Revised Minutes 09-28-06 NEIGHBORHOOD LEADER'S NETWORKING EVENT HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2006 AT 6:30 P.M. MADSEN CENTER, BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA REVISED MINUTES Regenia Scott, Manager for the Neighborhood Services Division, opened the meeting at 6:40 p.m. She indicated she hoped to continue these types of events and introduced Kurt Bressner, City Manager. Mr. Bressner hoped all would think the networking event was a great idea and announced the event was a good way to solve the problems neighborhoods have. The evening was intended to share information, meet other neighborhood associations and share resources, time, and talent. Ms. Scott pointed out the CERT Program is a valuable program for every neighborhood. She announced Neighborhood Services had a display area in the back of the room and she invited the participants to take brochures and the quarterly newsletter, which they should receive in the mail, and place them in their clubhouses. As an example of what Neighborhood Services provides, she announced there is a Neighborhood Assistance Grant that can be used to improve neighborhoods. She introduced Mr. Jim Ness, Deputy Fire Chief. Mr. Ness explained CERT is the City's program for disaster preparedness for neighborhoods. Each neighborhood should have a plan. He pointed out there is a booth with materials for the participants to take. CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team Training. There is a program offered about three times per year, for approximately eight weeks each, where citizens are taught to become members of the Fire Rescue family as a first responder. After a major disaster or hurricane event, such as Hurricane Andrew, there will not be enough emergency personnel to go around to meet each neighborhood's immediate need for the first 24 to 48 hours. It could actually be three or four days before they arrive. The program teaches residents how to conduct damage assessments, search and rescue operations, fire suppression, first aid and more. The slogan is, Neighbors helping Neighbors. Another program they started is the Rescue Ribbon, which is designed to help find and locate individuals in the community that may need welfare checks, which are identified by ribbons on the doorknobs. Portable radios are distributed to the CERT team members who can contact emergency personnel at the emergency operations center. It is a great program, free of charge, that meets on Wednesday evenings. He encouraged the attendees to review the materials presented at the event and reported they would be happy to come out to any neighborhood association about the program. Individuals who sign up will be contacted, a demonstration given by a CERT team member would be scheduled and they will answer any questions the community may have. 1 Neighborhood Leaders Networking Event Meeting Minutes Boynton Beach, Florida September 28, 2006 Ms. Scott thanked the department staff members and leaders who attended the event. Self- introductions were made. A list of the department attendees was attached to the backup materials of the meeting. Ms. Scott acknowledged the presence of Commissioner-Elect Jose Rodriguez and introduced the Community Relations Board Members who were in attendance. The neighborhood attendees are listed below. Name Representing Glen and Phyllis Stern Hunters Run Doris Jackson Poinciana Heights Neighborhood Association Evelyn Jacobs Tuscany on the Intracoastal Lorraine Parker Serrano Carol Mahon~ Lake Boynton Estates and Annoreno Estates George Moyer Skylake Kathy and Mike FIQyd S~Lake Ken Sorenson Golfview Harbor Jobe Cenkar Golfview Harbor Frank and Marilyn Lindsay Colonial Club Section 1 Bob Colgan Seaqate of Gulfstream Mark Judd Seagate of Gulfstream Randy Ramrup Boynton Beach Assisted Living Facility Sister Lorraine ~an Womens Circle & Boynton Beach PATCH, Inc. Elizabeth Jenkins Boynton Hills President Harry Thompson Palm Beach Leisureville Del Ader Chante Claire VillClge II Sherri Johnson Heart Of Boynton Social Worker Gertrude Sullivan BQynton Jews President Sherry Johnson Heart of Boynton Social Services Center, POD 5 Luda Naboka High Point West Sandy Mayer Hunters Run Stan SOl'9man Villaqe Royale on the Green and CRB Member J~ce Mura Chante Claire and CRB Member Jean Wendell Boynton Isles resident Mona Lis B~ton Isles Ms. Scott announced they would begin a vIsioning exercise to help identify issues neighborhoods experience. There were four stations set up in the room comprised of three blank charts each. She explained the exercise and announced that Dan Hager, Jeff Livergood, Pedro Escobar, and Karen Abramson would be the facilitators. Each chart was designated a color to correspond with post-it notes. A visioning exercise ensued which was comprised of the following three questions: 2 Neighborhood Leaders Networking Event Meeting Minutes Boynton Beach, Florida September 28, 2006 1. What are the treasures of your neighborhood? . What are your favorite things about your neighborhood? . Why did you move here and why do you stay here? . What do you value most about your neighborhood? . What are important aspects of your neighborhood's culture and traditions? 2. What are the challenges in your neighborhood? . What are the biggest challenges in your neighborhood today? . What obstacles are currently facing your neighborhood? 3. What are your visions for the future of your neighborhood? . In your vision for your ideal or dream neighborhood, how does it look? . Who lives, works and plays there? What is going on in the neighborhood? . What do you hope stays the same about your neighborhood? The attendees counted off and broke into groups to begin the 15 minutes exercise. Ms. Scott then closed the exercise and announced she had hoped the attendees had mingled and gotten to know each other and what each valued in their neighborhood. The results of the exercise would provided Neighborhood Services with information. Each facilitator identified the top three treasures, challenges and visions for their neighborhoods. Dan Hager, Golf Course Manager, introduced the group one members and reported the treasures his group identified were activities, friendly people and location. The challenges they identified were drug dealers, crime, clean front yards, and rehabilitation of buildings. Their vision was to keep the community in harmony with each other, have things in common, safety as far as travel and cleanliness. Jeff Livergood, Director of Public Works, reported the treasures group two identified were quiet neighborhood, location, and a common theme was it felt like going home. They enjoyed their neighbors, and a clean environment. Challenges were speeding, traffic and pedestrian sidewalk problems, ineffective or bad homeowners association, and crime problems or communal living. Their vision was an organized HOA, traffic, parking, low crime, and a lot of trees. Pedro Escobar, Organizational and Development Coordinator, reported the treasures group three identified were clean beautiful beaches, small town feeling that's energetic with lots of community activities, quietness and walking distances to amenities. The challenges were traffic and growing traffic, keeping taxes low, renters and neighborhood traffic control devices. The vision was to keep the small town atmosphere with more cultural events, continue to expand the trolley, more police presence and do not sell out to the highest bidder (tied to small town atmosphere) . Karen Abramson, Boynton Beach Library Administrative Secretary, reported the treasures group four identified were low crime rates, diverse people and cultures, and Caloosa Park. The challenges were increases in drug and crime, unemployment and increases in traffic. Their vision was for a safe and crime free City, control taxes, improved street lights and landscaping. 3 Neighborhood Leaders Networking Event Meeting Minutes Boynton Beach, Florida September 28,2006 Ms. Scott summarized City-wide there were some similarities. She had hoped the networking group would meet again in another month to expand on the treasures and challenges. The answers were not just with the City but also with the community as a team. The City was a partner and resource, but the effort needed to be a coordinated effort. She thanked the attendees for their coming out and indicated the information was valued. By a show of hands, the attendees indicated which section of the City they lived in and the different quadrants were described as south of Boynton Beach Blvd and west of 95, north of Boynton Beach Blvd and west of I-95, north of Boynton Beach Blvd and east of 95, and south of Boynton Beach Blvd and east of 95. Ms. Scott hoped all the various districts would come together, perhaps quarterly. She advised there were many things neighborhoods could do to solve problems. Commissioner-Elect Jose Rodriguez thought bringing the districts together would be a good idea and could avoid duplication. City Manager Bressner advised he could convene that activity as a Commissioner and Neighborhood Services was available to assist. When meetings occurred, it was requested the associations contact Neighborhood Services. It was noted the City Commission agendas have a map showing all the districts on it. Ms. Scott encouraged community residents to attend City Commission meetings and Mr. Bressner clarified, there may be different Commission districts, but they are one City united. Ms. Scott also recognized Ms. Jeanne Heavilin from the Community Redevelopment Agency, Commissioner Ensler, Mayor Jerry Taylor and she gave special thanks to Thelma Lyons of Neighborhood Services for her efforts in putting the event together. Ms. Scott thanked all for attending and closed the meeting 7:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Catherine C erry- uberman Recording Secretary 092906 4