Minutes 11-03-06
ON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 3, 2006 AT 10:00 A.M.
Jerry Taylor, Mayor
Carl McKoy, Vice Mayor
Bob Ensler, Commissioner
Mack McCray, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Janet Prainito, City Clerk
Mike Ferguson, Commissioner
Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Commissioner Ensler requested that Commissioner-Elect Jose Rodriguez be permitted to sit at
the dais. Commissioner McCray objected because the election had not been held and
Commissioner Ferguson remained the Commissioner for District III until Commissioner-Elect
Rodriguez would be sworn into office. Commissioner-Elect Rodriguez advised he was content to
sit in the audience for the meeting.
I.D.l Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Mayor Taylor noted there would be an addition under XI. New Business for the selection of
voting delegates for the National League of Cities Congress to be held in Reno, Nevada. There
were no other additions, deletions or corrections to the agenda.
II.A. Informational Items by Members of the City Commission
Commissioner McCray had concerns regarding the Police Department cruisers parking illegally at
City Hall when the citizens would be ticketed. Chief Immler assured Commissioner McCray he
would direct the cruisers be parked in the designated parking areas when available.
V.A. Appointments to be made:
Mayor Taylor advised he would follow the procedure of asking if there were any appointments to be
made rather than going through the entire list individually.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
November 3, 2006
Approve a custodial services agreement with RESPECT OF FLORIDA for
the East Water Treatment Plant in the amount of $17,438.46 and the
Utilities Administrative Building in the amount of $28,303.41 with a total
expenditure of $45,741.87. (Proposed Resolution No. R06-)
Commissioner McCray requested clarification on the need for the expenditure. Peter Mazzella,'
Deputy Director of Utilities, summarized the actual tasks to be completed under the contract for
the East Water Plant and the Administration building. Commissioner McCray questioned if staff
could perform the duties and be more cost effective. Mayor Taylor pointed out Respect of Florida
worked with the handicapped and disabled offering employment. Commissioner McCray remained
concerned with the rationale for the expenditure.
of DELRAY BEACH, FL., in the amount of $24,999.
Commissioner McCray requested clarification of the data wiring and its use. Mr. Bressner
explained it was the cabling for the network infrastructure for the computers and phones. Mr.
Hawkins, Assistant City Manager, added it was the backbone for all the computer wiring.
Commissioner McCray advised he would have more comments at the meeting.
Commissioner Ensler inquired about the furniture for the Library. Mr. Bressner replied the agenda
item relating to furniture would be on the next agenda.
Approve a contract for Bid #001-2413-07/CJD CONSTRUCTION OF
WILSON PARK to West Construction, Inc. of Lake Worth, FL in the
amount of $6,189,000 with a contingency of $618,900 for a total
expenditure of $6,807,900. (proposed Resolution No. R06-)
Commissioner Ensler questioned the experience of the contractor and requested the following
data relating to the Phil Foster Park, Logger's Run Park and Wellington Gymnasium projects:
. Original contract price
. Initial date of the contract
. Final contract price
. Compliance with projected completion date
. Subcontractor pricing changes
. Explanation of any difference in original and final contract cost.
Mr. Bressner directed the information should be obtained from Kimley Horn prior to the meeting
for distribution to the entire Commission. Commissioner McCray advised he shared Commissioner
Ensler's concerns.
Commissioner Ensler suggested language be added to the contract to define the time allowed the
City for review. Attorney Cherof felt it would be better to use an administrative directive rather
than a contractual obligation.
Mr. Bressner advised the permits had been obtained and the project was ready to proceed.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
November 3, 2006
Commissioner Ensler pointed out the name of the project engineer and project manager should be
included along with the responsibilities and duties for each designation. Mr. Bressner agreed.
It was agreed that the master set of drawings should be stamped on each page by the City Clerk
to reflect the plans at the time of the approval of the contract. Attorney Cherof would work with
the City Clerk to devise an identification system for all master plans.
proposed Resolution No. R06- RE: Approving the
dedication of right-of-way on NE 11th Avenue and Railroad Avenue from
the Delray-Boynton Academy to the City of Boynton Beach via a Right-of-
Way Acquisition Agreement.
Commissioner McCray requested further clarification. Mr. Bressner explained it involved an
additional 10 foot right-of-way dedication for public use on Railroad Avenue.
VI.E. Approve the "SURPLUS VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT LIST" as submitted by
Public Works/Fleet Maintenance and allow selling of the same.
Commissioner McCray inquired if a minimum amount of recovery was anticipated. Bobby Jenkins,
Assistant Finance Director, agreed to provide the information.
Mayor Taylor questioned the four, 2006 Harley Davidson motorcycles that were listed to be sold.
Chief Immler explained a fee had been established with Harley Davidson in 1999 of $2500 per
motorcycle for the yearly replacement of the motorcycles as opposed to the $18,000 contract
IX.A. Schedule of all development fees and when payment is due
Commissioner Ensler suggested the item be tabled to the next meeting so all the information
previously requested could be supplied.
Commissioner Ensler suggested the increase in time for site plan approval should be expedited
and added an item to the future agenda. Commissioner-Elect Rodriguez commented the
change should only pertain to new site plans and extensions.
Commissioner Ensler speculated the increase in the homestead exemption on the upcoming
ballot would impact the revenue for the City of Boynton Beach. Mr. Bressner noted a legislative
act by the City and/or County would still be required
Mayor Taylor pointed out the selection of voting delegates to the National League of Cities
Congress would be added. Vice Mayor McKoy and Commissioner McCray would be attending.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
November 3, 2006
proposed Ordinance No. 06- RE: Amending Chapter
2 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, creating Article XV,
entitled "Voting by Board Members" providing for abstention from
voting by board members with conflicts of interest and disclosure of
conflicts of interest by board members.
Commissioner Ensler suggested a definition of "relative" should be included. Attorney Cherof
advised the definition would be a policy decision for the Commission. Commissioner Ensler felt
the State requirements were far from adequate. He suggested the definition should include
spouse, children, parents, grandparents and grandchildren.
Commissioner Ensler also felt the definition of "agent" should be more clearly set forth.
Attorney Cherof again noted it would be a policy decision for the Commission.
Commissioner McCray agreed the ordinance as written was too vague.
Commissioner Ensler also suggested the parameters of the gift disclosure form should be
included for clarity. Attorney Cherof agreed the State Statute could be cross referenced.
Commissioner Ensler contended the adviSOry boards listed should include the Community
Redevelopment Agency (CRA). He also felt the ordinance should indicate an alternate could be
substituted during the regular member's recusal.
Attorney Cherof agreed to make the necessary changes and bring the revised ordinance back
before the Commission.
Proposed Ordinance No. 06- RE: Amending
Ordinance 05-060 to provide that the art fee does not apply to projects
which had applications pending on or before October 5, 2005 and
providing that the art fee is payable as a condition of issuance of the
first Certificate of Occupancy.
Mayor Taylor advised there was a short presentation available showing various forms of public
art. Commissioner Ensler would be discussing the difference between architects and artists and
the use of the funds.
Commissioner McCray contended the Arts Commission was in place and the Commission should
be guided by their decisions.
Proposed Resolution No. R06-176
authorizing the proposed adjustments
development and related applications.
RE: Approving and
to the fee schedule for
Proposed Resolution No. R06-177 RE: Approving and
authorizing the proposed fee additions and adjustments for building
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
November 3, 2006
Commissioner Ensler suggested both items be postponed along with the schedule of fees so the
entire issue could be resolved at one time. He requested comparable information from other
municipalities be provided. Mr. Bressner stressed the resolutions should move forward and all
the information had been provided. Commissioner Ensler agreed.
XI.E. Other:
Commissioner McCray thanked Commissioner-Elect Rodriguez for attending and participating in
the meeting.
Ocean 95 Exchange Plaza / NWSP 06-020
Mr. Bressner explained the item had been included on the agenda for reconsideration at the
request of one of the Commissioners based on the request of a resident. The notification of the
residents was a concern. Commissioner Ensler noted a vote would be needed to reconsider the
Mayor Taylor suggested if many residents were present, the item should be moved forward on
the agenda. Commissioner McCray noted he had questioned the notification process at the
time of approval. Attorney Cherof explained the procedure currently in place. Mr. Bressner
stressed the developer was moving forward with an approved site plan. Attorney Cherof
requested the developer be informed that a motion for reconsideration would be heard and he
would be proceeding at his risk at this juncture until the motion is resolved.
Commissioner-Elect Rodriguez commented the area was in his district and he would request a
motion for reconsideration also.
Debby Coles-Dobay gave a presentation of examples of public art. It featured architectural
elements, functional art, buildings, stained glass windows, fountains, pavers designs, statutes,
lighting and much more.
Commissioner McCray was disappointed that the public art currently in Boynton Beach was not
featured and documented.
Commissioner Ensler asked that ineligible costs in the ordinance be reviewed.
Mayor Taylor suggested the City should be exempt from paying the public art fee, especially the
30% fee. Commissioner McCray felt the City should lead by example.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mayor Taylor properly
adjourned the meeting at 11:16 a.m.
Meeting Minutes
Agenda Preview Conference
Boynton Beach, FL
November 3, 2006
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