Minutes 09-28-06
Melinda Mallon (arrvd. 7:14 p.m.)
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Stephen Waldman, Chair
Loretta Wilkinson
Susan Buchanan
Robert Chiste, Student Regular Voting Member
Christine Hogenkamp, Student Regular Voting Member
Alyssa Ewing, Student Regular Non-Voting Member
Brenton Rolle, Acting Board Liaison
Hattie Miller
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. He introduced Brenton Rolle to the
board, saying he was sitting in for Sherri Claude, the Board Liaison.
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silent Reflection
Ms. Hogenkamp led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment
of silent reflection to consider those who were serving in the nation's armed forces in harm's
III. Approval of Minutes of August 24, 2006
Ms. Buchanan moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Wilkinson seconded the motion
that passed 5-0.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Vice Chair Morera moved to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. Wilkinson seconded the
motion that passed 5-0.
V. Announcements/ Presentations/ Correspondence
Mr. Rolle announced that at the September 6, 2006 City Commission meeting, the Commission
authorized the use of $1K each of Mayor Taylor's, Vice Mayor McKoy's, Commissioner Ensler's,
and Commissioner McCray's Community Investment Funds for the Education & Youth Advisory
Board for: 1) Youth Expo, 2) the Bob Borovy Student Citizen of the Year Award, and 3) the
Youth Volunteer Bank, for its ongoing events and programs. The award would be split, with $2K
going to the Bob Borovy Student Citizen of the Year Award (Scholarship), and $1K each for the
Youth Expo and Youth Volunteer Bank programs.
Meeting Minutes
Education &. Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 28, 2006
The board was thrilled at the generosity of the Commission and talked of ways to express its
appreciation. Ms. Buchanan suggested sending a letter and appearing in person at a City
Commission meeting to thank the Mayor and Commissioners. Chair Waldman thought such
remarks should include a brief description of each program.
VI. Public Audience
Chair Waldman introduced a visitor, Mrs. Pamela Camel, Vice Principal of the Del Prado School
in Boca Raton, parent, and resident of Boynton Beach. Ms. Camel had put in an application to
the Education & Youth Advisory Board and Chair Waldman looked forward to her appointment
as a board member.
VII. Old Business
At 7:14 p.m., Ms. Melinda Mallon, new board member, appeared. Chair Waldman welcomed her
to the meeting. Ms. Mallon explained she was a retired teacher and looked forward to serving
on the board.
A. Sister Cities
Chair Waldman had spoken to Jeanne Heavilin and Sister Cities had met with two Area
Superintendents, who were interested in supporting the Young Artist in Residence and Pen Pal
programs. Their suggestion was that the Pen Pal program should be implemented at Poinciana
Elementary School. There was a possibility of John I. Leonard High School taking the Young
Artist in Residence Program.
Chair Waldman noted the board had not yet discovered the best way to work with the Sister
Cities organization, but were having a representative from Sister Cities at the Youth Expo and
this would be a start in the right direction.
Chair Waldman mentioned if anyone wished to serve as liaison between this board and the
Sister Cities organization, to let him know. Sister Cities might be sending a liaison to the EYAB
meetings also. The meetings for Sister Cities were held during the day and this was a deterrent
for most board members.
B. Youth Volunteer Bank/Bob Borovy Award
Mr. Rolle indicated Sherri Claude was working on updating the list of local volunteer
opportunities. He reported the Bob Borovy Award applications had been prepared and would be
sent to the schools in January of 2007 with a deadline for return of April 6, 2007.
Chair Waldman sought the board's opinion on whether the members should make appointments
with the guidance counselors to discuss this individually. They had only received two
applications this year and it was thought the personal attention might help.
Ms. Hogencamp believed the guidance counselors were the right recipients for the application
packages and that if the packages were sent, a follow-up telephone call or letter would be
helpful. Mr. Chiste believed it was important to make appointments to discuss this personally
Meeting Minutes
Education &. Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 28, 2006
with the guidance counselors. Ms. Ewing commented there was a Web site used by the seniors
looking for scholarships, and it would be a good idea to list this award on that site. She would
follow up to give the name of the Web site to Ms. Claude.
Ms. Buchanan echoed Mr. Chiste's comment that a personal visit or telephone call would be the
best way to handle this. She suggested giving posters (or flyers) to the guidance counselors, so
they could put them on the walls in the schools. Ms. Buchanan also suggested calling the Office
of Public Information at the School Board, to ask for their help to disseminate this information.
She believed the Area Superintendents were so flooded with paperwork that this kind of thing
might get buried on their desks. Ms. Buchanan suggested the possibility of posting this on the
School Board's Web page as well.
Ms. Wilkinson suggested advertising this in the Fun Fare magazine. Mr. Rolle commented it
would have to be submitted by mid-October for placement in the winter-spring issue of
Fun Fare.
Ms. Buchanan suggested another source of wide coverage at no cost would be the Boynton
Beach Chamber of Commerce's paper newsletter that went out to every Palm Beach Post
subscriber in south Palm Beach County. This kind of notice would probably attract the attention
of a number of parents. Chair Waldman would mention that to Ms. Claude. Ms. Buchanan
commented if they needed a contact at the Chamber, her husband was on the board.
C Fundraising Ideas
Mr. Rolle indicated Ms. Claude was asked at the last meeting if donations were tax-deductible.
According to the Internal Revenue Service guidelines, contributions to a qualified entity, which
included the City of Boynton Beach, were tax deductible if made solely for public purposes. This
included donations made to the advisory board for its programs and Ms. Claude would add that
language to all future flyers and letters. Ms. Claude had also spoken with Wayne Segal about
setting up a booth for the EYAB at the Oceanfront Concert series in November.
Chair Waldman was pursuing a donation from the Publix bakery for the booth at the Oceanfront
Concert. He had already spoken to one person there and had to speak to one other before
confirming their donation. Ms. Wilkinson announced the Oceanfront Concert series took place
on the second Friday of each month from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
D. Youth Expo (October 14, 2006 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Boynton
Beach Mall
Mr. Rolle distributed an updated Youth Expo flyer. Chair Waldman mentioned the Sister Cities
organization would need a table for this event, and Mr. Rolle made a note of it. The members
discussed their schedules and when they would be available to man a booth at the event. Chair
Waldman and Ms. Wilkinson planned to be there for the day. Ms. Buchanan would be available
from 1:30 or 2:00 p.m. onwards. Mr. Rolle declared the event was going to be in the kid's
playing area near J. C. Penney. Vice Chair Morera would be available from 12:30 onwards.
Mr. Rolle was in charge of setting up for the event and welcomed assistance. The tents and
sound system would be set up Saturday morning. He was not sure if the Mall personnel were
putting out the chairs, but he was concerned there be enough room between the first row of
Meeting Minutes
Education &. Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 28, 2006
chairs and the stage, as several dance troupes had expressed a preference for dancing on the
floor instead of the stage. The stage was not large enough for their productions. Someone
needed to see that this space was allowed when the chairs were being set up on Friday night or
Saturday morning before the event. Mr. Rolle would find out from Janice Phillips when the
Friday night set up would commence and let Chair Waldman know.
Chair Waldman would contact Ms. Claude about having Youth Volunteer Bank applications and
other information about the EYAB's programs available for the event.
Vice Chair Morera asked about giveaway items and Chair Waldman would check with Ms.
Claude about this also.
E Tennis Carnival Event (November 11, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Boynton Tennis
Mr. Rolle distributed a flyer for the Tennis Carnival from the Boynton Beach Tennis Center. To
date, there had been 21 registrants and the maximum was 32. Vice Chair Morera reported Mr.
Howell at the Tennis Center had enough tennis rackets for the children who did not have them.
Phyllis Stern from the Community Relations Board was working with Vice Chair Morera to obtain
donations from Publix and elsewhere for refreshments. The Palm Beach Post was providing t-
shirts for all the kids and that was why their logo was on the flyer. They were not distributing a
large amount of flyers, since the event was already filling up. To give people who did not read
FunFare an opportunity to participate, the flyer would be posted at the Hester Center and the
Civic Center.
Vice Chair Morera reported the flyer had originally been issued showing a time for the event of
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., but everyone had now been called to correct this to 2:00 p.m. to 4:00
p.m. Once they had the official registration list, the participants would be called again. Ms.
Wilkinson offered to help make the calls.
Vice Chair Morera spoke of a possible misunderstanding concerning the Hunters Run and
Boynton Beach Tennis Center events. The Tennis Center event was meant to be an additional
event and not one that would take the place of the very successful Hunters Run event held in
the spring. It appeared to Vice Chair Morera that Hunters Run believed the Boynton Beach
Tennis Center event was meant to take the place of the Hunters Run event and this was
definitely not the case. Ms. Mallon, who resided in Hunters Run and knew Ms. Stern, offered to
discuss this with Ms. Stern and let Chair Waldman know the outcome.
VIII. New Business
A. Tennis Carnival (Hunters Run)
Ms. Mallon will be speaking with Ms. Phyllis Stern about the Tennis Carnival and whether or not
Hunters Run wished to continue doing the spring event. Mr. Rolle mentioned the date for the
spring Tennis Carnival at Hunters Run had to be confirmed and finalized prior to putting it in the
FunFare magazine. The submission would have to be in by mid-October in order to get into the
winter/spring issue of Fun Fare.
Meeting Minutes
Education &. Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 28, 2006
B. November and December Meeting Dates
Since the board's meeting dates conflicted with holidays during November and December, the
board decided to combine its November and December meetings into one meeting on
November 30, 2006 in City Hall Chambers at 7:00 p.m.
IX. Future Meeting Dates:
October 26, 2006
November 30, 2006 (Nov./Dec. combined)
X. Adjournment
As there was no further business before the board, the meeting was duly adjourned at 8:00
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary