Minutes 10-09-06
Mark Bobich, Chairman
Chuck Magazine, Vice Chairman
Karen Abramson
Ray Altman
David Bailey
Tom Balfe
Tim Calhoun
Catherine Cherry-Guberman
Eric Falstad
Tom Mahady
Glendon Morgan
Lesley Rogers
Maibet Rosado
Mike Rumpf
Ba rba ra Scott
Rodney Vicki
Risk Management
Fire Rescue
Golf Course
Recreation and Parks
Public Works
City Clerk
Golf Course
Recreation and Parks
Human Resources
Carisse Lejeune
City Manager
I. Call to Order
Chair Bobich called the meeting to order at 10: 12 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
III. Acceptance of Minutes of 09-11-06 Regular Meeting
Ms. Abramson moved to accept the minutes as presented. Ms. Scott seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program - "Fire Drill Training"
Mr. Steve Lawlor and Mr. Mark DuBois made a presentation on Scrubngo and ScrubJug Pro,
which were products they developed. It was thought the items might be of interest to the City
for their departments and personnel to use in the field or on training exercises.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 9,2006
Scrubngo, simply put, was an accessory to any Igloo or Rubbermaid cooler, which could be
equipped to become a wash station and eyewash station in the field. ScrubJug Pro was also an
item they developed for use in the field as a wash station having a three and a half gallon
container, apparatus for eyewashes, a slot for paper towels, cleanser, solution for the
prevention of bacterial growth in the equipment, and a clip to be used for spigot control.
Mr. DuBois gave a demonstration and commented Police training includes pepper spray being
used on the officer. This equipment could be used in the field to immediately flush the officer's
eyes after training. Other uses were discussed, such as for use on fleet vehicles and the Golf
Course on the chemical trucks. Additionally, while ScrubJug Pro meets OSHA requirements for
wash stations, it did not meet OSHA regulations for eyewashes because the eyewash was a
gravity-based system and OSHA requires a plumbed system. These products were intended as
a first response until medical help was obtained.
The Committee discussed whether the kits could be of service to the City. At least three
departments thought the kit or an accessory would be useful. Vice Chair Magazine thanked Mr.
Lawlor and Mr. DuBois for the presentation and requested a catalogue sheet. Additionally, he
would contact the warehouse about these items.
V. Unfinished Business
A. Fire Drills
This item will be discussed at the next meeting.
B. Proud to be a Safe Worker Awards
Chair Bobich submitted two Safe Worker Awards. The employees who were recognized were
Pablo Sauberer and Patricia Kellner.
C. Deoartmental Insoections & Safety Meetinas
Vice Chair Magazine announced he received information from some departments notifying him
of when they hold their Safety Meetings. He requested all departments forward this
information to him.
D. Defensive Driver Course
Vice Chair Magazine reminded the members that any employee operating City vehicles or using
their personal vehicles for City business must take the Defensive Driver Course. The course is
good for three years.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 9,2006
F. Liahtnina Detection Policy
Mr. Falstad submitted the Lightning Detection Policy for the Golf Course. The policy is a
minimum standard and the Golf Course actually goes above and beyond it. The policy is
included in the backup materials for the meeting.
G. Safety Manual Review
Vice Chair Magazine will be forwarding a revised Safety Manual at the next meeting to be voted
on in November. There were still some changes being drafted. Mr. Rumpf requested the
changes be marked, so the committee would know what was being changed.
VI. New Business
A. Personal Protection Eauioment - Soecification Table
Mr. Tom Balfe, Recreation and Parks representative spoke about safety shoes. He was
approached by one of the Animal Control Officers about boots and he indicated to them he
would bring it up to the Safety Committee. The issue was Animal Control Officers were not
listed on the Personal Protection Equipment, (PPE) Specifications Table, as authorized to receive
safety shoes. A discussion ensued about Animal Control Officers and the boots, as a uniform
issue to be handled by the department, and whether the type of boot offered certain types of
protections, such as blood borne pathogens. It was noted the Fire Department has their own
standards for boots. As for the Animal Control Officers, they were not required to wear any
specific type of shoe and Mr. Balfe pointed out the Uniform Code did not address that issue. A
definition could be created and/or the Animal Control Officer's could be added to the list of
employees required to have safety shoes. Similarly, the same applied to the use of gloves.
The Safety Committee had no objections to adding Animal Control Officers to the list of job
descriptions required to have PPE, however they also decided to investigate the issue further.
The list the City of Boynton Beach currently uses originated out of West Palm Beach. Chair
Bobich would be contacting them again to see how they handle the issue of PPE for their
Animal Control Officers.
B. Deoartmental Safety Issues
Vice Chair Magazine announced it was requested a flow chart be developed on how workers'
compensation issues were handled by the City. The chart was reviewed and a discussion
followed, particularly about HIPPA regulations and Department notifications. Departments can
be advised of restrictions of employee duties, and dependent on whether a case goes to an
attorney or not, determines what other information can be given to the department. It was
noted, a case could change from a worker's compensation case to a non-worker's compensation
Vice Chair Magazine reported there were limitations on what information could be divulged and
they would try to improve communications to the department whenever allowable.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee
Boynton Beach, Florida
October 9, 2006
VII. Announcements
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday November 13, 2006 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There was no further business to be heard.
Vice Chair Magazine moved to adjourn. Mr. Falstad seconded the motion that unanimously
carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:14 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Ch ry-Guberman
Recording Secretary