getting the CRA Board to endorse the Bicentennial site for the Eternal Flame Memorial and
an urban park. Commissioner Ensler and the City had met with a potential developer of that site
and the City also met with them and at the next Commission meeting that developer would
make a presentation about developing that whole block of property. Mr. Hawkins recommended
the letter be sent after that meeting.
Ms. Budano asked if they intended to maintain the urban park and Mr. Hawkins said that would
be part of the plan. The proposal would include more public use than just a park. In their initial
conversations with the developer, the developer had agreed to talk with the chosen artist to
help design the Eternal Flame Memorial. The letter needed to be changed to reflect that
c. Avenue of the Arts
1. Update
2. Review photos of possible sculpture sites
3. Timeline
4. Event planning
The members worked on the invitation list, providing addresses for ones without them. It was
agreed they should include the names of the artists they had invited to participate in the Eternal
Flame project. There were 10 artists on the list and since they were targeting 12 sites, they
needed to invite more artists. There was no change to the sites chosen. Ms. Coles-Dobay had to
make sure the sites were appropriate and acceptable to the City, however.
They discussed the timeline for the project based on a rough draft prepared by Ms. Coles-
Dobay. The letter went out to the artists on August 18 and the requested date by which to have
applications returned was September 1. Since they were going to re-issue the letter to
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 22, 2006
additional artists, they decided to push the deadline and review back. They discussed whether
to piggyback on an existing event or be separate and distinct. Ms. Budano suggested
combining the Avenue of the Arts opener with New Year's Eve. Or, the event could be held after
the holidays. Ms. Coles-Dobay indicated they did not have to have an event concurrent with the
public's viewing of the art. Signs should be set up ahead of time to get a "buzz" going. If they
only wanted to have the art in place by November, they could keep the existing schedule.
A show of hands for having the artwork up by December 2 and the event in January resulted in
three persons in favor. They decided to allow the artists from November 4 through the 18th for
setup of their art pieces.
There had to be time for the City to inspect the art after it was up. They needed contracts
through the Legal Department. There were permitting issues also. Getting sign permits
required schematics of how the artwork would fit in the right-of-way, etc. The Engineering
Department had to be brought on board. Chair Beau Lieu mentioned they had asked for
pictures with dimensions and materials. Ms. Coles-Dobay can take photographs to Engineering.
Ms. Budano noted wind load was a factor during hurricane season, so the artists should be
asked to provide that. Mr. Hawkins mentioned West Palm Beach had experience with displaying
public art and would probably have the required specifications. Ms. Budano mentioned Mark
Fuller was a person in West Palm Beach who would know this information. How the pieces were
anchored was also pertinent. They spoke of having a 4 x 4 foot area with a plaque on a post.
Ms. Coles-Dobay thought the art should be selected as soon as possible.
Ms. Ready moved that the installation period for Avenue of the Arts will be from January 13 -
27, 2007. A kick-off event is targeted for Valentine's Day 2007. Vice Chair Urs seconded the
motion that passed unanimously.
By consensus, the board decided to review artwork submissions for Avenue of the Arts on
September 12, 2006 at a special meeting starting at 7:00 p.m.
VI. Boynton Beach Arts Marketing Materials
Not addressed.
VII. CRAI Art Update - Review letter to the CRA board 8r. staff
Addressed earlier.
VIII. New Business Items
Chanoe of Meetino Location
Ms. Coles-Dobay mentioned the Library Program Room would not be available starting in
September and the Arts Commission would have to find a new location for their meetings. She
would look into it. The Chambers at City Hall, the Chamber of Commerce Conference Room,
and the Madsen Center were suggested, keeping the date the same as now.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 22, 2006
Note: The meeting place for the special meeting on September 12 at 7:00 p.m. and the
regular meeting on September 26 at 6:30 p.m. is the Chamber of Commerce conference
room, Suite #108.
Chair Beau Lieu mentioned the Arts Commission had judged the Arts Showcase that took place
at the Arts Center summer program this year, and the art was on display in City Hall.
A discussion transpired about moving Ms. Barbara Ready up from Alternate to Regular board
member. The new people appointed after her should be Alternates.
Mr. Hawkins stated this was up to the Commission. When a Regular position becomes
available, a call to the City Clerk's office would provide the name of the Commissioner making
the appointment at a specific meeting. The request to do this would be made of the
Commissioner who makes the next Regular appointment to this board.
IX. Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the board, the meeting was duly adjourned at 8:30
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary