Minutes 09-15-06
ON FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 2006 AT 10:00 A.M.
Jerry Taylor, Mayor
Carl McKoy, Vice Mayor
Bob Ensler, Commissioner
Mike Ferguson, Commissioner
Mack McCray, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Janet Prainito, City Clerk
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.
II.A. Informational Items by Members of the City Commission
Commissioner McCray invited everyone to the 98th anniversary celebration of the St. John
Baptist Church on September 24th at 7:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
Commissioner Ensler inquired if the approved contract for fund raising for the boundless park
had been issued and Mr. Bressner confirmed it had.
Mayor Taylor noted the trophy on display that had been won by the Boynton Beach Police
Department from the Labor Day competition. He also commended the Fire Department for the
recent event at Bru's Room to benefit the American Heart Association.
South Florida Water Management District awards grants in the amount
of $687,800 to the City for the installation and development of
alternative water supplies.
Mayor Taylor commended those employees who were instrumental in obtaining the grant funds.
Presentation by FDOT of the South Florida East Coast Corridor Transit
Analysis Study - Brief overview of project, a status report and key
There was concern regarding the length of time the presentation would involve. Mr. Bressner
indicated staff would contact the presenter and stress the need for a ten minute time limit.
Proposed Resolution No. R06-157 Re: Providing for the
issuance of $20,000,000 principal amount of Public Service Tax
Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, in order to finance capital expenditures
related to recreation and public safety facilities of the City.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
September 15, 2006
Mr. Bressner advised the item had been moved forward on the agenda due to scheduling
conflicts of the participants who were planning to attend.
V.B. Appointments to be made
Commissioner Ensler advised he would be passing on his appointment for the Community
Relations Board and offered to pass it to any other Commissioner. Vice Mayor McKoy indicated
the appointment would go to the next Commissioner on the rotation in the normal process. Mr.
Bressner reviewed the procedure and suggested the rotation continue as established.
Commissioner McCray requested adding an item to Consent Agenda for a donation to the Lena
Rahming Scholarship Funds from his Community Investment Funds. Mayor Taylor noted the
item would be "R" on the list.
Approve a contract for Bid #054-2413-06/CJD, CONSTRUCTION OF THE
Florida in the amount of $3,097,000 with a contingency of $309,700 for
a total expenditure of $3,406,700. (Proposed Resolution No. R06-1S9)
Commissioner Ferguson questioned the amount of the original estimate. Commissioner Ensler
had requested data relating to how much money had been budgeted for the last three years,
the source of the monies to be spent and an explanation of the notation "PIF $1,500,000".
Mr. Mummert, Director of Financial Services, reviewed the budget figures for the past three
fiscal years. Some of the funding would be derived from the bond proceeds. He cautioned the
$20M bond issue could cover any of the projects in the proposed budget through September,
2010 to be disbursed at the Commission's discretion.
Commissioner Ensler's calculations revealed a possible budget shortage for the use of the bond
monies if the Intracoastal Clubhouse Pavilion proceeded as planned. He indicated he would like
to discuss the project and how it has evolved to the current plans. Commissioner Ensler
emphasized funds for development of the park for the handicapped should be budgeted also,
rather than adding to the Intracoastal Clubhouse.
Mayor Taylor remarked the increase in construction costs had contributed to increases in all the
projects that had been planned.
Commissioner McCray recalled grants or other funding was going to be investigated for the
boundless playground.
Commissioner Ensler suggested the playground could be constructed with City money and
grants would provide monies for the other facilities in the boundless master plan. Plans have
been discussed for several years now and no progress has been made.
Mayor Taylor stressed the other projects being funded far precede the boundless project.
Commissioner Ensler felt the Intracoastal Pavilion concept had gotten out of hand. Mr.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
September 15, 2006
Bressner added he would submit a source and use analysis showing the cash flow for the bond
issue together with the history of the project.
Jeff Livergood, Director of Public Works and Engineering, explained the budget figures had
been adjusted upward to accommodate the hostile construction environment and value
engineering changes.
Commissioner Ensler did not object to the Intracoastal Pavilion; however, he did object to the
monies allocated for the boundless playground now being used for the Intracoastal Pavilion
Commissioner McCray asked for the date the original clubhouse had been torn down.
Commissioner Ensler also requested the operating costs for the facilities and any additional staff
requirements. Mayor Taylor asked for the costs of constructing the boundless playground only.
Proposed Resolution No. R06-161 Re: Authorizing the
execution of an agreement with Palm Beach County for funding
reimbursement in the amount of $3,700 for the 2006 Heritage Festival.
Mr. Bressner explained the monies were from a grant that could be applied to the
upcoming year's funding.
Vice Mayor McKoy requested a status report on the upcoming Heritage Fest.
Wayne Segal, Public Affairs Director, advised ongoing planning with the CRA, as joint
partners, has resulted in one week of activities being planned so far. Sponsorship has
been discussed along with input fram the Education and Youth Advisory Board.
Commissioner McCray inquired if a 501 (c)(3) designation would be required. Attorney
Cheraf responded it was not a requirement for the expenditure of public funds.
Mayor Taylor asked for a break out of how the combined funding of $100,000 would be
spent. Mr. Bressner suggested the matter be placed under Future Agenda Items. Vice
Mayor McKoy expressed concern that the plans be started as soon as possible.
Proposed Resolution No. R06- RE: Approving and
authorizing execution of an Interlocal Agreement between the City
and the School Board of Palm Beach County for the mutual use of
Commissioner Ensler noted cultural arts events had not been included. Mr. Bressner
replied the school had declined including the Boynton Beach Symphonic Orchestra as a
sponsored event. He added monies had been budgeted to cover the expense if an
agreement could not be reached with the School District.
Commissioner Ensler requested the matter be tabled so that he could convince the
School District to get the agreement changed to include cultural events. Mr. Bressner
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
September 15, 2006
questioned if Commissioner Ensler would be authorized by the Commission to discuss
the issue with the School District. Commissioner Ensler announced he would speak on
behalf of the Orchestra, as a member of the Board of Directors, and not the
Mayor Taylor suggested the agreement go forward and the cultural events could be
added at a later time so that other events could move forward. There was agreement
the matter be tabled for two weeks.
Proposed Resolution No. R06-162 Re: Authorizing the
execution of Amendment No. 1 to Task Order U05-01, Jordan, Jones 8r.
Goulding, Inc. (JJG) in the amount of $197,844 for construction
administration, management and field inspection for the West Water
Treatment Plant (WWTP) Improvements, Phase IV.
Mr. Bressner explained the item related to an earlier construction agreement for improvements
at the West Water Treatment Plant until the conversion to Floridan could be initiated. The Task
Order was for a consulting engineer to oversee and review the contract. Mayor Taylor assured
the current improvements would be user friendly with the Floridan implementation. Mr.
Bressner did reveal the membrane system would be replaced with the low pressure reverse
osmosis system in five to seven years.
Proposed Resolution No. R06-164 RE: Approving and
authorizing execution of an Agreement for Water Service Outside the
City Limits with Robert 8r. Grace Luppino for the property at 1046
Florence Road, Lake Worth, FL. (Hypoluxo Ridge Lot 61)
Commissioner Ferguson indicated he would be pulling C.6 for comment.
Authorize the Financial Service Department to reduce the Allowance for
Uncollectible Accounts by $34,247.54 in the Sanitation Fund and by
$17,445.50 in the General Fund.
Commissioner Ensler acknowledged he would be pulling the item for comments at the meeting.
VI.I. Approve the extension and renewal for the 2006-2007 Premium Year
Property 8r. Casualty Insurance Program in the amount of $2,062,615.
Commissioner Ensler indicated he wanted to better understand the status of the City being self-
insured and the use of the $729,000.
Chuck Magazine, Risk Manager, explained the self-insurance is only on the liability side up to
the first $100,000/$200,000 based on State statute. The property insurance is purchased with
appropriate deductibles. The $729,000 figure compensates for a shortfall in the budgeted
amount based on the increase in the property insurance by 210%. All other insurance had
increased by only 4%. Mr. Bressner advised there was a reserve in the Risk Management fund
to cover the increase for any loss experienced.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
September 15, 2006
VI.P. Approve the use of $2,500 from Commissioner Ensler's Community
Investment Fund to purchase a base for the monument donated by
Commissioner Ensler at the American Legion Hall Post 164, 571 W.
Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach.
Commissioner Ensler suggested a change in the wording to read, "Approve the use of $2,500
from Commissioner Ensler's Investment Fund towards the construction of a base for the
monument donated by Commissioner Ensler on the City traffic circle across from the American
Legion Hall Post 164, 571 W. Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach."
Red Lobster (NWSP 06-018)
Linda Nunn
GMRI, Inc. (Neil Terwilliger)
Out Lot #3 @ Boynton Town Center, approximately 450
feet north of the northeast corner of Congress Avenue and
Old Boynton Road
Request for new site plan approval to construct a 7,010
square foot restaurant and related site improvements on
Out Lot #3 of the Boynton Town Center site (Applicant
requests withdrawal of item for public hearing until
October 3, 2006).
Smokey Bones (NWSP 06-019)
Linda Nunn
GMRI, Inc. (Neil Terwilliger)
Out Lot #1 @ Boynton Town Center, northeast corner of
Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road
Request for new site plan approval to construct a 6,436
square foot restaurant and related site improvements on
Out Lot #1 of the Boynton Town Center site (Applicant
requests withdrawal of item for public hearing until
October 3, 2006).
Commissioner Ensler requested color pictorials of both projects.
Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning, explained the elevations were being revised and
if approved would have to be added to the Conditions of Approval.
Mr. Bressner suggested adding the Heritage Festival update. He also asked if there was
consensus to continue the Future Agenda Items until after the election. Commissioner McCray
did not feel it was necessary.
Proposed Ordinance No. 06-
revisions to the Boynton Beach
2004 Florida Building Code.
Re: Adopting proposed
Administrative Amendments to the
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
September 15, 2006
Mr. Bressner asked the item be tabled so he could review the amendments and the source of
the need for the changes, some being more rigorous than the State Building Code.
Commissioner Ensler suggested the changes be outlined in a summary form for a better
understanding of the impact on the development community.
Proposed Ordinance No. 06-078 Re: Establishing a policy for
naming City facilities within the City of Boynton Beach, providing for
the appointment of a committee to act in an advisory role to the City
Commission on the naming of City facilities.
Commissioner McCray asked if the advisory committee would be appointed by the City
Commission and Mr. Bressner replied yes.
Proposed Ordinance No. 06-079
Article II, Division 4 to amend
Retirement" to clarify the intent
supplemental benefit (13th check).
Re: Amending Chapter 18,
Section 18-111 entitled "Normal
with respect to issuance of a
Commissioner Ensler asked who had initiated the request. Mr. Bressner advised the Employees'
Pension Board had done so to clarify when the 13th check would be paid. It would be based on
the actuarial analysis not the investment earnings, a more conservative approach. Attorney
Cherof clarified the State regulation is the basis should be a cumulative experience
consideration. Mr. Bressner agreed to verify the Police and Fire Pension Funds are already in
compliance and do not issue a 13th check.
Proposed Ordinance No. 06-080 Re: Amending Chapter 2,
Administration, of the Code of Ordinances to add a new Article XV;
Small and Minority Business Enterprises; establishing a program to
assist small and minority business enterprises in competing for and
being awarded City contracts; establishing procedures for designation
of small and minority business enterprise status; authorizing
administrative action to implement, administer and monitor program
Commissioner Ensler questioned why $42,000 would be needed to run the program.
Bobby Jenkins, Assistant Director of Finance, indicated there would not be any additional staff
required and monies were to cover start up costs for a needs assessment, consultant fees,
computer software and training.
Mayor Taylor announced to the Commission at 11 a.m. there would be the unveiling of the
MIA/POW signs.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at
10:43 a.m.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
September 15, 2006
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