Minutes 09-13-06
Brian Miller, Chair
Eddie Mitchell, Vice Chair
Alfred Levy
Brenda Lee Williams
Blanche Hearst-Girtman
Phyllis Stern
Sanford "Sandy" Mendelsohn (Alt.)
Regenia Scott, Manager of
Neighborhood Services
Joyce Mura*
Stanley Sorgman*
1. Call to Order - Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. New member Sanford "Sandy"
Mendelsohn led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
*Chair Miller announced Ms. Mura and Mr. Sorgman were not present at the meeting and were
off-site at a CERTS meeting representing the Community Relations Board. He requested these
members be listed and considered as present in the minutes. The board members also agreed
with Chair Miller.
New member Mr. Mendelsohn was recognized and welcomed by both Chair Miller and the
board. Mr. Mendelsohn provided a brief history about himself for the board members. He has
been a resident of Florida for approximately 24 years and is a permanent, homesteaded
resident for the last three years. He retired from private practice in Rockland County, New
York, and has been living here full time with his wife of 41 years. He has two children, he was
born in Miami Beach and he loves the Florida climate.
Chair Miller announced due to a lack of communication, there was a scheduling conflict
pertaining to the CERTS meeting and the Community Relations Board meeting. In order for the
conflict not to occur in the future, it was requested Ms. Scott send a note to Chief Ness from
the Chair requesting CERTS meetings be scheduled so as not to conflict with the
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 13, 2006
Community Relations Board meetings, unless it was absolutely essential because there were
board members that were a part of the CERTS program. In the alternative, the board would
like to receive advance notice so arrangements could be made to avoid any scheduling conflicts.
Ms. Scott will send the notice.
3. Recognition of Visitors
There were no visitors recognized.
4. Approval of Agenda
There were no additions, deletions or corrections to the agenda.
A motion was made by Ms. Stern to approve the agenda as presented. Mr. Levy seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
5. Approve of Minutes from August 9, 2006 Meeting
The following corrections were received for the meeting minutes from Mr. Levy:
Page 2, item 7 indicated Ms. Scott thanked Mr. Levy and Ms. Mura. The minutes should read
" ... thanked Mr. Levy and Vice Chair Mitchell."
The same correction applied to the next paragraph.
Ms. Scott had the following corrections not previously mentioned by Mr. Levy:
Page 1, the first vote where it reads the motion failed, delete "Messrs."
Under Announcements: It should read "Chair Miller asked Mr. Levy and ..," and not "Chair
Page 3, under Summary, 6th paragraph should be "Chair Miller" and not "Chair Mitchell".
Page 4, the last paragraph should be "Chair Miller".
There were no other changes to the minutes.
A motion was made by Mr. Levy to accept the minutes with the corrections as read. Ms.
Hearst-Girtman seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
6. Announcements
Chair Miller said the only announcement he had was about the CERTS meeting that was taking
place this evening.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 13, 2006
Ms. Williams reported there was a meeting scheduled for Monday, at St. John Missionary Baptist
Church for the ribbon program Chief Ness was implementing (CERTS Program). The meeting
will take place in Room 110 at 7:00 p.m.
Ms. Scott indicated that meeting was the Heart of Boynton (HOB) Neighborhood Group meeting
scheduled for Monday, September 18, 2006. At this meeting, Chief Ness and the community
would be discussing the CERTS program, which utilizes a red and green ribbon notification
system during an emergency, such as a hurricane, and how they would coordinate the
program. It was noted the ribbon program was part of the Community Response Program that
encompasses all neighborhoods and that the ribbons are not distributed unless a volunteer is
willing to check for them. Other items would also be discussed at the meeting such as speed
control issues the community was experiencing and the Wilson Center. The HOB Neighborhood
Group meeting consolidated all of their meetings to one meeting.
Vice Chair Mitchell asked whether the ribbons being distributed was the same program that was
taking place at the Women's Circle. Ms. Scott explained the Women's Circle has a "Caring
Kitchen" program comprised of volunteers who will be responsible for checking the
neighborhood after a hurricane.
Mr. Levy received a card in the mail from an organization that was a doorknob hanger. Ms.
Scott explained that was the County CERT Program, which was the same thing the City was
promoting except the City was using ribbons. The concept behind the ribbon was that ribbons
would be less likely than a doorknob hanger to blow away with subsequent winds or become
Chief Ness and Chair Miller met last Monday and announced subsequent to the last meeting, a
city-wide forum will be set up for CERT members and residents on emergency preparedness.
Ms. Mura, who heads the board's subcommittee, along with Mr. Sorgman, Mr. Levy and Chair
Miller, who were the other committee members that volunteered for the program, would be
meeting with Chief Ness. It was anticipated by next week, a date would be set for the forum
and Ms. Scott would handle the publicity, the type of venue, the expected attendance and
where the forum would be held.
Chair Miller touted the CERT program as a fantastic program. When Tropical Storm Ernesto
arrived, he, along with Mr. Sorgman participated in the program. All the radio's worked, the
volunteers reported in and everything went perfectly. Neighborhood programs can be as small
as one street. Chair Miller urged all neighborhoods to join and announced when it comes to
emergency situations, everyone is affected. The program is about neighbors looking after
neighbors and there was a common bond for everyone in the City.
Ms. Scott announced there are over 100 neighborhood associations and it is very difficult for
her to meet with all of them. She reported the members should have received an invitation to
the Neighborhood Networking Event scheduled for September 28, 2006. The event originated
from the Generator Program where it was learned the various neighborhood associations liked
the idea of being able to communicate with one another. She had received a lot of feedback
from the residents and homeowners associations. This is a first time, first step for
neighborhoods to interface with one another and a good opportunity for the board members to
meet with the community and share the programs neighborhood services offers. The meeting
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 13, 2006
would be two hours and refreshments would be available. Members were encouraged to bring
guests. It was also noted religious organizations were being contacted.
Ms. Scott reported she was able to obtain the window at the City Hall in the Mall office and
wanted to showcase the board and the services they provide in the window. Ms. Scott
requested the members assemble after the meeting for a picture that she would post. Chair
Miller noted that Ms. Mura and Mr. Sorgman were not present and requested deferring the
photo until next month. Ms. Scott explained she only had the window for the month of
September and members not present would be listed. Unlike their brochure that included their
phone numbers, the board agreed not to include this information at the mall and further agreed
members of the public should contact Ms, Scott's office if they had questions or requested
The next issue Ms. Scott discussed was developing a Community Relations Board brochure.
The brochure would share with the community what the board was all about.
Ms. Stern explained she planned her summer vacation around the board's meeting dates, but
when the date was changed, she was unable to attend. She requested her absence not be
counted against her.
The upcoming Tennis Carnival for the youth in Boynton Beach, which has ran successfully for
the last five years was discussed. Ms. Stern announced she initiated the carnival in Hunter's
Run and the Community Relations Board has participated in the event in the past. This year,
they were expanding, and the carnival would be held at the City of Boynton Beach Tennis
Center on November 11, 2006. She requested the board designate a representative to be
present at the carnival. This event would involve tennis pro's from Boynton Beach, rather than
the pro's from Hunter's Run. Mr. Bob Howell, the Head Coach at the Boynton Beach Center was
discussing replacing the carnival, commencing in January, with an ongoing clinic for those who
could not be part of a clinic due to financial constraints. This clinic would be organized by age.
They were also planning on having more than one carnival at the Boynton Beach Tennis Center,
and they hoped to hold at least one clinic at the Hester Center. If they need more than two
tennis courts, they would hold it at the tennis center. She asked the board whether they would
endorse the concept and be a part of it. Prizes were awarded, and trophies and tennis rackets
were given to the youth. There would also be refreshments and snacks, in addition to the
tennis lessons, She explained, generally there were about 35 participants at the free clinic.
Chair Miller indicated if each member picked one pet program and represented the board there,
the board's visibility would be greatly enhanced. Chair Miller volunteered to assist Ms. Stern
with the tennis project. Ms, Stern indicated they were working on sponsorships and were
obtaining logos, water bottles, key rings and things of that nature along with cash for later
Ms. Scott indicated a goal of Community Relations is to work on problems they see in the City
of Boynton Beach. Children should not be hanging around or dysfunctional. The Tennis
Carnival can help prevent dysfunctional behaviors.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 13, 2006
Mr. Mendelsohn indicated Chris Everett just got involved with Grand Central Station at the
Open. He did not know if anyone had approached Ms. Everett about tennis activities for
Boynton Beach. Ms. Stern noted Ms. Everett has assisted with ongoing tennis opportunities in
Delray Beach and suggested contacting Andrea Agassi, who has a Tennis Foundation that
focused on youth. Fox Television spearheaded Ms. Everett's Charities, along with the Central
Park Tennis Association. Mr. Mendelsohn announced he had taken his grandson to it and it was
very exciting. Prizes such as free Open tickets and various children's activities were given
away, He reported they had a great time.
Mr. Levy thought it was a very worthwhile project and thought the Community Relations Board
should be a sponsor and moved to that effect.
There were no further comments.
Ms. Scott pointed out this activity was an example of a solution to a community problem. It
provided an activity for youth, She suggested the board take a step back to address these
types of issues. The board is an adviSOry body to the City Commission and not an implementer
of programs. There are many issues such as social injustice, senior transportation, etc. that
could be examined and she recommended the board review those issues and make those
recommendations to the City Commission,
Ms. Stern suggested presenting the positive points of the program as opposed to the negative
aspects to the City Commission and recommending programs that could be expanded. Mr. Levy
explained that in this instance, this was just a matter of the Community Relations Board saying
they approve of programs of this type and they invite other organizers to come in and talk to
the board so they can accept and sign onto those concepts.
Ms. Scott had no objection to the board supporting and endorsing the program, but emphasized
the board get in the habit of looking at the issues of how the program meets the needs of the
community. There are many other outstanding community needs and the board should research
how they can meet those needs,
Chair Miller called the question.
The motion unanimously passed.
Ms. Williams asked where the Tennis Carnival was on the agenda. Chair Miller indicated it was
under New Business and that Ms. Stern had called the Chair and asked the item be placed on
the agenda, Ms. Williams pointed out the agenda was approved and the item was not
mentioned. Chair Miller corrected himself and indicated the item was under Old Business.
Sometimes the board goes off the agenda and the meetings run over their time limits, which
Ms. Williams, and other board members were not in favor of. She pointed out the item was not
added to the agenda under Agenda Approval and requested going forward, the board stick to
the agenda.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 13, 2006
Vice Chair Mitchell indicated the opportunity to add the item to the agenda is done early on in
the meeting.
Chair Miller apologized he did not bring up Ms. Stern's request at that time for the vote.
The board members agreed they would like the meetings to run from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
7. New Business
(a) Community Forum on Disaster Planning
Chair Miller recapped his previous discussion. Ms. Mura was the subcommittee Chair, with the
subcommittee members consisting of, Chair Miller and Messrs. Levy and Sorgman. They were
working with Chief Ness and Ms. Scott to set up a forum in the next month or two. Next week
they will finalize details and report back at the next meeting. Information on speakers from the
fire department, police department and City Manager's Office would be given because those
entities all playa part in CERT.
8. Old Business
(a) Adoption of 2006 - 2007 Action Plans
The Action Plan was discussed. Ms. Stern noted the minutes reflect the board members should
attend the City Commission meetings. She announced she and Vice Chair Mitchell attended the
City Commission/Fire Assessment meeting. Mr. Levy announced he attended the City
Commission meeting last month and he mentioned to the Commissioner and Mayor that the
Community Relations Board was represented.
9. Reports/Updates
Ms. Stern reported the City Commission approved construction of a new firehouse in the
northeast section of Boynton Beach.
Chair Miller reported he attended the last CRA meeting that lasted from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
The Boynton Terrace Apartments were discussed and how the current developer was slow to
move forward. The developer will need to move the project forward or the CRA would take
control of the property. Nothing has occurred at the site other than the property being cleared.
The focal point of the meeting was that housing, and affordable housing, be constructed to
replace what was there,
The area was deplorable and Chair Miller commented that each year during the Great American
Clean Up, they would clean it up. Whether the resident was the homeowner or a renter, the
Chair believed people should take pride in where they lived. Last year during the clean up he
asked residents if they would help with it and the response he received was "Why should I
clean up? You are doing it." Chair Miller noted everyone needs to participate, and if they did,
the area would be beautiful. There is a lot of land available. Vice Chair Mitchell indicated Mr.
Finkelstein, the developer is calling $250K to $300K, affordable.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 13, 2006
Ms. Hearst-Girtman spoke about the property at NE 6th Avenue and Seacrest. At one time
there was an advertisement that a line of homes would be priced around $180K. This year the
sign was down because the prices went so high, individuals were not interested. Additionally
the three hurricanes, and the high cost of insurance forced prices to rise astronomically. Ms.
Hearst-Girtman indicated that area was bad before the hurricanes and was worse after the
Ms. Scott pointed out the issues the board had just discussed were matters the board could
review. Housing, insurance and other concerns the residents have are items that could be
brought to the attention of the City Commission. The definition that some developers have of
"affordable" was something the board could review or even the social issues behind
substandard housing. The Action Plan indicates the board would hold community forums. The
forums provide the opportunity to receive the concerns and input of the community.
Ms. Stern spoke about affordable housing and thought there should be some oversight about
the quality of what is being put into the apartments. She was concerned the units were just
being thrown up and it was a slap in the face to the residents because they could not afford the
market rate. She stressed the builder should be responSible for offering viable, acceptable
housing. Mr. Mendelsohn thought the Planning Board had the final say.
Ms, Scott explained the board could address the human factor of those issues, not the policy
Chair Miller announced the local building codes were the strictest he has seen. Mr. Mendelsohn
spoke about insurance and explained the insurance companies were leaving New Jersey, en
masse, because the State placed a cap on the automobile insurance rates, and the insurance
companies did not want to write the policies with those figures. The State's stance was if they
wanted to come in and write other policies at those figures, then they had to carry automobile
insurance. The matter was resolved by forcing the issue as opposed to what is happening here,
and that is the insurance companies are picking and choosing what they want to write.
Insurance companies would not take a marginal product and write it and that is why the State
of Florida is underwriting insurance, through Citizens. The other insurance companies, as far as
casualty insurance, are leaving. Mr. Mendelsohn indicated he did not know what the State, or
the City of Boynton Beach would do, but he thought that was the gist of the issue. There are
some plans being formulated, and he was not certain where they were in the State, that have
higher deductibles and requires people to put some of their own money into their losses. The
homeowner would be responsible, for the first $25,000, eliminating fraud, which in essence
reduces the claims and cost basis so there would be less of a cost basis to the insurance
Vice Chair Mitchell agreed insurance has skyrocketed. He reported Nationwide has increased
rates to 105% in Palm Beach County and about 80% in Broward County. Mr. Mendelsohn
reported he had a 200% increase in Hunter's Run.
Ms. Scott clarified one item in the Action Plan, under Strategy that "one item" should not be
construed to mean that item was the only item the board would address. It was hoped the
board would identify other issues at future meetings and community forums. Ms. Scott
explained her marketing methods would encompass public service announcements, partnering
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 13, 2006
with the Palm Beach Post and Sun-Sentinel, the use of the City's website, notices to the
Neighborhood Associations and the marquee to alert residents to the community forum. Ms.
Scott would need appropriate time to market the event, but in reference to the CERT,
Emergency Response forum, notice needs to be sent out far enough in advance for the public
to attend. Ms. Scott provided the City's web address to Mr. Mendelsohn.
Ms. Stern noted distressed individuals do not always read the paper, or have computer access
and asked how they would reach specific groups. Ms. Scott explained when targeting certain
groups, they could use the schools, churches, etc., depending on the issues. They could also
provide a wider broadcast of the other informational issues, if needed, and people would come
if the issues were of interest to them.
Chair Miller asked for a motion to approve the Action Plan and that the Action Plan include
projects they were already working on.
Ms. Heart-Girtman moved to approve the Action Plan as presented and worked on. Ms. Stern
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Ms. Scott pointed out this was a one-year Action Plan. The board would be identifying next
year's goals and objectives.
Chair Miller asked about Palm Tran. Ms. Scott explained Palm Tran was looking to increase its
fees. This service provided transportation for seniors. The cost for the service was not
increased, but it was anticipated at some point it would. The trolley system was praised. This
was an example of a type of issue the board could address. Chair Miller noted as the Gateway
Corridor becomes more congested, the trolley system would be utilized more. Vice Chair
Mitchell reported he rode the trolley and it was a fantastic experience. He also commented the
Shopper Hopper is also utilized.
There was no other business.
10. Adjournment
A motion was made by Mr. Levy to adjourn. Vice Chair Mitchell seconded the motion that
unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
~ C l1li~tlJy ~IIL/YY/Wif
Catherine Che ry-Guberman
Recording Secretary